Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 24 in total

  1. Yousuf A, Arifin SRM, Musa R, Isa MLM
    One Health, 2020 Dec 20;11:100181.
    PMID: 33072837 DOI: 10.1016/j.onehlt.2020.100181
    The vast majority of its population being a pastoralist community, the Somali region in Ethiopia shares the longest border with its neighboring east African countries. These communities face a high risk for transmission of imported COVID-19 cases and remain vulnerable due to lack of access to health delivery and low utilisation of services. Valuable lessons from other countries, has placed the One Health Approach as an appropriate, feasible and applicable preventive and control measure for COVID-19. This paper discusses the epidemiological and social susceptibility of pastoral communities in the transmission of COVID-19 and the introduction of One Health Approach as an effective inter-disciplinary response and management.
    Matched MeSH terms: Africa, Eastern
  2. Boedeker W, Watts M, Clausing P, Marquez E
    BMC Public Health, 2020 Dec 07;20(1):1875.
    PMID: 33287770 DOI: 10.1186/s12889-020-09939-0
    BACKGROUND: Human poisoning by pesticides has long been seen as a severe public health problem. As early as 1990, a task force of the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that about one million unintentional pesticide poisonings occur annually, leading to approximately 20,000 deaths. Thirty years on there is no up-to-date picture of global pesticide poisoning despite an increase in global pesticide use. Our aim was to systematically review the prevalence of unintentional, acute pesticide poisoning (UAPP), and to estimate the annual global number of UAPP.

    METHODS: We carried out a systematic review of the scientific literature published between 2006 and 2018, supplemented by mortality data from WHO. We extracted data from 157 publications and the WHO cause-of-death database, then performed country-wise synopses, and arrived at annual numbers of national UAPP. World-wide UAPP was estimated based on national figures and population data for regions defined by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

    RESULTS: In total 141 countries were covered, including 58 by the 157 articles and an additional 83 by data from the WHO Mortality Database. Approximately 740,000 annual cases of UAPP were reported by the extracted publications resulting from 7446 fatalities and 733,921 non-fatal cases. On this basis, we estimate that about 385 million cases of UAPP occur annually world-wide including around 11,000 fatalities. Based on a worldwide farming population of approximately 860 million this means that about 44% of farmers are poisoned by pesticides every year. The greatest estimated number of UAPP cases is in southern Asia, followed by south-eastern Asia and east Africa with regards to non-fatal UAPP.

    CONCLUSIONS: Our study updates outdated figures on world-wide UAPP. Along with other estimates, robust evidence is presented that acute pesticide poisoning is an ongoing major global public health challenge. There is a need to recognize the high burden of non-fatal UAPP, particularly on farmers and farmworkers, and that the current focus solely on fatalities hampers international efforts in risk assessment and prevention of poisoning. Implementation of the international recommendations to phase out highly hazardous pesticides by the FAO Council could significantly reduce the burden of UAPP.

