Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 338 in total

  1. Brooke GE
    Lancet, 1915;189:571.
    DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(01)53505-9
    Matched MeSH terms: Insecticides
    Med J Malaya, 1954 Mar;8(3):267-73.
    PMID: 13164698
    Matched MeSH terms: Insecticides*
    Med J Malaya, 1959 Mar;13(3):239-42.
    PMID: 13666192
    Matched MeSH terms: Insecticides*
  4. NAIR CP
    Nature, 1951 Jan 13;167(4237):74-5.
    PMID: 14796749
    Matched MeSH terms: Insecticides*
    Nature, 1951 May 26;167(4256):854-5.
    PMID: 14833440
    Matched MeSH terms: Insecticides*
  6. Sajap AS, Amit S, Welker J
    J Econ Entomol, 2000 Apr;93(2):429-33.
    PMID: 10826196
    Cellulosic bait matrices containing 0.5% hexaflumuron were tested against field colonies of the subterranean termite Coptotermes curvignathus Holmgren in Malaysia. Foraging activities of the termites were first monitored for several months by using survey stakes and wood bundles placed in underground monitoring traps. Infested stakes were replaced with bait devices. Termite workers to act as recruits were collected from infested stakes and placed in the bait devices. Subsequent activities of the termites were monitored by examining and weighing the wood in the monitoring traps. Data show that the four colonies had populations of 166,288-709,052 foragers and mean wood consumption rates of 305.9-508.2 g/mo per trap. These colonies ceased their activities at all monitoring devices 25-44 d after baiting had commenced. Colonies consumed approximately 27-79 g of bait matrix or 137.5-395 mg of hexaflumuron. Thus, C. curvignathus colonies could be monitored, characterized, baited, and foraging eliminated by using a bait matrix containing hexaflumuron.
    Matched MeSH terms: Insecticides*
  7. Onyinyechi OM, Mohd Nazan AIN, Ismail S
    Front Public Health, 2023;11:1217052.
    PMID: 37601202 DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1217052
    INTRODUCTION: Malaria health education intervention is a community-directed approach that has long been considered important in preventing malaria in sub-Saharan Africa. However, its effectiveness is being questioned due to a lack of strong evidence. We aim to synthesize the evidence of the impact of health education on malaria knowledge and insecticide-treated nets (ITN) usage. Specifically, we analyzed the odds of correctly answering malaria-related questions and the odds of using ITN between the intervention and control groups.

    METHODS: Experimental and observational studies conducted in sub-Saharan Africa between 2000 and 2021 which had quantitatively evaluated the impact of health education interventions on malaria knowledge and ITN usage were included in the review.

    RESULTS: A total of 11 studies (20,523 participants) were included. Four studies used educational interventions to teach appropriate ITN strategies and promote ITN usage. Two others focused on improving knowledge of malaria transmission, prevention, treatment, and its signs and symptoms. The remaining five studies assessed both ITN use and malaria knowledge. Of these, 10 were eligible for meta-analysis. On average, the odds of a person in the intervention group reporting better malaria knowledge (odds ratio 1.30, 95% CI: 1.00 to 1.70, p = 0.05) and higher ITN usage (odds ratio 1.53, 95% CI: 1.02 to 2.29, p = 0.004) increased significantly after receiving health education interventions compared to those in the control group. The odds of ITN usage also substantially increased when the interventions were based on a theory or model (odds ratio 5.27, 95% CI: 3.24 to 8.58, p = 0.05).

    DISCUSSION: Our review highlights sub-Saharan Africa's various health education strategies to curb malaria over the past two decades. Meta-analysis findings show that health education interventions are moderately effective in improving malaria knowledge and ITN usage and have contributed to the effort of global malaria strategy.

    Matched MeSH terms: Insecticides*
  8. Thoms V
    Bull World Health Organ, 1962;27:595-601.
    PMID: 13981115
    The levels of susceptibility of C. p. fatigans larvae from four different localities in Malaya to DDT, dieldrin, malathion, fenthion, diazinon and Sevin have been studied; their toxicity was: diazinon > fenthion > malathion > dieldrin > DDT > Sevin.Larvae from different localities showed a wide range of susceptibility to the chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides, dieldrin (40x) and DDT (10x), but the organophosphorus compounds and the carbamate compound, Sevin, gave consistent results from all localities. One strain from a rural area (Lamir) was the most susceptible to all insecticides and has been used as a reference strain for related studies on the development of resistance.
    Matched MeSH terms: Insecticides*
  9. Wharton RH
    Bull World Health Organ, 1958;18(4):657-65.
