Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 67 in total

  1. Chong CW, Pearce DA, Convey P
    Front Microbiol, 2015;6:1058.
    PMID: 26483777 DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2015.01058
    Recent advances in knowledge of patterns of biogeography in terrestrial eukaryotic organisms have led to a fundamental paradigm shift in understanding of the controls and history of life on land in Antarctica, and its interactions over the long term with the glaciological and geological processes that have shaped the continent. However, while it has long been recognized that the terrestrial ecosystems of Antarctica are dominated by microbes and their processes, knowledge of microbial diversity and distributions has lagged far behind that of the macroscopic eukaryote organisms. Increasing human contact with and activity in the continent is leading to risks of biological contamination and change in a region whose isolation has protected it for millions of years at least; these risks may be particularly acute for microbial communities which have, as yet, received scant recognition and attention. Even a matter apparently as straightforward as Protected Area designation in Antarctica requires robust biodiversity data which, in most parts of the continent, remain almost completely unavailable. A range of important contributing factors mean that it is now timely to reconsider the state of knowledge of Antarctic terrestrial prokaryotes. Rapid advances in molecular biological approaches are increasingly demonstrating that bacterial diversity in Antarctica may be far greater than previously thought, and that there is overlap in the environmental controls affecting both Antarctic prokaryotic and eukaryotic communities. Bacterial dispersal mechanisms and colonization patterns remain largely unaddressed, although evidence for regional evolutionary differentiation is rapidly accruing and, with this, there is increasing appreciation of patterns in regional bacterial biogeography in this large part of the globe. In this review, we set out to describe the state of knowledge of Antarctic prokaryote diversity patterns, drawing analogy with those of eukaryote groups where appropriate. Based on our synthesis, it is clear that spatial patterns of Antarctic prokaryotes can be unique at local scales, while the limited evidence available to date supports the group exhibiting overall regional biogeographical patterns similar to the eukaryotes. We further consider the applicability of the concept of "functional redundancy" for the Antarctic microbial community and highlight the requirements for proper consideration of their important and distinctive roles in Antarctic terrestrial ecosystems.
  2. Khaw KY, Chong CW, Murugaiyah V
    J Enzyme Inhib Med Chem, 2020 Dec;35(1):1433-1441.
    PMID: 32608273 DOI: 10.1080/14756366.2020.1786819
    Mangosteen is one of the best tasting tropical fruit widely cultivated in Southeast Asia. This study aimed to quantify xanthone content in different parts of Garcinia mangostana by LC-QTOF-MS and determine its influence on their cholinesterase inhibitory activities. The total xanthone content in G. mangostana was in the following order: pericarp > calyx > bark > stalk > stem > leaves > aril. The total xanthone content of pericarp was 100 times higher than the aril. Methanol extracts of the pericarp and calyx demonstrated the most potent inhibitory activities against acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) with IC50 values of 0.90 and 0.37 µg/mL, respectively. Statistical analysis showed a strong correlation between xanthone content and cholinesterase inhibition. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling analysis revealed α-mangostin and γ-mangostin of pericarp as the key metabolites contributing to cholinesterase inhibition. Due to the increasing demand of mangosteen products, repurposing of fruit waste (pericarp) has great potential for enhancement of the cognitive health of human beings.
  3. Zhang Q, Abdullah AR, Chong CW, Ali MH
    Comput Intell Neurosci, 2022;2022:8235308.
    PMID: 35126503 DOI: 10.1155/2022/8235308
    Gross domestic product (GDP) is an important indicator for determining a country's or region's economic status and development level, and it is closely linked to inflation, unemployment, and economic growth rates. These basic indicators can comprehensively and effectively reflect a country's or region's future economic development. The center of radial basis function neural network and smoothing factor to take a uniform distribution of the random radial basis function artificial neural network will be the focus of this study. This stochastic learning method is a useful addition to the existing methods for determining the center and smoothing factors of radial basis function neural networks, and it can also help the network more efficiently train. GDP forecasting is aided by the genetic algorithm radial basis neural network, which allows the government to make timely and effective macrocontrol plans based on the forecast trend of GDP in the region. This study uses the genetic algorithm radial basis, neural network model, to make judgments on the relationships contained in this sequence and compare and analyze the prediction effect and generalization ability of the model to verify the applicability of the genetic algorithm radial basis, neural network model, based on the modeling of historical data, which may contain linear and nonlinear relationships by itself, so this study uses the genetic algorithm radial basis, neural network model, to make, compare, and analyze judgments on the relationships contained in this sequence.
