Displaying all 13 publications

  1. Miah G, Rafii MY, Ismail MR, Puteh AB, Rahim HA, Latif MA
    J Sci Food Agric, 2017 Jul;97(9):2810-2818.
    PMID: 27778337 DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.8109
    BACKGROUND: The rice cultivar MR219 is famous for its better yield and long and fine grain quality; however, it is susceptible to blast disease. The main objective of this study was to introgress blast resistance genes into MR219 through marker-assisted selection (MAS). The rice cultivar MR219 was used as the recurrent parent, and Pongsu Seribu 1 was used as the donor.

    RESULTS: Marker-assisted foreground selection was performed using RM6836 and RM8225 to identify plants possessing blast resistance genes. Seventy microsatellite markers were used to estimate recurrent parent genome (RPG) recovery. Our analysis led to the development of 13 improved blast resistant lines with Piz, Pi2 and Pi9 broad-spectrum blast resistance genes and an MR219 genetic background. The RPG recovery of the selected improved lines was up to 97.70% with an average value of 95.98%. Selected improved lines showed a resistance response against the most virulent blast pathogen pathotype, P7.2. The selected improved lines did not express any negative effect on agronomic traits in comparison with MR219.

    CONCLUSION: The research findings of this study will be a conducive approach for the application of different molecular techniques that may result in accelerating the development of new disease-resistant rice varieties, which in turn will match rising demand and food security worldwide. © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry.

    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Diseases/immunology
  2. Rahim HA, Bhuiyan MA, Lim LS, Sabu KK, Saad A, Azhar M, et al.
    Genet. Mol. Res., 2012;11(3):3277-89.
    PMID: 23079822 DOI: 10.4238/2012.September.12.11
    Advanced backcross families derived from Oryza sativa cv MR219/O. rufipogon IRGC105491 were utilized for identification of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for blast resistance using simple sequence repeat markers. Two hundred and sixty-one BC(2)F(3) families were used to construct a linkage map, using 87 markers, which covered 2375.2 cM of 12 rice chromosomes, with a mean density of 27.3 cM. The families were evaluated in a greenhouse for resistance to blast disease caused by pathotypes P7.2 and P5.0 of Magnaporthe oryzae. Five QTLs (qBL5.1, qBL5.2, qBL6.1, qBL8.1, and qBL10.1) for pathotype P5.0 and four QTLs (qBL5.3, qBL5.4, qBL7.1, and qBL8.2) for pathotype P7.2 were identified using the BC(2)F(3) families. Another linkage map was also constructed based on 31 BC(2)F(5) families, using 63 SSR markers, which covered 474.9 cM of 9 rice chromosomes, with a mean density of 8.01 cM. Five suggestive QTLs (qBL11.2, qBL11.3, qBL12.1, qBL12.2, qBL12.3) and one putative QTL (qBL2.1) were identified for pathotype P7.2. Also, seven suggestive QTLs (qBL1.1, qBL2.2, qBL4.1, qBL4.2, qBL5.3, qBL8.3, and qBL11.1) were detected for pathotype P5.0. We conclude that there is a non-race-specific resistance spectrum of O. rufipogon against M. oryzae pathotypes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Diseases/immunology*
  3. Singh P, Mazumdar P, Harikrishna JA, Babu S
    Planta, 2019 Nov;250(5):1387-1407.