    PMID: 13536808
    Resistance to insecticides in Culex pipiens fatigans has already been reported from two areas in Malaya. In Penang two years' use of BHC as a larvicide resulted in the development of a strain which was found to have acquired a tenfold resistance to BHC, and also to dieldrin to which it had not been exposed. In Singapore, when larval control became unsatisfactory after 6 months' use of a dieldrin emulsion, laboratory experiments confirmed that active resistance to dieldrin had developed. The present observations report the finding of two further dieldrin-BHC resistant strains of C. p. fatigans in Malaya, but differ from the previous reports in that resistance, in one strain at least, was developed as a result of house-spraying with dieldrin against adult mosquitos. In this strain resistance to dieldrin was about 100 times in both adults and larvae, resistance to gamma-BHC in larvae was about 20 times, while resistance to DDT was slight.
    Matched MeSH terms: Insecticides*
  10. Amelia-Yap ZH, Azman AS, Hassandarvish P, Loong SK, Vinnie-Siow WY, Tan TK, et al.
    Trop Biomed, 2024 Dec 01;41(4):498-511.
    PMID: 39876508 DOI: 10.47665/tb.41.4.011
    The use of Streptomyces secondary metabolites for mosquito control has recently received positive attention. Accordingly, this study was performed to elucidate the cellular, genomic and biochemical responses of Aedes mosquitoes to Streptomyces sp. KSF103 ethyl acetate (EA) extract, a mixture previously characterized for its potential bioactivity. Through flow-cytometry based apoptosis assay, EA extract elicited apoptosis-mediated cell death in C6/36 cells of Aedes albopictus. Microarray analysis on Ae. aegypti larvae and adults revealed the potential involvement of tropomodulin and sestrin, which was validated by quantitative real-time RT-PCR, suggesting apoptosis induction in response to the EA extract. Functional analysis suggested that MAPK and Notch signaling pathways are linked to apoptosis. On the other hand, biochemical assays demonstrated acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibition in both larvae and adults, suggesting the toxicity disrupted their nervous system. In conclusion, this study has revealed the promising bioactivities of a Streptomyces-derived insecticide, providing insights into the mechanisms involved and emphasizing its potential significance in mosquito control.
    Matched MeSH terms: Insecticides/pharmacology
  11. Yu KX, Jantan I, Ahmad R, Wong CL
    Parasitol Res, 2014 Sep;113(9):3121-41.
    PMID: 25115733 DOI: 10.1007/s00436-014-4068-5
    Seaweeds are one of the most widely studied natural resources for their biological activities. Novel seaweed compounds with unique chemical structures have been reported for their pharmacological properties. The urge to search for novel insecticidal compound with a new mode of action for development of botanical insecticides supports the relevant scientific research on discovering the bioactive compounds in seaweeds. The mosquitocidal potential of seaweed extracts and their isolated compounds are documented in this review paper, along with the discussion on bioactivities of the major components of seaweeds such as polysaccharides, phenolics, proteins, terpenes, lipids, and halogenated compounds. The effects of seaweed extracts and compounds toward different life stages of mosquito (egg, larva, pupa, and adult), its growth, development, and reproduction are elaborated. The structure-activity relationships of mosquitocidal compounds are discussed to extrapolate the possible chemical characteristics of seaweed compounds responsible for insecticidal properties. Furthermore, the possible target sites and mode of actions of the mosquitocidal seaweed compounds are included in this paper. The potential synergistic effects between seaweeds and commercial insecticides as well as the toxic effects of seaweed extracts and compounds toward other insects and non-target organisms in the same habitat are also described. On top of that, various factors that influence the mosquitocidal potential of seaweeds, such as abiotic and biotic variables, sample preparation, test procedures, and considerations for a precise experimental design are discussed. The potential of active seaweed extracts and compounds in the development of effective bioinsecticide are also discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Insecticides/pharmacology*; Insecticides/chemistry*
  12. Normah Awang, Rosalina Kasim, Hidayatulfathi Othman, Nurul Farahana Kamaludin
    Perkembangan penggunaan insektisid sebatian organostanum(IV) terhadap Aedes aegypti telah diterokai dan diuji keberkesanannya bagi mengatasi masalah kerintangan insektisid sedia ada. Kajian ini dijalankan bertujuan menguji kesan insektisidal iaitu larvisidal dan adultisidal dua siri baru sebatian difenilstanum(IV) dan trifenilstanum(IV) alkilfenilditiokarbamat ke atas Ae. aegypti di makmal. Keempat-empat sebatian iaitu difenilstanum(IV) etilfenilditiokarbamat (DFEF), trifenilstanum(IV) etilfenilditiokarbamat (TFEF), difenilstanum(IV) butilfenilditiokarbamat (DFBF) dan trifenilstanum(IV) butilfenilditiokarbamat (TFBF) telah dijalankan ujian bioasai larvisidal ke atas larva instar ketiga Aedes aegypti. Kajian lanjutan diteruskan bagi sebatian yang telah menunjukkan aktiviti larvisidal terbaik untuk menguji kesan adultisidnya ke atas nyamuk betina Aedes aegypti. Hasil ujian bioasai larvisidal, didapati sebatian TFEF menunjukkan kesan larvisidal terbaik dengan nilai LC50 dan LC90 pada 0.082 ppm dan 0.184 ppm masing-masing. Sementara itu, sebatian TFBF juga menunjukkan kesan larvisidal yang baik dengan nilai LC50 dan LC90 masing-masing pada 0.108 ppm dan 0.273 ppm manakala kedua-dua sebatian DFEF dan DFBF didapati tidak menunjukkan kesan larvisidal yang baik. Ujian adultisidal pula, sebatian TFEF didapati tidak menunjukkan kesan adultisidal yang baik dengan nilai LC50 dan LC90 masing-masing yang agak tinggi iaitu 31,556.03 ppm dan 98,427.05 ppm. Walaupun sebatian TFEF didapati tidak menunjukkan kesan adultisid yang baik, ianya sangat berpotensi untuk dibangunkan sebagai larvisid. Namun begitu, kajian lanjutan perlu dilakukan untuk menjelaskan dan memastikan sebatian ini selamat digunakan sebagai larvisid.
