Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 235 in total

  1. Singh, S., Choon, S.K., Tai, C.C.
    Malays Orthop J, 2008;2(2):34-36.
    We describe herein a modified technique for reconstruction of chronic rupture of the quadriceps tendon in a patient with bilateral total knee replacement and distal realignment of the patella. The surgery involved the application of a Dacron graft and the ‘double eights’ technique. The patient achieved satisfactory results after surgery and we believe that this technique of reconstruction offers advantages over other methods.
  2. Azmiera, N., Singh, S., Heo, C. C.
    This paper is the first record of cigarette beetles collected from dried fish crackers (also known as “keropok ikan” in Malay) in Malaysia. The dead cigarette beetles were firstly isolated from a packet of dried fish crackers and were subsequently kept in 70% ethanol. The beetles were then identified as Lasioderma serricorne (Fabricius 1792) (Coleoptera: Anobiidae). They are common pests of stored products such as tobacco, flour, and cocoa beans but there is no record of ,his beetle infestation on dried fish crackers in Malaysia.
  3. Singh S, Crofts N
    AIDS Care, 1993;5(3):273-81.
    PMID: 8218462 DOI: 10.1080/09540129308258610
    Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has spread widely among injecting drug users (IDUs) in countries to the north and west of the 'Golden Triangle' region of South-East Asia; it is likely to have spread southwards to Malaysia as well. In order to assess HIV seroprevalence among IDUs in north-east Malaysia and describe risk factors for HIV infection in this population, we performed a cross-sectional seroepidemiological study among 210 IDUs recruited at the detoxification ward of the General Hospital in the capital city of the north-eastern Malaysian state, Kelantan. Subjects were sequential entrants to the detoxification ward, interviewed about HIV risk behaviour, and tested for antibody to HIV and to syphilis. Nearly a third (62/210, 30%) of these IDUs were HIV seropositive. Three-quarters (159/210) had travelled to Thailand in the preceding 5 years, of whom 32% (51/159) were HIV seropositive; this was associated with injecting in Thailand, but not with sexual contact there. Of those who had not left Malaysia in the preceding 5 years, 26% (11/43) were HIV seropositive, a rate not significantly different from those who had travelled. Travel within Malaysia was common (144/210, 69%) among IDUs interviewed, as was unsafe injecting and unsafe sexual behaviour (20% had shared injecting equipment and 21% had had unprotected intercourse) in other states. In every locale, rates of unsafe injecting behaviour were high (55% sharing in last month), even among those who knew they were HIV infected, and rates of condom usage were low (93% of 160 sexually active IDUs had never used a condom). Syphilis was not associated with HIV infection, but with contact with Thai prostitutes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
  4. Adityanjee, Singh S, Subramaniam M
    Biol Psychiatry, 1989 Jun;26(2):199-202.
    PMID: 2567611
  5. Singh S, Ow Yong Heng Khuan
    Med J Malaya, 1965 Jun;19(4):298-302.
    PMID: 4220855
    Med J Malaya, 1961 Jun;15:222-35.
    PMID: 13913341
  7. Deka L, Gupta S, Gupta R, Gupta K, Kaur CJ, Singh S S
    Malays J Pathol, 2017 Apr;39(1):33-37.
    PMID: 28413203
    BACKGROUND: Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is a reliable and reproducible diagnostic technique for thyroid lesions with certain limitations. Computed morphometric methods have been introduced with a view to improve the diagnostic yield of thyroid aspirates. However, a review of the existing literature revealed conflicting reports regarding morphometric parameters in thyroid neoplasms.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study included 50 cases of thyroid lesions (20 cases of colloid goitre, 15 of follicular adenoma, 5 of follicular carcinoma and 10 papillary carcinomas). Digital images of cytologic smears of these cases were captured using a dedicated photomicrography system and nuclear profiles traced manually. With self-designed image analysis software, nuclear morphometric measurements, including texture analysis, were performed. Discriminant analysis was performed including the morphometric parameters and percentage of correctly classified nuclei noted.

    RESULTS: Nuclear morphometry parameters showed that papillary thyroid carcinoma had the highest perimeter, area, radius and elongation factor compared to other thyroid lesions. Discriminant analysis revealed that altogether 77.9% of cells could be correctly classified to their lesion category based on the nuclear morphometric and textural parameters. Of the neoplastic cases, 84.5% of cells of follicular neoplasms and 72.5% of papillary carcinoma were classified to the respective category.

    CONCLUSION: Nuclear morphometry, including texture analysis, can assist in the cytologic diagnosis of thyroid lesions, considering the high degree of accuracy of classification. Further studies and methodological refinements can achieve higher accuracy.