    Matched MeSH terms: Africa, Eastern
  3. Sánchez-Barreiro F, De Cahsan B, Westbury MV, Sun X, Margaryan A, Fontsere C, et al.
    Mol Biol Evol, 2023 Sep 01;40(9).
    PMID: 37561011 DOI: 10.1093/molbev/msad180
    The black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis L.) is a critically endangered species historically distributed across sub-Saharan Africa. Hunting and habitat disturbance have diminished both its numbers and distribution since the 19th century, but a poaching crisis in the late 20th century drove them to the brink of extinction. Genetic and genomic assessments can greatly increase our knowledge of the species and inform management strategies. However, when a species has been severely reduced, with the extirpation and artificial admixture of several populations, it is extremely challenging to obtain an accurate understanding of historic population structure and evolutionary history from extant samples. Therefore, we generated and analyzed whole genomes from 63 black rhinoceros museum specimens collected between 1775 and 1981. Results showed that the black rhinoceros could be genetically structured into six major historic populations (Central Africa, East Africa, Northwestern Africa, Northeastern Africa, Ruvuma, and Southern Africa) within which were nested four further subpopulations (Maasailand, southwestern, eastern rift, and northern rift), largely mirroring geography, with a punctuated north-south cline. However, we detected varying degrees of admixture among groups and found that several geographical barriers, most prominently the Zambezi River, drove population discontinuities. Genomic diversity was high in the middle of the range and decayed toward the periphery. This comprehensive historic portrait also allowed us to ascertain the ancestry of 20 resequenced genomes from extant populations. Lastly, using insights gained from this unique temporal data set, we suggest management strategies, some of which require urgent implementation, for the conservation of the remaining black rhinoceros diversity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Africa, Eastern
  4. Tilley A, Mills D, Short R, Kolding J
    Ambio, 2020 07;49(7):1268-1270.
    PMID: 31965559 DOI: 10.1007/s13280-019-01309-4
    Matched MeSH terms: Africa, Eastern
  5. Soon YY, Junaidi I, Kumarasamy V, Chem YK, Juliana R, Chua KB
    Med J Malaysia, 2007 Aug;62(3):214-7.
    PMID: 18246910 MyJurnal
    Since its isolation in Tanzania in 1953, chikungunya virus has caused periodic outbreaks in both tropical Africa and Asia. In the last decade, the virus has shown not only increased activity but has expanded its geographical locations, thus classical delineation of various genotypes of chikungunya virus to specific geographic locales no longer holds true. Rapid mass movement of people and the constant presence of the right vectors in this region could have contributed to the change in virus ecology. This paper documents the first detection of chikungunya virus of Central/East genotype in Malaysia from a patient who was most likely infected with the virus during her visit to India. Without good Aedes vector measures, only time will tell whether this genotype rather than the existing endemic genotype will subsequently cause the next chikungunya outbreak in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Africa, Eastern
  6. Lore W
    East Afr Med J, 1994 Dec;71(12):762-7.
    PMID: 7705242
    Between 1978 and 1987, Kenyan authors contributed an average of 47% of papers published in the East African Medical Journal (EAMJ), in comparison to 24% originating from Nigeria and 29% from other countries, mainly those in the eastern and central African region. From January 1988 to December 1993, 44.1% of the papers published in EAMJ originated from Kenyan authors as compared to 26.7% from Nigerian authors and 29.2% from authors in other countries. During this six year period, there has been a steady increase in authorship from Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia and Tanzania, whereas authorship from Uganda and Zambia has declined. Many authors from Saudi Arabia are individuals originally from Nigeria now working in Saudi Arabia. These data indicate that Kenyan authorship has dropped by 3% over the last six years compared to the 1978-1987 period, while that of Nigeria has increased by at least 3% over the same period. During the period under review, EAMJ has attracted papers from as far as China, Turkey, Malaysia, Canada, USA, France, Sweden and Hungary. Similarly, papers have been received from other African countries not previously contributing to the journal; these include: Gabon, Mozambique, RSA, Burkina Faso, Botswana, Burundi, Namibia, Liberia, Egypt, Somalia and Zaire. Possible factors influencing authorship in the EAMJ are discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Africa, Eastern
  7. Li JJ, Rahayu DL, Ng PKL
    Zootaxa, 2018 Sep 19;4482(3):451-490.
    PMID: 30313809 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4482.3.2
    The identity of the tree-spider crab, Parasesarma leptosoma (Hilgendorf, 1869) (family Sesarmidae), which is believed to be widely distributed in the Indo-West Pacific, is reassessed and shown to be a species-complex with nine species, seven of which are here described as new. Parasesarma leptosoma sensu stricto is now restricted to South and East Africa; and P. limbense (Rathbun, 1914) from Sulawesi, which had been regarded as a junior synonym, is here recognized as a valid species. The following species are described as new: P. gecko n. sp. from Vanuatu, Fiji, Guam and Japan; P. macaco n. sp. from Taiwan and the Philippines; P. kui n. sp. from Taiwan; P. parvulum n. sp. from the Philippines; P. gracilipes n. sp. from Indonesian Papua; P. purpureum n. sp. from Malaysia; and P. tarantula n. sp. from Sulawesi, Indonesia. The nine species of the Parasesarma leptosoma species-complex can be separated by the different shapes of their carapaces, the form of the dactylar tubercles on the male chelipeds, proportions of their ambulatory legs and the structure of the male first gonopod.
    Matched MeSH terms: Africa, Eastern
  8. Al-Alimi KR, Razak AAA, Saub R
    Afr Health Sci, 2018 Dec;18(4):1036-1045.
    PMID: 30766570 DOI: 10.4314/ahs.v18i4.25
    Backgrounds: People in Yemen and in East African countries chew khat more than five hours daily.

    Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between khat and occlusal caries progression.

    Methods: A cohort study was carried out among 98 Yemeni khat chewers and 101 non-chewers aged 18-35 years old with early occlusal caries lesions. All participants answered questions on socio-demographic, khat , oral hygiene , sugar intake, and oral health knowledge at baseline. All posterior teeth with an early enamel lesion on occlusal surfaces detected by visual inspection at baseline were also subjected to DIAGNOdent assessment to confirm early lesion (DIAGNOdent reading 13-24). Participants were re-examined after 12 weeks. Caries progression was considered to occur when the DIAGNOdent reading was >25. Data were analyzed using Relative risk, Mann-Whitney U test, a Wilcoxon Signed-Rank test and logistic regression analysis.

    Results: Occlusal caries progression incidence between khat chewers and non-chewers, with the relative risk was 1.68. There was no significant difference in occlusal caries progression on chewing side and non-chewing side among khat chewers. Khat chewing was a statistical predictor for those with low income.

    Conclusion: Khat is a risk factor for occlusion caries progression among low income group.

    Matched MeSH terms: Africa, Eastern/epidemiology
  9. AIDS Anal Afr, 1999 Jun-Jul;10(1):13.
    PMID: 12295121
    Matched MeSH terms: Africa, Eastern
  10. Shaper AG
    Pathol Microbiol (Basel), 1970;35(1):26-35.
    PMID: 5472024
    Matched MeSH terms: Africa, Eastern
  11. Wiesenfeld SL
    Science, 1967 Sep 08;157(3793):1134-40.
    PMID: 6038684
    The particular agricultural adaptation we have been considering is the ultimate determinant of the presence of malaria parasites in the intracellular environment of the human red blood cell. This change in the cellular environment is deleterious for normal individuals, but individuals with the sickle-cell gene are capable of changing their red-cell environment so that intense parasitism never develops. Normal individuals suffer higher mortality rates and lower fertility rates in a malarious environment than individuals with the sickle-cell trait do, so the latter contribute proportionately more people to succeeding generations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Africa, Eastern
  12. Madhwani KP, Nag PK
    Indian J Occup Environ Med, 2017 May-Aug;21(2):77-83.
    PMID: 29540968 DOI: 10.4103/ijoem.IJOEM_151_17
    Background: Use of laptops and hand-held devices increase the risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). More time spent on this activity adopting faulty postures, higher the risk of developing such injuries. This study addresses training on office ergonomics with emphasis on sustainable behavior change among employees to work in safe postures, as this is a top priority in the corporate environment, today.

    Aim: To explore training intervention methods that ensure wider coverage of awareness on office ergonomics, thereby promoting safer working and suggesting sustainable programs for behavior change and job enrichment.

    Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted (2012 - 2017), encompassing corporate office employees of multinational corporations selected from India, Dubai (U.A.E), Nairobi (East Africa), Durban (South Africa), South East Asian countries (Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Sri Lanka).Participant employees (n= 3503) were divided into two groups to study the effect of interventions'; i.e., (a) deep training: 40 minute lecture by the investigator with a power point presentation (n= 1765) using a mock workstation and (b) quick training: live demonstrations of 10 minutes (n= 1738) using a live workstation.

    Results: While deep training enhanced awareness in 95.51% and quick training in 96.59% globally, the latterwas much appreciated and educated maximum employees. From statistical analysis, quick training was found superior in providing comprehensive training and influencing behavior modification in India, but all over the world it was found highly superior in knowledge enlargement, skills enrichment in addition to providing comprehensive training (P< 0.05). In countries, located to West of India, it significantly influenced behavior modification.

