Displaying all 5 publications

  1. Kwon D, Oh JI, Lam SS, Moon DH, Kwon EE
    Bioresour Technol, 2019 Aug;285:121356.
    PMID: 31005642 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2019.121356
    To valorize biomass waste, pyrolysis of orange peel was mainly investigated as a case study. In an effort to establish a more sustainable thermolytic platform for orange peel, this study particularly employed CO2 as reactive gas medium. Accordingly, this study laid great emphasis on elucidating the mechanistic role of CO2 in pyrolysis of orange peel. The thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA) confirmed that no occurrence of the heterogeneous reactions between the solid sample and CO2. However, the gaseous effluents from pyrolysis of orange peel experimentally proved that CO2 effectively suppressed dehydrogenation of volatile matters (VMs) evolved from the thermolysis of orange peel by random bond scissions. Moreover, CO2 reacted VMs, thereby resulting in the formation of CO. Note that the formation of CO was being initiated at temperatures ≥550 °C. The two identified roles of CO2 led to the compositional modification of pyrolytic oil by means of lowering aromaticity.
  2. Choi D, Oh JI, Lee J, Park YK, Lam SS, Kwon EE
    Environ Int, 2019 11;132:105037.
    PMID: 31437646 DOI: 10.1016/j.envint.2019.105037
    In an effort to seek a new technical platform for disposal of drinking water treatment sludge (DWTS: alum sludge), pyrolysis of DWTS was mainly investigated in this study. To establish a more sustainable thermolytic platform for DWTS, this study particularly employed CO2 as reactive gas medium. Thus, this study laid great emphasis on elucidating the mechanistic roles of CO2 during the thermolysis of DWTS. A series of the TGA tests of DWTS in CO2 in reference to N2 revealed no occurrence of the heterogeneous reaction between CO2 and the sample surface of DWTS. As such, at the temperature regime before initiating the Boudouard reaction (i.e., ≥700 °C), the mass decay patterns of DWTS in N2 and CO2 were nearly identical. However, the gaseous effluents from lab-scale pyrolysis of DWTS in CO2 in reference to N2 were different. In sum, the homogeneous reactions between CO2 and volatile matters (VMs) evolved from the thermolysis of DWTS led to the enhanced generation of CO. Also, CO2 suppressed dehydrogenation of VMs. Such the genuine mechanistic roles of CO2 in the thermolysis of DWTS subsequently led to the compositional modifications of the chemical species in pyrolytic oil. Furthermore, the biochar composite was obtained as byproduct of pyrolysis of DWTS. Considering that the high content of Al2O3 and Fe-species in the biochar composite imparts a strong affinity for As(V), the practical use of the biochar composite as a sorptive material for arsenic (V) was evaluated at the fundamental levels. This work reported that adsorption of As(V) onto the biochar composite followed the pseudo-second order model and the Freundlich isotherm model.
  3. Lam SS, Wan Mahari WA, Ma NL, Azwar E, Kwon EE, Peng W, et al.
    Chemosphere, 2019 Sep;230:294-302.
    PMID: 31108440 DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.05.054
    Used baby diaper consists of a combination of decomposable cellulose, non-biodegradable plastic materials (e.g. polyolefins) and super-absorbent polymer materials, thus making it difficult to be sorted and separated for recycling. Microwave pyrolysis was examined for its potential as an approach to transform used baby diapers into value-added products. Influence of the key operating parameters comprising process temperature and microwave power were investigated. The pyrolysis showed a rapid heating process (up to 43 °C/min of heating rate) and quick reaction time (20-40 min) in valorizing the used diapers to generate pyrolysis products comprising up to 43 wt% production of liquid oil, 29 wt% gases and 28 wt% char product. Microwave power and operating temperature were observed to have impacts on the heating rate, process time, production and characteristics of the liquid oil and solid char. The liquid oil contained alkanes, alkenes and esters that can potentially be used as chemical additives, cosmetic products and fuel. The solid char contained high carbon, low nitrogen and free of sulphur, thus showing potential for use as adsorbents and soil additives. These observations demonstrate that microwave pyrolysis has great prospect in transforming used baby diaper into liquid oil and char products that can be utilised in several applications.
  4. Lee HW, Farooq A, Jang SH, Kwon EE, Jae J, Lam SS, et al.
    Environ Res, 2020 May;184:109311.
    PMID: 32145550 DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2020.109311
    Catalytic co-pyrolysis (CCP) of spent coffee ground (SCG) and cellulose over HZSM-5 and HY was characterized thermogravimetrically, and a catalytic pyrolysis of two samples was conducted using a tandem micro reactor that directly connected with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. To access the more fundamental investigations on CCP, the effects of the zeolite pore structure, reaction temperature, in-situ/ex-situ reaction mode, catalyst to feedstock ratio, and the SCG and cellulose mixing ratio were experimentally evaluated. The temperature showing the highest thermal degradation rate of cellulose with SCG slightly delayed due to the interactions during the thermolysis of two samples. HZSM-5 in reference to HY produced more aromatic hydrocarbons from CCP. With respect to the reaction temperature, the formation of aromatic hydrocarbons increased with the pyrolytic temperature. Moreover, the in-situ/ex-situ reaction mode, catalyst/feedstock, and cellulose/SCG ratio were optimized to improve the aromatic hydrocarbon yield.
  5. Oh S, Lee J, Lam SS, Kwon EE, Ha JM, Tsang DCW, et al.
    Bioresour Technol, 2021 Dec;342:126067.
    PMID: 34601023 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2021.126067
    Recent studies show that fast hydropyrolysis (i.e., pyrolysis under hydrogen atmosphere operating at a rapid heating rate) is a promising technology for the conversion of biomass into liquid fuels (e.g., bio-oil and C4+ hydrocarbons). This pyrolysis approach is reported to be more effective than conventional fast pyrolysis in producing aromatic hydrocarbons and also lowering the oxygen content of the bio-oil obtained compared to hydrodeoxygenation (a common bio-oil upgrading method). Based on current literature, various non-catalytic and catalytic fast hydropyrolysis processes are reviewed and discussed. Efforts to combine fast hydropyrolysis and hydrotreatment process are also highlighted. Points to be considered for future research into fast hydropyrolysis and pending challenges are also discussed.
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