    Matched MeSH terms: Insecticides
  13. Polunin I
    Lancet, 1959;273:525.
    SIR,-I was glad to read a letter from Dr. Copeland (Dec. 6), a pioneer in bringing medical treatment to the Muruts of North Borneo.1 I feel that something should be said about the present malaria situation there. McArthur's control measures for the vector " Anopheles leucosphyrus " (now A. balabacensis), were in fact resumed by him under the new post-war Government. Clearing the undergrowth around seepages was tried during 1949-52, and showed some reduction in vector breeding and spleen-rates.2 However, more recent surveys have shown that McArthur's experimental villages no longer show any malariometric advantage over comparison villages, despite his hopes for the relative permanence of his methods. It was decided by the GovemmentjW.H.O.jUNlcEF Malaria Project to use house spraying with residual insecticide, which had proved highly effective in Sarawak against the virtually identical A. leucosphyrus. For Dr. Copeland's information, these mosquitoes do rest on walls during the night for periods sufficiently long to make them susceptible to effective attack by residual insecticides. It has been shown during the past three years that residual insecticides produce a very great decrease in the density of the vector. On Labuan Island house-spraying alone has been successful in interrupting transmission, and when combined with antimalarial drugs it has been shown capable of controlling transmission even in the most difficult parts of the interior. The complete eradication of malaria from British North Borneo now appears to be an attainable goal.
    Matched MeSH terms: Insecticides
  14. Ho TM, Ismail S
    J Med Entomol, 1991 Nov;28(6):776-9.
    PMID: 1770512
    Toxicities of three pyrethroids, d-phenothrin, decamethrin, and permethrin, were evaluated in the laboratory against Leptotrombidium fletcheri (Womersley & Heaslip). The susceptibilities between populations of the species infected and noninfected with scrub typhus were investigated. The three pesticides exhibited different toxicities to the chiggers. D- phenothrin was the most toxic, followed by decamethrin, then permethrin. There were no significant differences between susceptibilities of the infected and noninfected populations. Log-probit regression lines indicated that the species was most sensitive to increasing concentrations of d-phenothrin and least sensitive to permethrin. The results show that the three pesticides are potential candidates for chemical control of L. fletcheri. It may be possible in the future to conduct similar bioassays only with the noninfected population, thus reducing risk of infection to workers conducting the bioassays. Similarly, there may not be a need to separate field-collected chiggers into the two populations before performing the bioassays.
    Matched MeSH terms: Insecticides*
  15. Sulaiman S, Omar B, Jeffery J, Busparani V
    J Am Mosq Control Assoc, 1991 Jun;7(2):322-3.
    PMID: 1895095
    Three pyrethroids were evaluated in the laboratory against Aedes albopictus females by exposure to insecticide impregnated papers, and to 4th instar Ae. albopictus larvae as insecticide solutions. Lambda-cyhalothrin was found to be the most effective pyrethroid when tested against Aedes albopictus adult females and larvae compared with that of deltamethrin and permethrin.
    Matched MeSH terms: Insecticides*
    Nature, 1950 Jan 07;165(4184):28.
    PMID: 15408907
    Matched MeSH terms: Insecticides*
  17. Amelia-Yap ZH, Chen CD, Sofian-Azirun M, Lau KW, Suana IW, Harmonis, et al.
    J Econ Entomol, 2018 12 14;111(6):2854-2860.