    PMID: 31346804 DOI: 10.1007/s00425-019-03246-8
    MAIN CONCLUSION: Rice sheath blight research should prioritise optimising biological control approaches, identification of resistance gene mechanisms and application in genetic improvement and smart farming for early disease detection. Rice sheath blight, caused by Rhizoctonia solani AG1-1A, is one of the most devasting diseases of the crop. To move forward with effective crop protection against sheath blight, it is important to review the published information related to pathogenicity and disease management and to determine areas of research that require deeper study. While progress has been made in the identification of pathogenesis-related genes both in rice and in the pathogen, the mechanisms remain unclear. Research related to disease management practices has addressed the use of agronomic practices, chemical control, biological control and genetic improvement: Optimising nitrogen fertiliser use in conjunction with plant spacing can reduce spread of infection while smart agriculture technologies such as crop monitoring with Unmanned Aerial Systems assist in early detection and management of sheath blight disease. Replacing older fungicides with natural fungicides and use of biological agents can provide effective sheath blight control, also minimising environmental impact. Genetic approaches that show promise for the control of sheath blight include treatment with exogenous dsRNA to silence pathogen gene expression, genome editing to develop rice lines with lower susceptibility to sheath blight and development of transgenic rice lines overexpressing or silencing pathogenesis related genes. The main challenges that were identified for effective crop protection against sheath blight are the adaptive flexibility of the pathogen, lack of resistant rice varieties, abscence of single resistance genes for use in breeding and low access of farmers to awareness programmes for optimal management practices.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Diseases/immunology
  4. Lau ET, Khew CY, Hwang SS
    J Biotechnol, 2020 May 20;314-315:53-62.
    PMID: 32302654 DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiotec.2020.03.014
    Black pepper is an important commodity crop in Malaysia that generates millions of annual revenue for the country. However, black pepper yield is affected by slow decline disease caused by a soil-borne fungus Fusarium solani. RNA sequencing transcriptomics approach has been employed in this study to explore the differential gene expression in susceptible Piper nigrum L. and resistant Piper colubrinum Link. Gene expression comparative analysis of the two pepper species has yielded 2,361 differentially expressed genes (DEGs). Among them, higher expression of 1,426 DEGs was detected in resistant plant. These DEGs practically demonstrated the major branches of plant-pathogen interaction pathway (Path: ko04626). We selected five groups of defence-related DEGs for downstream qRT-PCR analysis. Cf-9, the gene responsible for recognizing fungal avirulence protein activity was found inexpressible in susceptible plant. However, this gene exhibited promising expression in resistant plant. Inactivation of Cf-9 could be the factor that causes susceptible plant fail in recognition of F. solani and subsequently delay activation of adaptive response to fungal invasion. This vital study advance the understanding of pepper plant defence in response to F. solani and aid in identifying potential solution to manage slow decline disease in black pepper cultivation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Diseases/immunology
  5. Henry Sum MS, Yee SF, Eng L, Poili E, Lamdin J
    Biomed Res Int, 2017;2017:3608042.
    PMID: 29201901 DOI: 10.1155/2017/3608042
    Rice tungro disease (RTD) is one of the most destructive diseases of rice in South and Southeast Asia. RTD is routinely detected based on visual observation of the plant. However, it is not always easy to identify the disease in the field as it is often confused with other diseases or physiological disorders. Here we report the development of two serological based assays for ease of detection of RTD. In this study we had developed and optimized an indirect ELISA and dot-blot assay for detection of RTD. The efficiency of both assays was evaluated by comparing the specificity and sensitivity of the assays to PCR assay using established primer sets. The indirect ELISA showed 97.5% and 96.6%, while the dot-blot assay showed 97.5% and 86.4% sensitivity and specificity, respectively, when compared to established PCR method. The high sensitivity and specificity of the two assays merit the use of both assays as alternative methods to diagnose RTD. Furthermore, the dot-blot assay is a simple, robust, and rapid diagnostic assay that is suitable for field test for it does not require any specialized equipment. This is a great advantage for diagnosing RTD in paddy fields, especially in the rural areas.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Diseases/immunology
  6. Parvin W, Govender N, Othman R, Jaafar H, Rahman M, Wong MY
    Sci Rep, 2020 Sep 24;10(1):15621.