  4. Zhang Q, Chong CW, Abdullah AR, Ali MH
    Comput Intell Neurosci, 2021;2021:1370180.
    PMID: 34691167 DOI: 10.1155/2021/1370180
    At present, the development speed of international trade cannot catch up with the economic development speed, and the insufficient development speed of international trade will directly affect the rapid development of national economy. In order to solve the problem of international trade, the overall optimal scheduling of trade vehicles and the optimal planning of trade transportation path are very important to improve enterprise services, reduce enterprise costs, increase enterprise benefits, and enhance enterprise competitiveness. The second development of the program is based on the programming interface provided by Baidu map. This paper proposes a neural network algorithm for genetic optimization of multiple mutations, which overcomes the shortcoming of traditional genetic algorithm population "ten" character distribution by mixing multiple coding methods, and enhances the local search ability of genetic algorithm by introducing a new large-mutation small-range search population. The example application shows that the optimization method can realize the optimization of international trade path under real road conditions and greatly improve the work efficiency of actual trade.
  5. Tan AH, Hor JW, Chong CW, Lim SY
    JGH Open, 2021 Apr;5(4):414-419.
    PMID: 33860090 DOI: 10.1002/jgh3.12450
    The gut-brain axis is a hot topic in Parkinson's disease (PD). It has been postulated that gut pathogens and dysbiosis can contribute to peripheral inflammatory states or trigger downstream metabolic effects that exacerbate the neurodegenerative process in PD. Several preclinical and clinical studies have demonstrated disrupted intestinal permeability, intestinal inflammation, altered gut microbiome, and reduced fecal short-chain fatty acids in PD. In this regard, microbial-directed therapies such as probiotics are emerging as potential therapeutic options. Probiotic supplementation is postulated to confer a variety of health benefits due to the diverse functions of these live microorganisms, including inhibition of pathogen colonization, modulation/"normalization" of the microbiome and/or its function, immunomodulatory effects (e.g. reducing inflammation), and improved host epithelial barrier function. Interestingly, several PD animal model studies have demonstrated the potential neuroprotective effects of probiotics in reducing dopaminergic neuronal degeneration. Notably, two randomized placebo-controlled trials have provided class I evidence for probiotics as a treatment for constipation in PD. However, the effects of probiotics on other PD aspects, such as motor disability and cognitive function, and its long-term efficacy (including effects on PD drug absorption in the gut) have not been investigated adequately. Further targeted animal and human studies are also warranted to understand the mechanisms of actions of probiotics in PD and to tailor probiotic therapy based on individual host profiles to improve patient outcomes in this disabling disorder.
  6. Yap IK, Kho MT, Lim SH, Ismail NH, Yam WK, Chong CW
    Mol Biosyst, 2015 Jan;11(1):297-306.
    PMID: 25382376 DOI: 10.1039/c4mb00463a
    Understanding the basal gut bacterial community structure and the host metabolic composition is pivotal for the interpretation of laboratory treatments designed to answer questions pertinent to host-microbe interactions. In this study, we report for the first time the underlying gut microbiota and systemic metabolic composition in BALB/c mice during the acclimatisation period. Our results showed that stress levels were reduced in the first three days of the study when the animals were subjected to repetitive handling daily but the stress levels were increased when handling was carried out at lower frequencies (weekly). We also observed a strong influence of stress on the host metabolism and commensal compositional variability. In addition, temporal biological compartmental variations in the responses were observed. Based on these results, we suggest that consistency in the frequency and duration of laboratory handling is crucial in murine models to minimise the impact of stress levels on the commensal and host metabolism dynamics. Furthermore, caution is advised in consideration of the temporal delay effect when integrating metagenomics and metabonomics data across different biological matrices (i.e. faeces and urine).
  7. Chong CW, Goh YS, Convey P, Pearce D, Tan IK
    Extremophiles, 2013 Sep;17(5):733-45.
    PMID: 23812890 DOI: 10.1007/s00792-013-0555-3
