Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 90 in total

  1. Stuart AM, Merfield CN, Horgan FG, Willis S, Watts MA, Ramírez-Muñoz F, et al.
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2023 Feb;30(7):16984-17008.
    PMID: 36622585 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-022-24951-0
    A small proportion of the thousands of pesticides on the market today are associated with a disproportionately high incidence of severe acute pesticide poisoning and suicide. Paraquat stands out as one of the most lethal pesticides in common use, frequently involved in fatal incidents due to suicides or accidental exposure. Even though paraquat has been banned in over 67 countries, it is still widely used in many others, particularly in Asia and Latin America. Based on a literature review and consultations, this paper identifies options for replacing paraquat and distils practical lessons from numerous successes around the world. Our aim is to support regulators, policymakers, agronomists and the supply chain sector with practical information related to phasing out paraquat. Production data consistently failed to show any negative effects of banning paraquat on agricultural productivity. A wide range of alternative approaches to weed management and crop defoliation are available, many of which do not rely on herbicides. Over 1.25 million farmers in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) successfully produce a range of crops for private voluntary standards (PVS) in food and fiber supply chains which prohibit paraquat use. We conclude from the findings of this study that eliminating paraquat will save lives without reducing agricultural productivity. Less hazardous and more sustainable alternatives exist. To enhance successful adoption and uptake of these methods on a wide scale, farmers require training and support within an enabling policy environment.
  2. Fuentes MMPB, Santos AJB, Abreu-Grobois A, Briseño-Dueñas R, Al-Khayat J, Hamza S, et al.
    Glob Chang Biol, 2024 Jan;30(1):e16991.
    PMID: 37905464 DOI: 10.1111/gcb.16991
    Sea turtles are vulnerable to climate change since their reproductive output is influenced by incubating temperatures, with warmer temperatures causing lower hatching success and increased feminization of embryos. Their ability to cope with projected increases in ambient temperatures will depend on their capacity to adapt to shifts in climatic regimes. Here, we assessed the extent to which phenological shifts could mitigate impacts from increases in ambient temperatures (from 1.5 to 3°C in air temperatures and from 1.4 to 2.3°C in sea surface temperatures by 2100 at our sites) on four species of sea turtles, under a "middle of the road" scenario (SSP2-4.5). Sand temperatures at sea turtle nesting sites are projected to increase from 0.58 to 4.17°C by 2100 and expected shifts in nesting of 26-43 days earlier will not be sufficient to maintain current incubation temperatures at 7 (29%) of our sites, hatching success rates at 10 (42%) of our sites, with current trends in hatchling sex ratio being able to be maintained at half of the sites. We also calculated the phenological shifts that would be required (both backward for an earlier shift in nesting and forward for a later shift) to keep up with present-day incubation temperatures, hatching success rates, and sex ratios. The required shifts backward in nesting for incubation temperatures ranged from -20 to -191 days, whereas the required shifts forward ranged from +54 to +180 days. However, for half of the sites, no matter the shift the median incubation temperature will always be warmer than the 75th percentile of current ranges. Given that phenological shifts will not be able to ameliorate predicted changes in temperature, hatching success and sex ratio at most sites, turtles may need to use other adaptive responses and/or there is the need to enhance sea turtle resilience to climate warming.
  3. Khachatryan V, Sirunyan AM, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Asilar E, Bergauer T, et al.
    Phys Rev Lett, 2016 Feb 19;116(7):071801.
    PMID: 26943527 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.071801
    A search for narrow resonances in proton-proton collisions at sqrt[s]=13  TeV is presented. The invariant mass distribution of the two leading jets is measured with the CMS detector using a data set corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 2.4  fb^{-1}. The highest observed dijet mass is 6.1 TeV. The distribution is smooth and no evidence for resonant particles is observed. Upper limits at 95% confidence level are set on the production cross section for narrow resonances with masses above 1.5 TeV. When interpreted in the context of specific models, the limits exclude string resonances with masses below 7.0 TeV, scalar diquarks below 6.0 TeV, axigluons and colorons below 5.1 TeV, excited quarks below 5.0 TeV, color-octet scalars below 3.1 TeV, and W^{'} bosons below 2.6 TeV. These results significantly extend previously published limits.
  4. Sirunyan AM, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Asilar E, Bergauer T, Brandstetter J, et al.
    Phys Rev Lett, 2018 Apr 06;120(14):142301.