    PMID: 32973199 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-72156-7
    Pseudomonas aeruginosa developed its biocontrol agent property through the production of antifungal derivatives, with the phenazine among them. In this study, the applications of crude phenazine synthesized by Pseudomonas aeruginosa UPMP3 and hexaconazole were comparatively evaluated for their effectiveness to suppress basal stem rot infection in artificially G. boninense-challenged oil palm seedlings. A glasshouse experiment under the randomized completely block design was set with the following treatments: non-inoculated seedlings, G. boninense inoculated seedlings, G. boninense inoculated seedlings with 1 mg/ml phenazine application, G. boninense inoculated seedlings with 2 mg/ml phenazine application and G. boninense inoculated seedlings with 0.048 mg/ml hexaconazole application. Seedlings were screened for disease parameters and plant vigour traits (plant height, plant fresh weight, root fresh, and dry weight, stem diameter, and total chlorophyll) at 1-to-4 month post-inoculation (mpi). The application of 2 mg/ml phenazine significantly reduced disease severity (DS) at 44% in comparison to fungicide application (DS = 67%). Plant vigour improved from 1 to 4 mpi and the rate of disease reduction in seedlings with phenazine application (2 mg/ml) was twofold greater than hexaconazole. At 4, 6 and 8 wpi, an up-regulation of chitinase and β-1,3 glucanase genes in seedlings treated with phenazine suggests the involvement of induced resistance in G. boninense-oil palm pathosystem.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Diseases/immunology*
  7. Nadarajah K, Omar NS, Rosli MM, Shin Tze O
    Biomed Res Int, 2014;2014:434257.
    PMID: 25258710 DOI: 10.1155/2014/434257
    Two field isolates of Rhizoctonia solani were isolated from infected paddy plants in Malaysia. These isolates were verified via ITS-rDNA analysis that yielded ~720 bp products of the ITS1-5.8S-ITS4 region, respectively. The sequenced products showed insertion and substitution incidences which may result in strain diversity and possible variation in disease severity. These strains showed some regional and host-specific relatedness via Maximum Likelihood and further phylogenetic analysis via Maximum Parsimony showed that these strains were closely related to R. solani AG1-1A (with 99-100% identity). Subsequent to strain verification and analysis, these isolates were used in the screening of twenty rice varieties for tolerance or resistance to sheath blight via mycelial plug method where both isolates (1801 and 1802) showed resistance or moderate resistance to Teqing, TETEP, and Jasmine 85. Isolate 1802 was more virulent based on the disease severity index values. This study also showed that the mycelial plug techniques were efficient in providing uniform inoculum and humidity for screening. In addition this study shows that the disease severity index is a better mode of scoring for resistance compared to lesion length. These findings will provide a solid basis for our future breeding and screening activities at the institution.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Diseases/immunology
  8. Tan YC, Yeoh KA, Wong MY, Ho CL
    J Plant Physiol, 2013 Nov 01;170(16):1455-60.
    PMID: 23769496 DOI: 10.1016/j.jplph.2013.05.009
    Basal stem rot (BSR) is a major disease of oil palm caused by a pathogenic fungus, Ganoderma boninense. However, the interaction between the host plant and its pathogen is not well characterized. To better understand the response of oil palm to G. boninense, transcript profiles of eleven putative defence-related genes from oil palm were measured by quantitative reverse-transcription (qRT)-PCR in the roots of oil palms treated with G. boninense from 3 to 12 weeks post infection (wpi). These transcripts encode putative Bowman-Birk serine protease inhibitors (EgBBI1 and 2), defensin (EgDFS), dehydrin (EgDHN), early methionine-labeled polypeptides (EgEMLP1 and 2), glycine-rich RNA binding protein (EgGRRBP), isoflavone reductase (EgIFR), metallothionein-like protein (EgMT), pathogenesis-related-1 protein (EgPRP), and type 2 ribosome-inactivating protein (EgT2RIP). The transcript abundance of EgBBI2 increased in G. boninense-treated roots at 3 and 6wpi compared to those of controls; while the transcript abundance of EgBBI1, EgDFS, EgEMLP1, EgMT, and EgT2RIP increased in G. boninense-treated roots at 6 or 12wpi. Meanwhile, the gene expression of EgDHN was up-regulated at all three time points in G. boninense-treated roots. The expression profiles of the eleven transcripts were also studied in leaf samples upon inoculation of G. boninense and Trichoderma harzianum to identify potential biomarkers for early detection of BSR. Two candidate genes (EgEMLP1 and EgMT) that have different profiles in G. boninense-treated leaves compared to those infected by T. harzianum may have the potential to be developed as biomarkers for early detection of G. boninense infection.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Diseases/immunology*
  9. Sakeh NM, Abdullah SNA, Bahari MNA, Azzeme AM, Shaharuddin NA, Idris AS
    BMC Plant Biol, 2021 Jan 22;21(1):59.