    A range of small- to moderate-scale studies of patterns in bacterial biodiversity have been conducted in Antarctica over the last two decades, most suggesting strong correlations between the described bacterial communities and elements of local environmental heterogeneity. However, very few of these studies have advanced interpretations in terms of spatially associated patterns, despite increasing evidence of patterns in bacterial biogeography globally. This is likely to be a consequence of restricted sampling coverage, with most studies to date focusing only on a few localities within a specific Antarctic region. Clearly, there is now a need for synthesis over a much larger spatial to consolidate the available data. In this study, we collated Antarctic bacterial culture identities based on the 16S rRNA gene information available in the literature and the GenBank database (n > 2,000 sequences). In contrast to some recent evidence for a distinct Antarctic microbiome, our phylogenetic comparisons show that a majority (~75 %) of Antarctic bacterial isolates were highly similar (≥99 % sequence similarity) to those retrieved from tropical and temperate regions, suggesting widespread distribution of eurythermal mesophiles in Antarctic environments. However, across different Antarctic regions, the dominant bacterial genera exhibit some spatially distinct diversity patterns analogous to those recently proposed for Antarctic terrestrial macroorganisms. Taken together, our results highlight the threat of cross-regional homogenisation in Antarctic biodiversity, and the imperative to include microbiota within the framework of biosecurity measures for Antarctica.
  8. Lim PK, Yamasaki H, Mak JW, Wong SF, Chong CW, Yap IK, et al.
    Acta Trop, 2015 Aug;148:32-7.
    PMID: 25910623 DOI: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2015.04.011
    Human toxocariasis which is caused mainly by the larvae of Toxocara canis and Toxocara cati, is a worldwide zoonotic disease that can be a potentially serious human infection. The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using T. canis excretory-secretory (TES) antigens harvested from T. canis larvae is currently the serological test for confirming toxocariasis. An alternative to producing large amounts of Toxocara TES and improved diagnosis for toxocariasis is through the development of highly specific recombinant antigens such as the T. canis second stage larva excretory-secretory 30 kDa protein (recTES-30). The aim of this study was to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of a rapid diagnostic kit (RDT, named as iToxocara kit) in comparison to recTES-30 ELISA in Serendah Orang Asli village in Selangor, Malaysia. A total of 133 subjects were included in the study. The overall prevalence rates by ELISA and RDT were 29.3% and 33.1%, respectively, with more positive cases detected in males than females. However, no association was found between toxocariasis and gender or age. The percentage sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of RDT were 85.7%, 90.1%, 80% and 93.2%, respectively. The prevalence for toxocariasis in this population using both ELISA and RDT was 27.1% (36/133) and the K-concordance test suggested good agreement of the two tests with a Cohen's kappa of 0.722, P<0.01. In addition, the followed-up Spearman rank correlation showed a moderately high correlation at R=0.704 and P<0.01. In conclusion, the RDT kit was faster and easier to use than an ELISA and is useful for the laboratory diagnosis of hospitalized cases of toxocariasis.
  9. Yap PSX, Ahmad Kamar A, Chong CW, Ngoi ST, Teh CSJ
    Microb Drug Resist, 2020 Mar;26(3):190-203.
    PMID: 31545116 DOI: 10.1089/mdr.2019.0199
    Klebsiella pneumoniae is a major opportunistic pathogen frequently associated with nosocomial infections, and often poses a major threat to immunocompromised patients. In our previous study, two K. pneumoniae (K36 and B13), which displayed resistance to almost all major antibiotics, including colistin, were isolated. Both isolates were not associated with infection and isolated from the stools of two preterm neonates admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) during their first week of life.
    Materials and Methods:
    In this study, whole genome sequencing was performed on these two clinical multidrug resistant K. pneumoniae. We aimed to determine the genetic factors that underline the antibiotic-resistance phenotypes of these isolates.
    The strains harbored blaSHV-27, blaSHV-71, and oqxAB genes conferring resistance to cephalosporins, carbapenems, and fluoroquinolones, respectively, but not harboring any known plasmid-borne colistin resistance determinants such as mcr-1. However, genome analysis discovered interruption of mgrB gene by insertion sequences gaining insight into the development of colistin resistance.
    The observed finding that points to a scenario of potential gut-associated resistance genes to Gram negative (K. pneumoniae) host in the NICU environment warrants attention and further investigation.
  10. Mohd Shaufi MA, Sieo CC, Chong CW, Gan HM, Ho YW
    Gut Pathog, 2015;7:4.
    PMID: 25806087 DOI: 10.1186/s13099-015-0051-7
    Chicken gut microbiota has paramount roles in host performance, health and immunity. Understanding the topological difference in gut microbial community composition is crucial to provide knowledge on the functions of each members of microbiota to the physiological maintenance of the host. The gut microbiota profiling of the chicken was commonly performed previously using culture-dependent and early culture-independent methods which had limited coverage and accuracy. Advances in technology based on next-generation sequencing (NGS), offers unparalleled coverage and depth in determining microbial gut dynamics. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the ileal and caecal microbiota development as chicken aged, which is important for future effective gut modulation.
