Displaying all 6 publications

  1. Erdogan A, Rao SS, Gulley D, Jacobs C, Lee YY, Badger C
    Neurogastroenterol Motil, 2015 Aug;27(8):1192-3.
    PMID: 26220649 DOI: 10.1111/nmo.12603
    Matched MeSH terms: Breath Tests/methods*
  2. Chuah KH, Hian WX, Lim SZ, Beh KH, Mahadeva S
    J Dig Dis, 2023 Mar;24(3):194-202.
    PMID: 37200005 DOI: 10.1111/1751-2980.13189
    OBJECTIVE: To explore the factors associated with small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), and to further evaluate the impact of SIBO on irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in terms of symptom severity and health-related quality of life (HRQoL).

    METHODS: A cross-sectional study of consecutive adult patients who underwent glucose hydrogen breath test was conducted. Factors associated with SIBO were evaluated. Symptom severity and HRQoL of IBS patients with and without SIBO were compared. The independent factors associated with severe IBS were explored.

    RESULTS: A total of 160 patients were included (median age 40 years, males 31.3%). IBS was present among 53.8% of subjects, with 33.8% having diarrhea-predominant IBS (IBS-D). SIBO was diagnosed in 22.5% of the study population. Patients with SIBO were more commonly diagnosed with IBS-D than those without (50.0% vs 29.0%, P = 0.019). Severe IBS was associated with SIBO (36.4% vs 15.6%, P = 0.043). SIBO was associated with poorer HRQoL (Euroqol five-dimensional utility score: 0.73 vs 0.80, P = 0.024). SIBO (44.4% vs 20.6%, P = 0.043), anxiety (77.8% vs. 39.7%, P = 0.004), and depression (50.0% vs 19.1%, P = 0.011) were associated with severe IBS in the univariate analysis. However, SIBO was the only independent factor associated with severe IBS in the multivariate analysis (adjusted odds ratio 3.83, 95% confidence interval CI 1.02-14.34, P = 0.046).

    CONCLUSIONS: There was a significant association between IBS-D and SIBO. The coexistence of SIBO had a significant negative impact on IBS patients.

    Matched MeSH terms: Breath Tests/methods
  3. Lee WS, Davidson GP, Moore DJ, Butler RN
    J Paediatr Child Health, 2000 Aug;36(4):340-2.
    PMID: 10940167
    OBJECTIVE: To assess the validity and clinical application of a hand-held breath hydrogen (H2) analyzer (BreatH2, Europa Scientific, Crewe, UK).

    METHODOLOGY: Breath samples of patients referred to the Gastroenterology Unit, Women's and Children's Hospital, North Adelaide, South Australia, for confirmation of the diagnosis of carbohydrate malabsorption were analysed with the Quintron microlyzer (Quintron Instrument Co., Milwaukee, USA) and the BreatH2 analyser, using the Quintron microlyzer as the gold standard.

    RESULTS: Twenty-nine breath H2 tests (BHT) were performed in 29 patients aged 2 months to 61 years. The sensitivity and specificity of the BreatH2 analyser in detecting a positive BHT using the Quintron microlyser as the gold standard were 0.90 and 0.95 with positive and negative predictive values of 0.90 and 0.95, respectively. There was one false positive and one false negative reading. Bland-Altman plots showed a high degree of agreement between the values obtained with two different methods.

    CONCLUSIONS: The diagnosis of carbohydrate malabsorption, using a portable breath H2 analyser (BreatH2), achieved an acceptable degree of sensitivity and specificity, enabling it to be used where no alternative is available.

