Displaying all 10 publications

  1. Nelfianty Mohd Rasyid, Shaharudin Abd Aziz
    The purpose of this study was to identify the preferred coaching styles of the Malaysian Sports School athletes based on gender, age group, and types of sports they had participated. This study utilised the athletes preferred version of the Leadership Scale for Sport questionnaire (LSS). The subjects were the population of two Malaysian Sport School athletes (N = 854; Bukit Jalil Sports School = 409, Bandar Penawar Sports School = 445). The findings demonstrated that Training and Instruction (M = 4:09, SD = 73) was the most preferred leadership style by the athletes, followed by Democratic (M = 3.87, SD = .75), Social Support (M = 3.74, SD = .75) and Positive Feedback (M = 3:59, SD = .82). Autocratic behavior was the least preferred coaching style (M = 2.35, SD = 96). T-test analysis showed that there were significant differences between autocratic leadership style t(852) = 4.63, p
  2. Hajar Asmidar Samat, Nelfianty Mohd Rasyid, Thariq Khan Azizuddin Khan
    Journal of Sports Science and Physical Education 5(2): 61-73, 2016 – Participation in
    adventure recreation is increasing in popularity in recent years. However, out of the 13
    million people who participated in outdoor recreation activities globally, 12 million are no
    longer participated in these activities due to low satisfaction of the acitivity, which includes
    the implementation of activities, environment and facilities provided (Outdoor Industry
    Foundation, 2013). This study aims to understand the patterns of participation, specifically in
    whitewater rafting activity by identifying the motivation factor and the satisfaction level of
    participants. It also examines the relationship between motivation and satisfaction in
    whitewater rafting activity. Recreation Experience Preferences Scale (REP) was used to
    identify the motivation factors, while Leisure Satisfaction Scale was employed to assess the
    level of satisfaction in whitewater rafting activity. The respondents consisted of 404 people
    who participated in whitewater rafting in Kampar River, Perak. Mean, standard deviation and
    Pearson Correlation were used to answer the research questions. Results showed that
    elements of nature, excitement and sociability as the main motivation in the activities of
    whitewater rafting. Higher satisfaction levels were recorded in the aesthetic, psychological
    and social. This study revealed that there is a positive relationship between participants‟
    motivation and satisfaction in whitewater rafting activity. In conclusion, the motivation
    factors that encourage participants to participate in whitewater rafting activity may not
    necessarily be the same factors that contribute to participants‟ satisfaction. Therefore, the
    operators of the activity and the related parties need to identify factors that contribute to
    satisfaction of aesthetic, psychological and social in whitewater rafting activity to ensure
    higher satisfaction in participation of this activity.
  3. Nabilah Yaakub, Norsaleha Mohd Ariffin, Nelfianty Mohd Rasyid
    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji hubungan antara orientasi matlamat dan keseronokan dalam kalangan atlet hoki UPSI. Kajian tinjauan ini dijalankan dalam kalangan 30 orang altet yang mewakili UPSI dalam kejohanan hoki peringkat Universiti (lelaki, n=17; perempuan, n=13). Instrumen soal selidik Task and Ego Orientation Sport Questionnaire (TEOSQ) dan Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale (PACES) digunakan untuk mengukur orientasi matlamat dan tahap keseronokan. Analisis deskriptif min dan sisihan piawai; analisis inferens Ujian-t sampel tidak bersandar serta korelasi digunakan untuk mengenalpasti orientasi matlamat dan tahap keseronokan atlet serta perkaitan antara kedua-duanya. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan atlet hoki UPSI lebih berorientasikan tugasan berbanding ego dan mempunyai tahap keseronokan yang sederhana. Hasil keputusan inferens korelasi turut menunjukkan terdapat perkaitan yang signifikan (p = 0.001, p
  4. Siti Aishah Md Yusop, Shaharudin Abd Aziz, Nelfianty Mohd Rasyid
    The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between goal orientation and aggressiveness among under 18 handball players in Negeri Sembilan. This study used survey method using Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionaire (TEOSQ) and The Judgement About Moral Behavior in Youth Sport Questionaire (JAMBYSQ). The respondents are the Under 18 handball players that represent eight districts in Negeri Sembilan (n = 192, 96 male and 96 females). Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics (percent, frequency, mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (t-test) and correlation. The findings showed that the orientation pattern of the female players were higher than the male players for both the task orientation and the ego. The results of the t-test showed that female handball players have higher levels of cognitive and somatic anxiety than male players. However, from the aspect of aggression, the findings showed that female players are more likely to show aggressive action compared to male. In conclusion, the findings showed that there was a significant relationship between goal orientation and aggression among under 18 handball players. Indirectly, this study stressed the importance of goal orientation. Coaches also need to put more focus on the task-orientation compared to ego-orientation.