  11. Lau MY, Teng FE, Chua KH, Ponnampalavanar S, Chong CW, Abdul Jabar K, et al.
    Pathogens, 2021 Mar 02;10(3).
    PMID: 33801250 DOI: 10.3390/pathogens10030279
    The emergence of carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae (CRKP) is a great concern, as carbapenems are the last-line therapy for multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria infections. This study aims to report the epidemiology of CRKP in a teaching hospital in Malaysia based on the molecular genotypic and clinical characteristics of the isolates. Sixty-three CRKP strains were isolated from a tertiary teaching hospital from January 2016 until August 2017. Carbapenemase genes were detected in 55 isolates, with blaOXA-48 (63.5%) as the predominant carbapenemase gene, followed by blaNDM (36.5%). At least one porin loss was detected in nine isolates. Overall, 63 isolates were divided into 30 clusters at similarity of 80% with PFGE analysis. Statistical analysis showed that in-hospital mortality was significantly associated with the usage of central venous catheter, infection or colonization by CRKP, particularly NDM-producers. In comparison, survival analysis using Cox proportional hazards regression identified a higher hazard ratio for patients with a stoma and patients treated with imipenem but a lower hazard ratio for patients with NDM-producing CRKP. OXA-48 carbapenemase gene was the predominant carbapenemase gene in this study. As CRKP infection could lead to a high rate of in-hospital mortality, early detection of the isolates was important to reduce their dissemination.
  12. Yang SK, Tan NP, Chong CW, Abushelaibi A, Lim SH, Lai KS
    Evol Bioinform Online, 2021;17:1176934320938391.
    PMID: 34017165 DOI: 10.1177/1176934320938391
    Antibiotic resistance is a major global health issue that has seen alarming rates of increase in all parts of the world over the past two decades. The surge in antibiotic resistance has resulted in longer hospital stays, higher medical costs, and elevated mortality rates. Constant attempts have been made to discover newer and more effective antimicrobials to reduce the severity of antibiotic resistance. Plant secondary metabolites, such as essential oils, have been the major focus due to their complexity and bioactive nature. However, the underlying mechanism of their antimicrobial effect remains largely unknown. Understanding the antimicrobial mode of action of essential oils is crucial in developing potential strategies for the use of essential oils in a clinical setting. Recent advances in genomics and proteomics have enhanced our understanding of the antimicrobial mode of action of essential oils. We might well be at the dawn of completing a mystery on how essential oils carry out their antimicrobial activities. Therefore, an overview of essential oils with regard to their antimicrobial activities and mode of action is discussed in this review. Recent approaches used in identifying the antimicrobial mode of action of essential oils, specifically from the perspective of genomics and proteomics, are also synthesized. Based on the information gathered from this review, we offer recommendations for future strategies and prospects for the study of essential oils and their function as antimicrobials.
  13. Franklin F, Chong CW, Chua LH, Anthony AA, Liew MWO, Aziah I, et al.
    Med Microbiol Immunol, 2020 Oct;209(5):593-601.
    PMID: 32246197 DOI: 10.1007/s00430-020-00667-1
    Typhoid fever is a disease caused by Salmonella Typhi that was implicated in millions of illnesses worldwide annually. Individuals that do not recover fully from typhoid fever can become asymptomatic carriers of the disease. Host antibodies against the S. Typhi antigens, HlyE (for acute typhoid) and YncE (for carriers) were previously reported to be useful biomarkers for the disease. Here, we expressed and purified recombinant HlyE and YncE antigens and tested the IgG, IgA and IgM responses in 422 sera samples retrieved from acute typhoid patients, other febrile, food handlers, and healthy individuals. The results showed that HlyE-IgG, -IgA and -IgM ELISAs have a collective sensitivity of 83% while YncE-IgG and -IgA ELISAs identified 16 possible carriers based on their antibody profiles. The identification of sensitive biomarkers for typhoid carrier detection is crucial for disease eradication.
  14. Yap PSX, Ahmad Kamar A, Chong CW, Yap IKS, Teh CSJ
    J Glob Antimicrob Resist, 2020 06;21:246-251.
    PMID: 32304769 DOI: 10.1016/j.jgar.2020.03.024
    BACKGROUND: Resistance to colistin, the last line therapy for infections caused by multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria, represents a major public health threat. Citrobacter freundii B9-C2 which was isolated from the stool of preterm neonate on the first week of life, displayed resistance to almost all major antibiotics, including colistin. Through whole genome sequencing (WGS), we characterised the genome features that underline the antibiotic-resistance phenotype of this isolate.