    PMID: 33482731 DOI: 10.1186/s12870-020-02812-7
    BACKGROUND: Hemibiotrophic pathogen such as the fungal pathogen Ganoderma boninense that is destructive to oil palm, manipulates host defense mechanism by strategically switching from biotrophic to necrotrophic phase. Our previous study revealed two distinguishable expression profiles of oil palm genes that formed the basis in deducing biotrophic phase at early interaction which switched to necrotrophic phase at a later stage of infection.

    RESULTS: The present report is a continuing study from our previous published transcriptomic profiling of oil palm seedlings against G. boninense. We focused on identifying differentially expressed genes (DEGs) encoding transcription factors (TFs) from the same RNA-seq data; resulting in 106 upregulated and 108 downregulated TFs being identified. The DEGs are involved in four established defense-related pathways responsible for cell wall modification, reactive oxygen species (ROS)-mediated signaling, programmed cell death (PCD) and plant innate immunity. We discovered upregulation of JUNGBRUNNEN 1 (EgJUB1) during the fungal biotrophic phase while Ethylene Responsive Factor 113 (EgERF113) demonstrated prominent upregulation when the palm switches to defense against necrotrophic phase. EgJUB1 was shown to have a binding activity to a 19 bp palindromic SNBE1 element, WNNYBTNNNNNNNAMGNHW found in the promoter region of co-expressing EgHSFC-2b. Further in silico analysis of promoter regions revealed co-expression of EgJUB1 with TFs containing SNBE1 element with single nucleotide change at either the 5th or 18th position. Meanwhile, EgERF113 binds to both GCC and DRE/CRT elements promoting plasticity in upregulating the downstream defense-related genes. Both TFs were proven to be nuclear-localized based on subcellular localization experiment using onion epidermal cells.

    CONCLUSION: Our findings demonstrated unprecedented transcriptional reprogramming of specific TFs potentially to enable regulation of a specific set of genes during different infection phases of this hemibiotrophic fungal pathogen. The results propose the intricacy of oil palm defense response in orchestrating EgJUB1 during biotrophic and EgERF113 during the subsequent transition to the necrotrophic phase. Binding of EgJUB1 to SNBE motif instead of NACBS while EgERF113 to GCC-box and DRE/CRT motifs is unconventional and not normally associated with pathogen infection. Identification of these phase-specific oil palm TFs is important in designing strategies to tackle or attenuate the progress of infection.

    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Diseases/immunology*
  10. Habib MA, Yuen GC, Othman F, Zainudin NN, Latiff AA, Ismail MN
    Biochem. Cell Biol., 2017 04;95(2):232-242.
    PMID: 28177774 DOI: 10.1139/bcb-2016-0144
    The natural rubber latex extracted from the bark of Hevea brasiliensis plays various important roles in today's modern society. Following ultracentrifugation, the latex can be separated into 3 layers: C-serum, lutoids, and rubber particles. Previous studies have shown that a large number of proteins are present in these 3 layers. However, a complete proteome for this important plant is still unavailable. Protein sequences have been recently translated from the completed draft genome database of H. brasiliensis, leading to the creation of annotated protein databases of the following H. brasiliensis biosynthetic pathways: photosynthesis, latex allergens, rubberwood formation, latex biosynthesis, and disease resistance. This research was conducted to identify the proteins contained within the latex by way of de novo sequencing from mass spectral data obtained from the 3 layers of the latex. Peptides from these proteins were fragmented using collision-induced dissociation, higher-energy collisional dissociation, and electron-transfer dissociation activation methods. A large percentage of proteins from the biosynthetic pathways (63% to 100%) were successfully identified. In addition, a total of 1839 unique proteins were identified from the whole translated draft genome database (AnnHBM).
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Diseases/immunology
  11. Yeoh KA, Othman A, Meon S, Abdullah F, Ho CL
    J Plant Physiol, 2012 Oct 15;169(15):1565-70.