  5. Nelfianty Mohd Rasyid, Shaharudin Abdul Aziz, Ruaibah Yazani Tengah
    Movement Health & Exercise, 2019;8(2):57-66.
    This study aimed to develop an instrument to identify the motives of youth involvement in sports. The Sports Engagement Motivation Instrument (MPS) is constructed through two phases of research, namely the phasing of the item and the psychometric testing of the instrument. Formulation of questionnaire items was conducted in accordance with the Nominal Group Technique process for youths who are active in sports. A total of 75 items were generated from the questionnaire design phase. Alpha Cronbach's factor analysis and coefficient values were used to test the number of factors and internal reliability of the data. The SPS questionnaire was administered to 582 active youths for factor analysis and instrument reliability. The results of the analysis of the principal components of the MPS questionnaire consisted of 58 items, comprising nine factors, namely Raising Country Name, Health and Fitness, Skill Improvement, Wanting Challenges, Seeking Success, Family Pride, Pride, Emotional Stability and Future Assurance. Factor loadings for each item ranged from 0.40 to 0.74, and reliability (alpha) values ranged from 0.66 to 0.93. The validity of MPS content has been evaluated by seven field experts and has confirmed that MPS has validity of content and can accurately test the motives of youth involvement in sports. The findings of this study indicate that the MPS instrument has high reliability and reliability and can be used in identifying adolescents' involvement in sports.
  6. Nur Haziyanti Mohamad Khalid, Nelfianty Mohd Rasyid, Norsilawati Abdul Razak
    Movement Health & Exercise, 2019;8(1):67-81.
    Modul latihan Mindfulness Acceptance Commitment-Physical (MAC-P) bertujuan meningkatkan prestasi latihan fizikal seperti dalam latihan aerobik. Kesahan muka dan kandungan bagi Modul MAC-P telah diterima pakar dengan peratus persetujuan antara 0.68 hingga 0.88. Manakala kebolehpercayaan modul berdasarkan nilai Cronbach Alpha adalah antara 0.65 hingga 0.94. Kesan MAC-P diuji ke atas prestasi daya tahan aerobik dalam ujian Bleep, efikasi kendiri fizikal dan kekuatan mental berbanding kaedah konvensional berasaskan Psychological Skill Training (PST). Reka bentuk kajian adalah Randomized Subjects Pretest-Postest Control Group. Subjek adalah pelajar semester satu program Sains Kejurulatihan UPSI, yang dibahagikan kepada kumpulan MAC-P (n = 21), PST (n = 21) dan kawalan (n = 21). Instrumen kajian adalah ujian Bleep, Mental Toughness Questionnaire (MTQ), dan skala efikasi kendiri fizikal. Berdasarkan Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA), terdapat kesan intervensi yang signifikan ke atas prestasi pasca VO2max, kekuatan mental, dan efikasi kendiri fizikal. Kumpulan MAC-P menunjukkan skor pasca VO2max dan efikasi kendiri fizikal yang lebih tinggi berbanding kumpulan PST dan kawalan. Manakala kumpulan PST memperoleh skor pasca kekuatan mental lebih tinggi berbanding kumpulan MAC-P dan kawalan. Kesimpulannya, MAC-P lebih memberi kesan terhadap prestasi aerobik berbanding PST. Pendekatan MAC-P berupaya menjadi alternatif selain PST ke arah peningkatan prestasi dalam latihan yang menguji daya tahan aerobik.