    METHODS: Genome of C. freundii B9-C2 was sequenced on an Illumina MiSeq platform. The assembled genome was annotated and deposited into GenBank under the accession number CP027849.

    RESULTS: Multiple antimicrobial resistance genes including blaCMY-66 were identified. Further, the presence of 15 antibiotic efflux pump-encoding resistance genes, including crp, baeR, hns, patA, emrB, msbA, acrA, acrB, emrR, mdtC, mdtB, mdtG, kdpE, mdfA and msrB, were detected and likely to account for the observed cephalosporins, carbapenems, aminoglycosides and monobactams resistance in C. freundii B9-C2. The isolate also presented unique virulence genes related to biofilm formation, motility and iron uptake. The genome was compared to publicly available genomes and it was closely related to strains with environmental origins.

    CONCLUSION: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of intestinal carriage of colistin-resistant C. freundii from the stool of a neonate in Malaysia. Using genomic analysis, we have contributed to the understanding of the potential mechanism of resistance and the phylogenetic relationship of the isolates with draft genomes available in the public domain.

  15. Lee YQ, Ahmad Kamar A, Velayuthan RD, Chong CW, Teh CSJ
    Pediatr Neonatol, 2021 03;62(2):129-137.
    PMID: 33218933 DOI: 10.1016/j.pedneo.2020.10.002
    BACKGROUND: Gastrointestinal carriage of multidrug resistant (MDR) Gram-negative bacilli, especially Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli, was highly associated with severe nosocomial infections. The main objectives of this study were to determine the clonal relatedness of intestinal carriage and transmission risk factors of MDR E. coli and K. pneumoniae amongst preterm infants admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).

    METHODS: A prospective cohort study of preterm infants with gestational age 

  16. Tan YF, Lim CY, Chong CW, Lim PKC, Yap IKS, Leong PP, et al.
    Intervirology, 2018;61(2):92-95.
    PMID: 30121676 DOI: 10.1159/000491602
    BACKGROUND: The giant amoebal viruses of Mimivirus and Marseillevirus are large DNA viruses and have been documented in water, soil, and sewage samples. The trend of discovering these giant amoebal viruses has been increasing throughout Asia with Japan, India, and Saudi Arabia being the latest countries to document the presence of these viruses. To date, there have been no reports of large amoebal viruses being isolated in South East Asia.

    OBJECTIVE: In this study, we aim to discover these viruses from soil samples in an aboriginal village (Serendah village) in Peninsular -Malaysia.

    METHOD AND RESULTS: We successfully detected and isolated both Mimivirus-like and Marseillevirus-like viruses using Acanthamoeba castellanii. Phylogeny analysis identified them as Mimivirus and Marseillevirus, respectively.

