Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 289 in total

  1. Catterall RD
    Br J Vener Dis, 1981 Dec;57(6):363-6.
    PMID: 6895709
    Despite being part of one of the few remaining primitive areas of the world, both Sabah and Sarawak are provided with adequate, though simple, urban and rural general medical services. At present no reliable data on the incidence of sexually transmitted diseases in these areas have been collected and no organised treatment services are available. Gonorrhoea appears to be the commonest notifiable infectious disease in Sarawak, and beta-lactamase-producing strains have been isolated. Because of the rapidly expanding economy and the encouragement of the tourist trade, sexually transmitted disease is likely to prove an increasing problem, for which a specialised service for diagnosis and treatment is badly needed.
  2. Harrison RD
    Proc Biol Sci, 2000 May 7;267(1446):911-5.
    PMID: 10853734
    Figs (Ficus spp.) and their species-specific pollinators, the fig wasps (Agaonidae), have coevolved one of the most intricate interactions found in nature, in which the fig wasps, in return for pollination services, raise their offspring in the fig inflorescence. Fig wasps, however, have very short adult lives and hence are dependent on the near-continuous production of inflorescences to maintain their populations. From January to March 1998 northern Borneo suffered a very severe drought linked to the El Niño-Southern Oscillation event of 1997-1998. This caused a substantial break in the production of inflorescences on dioecious figs and led to the local extinction of their pollinators at Lambir Hills National Park, Sarawak, Malaysia. Most pollinators had not recolonized six months after the drought and, given the high level of endemism and wide extent of the drought, some species may be totally extinct. Cascading effects on vertebrate seed dispersers, for which figs are often regarded as keystone resources, and the tree species dependent on their services are also likely. This has considerable implications for the maintenance of biodiversity under a scenario of climate change and greater climatic extremes.
  3. Yassin Z, Terry RD
    Med J Malaysia, 1990 Dec;45(4):310-8.
    PMID: 2152052
    Health indices of 317 healthy elderly Malay females 55 years and older from two rural subdistricts in Negeri Sembilan were collected through personal interviews. About 33% of the respondents perceived their health condition as good to excellent, 63.4% rated their health status compared to a year earlier as about the same, 48.3% had no worry about their health, and 49.2% perceived themselves as physically active as their peers. Arthritis was the major ailment which affected the daily activities of about 64% of the respondents. The classical age-related problems of poor hearing, poor sight and difficulty in chewing were also prevalent among these elderly.
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