Displaying all 8 publications

  1. Shafie NJ, Sah SAM, Mutalib AHA, Fadzly N
    Trop Life Sci Res, 2017 Jul;28(2):31-44.
    PMID: 28890759 MyJurnal DOI: 10.21315/tlsr2017.28.2.3
    The population of bats has declined from year to year caused by human activities such as logging and hunting activities. Since the human factor is linked to the issues of population decline in many animal species, a community-based conservation strategy that involved local communities is needed. We conducted face-to-face surveys among residents in Penang Island to assess knowledge and awareness level toward bats conservation efforts. We collected demographic values such as age, gender, level of education, length of residency as well as their monthly income, since different group in these variable might have different perception. We found that age groups, level of education and monthly income have shown significant differences among the respondents. However, no other significant differences were indicated for by gender and length of residency. Respondent's knowledge of bats showed that the majority of the respondents were less likely to value the importance of bats in the ecosystem. We recommended stronger legal system, earlier exposure towards environmental education, well-planned urbanisation implementation and long-term monitoring programs to strengthen efforts in conserving bats in Malaysia.
  2. Salleh SM, Sah SAM, Chowdhury AJK
    Trop Life Sci Res, 2018 Mar;29(1):155-171.
    PMID: 29644022 MyJurnal DOI: 10.21315/tlsr2018.29.1.11
    The nesting of green turtle (Chelonia mydas) was monitored from 1998 untill 2013 along the beaches of Pasir Panjang, Segari, Perak. The objective of the study is to assess the nesting status of green turtles in Perak, Peninsular Malaysia in terms of total nests, eggs, survival hatchings, and density of visitors. A total number of green turtle nests found for 16 years were 1,019 nests and varied from 10 to 220 nests per year. Meanwhile, the sum of eggs collected for 16 years were 107,820 eggs, and varied from 553 to 20,881 eggs per year. The temporal pattern of nesting indicates year-round nesting in Perak in most years within the 16 years period. The peak season of nesting was estimated to occur between May and June. Survival hatchlings varied from 23.33% (2,071 hatchlings) to 55.03% (5,018 hatchlings) from 1998 to 2013. The density of visitors was not uniformly distributed among the years, and shows a sign of decline especially from 2006 onwards. This publication provides basic knowledge of green turtle nesting population in Perak, and would be helpful in upgrading the conservation program in Malaysia. In future, we hope 1) for an increase in manpower to obtain accurate nesting records along the nesting beaches during nocturnal survey and, 2) to include the breeding biology data such as nest placement, emergence hour, and morphological characteristics of green turtle.
  3. Masum KM, Mansor A, Sah SAM, Lim HS
    J Environ Manage, 2017 Sep 15;200:468-474.
    PMID: 28618318 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2017.06.009
    Forest ownership is considered as a vital aspect for sustainable management of forest and its associated biodiversity. The Global Forest Resources Assessment 2015 reported that privately owned forest area are increasing on a global scale, but deforestation was found very active in privately owned hill forest areas of Malaysia. Penang State was purposively chosen as it has been experiencing rapid and radical changes due to urban expansion over the last three decades. In this study, analyses of land-use changes were done by PCI Geomatica using Landsat images from 1991 to 2015, future trends of land-use change were assessed using EXCEL forecast function, and its impact on the surrounding environment were conducted by reviewing already published articles on changing environment of the study area. This study revealed an annual deforestation rate of 1.4% in Penang Island since 1991. Trend analysis forecasted a forest area smaller than the current forest reserves by the year 2039. Impact analysis revealed a rapid biodiversity loss with increasing landslides, mudflows, water pollution, flash flood, and health hazard. An immediate ban over hill-land development is crucial for overall environmental safety.
  4. Mansor MS, Nor SM, Ramli R, Sah SAM
    Behav Processes, 2018 Dec;157:73-79.
    PMID: 30193765 DOI: 10.1016/j.beproc.2018.09.001
    With the rapid growth of agricultural areas globally, forest birds increasingly encounter fragmented landscapes in which forest patches are surrounded by an agricultural plantation matrix, yet how birds respond behaviourally to this fragmentation is poorly understood. Information on microhabitat requirements of birds is scarce, but nevertheless essential to predicting adaptation of bird species to the patchy landscapes. We investigated foraging patterns of three tropical insectivorous birds, Green Iora Aegithina viridissima, Pin-striped Tit-Babbler Macronus gularis and Chestnut-winged Babbler Cyanoderma erythropterum, to determine whether they vary in foraging methods in different forest patches. Our study area encompassed old-logged lowland forest; one continuous forest and three forest patches. Observations were performed for 15 days every month for a period of 13 months. Information on foraging height, substrate, attack manoeuvres, and foliage density was collected independently for each foraging bird individual. All three species used different foraging substrates and attack manoeuvres in different habitat types. The Green Iora frequently used lower strata when foraging in forest patches as opposed to continuous forest, while the Pin-striped Tit-Babbler tended to forage in more dense vegetation in patches. Only Chestnut-winged Babbler displayed complete foraging plasticity across all study parameters. Different habitat features (e.g., edges, microclimates) between continuous forest and forest patches significantly influenced the foraging strategies of the study species. These changes in foraging strategies suggest that some Malaysian forest birds (e.g. generalist species) can respond behaviourally to fragmentation and habitat loss. Although continuous forest has critically important characteristics that need to be conserved, remnant forest patches are also important as ecological movement corridors and foraging grounds for birds.