    PMID: 30265353 DOI: 10.1093/jee/toy296
    Aedes aegypti (L.) (Diptera: Culicidae) is the primary vector of several arthropod-borne viral infectious diseases globally. Relentless vector control efforts are performed to curtail disease transmissions, insecticides remain as the first line of defense in Indonesia. With a dearth of publication on the efficacy of mosquito coil in Indonesia, this is the first report related to mosquito coil despite its common use in households. Ae. aegypti mosquitoes were sampled from nine regencies in Indonesia and tested using the glass-chamber method against three commercially available local pyrethroid-based mosquito coils containing d-allethrin, transfluthrin, and metofluthrin. The 50% knockdown time of female Ae. aegypti tested with d-allethrin, transfluthrin, and metofluthrin containing coils ranged from 0.65 to 14.32; 0.8 to 16.4; and 0.78 to 20.57 min, respectively. Mortality rates in accordance with WHO resistance indicators showed that strains from Denpasar, Mataram, Kuningan, Padang, Samarinda, and Sumba Timur were resistant (<80% mortality rate), whereas strains from Manggarai Barat, Dompu, and Pontianak were susceptible (>98% mortality rate) to the active ingredients assayed. Moreover, the knockdown rates between d-allethrin and transfluthrin, d-allethrin and metofluthrin, as well as transfluthrin and metofluthrin displayed significant associations, portraying the presence of cross-resistance within pyrethroid insecticides. The minimal insecticidal effect of mosquito coils against some Indonesian Ae. aegypti also pointed out the development of pyrethroid resistance, prompting a revamping of the vector control system.
    Matched MeSH terms: Insecticide Resistance; Insecticides*
  18. Jamil RZR, Vandervoort C, Wise JC
    J Econ Entomol, 2019 09 23;112(5):2262-2267.
    PMID: 31115447 DOI: 10.1093/jee/toz131
    Neoseiulus fallacis (Garman) is a predatory mite that is common in apple orchards and distributed throughout North America. However, N. fallacis may be susceptible to pesticides used for the management of crop pests. This study aimed to evaluate the temporal effects of commonly used insecticides on N. fallacis survival. Neoseiulus fallacis adults were exposed to field-aged residues, and mortality and lethal time were measured over 96 h of exposure. Carbaryl caused high mortality to N. fallacis and the shortest lethal time values (LT50), followed by spinetoram, with moderate lethal time values. Esfenvalerate, acetamiprid, chlorantraniliprole, and novaluron showed little to no lethality to N. fallacis following exposure to dry field-aged residues. The results of this study provide important field-relevant knowledge that is often void from laboratory-based studies, which can aid integrated pest management (IPM) decision-makers in apple production systems.
    Matched MeSH terms: Insecticides*
  19. Satyaveanthan MV, Ng CL, Awang A, Lam KW, Hassan M
    Insect Mol Biol, 2023 Apr;32(2):143-159.
    PMID: 36454188 DOI: 10.1111/imb.12820
    In Southeast Asia, Conopomorpha cramerella (Snellen) which is commonly known as the cocoa pod borer (CPB) moth has been identified as the most detrimental pest of Theobroma cacao L. Apart from the various side effects on human health and non-target organisms, heavily relying on synthetic pyrethroid insecticides to control CPB infestations also increases the environmental contamination risks. Thus, developing biorational insecticides that minimally affect the non-target organism and environment by targeting the insect growth regulation process is needed to manage the pest population. In insects, juvenile hormones (JH) regulate critical biological events, especially metamorphosis, development and reproduction. Since the physiological roles of JH III vary among different organisms, the biochemical properties, especially substrate specificity and analogue inhibition, may also be different. Therefore, studies on the JH III biosynthetic pathway enzymes in both plants and insects are beneficial to discover more effective analogues. Bioinformatic analysis and biochemical characterization of a NADP+ -dependent farnesol dehydrogenase, an intermediate enzyme of the JH III pathway, from C. cramerella (CcFolDH), were described in this study. In addition, the farnesol analogues that may act as a potent analogue inhibitor for CcFolDH ware determined using in vitro enzymatic study. The phylogenetic analysis indicated that CcFolDH shared a close phylogenetic relationship to the honeybee's short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase. The 27 kDa CcFolDH has an NADP(H) binding domain with a typical Rossmann fold and is likely a homotetrameric protein in the solution. The enzyme had a greater preference for substrate trans, trans-farnesol and coenzyme NADP+ . In terms of analogue inhibitor inhibition, hexahydroxyfarnesyl acetone showed the highest inhibition (the lowest Ki ) compared to other farnesol analogues. Thus, hexahydroxyfarnesyl acetone would serve as the most potent active ingredient for future biorational pesticide management for C. cramerella infestation. Based on the bioinformatic analyses and biochemical characterizations conducted in this research, we proposed that rCcFolDH differs slightly from other reported farnesol dehydrogenases in terms of molecular weight, substrate preference, coenzymes utilization and analogue inhibitors selection.
    Matched MeSH terms: Insecticides*
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