    CONCLUSION: The ubiquitous nature of both Mimivirus and Marseillevirus is further confirmed in our study as they are detected in higher quantity in soil that is near to water vicinities in an aboriginal village in Peninsular Malaysia. However, this study is limited by our inability to investigate the impact of Mimivirus and Marseillevirus on the aboriginal villagers. More studies on the potential impact of these viruses on human health, especially on the aborigines, are warranted.

  17. Tan SC, Chong CW, Teh CSJ, Ooi PT, Thong KL
    PeerJ, 2018;6:e5353.
    PMID: 30123701 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.5353
    Background: Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium are ubiquitous opportunistic pathogens found in the guts of humans and farmed animals. This study aimed to determine the occurrence, antimicrobial resistance, virulence, biofilm-forming ability and genotypes of E. faecalis and E. faecium from swine farms. Correlations between the genotypes, virulotypes, antibiotic resistance, and the environmental factors such as locality of farms and farm hygiene practice were explored.

    Methods: E. faecalis and E. faecium strains were isolated from the oral, rectal and fecal samples of 140 pigs; nasal, urine and fecal samples of 34 farmers working in the farms and 42 environmental samples collected from seven swine farms located in Peninsular Malaysia. Antibiotic susceptibility test was performed using the disk diffusion method, and the antibiotic resistance and virulence genes were detected by Polymerase Chain Reaction. Repetitive Extragenic Palindromic-Polymerase Chain Reaction and Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis were performed to determine the clonality of the strains. Crosstab/Chi-square test and DistLM statistical analyses methods were used to determine the correlations between the genotypes, virulence factors, antibiotic resistance, and the environmental factors.

    Results: A total of 211 E. faecalis and 42 E. faecium were recovered from 140 pigs, 34 farmers and 42 environmental samples collected from seven swine farms in Peninsular Malaysia. Ninety-eight percent of the strains were multidrug-resistant (resistant to chloramphenicol, tetracycline, ciprofloxacin and erythromycin). Fifty-two percent of the strains formed biofilms. Virulence genes efa, asaI, gelE, esp, cyl and ace genes were detected. Virulence genes efa and asaI were most prevalent in E. faecalis (90%) and E. faecium (43%), respectively. Cluster analyses based on REP-PCR and PFGE showed the strains were genetically diverse. Overall, the strains isolated from pigs and farmers were distinct, except for three highly similar strains found in pigs and farmers. The strains were regional- and host-specific.

    Discussion: This study revealed alarming high frequencies of multidrug-resistant enterococci in pigs and swine farmers. The presence of resistance and virulence genes and the ability to form biofilm further enhance the persistence and pathogenicity of the strains. Although the overall clonality of the strains were regionals and host-specific, strains with high similarity were found in different hosts. This study reiterates a need of a more stringent regulation to ensure the proper use of antibiotics in swine husbandry to reduce the wide spread of multidrug-resistant strains.