    PMID: 29694144 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.142301
    The relative yields of ϒ mesons produced in pp and Pb-Pb collisions at sqrt[s_{NN}]=5.02  TeV and reconstructed via the dimuon decay channel are measured using data collected by the CMS experiment. Double ratios are formed by comparing the yields of the excited states, ϒ(2S) and ϒ(3S), to the ground state, ϒ(1S), in both Pb-Pb and pp collisions at the same center-of-mass energy. The double ratios, [ϒ(nS)/ϒ(1S)]_{Pb-Pb}/[ϒ(nS)/ϒ(1S)]_{pp}, are measured to be 0.308±0.055(stat)±0.019(syst) for the ϒ(2S) and less than 0.26 at 95% confidence level for the ϒ(3S). No significant ϒ(3S) signal is found in the Pb-Pb data. The double ratios are studied as a function of collision centrality, as well as ϒ transverse momentum and rapidity. No significant dependencies are observed.
  5. Sirunyan AM, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Ambrogi F, Asilar E, Bergauer T, et al.
    Phys Rev Lett, 2020 Sep 04;125(10):102001.
    PMID: 32955327 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.102001
    The first study of charm quark diffusion with respect to the jet axis in heavy ion collisions is presented. The measurement is performed using jets with p_{T}^{jet}>60  GeV/c and D^{0} mesons with p_{T}^{D}>4  GeV/c in lead-lead (Pb-Pb) and proton-proton (pp) collisions at a nucleon-nucleon center-of-mass energy of sqrt[s_{NN}]=5.02  TeV, recorded by the CMS detector at the LHC. The radial distribution of D^{0} mesons with respect to the jet axis is sensitive to the production mechanisms of the meson, as well as to the energy loss and diffusion processes undergone by its parent parton inside the strongly interacting medium produced in Pb-Pb collisions. When compared to Monte Carlo event generators, the radial distribution in pp collisions is found to be well described by pythia, while the slope of the distribution predicted by sherpa is steeper than that of the data. In Pb-Pb collisions, compared to the pp results, the D^{0} meson distribution for 4
  6. Sirunyan AM, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Ambrogi F, Asilar E, Bergauer T, et al.
    Phys Rev Lett, 2018 May 18;120(20):202005.
    PMID: 29864318 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.202005
    A search for resonancelike structures in the B_{s}^{0}π^{±} invariant mass spectrum is performed using proton-proton collision data collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC at sqrt[s]=8  TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 19.7  fb^{-1}. The B_{s}^{0} mesons are reconstructed in the decay chain B_{s}^{0}→J/ψϕ, with J/ψ→μ^{+}μ^{-} and ϕ→K^{+}K^{-}. The B_{s}^{0}π^{±} invariant mass distribution shows no statistically significant peaks for different selection requirements on the reconstructed B_{s}^{0} and π^{±} candidates. Upper limits are set on the relative production rates of the X(5568) and B_{s}^{0} states times the branching fraction of the decay X(5568)^{±}→B_{s}^{0}π^{±}. In addition, upper limits are obtained as a function of the mass and the natural width of possible exotic states decaying into B_{s}^{0}π^{±}.
  7. Sirunyan AM, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Ambrogi F, Asilar E, Bergauer T, et al.
    Phys Rev Lett, 2018 May 18;120(20):201801.
    PMID: 29864370 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.201801
    A search for narrow resonances decaying to bottom quark-antiquark pairs is presented, using a data sample of proton-proton collisions at sqrt[s]=8  TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 19.7  fb^{-1}. The search is extended to masses lower than those reached in typical searches for resonances decaying into jet pairs at the LHC, by taking advantage of triggers that identify jets originating from bottom quarks. No significant excess of events is observed above the background predictions. Limits are set on the product of cross section and branching fraction to bottom quarks for spin 0, 1, and 2 resonances in the mass range of 325-1200 GeV. These results improve on the limits for resonances decaying into jet pairs in the 325-500 GeV mass range.
  8. Sirunyan AM, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Ambrogi F, Asilar E, Bergauer T, et al.
    Phys Rev Lett, 2018 May 18;120(20):202301.
