Displaying all 7 publications

  1. Khor CY, Khoo BY
    Biotechnol Lett, 2020 Aug;42(8):1581-1595.
    PMID: 32385743 DOI: 10.1007/s10529-020-02904-2
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to examine the metabolising effect of chrysin by investigating the mRNA expression levels of PPARα and its related cellular mechanisms in HCT116 cells.

    RESULTS: The mRNA expression of PPARα was significantly induced in HCT116 cells following treatment with chrysin for 36 h, but the mRNA expression of PPARα was inhibited, when the cells were treated with a combination of chrysin and MK886 (PPARα inhibitor). This phenomenon proved that the incorporation of MK886 lowers the expression levels of PPARα, thus enabling us to study the function of PPARα. The cell population of the G0/G1 phase significantly increased in chrysin-treated cells, which was accompanied by a decrease in the percentage of S phase cell population after 12 h of treatment. However, treatments of HCT116 cells with chrysin only or a combination of chrysin and MK886 did not show the opposite situation in the G0/G1 and S phase cell populations, indicating that the expression of PPARα may not be associated with the cell cycle in the treated cells. The migration rate in chrysin-treated HCT116 cells was reduced significantly after 24 and 36 h of treatments. However, the activity was revived, when the expression of PPARα was inhibited, indicating that the migration activity of chrysin-treated cells is likely correlated with the expression of PPARα. Comparison of the CYP2S1 and CYP1B1 mRNA expression in chrysin only treated, and a combination of chrysin and MK886-treated HCT116 cells for 24 and 36 h showed a significant difference in the expression levels, indicating that PPARα inhibitor could also modify the expression of CYP2S1 and CYP1B1.

    CONCLUSION: The study indicates that PPARα may play an essential role in regulating the migration activity, and the expression of CYP2S1 and CYP1B1 in chrysin-treated colorectal cancer cells.

  2. Aziz MS, Abdullah MZ, Khor CY
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2014;2014:482363.
    PMID: 25225638 DOI: 10.1155/2014/482363
    An efficient simulation technique was proposed to examine the thermal-fluid structure interaction in the effects of solder temperature on pin through-hole during wave soldering. This study investigated the capillary flow behavior as well as the displacement, temperature distribution, and von Mises stress of a pin passed through a solder material. A single pin through-hole connector mounted on a printed circuit board (PCB) was simulated using a 3D model solved by FLUENT. The ABAQUS solver was employed to analyze the pin structure at solder temperatures of 456.15 K (183(°)C) < T < 643.15 K (370(°)C). Both solvers were coupled by the real time coupling software and mesh-based parallel code coupling interface during analysis. In addition, an experiment was conducted to measure the temperature difference (ΔT) between the top and the bottom of the pin. Analysis results showed that an increase in temperature increased the structural displacement and the von Mises stress. Filling time exhibited a quadratic relationship to the increment of temperature. The deformation of pin showed a linear correlation to the temperature. The ΔT obtained from the simulation and the experimental method were validated. This study elucidates and clearly illustrates wave soldering for engineers in the PCB assembly industry.
  3. Amelia K, Khor CY, Shah FH, Bhore SJ
    Pharmacognosy Res, 2015 Apr-Jun;7(2):203-8.
    PMID: 25829796 DOI: 10.4103/0974-8490.150532
    Common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) are widely consumed as a source of proteins and natural products. However, its yield needs to be increased. In line with the agenda of Phaseomics (an international consortium), work of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) generation from bean pods was initiated. Altogether, 5972 ESTs have been isolated. Alcohol dehydrogenase (AD) encoding gene cDNA was a noticeable transcript among the generated ESTs. This AD is an important enzyme; therefore, to understand more about it this study was undertaken.
  4. Chan YY, Khor CY, Khoo BT, Teh JS, Teng WJ, Jamil N
    Heliyon, 2023 Apr;9(4):e15257.
    PMID: 37095966 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e15257
    Many recently proposed lightweight block ciphers lack security evaluation against generic cryptanalytic attacks such as differential cryptanalysis. In this paper, we contribute towards security evaluation efforts by investigating four lightweight Feistel-based block ciphers including SLIM, LBC-IoT, SCENERY, and LCB. SLIM claims resistance to differential cryptanalysis since, using a heuristic technique, its designers could only find a 7-round differential trail. Despite having no analysis of security against attacks such as differential cryptanalysis, the designers of LBC-IoT and LCB claimed that their ciphers are secure. Meanwhile, the designers of SCENERY claim that the best 11-round differential trail for the cipher has a probability of 2 - 66 . To substantiate these claims, we propose attacks on all four ciphers based on differential cryptanalysis. We presented practical key recovery attacks on SLIM which can retrieve the final round key for up to 14 rounds with a time complexity of 232. LBC-IoT was found to be weaker against differential cryptanalysis despite sharing many similarities with SLIM, whereby a key recovery attack of up to 19 rounds is possible with time complexity 231. For SCENERY, we found a differential trail of up to 12 rounds with probability 2 - 60 , which was used as the distinguisher for a 13-round key recovery attack. We also discovered that LCB's design lacks nonlinearity, allowing us to easily derive deterministic differential trails regardless of the number of rounds. This flaw allowed us to perform a trivial distinguishing attack using a single known ciphertext. By using a different S-box to address this flaw, LCB is now more resilient to differential cryptanalysis than SLIM and LBC-IoT when using the same number of rounds. Our paper presents new independent cryptanalysis results for these ciphers.
  5. Ishak MI, Daud R, Noor SNFM, Khor CY, Roslan H
    Acta Bioeng Biomech, 2022;24(3):147-159.
    PMID: 38314490
    PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the mechanical stimuli transfer at the bone-implant interface via stress and strain energy density transfer parameters. This study also aimed to investigate the effect of different implant stiffness and parafunctional loading values on the defined mechanical stimuli transfer from the implant to the surrounding bone.