  8. Singh S, Ganesh S
    J Hum Genet, 2012 May;57(5):283-5.
    PMID: 22456482 DOI: 10.1038/jhg.2012.29
    Lafora progressive myoclonus epilepsy, also known as Lafora disease (LD), is the most severe and fatal form of progressive myoclonus epilepsy with its typical onset during the late childhood or early adolescence. LD is characterized by recurrent epileptic seizures and progressive decline in intellectual function. LD can be caused by defects in any of the two known genes and the clinical features of these two genetic groups are almost identical. The past one decade has witnessed considerable success in identifying the LD genes, their mutations, the cellular functions of gene products and on molecular basis of LD. Here, we briefly review the current literature on the phenotype variations, on possible presence of genetic modifiers, and candidate modifiers as targets for therapeutic interventions in LD.
  9. Varma S, Wai B, Singh S, Subramaniam M
    Eur. Psychiatry, 1998 Dec;13(8):431-3.
    PMID: 19698662 DOI: 10.1016/S0924-9338(99)80693-2
    Female drug dependants (n = 171) and controls (n = 1137) were studied to search for psychiatric morbidity in them. The psychiatric morbidity was found to be 36.3% and 6.9%, respectively. The most common psychiatric disorder found was dysthymic disorder followed by adjustment disorder, anxiety disorder and borderline personality disorder. The diagnosis was significantly dependent on the type of drug used (P < 0.001) and HIV seropositivtty status of the patients (P = 0.04). The findings highlight the relationship of the psychiatric morbidity to the HIV status and female drug users.
  10. Adityanjee, Singh S, Singh G, Ong S
    Br J Psychiatry, 1988 Jul;153:107-11.
    PMID: 3224231
    Although neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) was initially thought to be a rare, idiosyncratic complication, the incidence estimates have been rising over the years. A part of this increase can be explained on the basis of an over-inclusive definition of NMS. The unitary concept of NMS has been challenged recently and a spectrum concept has been enunciated on the basis of findings of retrospective chart-reviews which have used too broad a definition of NMS. The authors describe three cases of neuroleptic-related toxicity with different clinical presentations which appeared in a manner apparently supporting the spectrum concept. They discuss this controversial concept critically, however, and caution against its overzealous use in routine clinical practice owing to its far-reaching clinical implications.
  11. Agarwal A, Singh S, Agarwal S, Gupta S
    Malays Orthop J, 2018 Nov;12(3):31-37.
    PMID: 30555644 DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.1811.007
    Introduction: Early diagnosis of osteoarticular tuberculosis (OATB) is essential to prevent significant functional disability. There is no single test for diagnosis. Despite an array of investigations available, definitive diagnosis at early stage before starting antitubercular drugs is still a challenge. Materials and Methods: A cross sectional study was carried out between February 2016 and October 2017. All children less than 18 years of age with suspected osteoarticular tuberculosis were included. The cases were subjected to simple needle aspiration from whichever site was accessible. Multiple sample aspirations were done at site of involvement. Smears were prepared from the aspirated material. Results: Ziehl-Neelsen staining for Acid Fast Bacilli (AFB) showed deep pink red rods under light microscopy. Features suggestive of tuberculosis can be seen by May-Grünwald-Giemsa (MGG) staining. Auramine-O staining method of detecting AFB under fluorescent microscope shows the bacilli as greenish yellow slender curved rods in dark background. Fluorescent microscopy has higher sensitivity and comparable specificity. In our study, microbiological confirmation of OATB could be done in 100% cases where the lesion could be accessed for aspiration. The molecular techniques are relatively more expensive and not available everywhere. Conclusion: Meticulous search for AFB in a well stained smear using three different staining methods provides a direct evidence of infection over costly imaging especially in poor patients seen in resource limited settings.
  12. Singh S, Hassan A
    Urol Case Rep, 2021 Jan;34:101487.
    PMID: 33318933 DOI: 10.1016/j.eucr.2020.101487
    Leiomyosarcoma of the scrotum is a rare tumor. Johnson H Jr in 1987 reported first case. Only 39 cases been reported in the literature. A 74 years old Indian gentleman presented with progressive painless right testicular swelling for 3 months. On examination, a firm right testicular mass. We proceeded with right scrotal exploration with excision of the right scrotal mass. Histopathology showed scrotum leiomyosarcoma. We would like to discuss the rarity of presentation, dilemma of diagnosis and managing in a district hospital. We advocate wide local excision with clear margin of 2 cm which give good overall survival benefits.
  13. Abdullah B, Singh S
    PMID: 33810309 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18073441
