A new Haemoproteid of Malaysian Microchiroptera (Hepatochstis rodhaini n. sp.) is described; it is classified in the genus Hepatocystis because of the morphology of its gametocytes and tissue schizonts.
Hepatocystis bainae n. sp., parasite on the Microchiropteran bat, Hipposideros galeritus is described and differentiated from Hepatocystis rodhaini; it is characterized by the type of the microgametocytes ("diffuse"), the small size of the hepatic schizonts and the repartition of the colloide.
Matched MeSH terms: Apicomplexa/classification*; Apicomplexa/growth & development
Malaysian Sciuridae are often parasitised by 2 species of Hepatocystis which were described as a single species Hepatocystis vassali malayensis by Field and Edeson, (1950). One of them corresponds to the majority of forms seen by Field and Edeson; it is redescribed herein and raised to specific status: H. v. malayensis becomes H. malayensis Field and Edeson, 1950. By the morphological characteristics of its gametocytes and schizonts, H. malayensis is related to H. kochi. The evolution of tissue schizonts studied at liver biopsies and autopsies of squirrels captured shortly before examination is of a peculiar type: an immunological tissue reaction appears with the hyperinfestation of the Rodents and controls the growth of the schizonts.
Hepatocystis brayi n. sp. is described and separated from the second species parasitising Malaysian Sciuridae, H. malayensis Field and Edeson, 1950. H. brayi is characterized by: 1) the evolution of its tissue schizonts which are intracellular throughout all their development; the cytoplasm and the nucleus of the host cell are highly hypertrophied; 2) the scarcity of the colloid. The schizogony persists for several months in the liver of infected animals and the gametocytaemia apparently undergoes seasonal relapses. H. brayi is a parasite of hosts occurring in the middle and under canopy, H. malayensis the middle and top canopy.
The susceptibility of three strains of Aedes aegypti (L.) to four strains of Ascogregarina culicis were studied under laboratory conditions. The parasite was found to be pathogenic to the mosquito; although pathogenicity varied among geographical strains of A. culicis and susceptibility varied among geographical strains of Ae. aegypti. In addition to affecting the survival of the mosquito larvae, infection with the parasite was found to shorten larval development time. Selected strains of A. culicis may be useful as a biological control agent against Ae. aegypti.
The development of H. brayi was followed mainly in C. variipenis up to the stage of mature oocysts. Unlike H. kochi, the oocysts of H. brayi develop at the same site as those of Plasmodium between the epithelium and the basal membrane of the stomach.
An immature merocyst of Hepatocystis malayensis and gametocytes of H. brayi were studied with the electron microscope. The merocyst consisted of a highly complex cytoplasmic reticulum ramifying through an amorphous matrix: the entire complex was enclosed by a simple unit membrane. The host cell was apparently destroyed completely during growth of the cyst. Immature gametocytes were highly amoeboid and showed extensive vacuolisation or attenuation of the cytoplasm. The nucleus contained one or two prominent nucleoli. Mature gametocytes had compact cytoplasm and contained pyriform osmiophilic bodies which were believed to function in the release of the parasites from the host cells. Macrogametocytes were distinguished from microgametocytes by cytoplasmic differences in numbers of ribosomes, and cristate mitochondria and in the extent of development of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum. The compact nuclei of the macrogametocytes had inconspicuous DNA but prominent nucleoli whereas those of the microgametocytes were irregular and showed a central aggregate of DNA. In microgametogenesis karyokinesis of the parent nucleus was delayed until axoneme formation was complete. Then the nuclear buds were extruded into emerging microgametes. At fertilisation the plasmalemmas of the two gametes fused and the single axoneme and nucleus of the microgamete moved into the cytoplasm of the macrogamete.
Eimeria nebulosa n. sp. and Klossia pachyleparon n. sp. are described from the monitor lizard Varanus nebulosus in Malaysia. The flask shaped oocysts of E. nebulosa average 20.7 by 12.6 mum. The oocyst wall is composed of a single layer. There is a single polar granule but no residuum. Ellipsoidal sporocysts average 11.1 by 5.6 mum. A sporocyst residuum is present. Endogenous stages develop in the epithelial cells of the small intestine. The splerical oocysts of K. pachyleparon average 33.6 mum in diameter. The wall is about 2.5 mum thick and is composed of 3 layers. The spherical sporocysts average 10.8 mum in diameter. Sporocysts contain 4 sporozoites and residuum. Developmental stages were not observed.
Leucocytozoon coracinae sp. nov. is described from the avian family Campephagidae and Hepatozoon apodis sp. nov. from the Apodidae. The distribution of these parasites within their respective families is discussed.
Hepatozoon canis has been widely reported in dogs. Its prevalence in ticks, however, has not been well-established. Here we determine the occurrence of Hepatozoon DNA in the brown dog tick Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latreille) (Acari: Ixodidae) sensu lato (s.l.) and domestic dogs from Peninsular Malaysia using a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay based on amplification of the 18S ribosomal RNA coding sequence. Our results revealed a relatively low prevalence of H. canis DNA in both R. sanguineus s.l. (0.7%) and dogs (3.33%). This study represents the first report of H. canis DNA in R. sanguineus s.l. in Malaysia, highlighting the risk of this infection in dogs.
Ninety-five specimens of 14 freshwater fish species from small streams in the Kuala Terengganu district and the Lake Kenyir Reservoir, Malaysia, were surveyed for coccidian infections. Six fish species proved to be infected with apicomplexans belonging to the genus Goussia. In all of these fishes Goussia species were found in unsporulated and semisporulated stages. Oöcysts of four species inhabiting the intestinal epithelium became sporulated in tap-water within 24 hours. In two fish species sporulation failed and only unsporulated oöcysts were recorded in the intestine. Three of the intestinal species finishing sporulation proved to be new to science and were described as Goussia malayensis n. sp., G. bettae n. sp. and G. pogonognathi n. sp. from Apocheilus panchax, Betta splendens and Hemirhamphodon pogonognatus, respectively. The fourth species, found in Trichogaster pectoralis, was identified as G. trichogasteri Székely & Molnár, 1992, a species known from aquarium-cultured T. trichopterus.