  5. Salleh SM, Sah SAM, Chowdhury AJK
    Trop Life Sci Res, 2022 Sep;33(3):107-127.
    PMID: 36545050 DOI: 10.21315/tlsr2022.33.3.7
    Ten nests were collected from Kerachut and Teluk Kampi, Penang Island between 2 August 2009 and 9 December 2009, and each one nest was split into three small clutch sizes for incubation at three nesting depths (45 cm, 55 cm and 65 cm), with a total of 30 modified nests for this experiment. Three important objectives were formulated; to observe on the survival hatchings among the three nesting depths, to study on the effects of sand temperature on incubation period among the three nesting depths, and to investigate the influence of sand temperature on hatchling's morphology. Main result shows that the mean survival of the hatchlings was 25.40% at 45 cm nesting depth, followed by mean 17.60% at 55 cm nesting depth, and lastly, the mean was 21.50% at 65 cm nesting depth. Overall, there are 56.63% survival hatchlings, 10.97% dead hatchlings and 32.40% unhatched eggs were produced. The incubation period was also found to be significantly correlated with sand temperature, p > 0.001, and nesting depth, p < 0.001. The hatchling's length and weight varies is sizes across the nesting depths, p < 0.001. However, the small difference in hatchling sizes per nesting depths are not strong enough to prove the significant correlation with sand temperature, p > 0.05. This article provides a basic knowledge from the splitting clutch design method. A sum of 50%-60% survivals hatchlings produced were incubating under small range of clutch sizes, 29 to 49 eggs. This article provides basic result on the survival hatchlings, eggs survivorship, incubation period, temperature, hatchling's morphology and discussion on implication of this method on conservation in Malaysia.
  6. Quah ESH, Wood PLJ, Grismer LL, Sah SAM
    Zootaxa, 2018 Nov 05;4514(1):53-64.
    PMID: 30485952 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4514.1.4
    The taxonomic position of the rare Selangor Mud Snake (Raclitia indica) Gray to other species of homalopsids has remained uncertain due to the scarcity of specimens in collections and the lack of genetic material for comparison. Here we report the first molecular phylogenetic examination of this species based on recently acquired material. The study recovered R. indica nested within the clade of advanced, fanged homalopsids and the sister species to Erpeton tentaculatus Lácèpede. We also present notes on variation observed in the new specimens as well as range extensions for the species.
  7. Quah ESH, Grismer LL, Jetten T, Wood PLJ, Miralles A, Sah SAM, et al.
    Zootaxa, 2018 Jun 27;4441(2):366-378.
    PMID: 30314015 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4441.2.10
    The family Xenophidiidae is an extremely rare and little-known family of snakes that contains only two species, Xenophidion acanthognathus Günther Manthey and X. schaeferi Günther Manthey that are each known only from their holotypes. We report on the rediscovery of X. schaeferi from two new locations in southern Peninsular Malaysia. The new specimens differ markedly from the holotype of X. schaeferi in colour pattern and are more akin to the patterning of X. acanthognathus from Borneo. However, molecular analyses of one of the new specimens reveal that it only differs from the holotype of X. schaeferi by a minimum sequence divergence of 0.27%. An expanded description of the species based on these specimens is provided and phenotypic variation within the species is discussed. We also report the first record of the genus Xenophidion from West Sumatra, Indonesia. These sensational discoveries continue to underscore the fact that southern Peninsular Malaysia and upland areas of Southeast Asia in general still harbour unrealized herpetological diversity and are still in need of field research-based taxonomic studies.
  8. Balasubramaniam KN, Marty PR, Samartino S, Sobrino A, Gill T, Ismail M, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2020 12 15;10(1):21991.
    PMID: 33319843 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-78881-3
    Despite increasing conflict at human-wildlife interfaces, there exists little research on how the attributes and behavior of individual wild animals may influence human-wildlife interactions. Adopting a comparative approach, we examined the impact of animals' life-history and social attributes on interactions between humans and (peri)urban macaques in Asia. For 10 groups of rhesus, long-tailed, and bonnet macaques, we collected social behavior, spatial data, and human-interaction data for 11-20 months on pre-identified individuals. Mixed-model analysis revealed that, across all species, males and spatially peripheral individuals interacted with humans the most, and that high-ranking individuals initiated more interactions with humans than low-rankers. Among bonnet macaques, but not rhesus or long-tailed macaques, individuals who were more well-connected in their grooming network interacted more frequently with humans than less well-connected individuals. From an evolutionary perspective, our results suggest that individuals incurring lower costs related to their life-history (males) and resource-access (high rank; strong social connections within a socially tolerant macaque species), but also higher costs on account of compromising the advantages of being in the core of their group (spatial periphery), are the most likely to take risks by interacting with humans in anthropogenic environments. From a conservation perspective, evaluating individual behavior will better inform efforts to minimize conflict-related costs and zoonotic-risk.
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