    PMID: 29864330 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.202301
    The prompt D^{0} meson azimuthal anisotropy coefficients, v_{2} and v_{3}, are measured at midrapidity (|y|<1.0) in Pb-Pb collisions at a center-of-mass energy sqrt[s_{NN}]=5.02  TeV per nucleon pair with data collected by the CMS experiment. The measurement is performed in the transverse momentum (p_{T}) range of 1 to 40  GeV/c, for central and midcentral collisions. The v_{2} coefficient is found to be positive throughout the p_{T} range studied. The first measurement of the prompt D^{0} meson v_{3} coefficient is performed, and values up to 0.07 are observed for p_{T} around 4  GeV/c. Compared to measurements of charged particles, a similar p_{T} dependence, but smaller magnitude for p_{T}<6  GeV/c, is found for prompt D^{0} meson v_{2} and v_{3} coefficients. The results are consistent with the presence of collective motion of charm quarks at low p_{T} and a path length dependence of charm quark energy loss at high p_{T}, thereby providing new constraints on the theoretical description of the interactions between charm quarks and the quark-gluon plasma.
  9. Sirunyan AM, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Ambrogi F, Asilar E, Bergauer T, et al.
    Phys Rev Lett, 2018 Dec 14;121(24):241802.
    PMID: 30608761 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.241802
    Three of the most significant measured deviations from standard model predictions, the enhanced decay rate for B→D^{(*)}τν, hints of lepton universality violation in B→K^{(*)}ℓℓ decays, and the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, can be explained by the existence of leptoquarks (LQs) with large couplings to third-generation quarks and masses at the TeV scale. The existence of these states can be probed at the LHC in high energy proton-proton collisions. A novel search is presented for pair production of LQs coupled to a top quark and a muon using data at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9  fb^{-1}, recorded by the CMS experiment. No deviation from the standard model prediction has been observed and scalar LQs decaying exclusively into tμ are excluded up to masses of 1420 GeV. The results of this search are combined with those from previous searches for LQ decays into tτ and bν, which excluded scalar LQs below masses of 900 and 1080 GeV. Vector LQs are excluded up to masses of 1190 GeV for all possible combinations of branching fractions to tμ, tτ and bν. With this analysis, all relevant couplings of LQs with an electric charge of -1/3 to third-generation quarks are probed for the first time.
  10. Sirunyan AM, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Ambrogi F, Asilar E, Bergauer T, et al.
    Phys Rev Lett, 2018 Dec 14;121(24):242301.
    PMID: 30608764 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.242301
    Measurements of fragmentation functions for jets associated with an isolated photon are presented for the first time in pp and Pb-Pb collisions. The analysis uses data collected with the CMS detector at the CERN LHC at a nucleon-nucleon center-of-mass energy of 5.02 TeV. Fragmentation functions are obtained for jets with p_{T}^{jet}>30  GeV/c in events containing an isolated photon with p_{T}^{γ}>60  GeV/c, using charged tracks with transverse momentum p_{T}^{trk}>1  GeV/c in a cone around the jet axis. The association with an isolated photon constrains the initial p_{T} and azimuthal angle of the parton whose shower produced the jet. For central Pb-Pb collisions, modifications of the jet fragmentation functions are observed when compared to those measured in pp collisions, while no significant differences are found in the 50% most peripheral collisions. Jets in central Pb-Pb events show an excess (depletion) of low (high) p_{T} particles, with a transition around 3  GeV/c. This measurement shows for the first time the in-medium shower modifications of partons (quark dominated) with well-defined initial kinematics. It constitutes a new well-controlled reference for testing theoretical models of the parton passage through the quark-gluon plasma.
  11. Sirunyan AM, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Ambrogi F, Asilar E, Bergauer T, et al.
    Phys Rev Lett, 2018 Nov 30;121(22):221802.
    PMID: 30547617 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.221802
    The first evidence of events consistent with the production of a single top quark in association with a photon is reported. The analysis is based on proton-proton collisions at sqrt[s]=13  TeV and recorded by the CMS experiment in 2016, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9  fb^{-1}. Events are selected by requiring the presence of a muon (μ), a photon (γ), an imbalance in transverse momentum from an undetected neutrino (ν), and at least two jets (j) of which exactly one is identified as associated with the hadronization of a b quark. A multivariate discriminant based on topological and kinematic event properties is employed to separate signal from background processes. An excess above the background-only hypothesis is observed, with a significance of 4.4 standard deviations. A fiducial cross section is measured for isolated photons with transverse momentum greater than 25 GeV in the central region of the detector. The measured product of the cross section and branching fraction is σ(pp→tγj)B(t→μνb)=115±17(stat)±30(syst)  fb, which is consistent with the standard model prediction.