  7. Ahmad Fazlan Ghazalli, Mahamad Yusof Abdul Rani, Nelfianty Mohd
    The purpose of this study examines the effect of Selangor weightlifters concerns over the performance of the National Weightlifting Championship in Johor Bahru 2015. The sample is Selangor weightlifting athletes aged 13 to 15 years who participated in the national weightlifting championship in Johor Bahru. Data were collected through questionnaires Competitive State Anxiety Inventory (CSAI-2) to measure the level of anxiety (cognitive, somatic, self-confidence). The mean value analysis, the percentage used to determine the level of concern for athletes. Correlation tests were used to examine the association between the phases of concern with the performance of athletes during the competition. The results showed the level of anxiety (cognitive, somatic and self-confidence) athletes a day before the tournament is at a moderate level. Other while, cognitive anxiety level significantly correlated with performance or achievement during the tournament. Therefore, the coaches and athletes must continue to concentrate on the concerns of cognitive intentions to achieve excellent performance in a weightlifting tournament in the future. Researchers suggest the management should seek the help of a sports psychologist to provide psychological training for athletes particularly to address the concerns of cognitive as well as physical exercise by periods of sustained exercise.
  8. Jiang C, Razak NA, Rasyid NM
    Front Psychol, 2024;15:1466985.
    PMID: 39868014 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1466985
    INTRODUCTION: This study aimed to investigate the relationship between need-supportive coaching behavior, subjective task value, goal orientation, and engagement among Chinese high school football players and propose four research hypotheses better to understand the determinants and mechanisms of athlete engagement.

    METHODS: Participants were 385 Chinese high school football players (228 boys; 157 girls; Mage = 16.07 years; SD = 1.15; range = 14-19 years) on 20 teams from 45 high schools using a proportional stratified random sampling method. Participants filled out previously validated questionnaires, including the Interpersonal Behaviors Questionnaire (IBQ), Subjective Task Value (STV), The Task and Ego Orientations Questionnaire (TEOSQ), and Athlete Engagement Questionnaire (AEQ). To address the hypothesis testing, this study utilized structural equation modeling (SEM) to analyze the proposed multiple mediation model.

    RESULTS: The research results indicated that need-supportive coaching behavior had a significant direct (β = 0.121, Z = 3.667, p 

  9. Abdul Rahim Mohd Shariff, Norkhalid Salimin, Mohd Izwan Shahril, Normah Jusoh, Nelfianty Mohd Rasyid, Lee, Jeffrey Low Fook, et al.
    Journal of Sports Science and Physical Education 5(1): 77-94, 2016 - This study aimed to
    examine the effectiveness of the Bachelor of Education (Honours) programmes offered by the
    Faculty of Sports Science and Coaching in producing quality graduates and their
    employability in the profession. Samples for this study comprised of 49 graduates from the B
    Ed (Sports Science), 25 graduates from B Ed (Coaching Science) and nine B Ed (Physical
    Education) who have graduated from 2010 to 2014 as well as their respective employers and
    peers were selected as respondents. Six to ten samples from each programme together with
    their employers were interviewed further using guided questionnaire. Data was analysed
    descriptively as well as correlation and regression methods. The findings showed that the
    graduates mastered very high levels of the knowledge and skills of the courses related to their
    respective programmes. They also achieved excellent levels of knowledge and skills in the
    implementation of their respective programmes during and after their completion of studies.
    The graduates received very high scores from their employers and peers in terms of their
    attributes and employability. Overall, analyses on the effectiveness of the faculty‟s education
    programmes showed a positive and significant correlation between the mastery (input) and
    the implementation (process) of the programmes. However, a moderately positive but not
    significant correlation was found between the mastery (input) of the courses and the
    graduates (product). Similar results were found between the implementation of the
    programmes (process) and the graduates except for the BEd.(Sports Science) which showed a
    moderate positive and significant correlation. Only 23% predicted mastery of the course
    (input) and the implementation of the programme influenced the product (graduates) towards
    the effective implementation of the BEd (Sports Science), compared to 20% for BEd
    (Coaching Science) and 98% for BEd (Physical Education). This study concluded that
    Bachelor of Education (Honours) programmes offered by the Faculty of Sports Science and
    Coaching are capable of producing quality and employable graduates. The faculty has
    developed its strategic plan in improving the employability of the graduates by streamlining
    the offering of the BEd (Coaching Science) programme, reinforce the undergraduates soft
    skills attributes, intensify the activities of the Kinesiology Centre of Excellence and advocate entrepreneurship education in order to produce graduates who are innovative and capable in the education profession.
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