  18. Chan EWL, Chin MY, Low YH, Tan HY, Ooi YS, Chong CW
    Microb Drug Resist, 2021 Aug;27(8):1018-1028.
    PMID: 33325795 DOI: 10.1089/mdr.2020.0311
    Aims: The fluid of Nepenthes gracilis harbors diverse bacterial taxa that could serve as a gene pool for the discovery of the new genre of antimicrobial agents against multidrug-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae. The aim of this study was to explore the presence of antibacterial genes in the fluids of N. gracilis growing in the wild. Methods: Using functional metagenomic approach, fosmid clones were isolated and screened for antibacterial activity against three strains of K. pneumoniae. A clone that exhibited the most potent antibacterial activity was sent for sequencing to identify the genes responsible for the observed activity. The secondary metabolites secreted by the selected clone was sequentially extracted using hexane, chloroform, and ethyl acetate. The chemical profiles of a clone (C6) hexane extract were determined by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Results: Fosmid clone C6 from the fluid of pitcher plant that exhibited antibacterial activity against three strains of K. pneumoniae was isolated using functional metagenome approach. A majority of the open reading frames detected from C6 were affiliated with the largely understudied Acidocella genus. Among them, the gene that encodes for coproporphyrinogen III oxidase in the heme biosynthesis pathway could be involved in the observed antibacterial activity. Based on the GC-MS analysis, the identities of the putative bioactive compounds were 2,5-di-tert-butylphenol and 1-ethyl-2-methyl cyclododecane. Conclusions: The gene that encodes for coproporphyrinogen III oxidase in the heme biosynthesis pathway as well as the secondary metabolites, namely 2,5-di-tert-butylphenol and 1-ethyl-2-methyl cyclododecane could be the potential antibacterial molecules responsible for the antibacterial activity of C6.
  19. Kong ZX, Karunakaran R, Abdul Jabar K, Ponnampalavanar S, Chong CW, Teh CSJ
    Microb Drug Resist, 2021 Oct;27(10):1319-1327.
    PMID: 33877888 DOI: 10.1089/mdr.2020.0096
    Background: Hypermucoviscous carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae (hmCRKp) is emerging globally and approaching the worst-case scenario in health care system. Aims: The main objective in this study was to determine the hypermucoviscous characteristics among the carbapenem-resistant K. pneumoniae (CRKp) isolated from a teaching hospital in Malaysia. The association of hypermucoviscous phenotype with the virulence traits and clinical presentations were also investigated. Methods: A retrospective study was conducted in University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC). The presence of hypermucoviscous K. pneumoniae was identified among a collection of CRKp clinical isolates (first isolate per patient) from 2014 to 2015 using string test. Correlation between clinical and microbial characteristics of the hmCRKp was investigated. Results: A total of nine (7.5%) hmCRKp were detected among 120 CRKp isolates. Majority of the isolates were hospital acquired or health care-associated infections. None of the patients had typical pyogenic liver abscess. All of the hmCRKp isolates harbored carbapenemase genes and were multidrug resistant. K1/K serotype, peg-344, allS, and magA were not identified among hmCRKp isolates, whereas aerobactin siderophore receptor gene (iutA), iroB, rmpA, and rmpA2 were detected. Only three hmCRKp isolates were resistant to serum bactericidal. Conclusions: All the isolates presented inconclusive evidence for the interpretation of hypervirulence. Therefore, more study should be performed in the future to have a better understanding of the virulence mechanisms in correlation with the clinical and microbial determinants.
  20. Nallappan D, Chua KH, Ong KC, Chong CW, Teh CSJ, Palanisamy UD, et al.
    Food Funct, 2021 Jul 05;12(13):5876-5891.
    PMID: 34019055 DOI: 10.1039/d1fo00539a
    Obesity is a driving factor in the onset of metabolic disorders. This study aims to investigate the effects of the myricetin derivative-rich fraction (MD) from Syzygium malaccense leaf extract on high-fat diet (HFD)-induced obesity and its associated complications and its influence on uncoupling protein-1 (UCP-1) and gut microbiota in C57BL/6J mice. Mice were randomly assigned into four groups (n = 6) and given a normal diet (ND) or high-fat diet (HFD) for 10 weeks to induce obesity. The HFD groups (continued with HFD) were administered 50 mg kg-1 MD (treatment), 50 mg kg-1 metformin (positive control) and normal saline (HFD and ND controls) daily for four weeks via oral gavage. The ten-week HFD-feeding resulted in hyperglycemia and elevated urinary oxidative indices. The subsequent MD administration caused significant weight reduction without appetite suppression and amelioration of insulin resistance, steatosis and dyslipidemia. Besides, MD significantly reduced lipid hydroperoxides and protein carbonyls in tissue homogenates and urine and elevated Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC), ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) and reduced glutathione (GSH) and thus, alleviated oxidative stress. The weight reduction was correlated with downregulation of inflammatory markers and the increased UCP-1 level, suggesting weight loss plausibly through thermogenesis. The Akkermansia genus (reflects improved metabolic status) in the HFD50 group was more abundant than that in the HFD group while the non-enzymatic antioxidant markers were strongly associated with UCP-1. In conclusion, MD ameliorates obesity and its related complications possibly via the upregulation of UCP-1 and increased abundance of Akkermansia genus and is promising as a therapeutic agent in the treatment of obesity and its associated metabolic disorders.
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