    PMID: 22854183 DOI: 10.1016/j.jplph.2012.07.006
    Glucanases are enzymes that hydrolyze a variety β-d-glucosidic linkages. Plant β-1,3-glucanases are able to degrade fungal cell walls; and promote the release of cell-wall derived fungal elicitors. In this study, three full-length cDNA sequences encoding oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) glucanases were analyzed. Sequence analyses of the cDNA sequences suggested that EgGlc1-1 is a putative β-d-glucan exohydolase belonging to glycosyl hydrolase (GH) family 3 while EgGlc5-1 and EgGlc5-2 are putative glucan endo-1,3-β-glucosidases belonging to GH family 17. The transcript abundance of these genes in the roots and leaves of oil palm seedlings treated with Ganoderma boninense and Trichoderma harzianum was profiled to investigate the involvement of these glucanases in oil palm during fungal infection. The gene expression of EgGlc1-1 in the root of oil palm seedlings was increased by T. harzianum but suppressed by G. boninense; while the gene expression of both EgGlc5-1 and EgGlc5-2 in the roots of oil palm seedlings was suppressed by G. boninense or/and T. harzianum.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Diseases/immunology*
  12. Mahdavi F, Sariah M, Maziah M
    Appl Biochem Biotechnol, 2012 Feb;166(4):1008-19.
    PMID: 22183565 DOI: 10.1007/s12010-011-9489-3
    The possibility of controlling Fusarium wilt--caused by Fusarium oxysporum sp. cubensec (race 4)--was investigated by genetic engineering of banana plants for constitutive expression of rice thaumatin-like protein (tlp) gene. Transgene was introduced to cauliflower-like bodies' cluster, induced from meristemic parts of male inflorescences, using particle bombardment with plasmid carrying a rice tlp gene driving by the CaMV 35S promoter. Hygromycin B was used as the selection reagent. The presence and integration of rice tlp gene in genomic DNA confirmed by PCR and Southern blot analyses. RT-PCR revealed the expression of transgene in leaf and root tissues in transformants. Bioassay of transgenic banana plants challenged with Fusarium wilt pathogen showed that expression of TLP enhanced resistance to F. oxysporum sp. cubensec (race 4) compared to control plants.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Diseases/immunology
  13. Hussain A, Khan MI, Albaqami M, Mahpara S, Noorka IR, Ahmed MAA, et al.
    Int J Mol Sci, 2021 Nov 08;22(21).
    PMID: 34769521 DOI: 10.3390/ijms222112091
    The WRKY transcription factors (TFs) network is composed of WRKY TFs' subset, which performs a critical role in immunity regulation of plants. However, functions of WRKY TFs' network remain unclear, particularly in non-model plants such as pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). This study functionally characterized CaWRKY30-a member of group III Pepper WRKY protein-for immunity of pepper against Ralstonia solanacearum infection. The CaWRKY30 was detected in nucleus, and its transcriptional expression levels were significantly upregulated by R. solanacearum inoculation (RSI), and foliar application ethylene (ET), abscisic acid (ABA), and salicylic acid (SA). Virus induced gene silencing (VIGS) of CaWRKY30 amplified pepper's vulnerability to RSI. Additionally, the silencing of CaWRKY30 by VIGS compromised HR-like cell death triggered by RSI and downregulated defense-associated marker genes, like CaPR1, CaNPR1, CaDEF1, CaABR1, CaHIR1, and CaWRKY40. Conversely, transient over-expression of CaWRKY30 in pepper leaves instigated HR-like cell death and upregulated defense-related maker genes. Furthermore, transient over-expression of CaWRKY30 upregulated transcriptional levels of CaWRKY6, CaWRKY22, CaWRKY27, and CaWRKY40. On the other hand, transient over-expression of CaWRKY6, CaWRKY22, CaWRKY27, and CaWRKY40 upregulated transcriptional expression levels of CaWRKY30. The results recommend that newly characterized CaWRKY30 positively regulates pepper's immunity against Ralstonia attack, which is governed by synergistically mediated signaling by phytohormones like ET, ABA, and SA, and transcriptionally assimilating into WRKY TFs networks, consisting of CaWRKY6, CaWRKY22, CaWRKY27, and CaWRKY40. Collectively, our data will facilitate to explicate the underlying mechanism of crosstalk between pepper's immunity and response to RSI.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Diseases/immunology*
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