  12. Sirunyan AM, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Ambrogi F, Asilar E, Bergauer T, et al.
    Phys Rev Lett, 2019 Jul 12;123(2):022001.
    PMID: 31386524 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.022001
    The transverse momentum spectra of D^{0} mesons from b hadron decays are measured at midrapidity (|y|<1) in pp and Pb-Pb collisions at a nucleon-nucleon center of mass energy of 5.02 TeV with the CMS detector at the LHC. The D^{0} mesons from b hadron decays are distinguished from prompt D^{0} mesons by their decay topologies. In Pb-Pb collisions, the B→D^{0} yield is found to be suppressed in the measured p_{T} range from 2 to 100  GeV/c as compared to pp collisions. The suppression is weaker than that of prompt D^{0} mesons and charged hadrons for p_{T} around 10  GeV/c. While theoretical calculations incorporating partonic energy loss in the quark-gluon plasma can successfully describe the measured B→D^{0} suppression at higher p_{T}, the data show an indication of larger suppression than the model predictions in the range of 2
  13. Sirunyan AM, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Ambrogi F, Asilar E, Bergauer T, et al.
    Phys Rev Lett, 2019 Apr 19;122(15):152001.
    PMID: 31050516 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.152001
    The modification of jet shapes in Pb-Pb collisions, relative to those in pp collisions, is studied for jets associated with an isolated photon. The data were collected with the CMS detector at the LHC at a nucleon-nucleon center-of-mass energy of 5.02 TeV. Jet shapes are constructed from charged particles with track transverse momenta (p_{T}) above 1  GeV/c in annuli around the axes of jets with p_{T}^{jet}>30  GeV/c associated with an isolated photon with p_{T}^{γ}>60  GeV/c. The jet shape distributions are consistent between peripheral Pb-Pb and pp collisions, but are modified for more central Pb-Pb collisions. In these central Pb-Pb events, a larger fraction of the jet momentum is observed at larger distances from the jet axis compared to pp, reflecting the interaction between the partonic medium created in heavy ion collisions and the traversing partons.
  14. Sirunyan AM, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Ambrogi F, Asilar E, Bergauer T, et al.
    Phys Rev Lett, 2019 Mar 01;122(8):081804.
    PMID: 30932612 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.081804
    A search for heavy, narrow resonances decaying to a Higgs boson and a photon (Hγ) has been performed in proton-proton collision data at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9  fb^{-1} collected with the CMS detector at the LHC in 2016. Events containing a photon and a Lorentz-boosted hadronically decaying Higgs boson reconstructed as a single, large-radius jet are considered, and the γ+jet invariant mass spectrum is analyzed for the presence of narrow resonances. To increase the sensitivity of the search, events are categorized depending on whether or not the large-radius jet can be identified as a result of the merging of two jets originating from b quarks. Results in both categories are found to agree with the predictions of the standard model. Upper limits on the production rate of Hγ resonances are set as a function of their mass in the range of 720-3250 GeV, representing the most stringent constraints to date.
  15. Sirunyan AM, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Ambrogi F, Asilar E, Bergauer T, et al.
    Phys Rev Lett, 2019 Jan 11;122(1):011803.
    PMID: 31012697 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.011803
    A search is performed for dark matter particles produced in association with a top quark pair in proton-proton collisions at sqrt[s]=13  TeV. The data correspond to an integrated luminosity of 35.9  fb^{-1} recorded by the CMS detector at the LHC. No significant excess over the standard model expectation is observed. The results are interpreted using simplified models of dark matter production via spin-0 mediators that couple to dark matter particles and to standard model quarks, providing constraints on the coupling strength between the mediator and the quarks. These are the most stringent collider limits to date for scalar mediators, and the most stringent for pseudoscalar mediators at low masses.
  16. Sirunyan AM, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Asilar E, Bergauer T, Brandstetter J, et al.
    Phys Rev Lett, 2017 Apr 21;118(16):162301.