    Conclusion: As because few employees attend deep training lectures, the quick 10-minute program is highly promising as it is practical, replicable, yields increased awareness with wider employee coverage in a much shorter time, instilling a feeling of caring and confidence amongst them towards a robust office ergonomics program. This could lead to propose as a best practice for corporate offices globally.
    Matched MeSH terms: Africa, Eastern
  13. Rosenthal VD, Yin R, Lu Y, Rodrigues C, Myatra SN, Kharbanda M, et al.
    Am J Infect Control, 2023 Jun;51(6):675-682.
    PMID: 36075294 DOI: 10.1016/j.ajic.2022.08.024
    BACKGROUND: The International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium has found a high ICU mortality rate. Our aim was to identify all-cause mortality risk factors in ICU-patients.

    METHODS: Multinational, multicenter, prospective cohort study at 786 ICUs of 312 hospitals in 147 cities in 37 Latin American, Asian, African, Middle Eastern, and European countries.

    RESULTS: Between 07/01/1998 and 02/12/2022, 300,827 patients, followed during 2,167,397 patient-days, acquired 21,371 HAIs. Following mortality risk factors were identified in multiple logistic regression: Central line-associated bloodstream infection (aOR:1.84; P

    Matched MeSH terms: Africa, Eastern
  14. Sorokowski P, Misiak M, Roberts SC, Kowal M, Butovskaya M, Omar-Fauzee MS, et al.
    Biol Lett, 2024 Jun;20(6):20240120.
    PMID: 38863390 DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2024.0120
    What makes an odour pleasant or unpleasant? The inherent properties of the constituent chemical compounds, or the nose of the beholder, driven by idiosyncratic differences and culture-specific learning? Here, 582 individuals, including Tanzanian Hadza hunter-gatherers, Amazonian Tsimane' horticulturalists, Yali from the Papuan highlands and two industrialized populations (Poles, Malaysians), rated the pleasantness of 15 odour samples. We find considerable similarities in odour assessments across cultures, but our data do not fully support a claim regarding the universality of smell preferences. Despite cross-cultural similarities in olfactory assessments, probably driven by odour properties, we suggest that odour availability in ecological and cultural niches bears an undeniable effect on human odour preferences.
    Matched MeSH terms: Africa, Eastern
  15. World AIDS Day Newsl, 1994;?(2):3.
    PMID: 12287964
    PIP: Five positive and negative experiences of families dealing with AIDS are recounted. Imrat in Malaysia is an HIV-infected son who was not rejected by his family. Prudence of Botswana is an infected widow with five children who had a less positive experience with her in-laws, while Eric of Sweden considers his friends to constitute his family. His relationships with friends have only strengthened since his HIV-positive status became known. Mary of Zimbabwe, however, was infected with HIV by her husband. She was formerly angry at him for having brought home the virus, but they have since stop quarreling and are focusing upon building a stronger relationship. Finally, the brief story of Juan in Colombia is told. Thirty-two years old, married, and with a 17-month old daughter, Juan did not tell his wife that he was actively bisexual. Once infected with HIV, Juan's wife threw him out, more because he had sex with men than because of his HIV serostatus.
    Matched MeSH terms: Africa, Eastern
  16. Ravina A
    Presse Med, 1968 Dec 7;76(48):2271-3.
    PMID: 5720934
    Matched MeSH terms: Africa, Eastern
  17. Appleyard RT
    Asian Pac Migr J, 1992;1(1):1-18.
    PMID: 12317235
    "Wide income differentials, the threat of increased illegal immigration from developing countries, and sub-replacement fertility in the developed countries are some reasons for the recent reassessment of the relationship between migration and development.... The model presented in this article proposes different roles for permanent immigrants, contract workers, professional transients, illegal migrants and others according to the stages of modernization of the sending and receiving countries. The model was found consistent with the experiences of Mauritius, Seychelles, Singapore and, to a lesser extent, Malaysia."
    Matched MeSH terms: Africa, Eastern
  18. Joekes S
    Focus Gend, 1994 Jun;2(2):13-8.
    PMID: 12345527
    Matched MeSH terms: Africa, Eastern
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