    METHODS: A three-dimensional finite element model of two-piece threaded dental implant with internal hexagonal connection and mandibular bone block was constructed. Response surface method through face-centred central composite design was applied to examine the influence of two independent factors variables using three levels. The analysis model was fitted to a second-order polynomial equation to determine the response values.

    RESULTS: The results showed that the implant stiffness was more effective than the horizontal load value in increasing the stress and strain energy density transfers. The interaction between both factors was significant in decreasing the likelihood of bone resorption. Decreasing the implant stiffness and horizontal load value led to the increased stress transfer and unexpected decrease in the strain energy density, except at the minimum level of the horizontal load. The increase in the implant stiffness and horizontal load value (up to medium level) have increased the strain energy transfer to the bone.

    CONCLUSIONS: The stress and strain energy density were transferred distinctively at the bone-implant interface. The role of both implant stiffness and parafunctional loading is important and should be highlighted in the preoperative treatment planning and design of dental implant.

  6. Faizal WM, Ghazali NNN, Khor CY, Badruddin IA, Zainon MZ, Yazid AA, et al.
    Comput Methods Programs Biomed, 2020 Nov;196:105627.
    PMID: 32629222 DOI: 10.1016/j.cmpb.2020.105627
    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Human upper airway (HUA) has been widely investigated by many researchers covering various aspects, such as the effects of geometrical parameters on the pressure, velocity and airflow characteristics. Clinically significant obstruction can develop anywhere throughout the upper airway, leading to asphyxia and death; this is where recognition and treatment are essential and lifesaving. The availability of advanced computer, either hardware or software, and rapid development in numerical method have encouraged researchers to simulate the airflow characteristics and properties of HUA by using various patient conditions at different ranges of geometry and operating conditions. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has emerged as an efficient alternative tool to understand the airflow of HUA and in preparing patients to undergo surgery. The main objective of this article is to review the literature that deals with the CFD approach and modeling in analyzing HUA.

    METHODS: This review article discusses the experimental and computational methods in the study of HUA. The discussion includes computational fluid dynamics approach and steps involved in the modeling used to investigate the flow characteristics of HUA. From inception to May 2020, databases of PubMed, Embase, Scopus, the Cochrane Library, BioMed Central, and Web of Science have been utilized to conduct a thorough investigation of the literature. There had been no language restrictions in publication and study design of the database searches. A total of 117 articles relevant to the topic under investigation were thoroughly and critically reviewed to give a clear information about the subject. The article summarizes the review in the form of method of studying the HUA, CFD approach in HUA, and the application of CFD for predicting HUA obstacle, including the type of CFD commercial software are used in this research area.

    RESULTS: This review found that the human upper airway was well studied through the application of computational fluid dynamics, which had considerably enhanced the understanding of flow in HUA. In addition, it assisted in making strategic and reasonable decision regarding the adoption of treatment methods in clinical settings. The literature suggests that most studies were related to HUA simulation that considerably focused on the aspects of fluid dynamics. However, there is a literature gap in obtaining information on the effects of fluid-structure interaction (FSI). The application of FSI in HUA is still limited in the literature; as such, this could be a potential area for future researchers. Furthermore, majority of researchers present the findings of their work through the mechanism of airflow, such as that of velocity, pressure, and shear stress. This includes the use of Navier-Stokes equation via CFD to help visualize the actual mechanism of the airflow. The above-mentioned technique expresses the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) in its result to demonstrate the real mechanism of the airflow. Apart from that, key result such as wall shear stress (WSS) can be revealed via turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) and turbulent energy dissipation (TED), where it can be suggestive of wall injury and collapsibility tissue to the HUA.

  7. Faizal WM, Ghazali NNN, Badruddin IA, Zainon MZ, Yazid AA, Ali MAB, et al.
    Comput Methods Programs Biomed, 2019 Oct;180:105036.
    PMID: 31430594 DOI: 10.1016/j.cmpb.2019.105036
    Obstructive sleep apnea is one of the most common breathing disorders. Undiagnosed sleep apnea is a hidden health crisis to the patient and it could raise the risk of heart diseases, high blood pressure, depression and diabetes. The throat muscle (i.e., tongue and soft palate) relax narrows the airway and causes the blockage of the airway in breathing. To understand this phenomenon computational fluid dynamics method has emerged as a handy tool to conduct the modeling and analysis of airflow characteristics. The comprehensive fluid-structure interaction method provides the realistic visualization of the airflow and interaction with the throat muscle. Thus, this paper reviews the scientific work related to the fluid-structure interaction (FSI) for the evaluation of obstructive sleep apnea, using computational techniques. In total 102 articles were analyzed, each article was evaluated based on the elements related with fluid-structure interaction of sleep apnea via computational techniques. In this review, the significance of FSI for the evaluation of obstructive sleep apnea has been critically examined. Then the flow properties, boundary conditions and validation of the model are given due consideration to present a broad perspective of CFD being applied to study sleep apnea. Finally, the challenges of FSI simulation methods are also highlighted in this article.
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