    Matched MeSH terms: Breath Tests/methods
  4. Singh OP, Howe TA, Malarvili MB
    J Breath Res, 2018 01 04;12(2):026003.
    PMID: 28928295 DOI: 10.1088/1752-7163/aa8dbd
    The development of a human respiration carbon dioxide (CO2) measurement device to evaluate cardiorespiratory status inside and outside a hospital setting has proven to be a challenging area of research over the few last decades. Hence, we report a real-time, user operable CO2 measurement device using an infrared CO2 sensor (Arduino Mega2560) and a thin film transistor (TFT, 3.5″), incorporated with low pass (cut-off frequency, 10 Hz) and moving average (span, 8) filters. The proposed device measures features such as partial end-tidal carbon dioxide (EtCO2), respiratory rate (RR), inspired carbon dioxide (ICO2), and a newly proposed feature-Hjorth activity-that annotates data with the date and time from a real-time clock, and is stored onto a secure digital (SD) card. Further, it was tested on 22 healthy subjects and the performance (reliability, validity and relationship) of each feature was established using (1) an intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), (2) standard error measurement (SEM), (3) smallest detectable difference (SDD), (4) Bland-Altman plot, and (5) Pearson's correlation (r). The SEM, SDD, and ICC values for inter- and intra-rater reliability were less than 5% and more than 0.8, respectively. Further, the Bland-Altman plot demonstrates that mean differences ± standard deviations for a set limit were 0.30 ± 0.77 mmHg, -0.34 ± 1.41 mmHg and 0.21 ± 0.64 breath per minute (bpm) for CO2, EtCO2 and RR. The findings revealed that the developed device is highly reliable, providing valid measurements for CO2, EtCO2, ICO2 and RR, and can be used in clinical settings for cardiorespiratory assessment. This research also demonstrates that EtCO2 and RR (r, -0.696) are negatively correlated while EtCO2 and activity (r, 0.846) are positively correlated. Thus, simultaneous measurement of these features may possibly assist physicians in understanding the subject's cardiopulmonary status. In future, the proposed device will be tested with asthmatic patients for use as an early screening tool outside a hospital setting.
    Matched MeSH terms: Breath Tests/methods*
  5. Marsden PA, Satia I, Ibrahim B, Woodcock A, Yates L, Donnelly I, et al.
    Chest, 2016 06;149(6):1460-6.
    PMID: 26973014 DOI: 10.1016/j.chest.2016.02.676
    BACKGROUND: Cough is recognized as an important troublesome symptom in the diagnosis and monitoring of asthma. Asthma control is thought to be determined by the degree of airway inflammation and hyperresponsiveness but how these factors relate to cough frequency is unclear. The goal of this study was to investigate the relationships between objective cough frequency, disease control, airflow obstruction, and airway inflammation in asthma.

    METHODS: Participants with asthma underwent 24-h ambulatory cough monitoring and assessment of exhaled nitric oxide, spirometry, methacholine challenge, and sputum induction (cell counts and inflammatory mediator levels). Asthma control was assessed by using the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) classification and the Asthma Control Questionnaire (ACQ). The number of cough sounds was manually counted and expressed as coughs per hour (c/h).

    RESULTS: Eighty-nine subjects with asthma (mean ± SD age, 57 ± 12 years; 57% female) were recruited. According to GINA criteria, 18 (20.2%) patients were classified as controlled, 39 (43.8%) partly controlled, and 32 (36%) uncontrolled; the median ACQ score was 1 (range, 0.0-4.4). The 6-item ACQ correlated with 24-h cough frequency (r = 0.40; P < .001), and patients with uncontrolled asthma (per GINA criteria) had higher median 24-h cough frequency (4.2 c/h; range, 0.3-27.6) compared with partially controlled asthma (1.8 c/h; range, 0.2-25.3; P = .01) and controlled asthma (1.7 c/h; range, 0.3-6.7; P = .002). Measures of airway inflammation were not significantly different between GINA categories and were not correlated with ACQ. In multivariate analyses, increasing cough frequency and worsening FEV1 independently predicted measures of asthma control.

    CONCLUSIONS: Ambulatory cough frequency monitoring provides an objective assessment of asthma symptoms that correlates with standard measures of asthma control but not airflow obstruction or airway inflammation. Moreover, cough frequency and airflow obstruction represent independent dimensions of asthma control.
    Matched MeSH terms: Breath Tests/methods
  6. Kim KT, Morton S, Howe S, Chiew YS, Knopp JL, Docherty P, et al.
    Trials, 2020 Feb 01;21(1):130.
    PMID: 32007099 DOI: 10.1186/s13063-019-4035-7
    BACKGROUND: Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) at minimum respiratory elastance during mechanical ventilation (MV) in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) may improve patient care and outcome. The Clinical utilisation of respiratory elastance (CURE) trial is a two-arm, randomised controlled trial (RCT) investigating the performance of PEEP selected at an objective, model-based minimal respiratory system elastance in patients with ARDS.

    METHODS AND DESIGN: The CURE RCT compares two groups of patients requiring invasive MV with a partial pressure of arterial oxygen/fraction of inspired oxygen (PaO2/FiO2) ratio ≤ 200; one criterion of the Berlin consensus definition of moderate (≤ 200) or severe (≤ 100) ARDS. All patients are ventilated using pressure controlled (bi-level) ventilation with tidal volume = 6-8 ml/kg. Patients randomised to the control group will have PEEP selected per standard practice (SPV). Patients randomised to the intervention will have PEEP selected based on a minimal elastance using a model-based computerised method. The CURE RCT is a single-centre trial in the intensive care unit (ICU) of Christchurch hospital, New Zealand, with a target sample size of 320 patients over a maximum of 3 years. The primary outcome is the area under the curve (AUC) ratio of arterial blood oxygenation to the fraction of inspired oxygen over time. Secondary outcomes include length of time of MV, ventilator-free days (VFD) up to 28 days, ICU and hospital length of stay, AUC of oxygen saturation (SpO2)/FiO2 during MV, number of desaturation events (SpO2 

    Matched MeSH terms: Breath Tests/methods
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