    PMID: 28474955 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.162301
    The relative modification of the prompt ψ(2S) and J/ψ yields from pp to PbPb collisions, at the center-of-mass energy of 5.02 TeV per nucleon pair, is presented. The analysis is based on pp and PbPb data samples collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC in 2015, corresponding to integrated luminosities of 28.0  pb^{-1} and 464  μb^{-1}, respectively. The double ratio of measured yields of prompt charmonia reconstructed through their decays into muon pairs, (N_{ψ(2S)}/N_{J/ψ})_{PbPb}/(N_{ψ(2S)}/N_{J/ψ})_{pp}, is determined as a function of PbPb collision centrality and charmonium transverse momentum p_{T}, in two kinematic intervals: |y|<1.6 covering 6.5
  17. Khachatryan V, Sirunyan AM, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Asilar E, Bergauer T, et al.
    Phys Rev Lett, 2017 Mar 24;118(12):122301.
    PMID: 28388204 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.122301
    Charge-dependent azimuthal particle correlations with respect to the second-order event plane in p-Pb and PbPb collisions at a nucleon-nucleon center-of-mass energy of 5.02 TeV have been studied with the CMS experiment at the LHC. The measurement is performed with a three-particle correlation technique, using two particles with the same or opposite charge within the pseudorapidity range |η|<2.4, and a third particle measured in the hadron forward calorimeters (4.4
  18. Sirunyan AM, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Ambrogi F, Asilar E, Bergauer T, et al.
    Phys Rev Lett, 2018 Apr 06;120(14):142302.
    PMID: 29694107 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.142302
    Data from heavy ion collisions suggest that the evolution of a parton shower is modified by interactions with the color charges in the dense partonic medium created in these collisions, but it is not known where in the shower evolution the modifications occur. The momentum ratio of the two leading partons, resolved as subjets, provides information about the parton shower evolution. This substructure observable, known as the splitting function, reflects the process of a parton splitting into two other partons and has been measured for jets with transverse momentum between 140 and 500 GeV, in pp and PbPb collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 5.02 TeV per nucleon pair. In central PbPb collisions, the splitting function indicates a more unbalanced momentum ratio, compared to peripheral PbPb and pp collisions.. The measurements are compared to various predictions from event generators and analytical calculations.
  19. Sirunyan AM, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Ambrogi F, Asilar E, Bergauer T, et al.
    Phys Rev Lett, 2018 Jun 15;120(24):241801.
    PMID: 29956995 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.241801
    A search for physics beyond the standard model in events with one or more high-momentum Higgs bosons, H, decaying to pairs of b quarks in association with missing transverse momentum is presented. The data, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9  fb^{-1}, were collected with the CMS detector at the LHC in proton-proton collisions at the center-of-mass energy sqrt[s]=13  TeV. The analysis utilizes a new b quark tagging technique based on jet substructure to identify jets from H→bb[over ¯]. Events are categorized by the multiplicity of H-tagged jets, jet mass, and the missing transverse momentum. No significant deviation from standard model expectations is observed. In the context of supersymmetry (SUSY), limits on the cross sections of pair-produced gluinos are set, assuming that gluinos decay to quark pairs, H (or Z), and the lightest SUSY particle, LSP, through an intermediate next-to-lightest SUSY particle, NLSP. With large mass splitting between the NLSP and LSP, and 100% NLSP branching fraction to H, the lower limit on the gluino mass is found to be 2010 GeV.
  20. Sirunyan AM, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Ambrogi F, Asilar E, Bergauer T, et al.
    Phys Rev Lett, 2018 Jun 08;120(23):231801.
    PMID: 29932697 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.231801
    The observation of Higgs boson production in association with a top quark-antiquark pair is reported, based on a combined analysis of proton-proton collision data at center-of-mass energies of sqrt[s]=7, 8, and 13 TeV, corresponding to integrated luminosities of up to 5.1, 19.7, and 35.9  fb^{-1}, respectively. The data were collected with the CMS detector at the CERN LHC. The results of statistically independent searches for Higgs bosons produced in conjunction with a top quark-antiquark pair and decaying to pairs of W bosons, Z bosons, photons, τ leptons, or bottom quark jets are combined to maximize sensitivity. An excess of events is observed, with a significance of 5.2 standard deviations, over the expectation from the background-only hypothesis. The corresponding expected significance from the standard model for a Higgs boson mass of 125.09 GeV is 4.2 standard deviations. The combined best fit signal strength normalized to the standard model prediction is 1.26_{-0.26}^{+0.31}.
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