    Surgical treatment of the inferior turbinates is required for hypertrophic inferior turbinates refractory to medical treatments. The main goal of surgical reduction of the inferior turbinate is to relieve the obstruction while preserving the function of the turbinate. There have been a variety of surgical techniques described and performed over the years. Irrespective of the techniques and technologies employed, the surgical techniques are classified into two types, the mucosal-sparing and non-mucosal-sparing, based on the preservation of the medial mucosa of the inferior turbinates. Although effective in relieving nasal block, the non-mucosal-sparing techniques have been associated with postoperative complications such as excessive bleeding, crusting, pain, and prolonged recovery period. These complications are avoided in the mucosal-sparing approach, rendering it the preferred option. Although widely performed, there is significant confusion and detachment between current practices and their basic objectives. This conflict may be explained by misperception over the myriad of available surgical techniques and misconception of the rationale in performing the turbinate reduction. A comprehensive review of each surgical intervention is crucial to better define each procedure and improve understanding of the principle and mechanism involved.
  14. Pai DR, Singh S
    Indian J Plast Surg, 2012 May;45(2):209-14.
    PMID: 23162218 DOI: 10.4103/0970-0358.101280
    Simulation in medical education is progressing in leaps and bounds. The need for simulation in medical education and training is increasing because of a) overall increase in the number of medical students vis-à-vis the availability of patients; b) increasing awareness among patients of their rights and consequent increase in litigations and c) tremendous improvement in simulation technology which makes simulation more and more realistic. Simulation in wound care can be divided into use of simulation in wound modelling (to test the effect of projectiles on the body) and simulation for training in wound management. Though this science is still in its infancy, more and more researchers are now devising both low-technology and high-technology (virtual reality) simulators in this field. It is believed that simulator training will eventually translate into better wound care in real patients, though this will be the subject of further research.
  15. Chary T, Varma S, Singh S, Zain A, Dharap A
    Eur. Psychiatry, 1996;11(1):12-5.
    PMID: 19698416 DOI: 10.1016/0924-9338(96)80453-6
    Dermatoglyphic patterns of fingers were studied in two hundred and fifty patients of various subtypes of schizophrenia and ninety normal control subjects. The difference between the males and female dermatoglyphic patterns in the schizophrenic and controls was found to be non significant. No difference was also found between the fingerprint patterns in patients of various subtypes of schizophrenia.
  16. Kaur M, Verma S, Gupta R, Pant L, Singh S
    Malays J Pathol, 2018 Apr;40(1):57-60.
    PMID: 29704385
    CD10, a transmembrane endopeptidase, has been shown to be lost as an early event in prostate cancer. We aimed at evaluating the pattern of expression of CD10 in various Gleason's grades of prostatic adenocarcinoma in comparison with nodular hyperplasia of prostate. This retrospective study included 30 cases of nodular hyperplasia and 30 of prostatic adenocarcinoma of various Gleason's grades. Immunohistochemical staining for CD10 was performed on all cases and positivity evaluated as percentage of cells as well as location (membranous or cytoplasmic or both). Of prostatic adenocarcinomas, grade 3 was seen in 10 foci, grade 4 in 28 and grade 5 in 22 foci. CD10 positivity in carcinoma was lower than in nodular hyperplasia, with the lowest positivity in grade 5. The pattern of expression of CD10 also changed from membranous in grade 3 to cytoplasmic in grade 5. Loss of CD10 expression appears to be associated with increasing tumour grade in carcinoma prostate and this can potentially be useful in stratification of such patients.
  17. Gupta K, Singh S, Singh S
    J Contemp Dent Pract, 2019 Aug 01;20(8):907-914.
    PMID: 31797846
    AIM: Assessing the accuracy of surgical guides generated with the help of a simple chair side ridge mapping technique by comparing the planned implant position with the achieved implant position on post-op computerized tomography scans.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this study, 20 implant sites in patients were selected. Ridge mapping was done through a vacuum press template at three buccal (B1, B2, B3), three lingual (L1, L2, L3), and one crestal (C) points for each implant site. Readings were transferred onto the cast, and surgical guides were fabricated for implant placement. Postoperative cone beam computerized tomography (CBCT) was done to assess planned and achieved implant position. Comparison was done between soft tissue depths and implant distance from the crest of alveolar bone determined by the ridge mapping technique with measurements done on CBCT. The points used for ridge mapping were used as the reference for measurements. The data were analyzed using paired t test. p < 0.05 was considered to be statistically significant.

    RESULTS: On comparing the mean values of soft tissue depths from the ridge mapping and CBCT data, insignificant differences were found at B1, B2, L1, L2, L3, and C, but significant differences were found at B3. On comparing the implant distances from alveolar bone from both the data, insignificant differences were found at B, B2, B3, L1, L2, and L3 and significant difference was found at the crest in the mean values.

    CONCLUSION: Under the limitations of the above study, it can be concluded that a simple chairside procedure like ridge mapping can be used as an effective way for guided implant placement in sufficient available alveolar bone.

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