Displaying all 7 publications

  1. Sethuraman RM, Suresh V
    Intensive Care Med, 2023 May;49(5):602-603.
    PMID: 36964215 DOI: 10.1007/s00134-023-07030-x
    Matched MeSH terms: Paraspinal Muscles
  2. Rabbi MF, Ghazali KH, Mohd II, Alqahtani M, Altwijri O, Ahamed NU
    J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil, 2018;31(6):1097-1104.
    PMID: 29945343 DOI: 10.3233/BMR-170988
    This study aimed to investigate the electrical activity of two muscles located at the dorsal surface during Islamic prayer (Salat). Specifically, the electromyography (EMG) activity of the erector spinae and trapezius muscles during four positions observed while performing Salat, namely standing, bowing, sitting and prostration, were investigated. Seven adult subjects with an average age of 28.1 (± 3.8) years were included in the study. EMG data were obtained from their trapezius and erector spinae muscles while the subjects maintained the specific positions of Salat. The EMG signal was analysed using time and frequency domain features. The results indicate that the trapezius muscle remains relaxed during the standing and sitting positions while the erector spinae muscle remains contracted during these two positions. Additionally, during the bowing and prostration positions of Salat, these two muscles exhibit the opposite activities: the trapezius muscle remains contracted while the erector spinae muscle remains relaxed. Overall, both muscles maintain a balance in terms of contraction and relaxation during bowing and prostration position. The irregularity of the neuro-muscular signal might cause pain and prevent Muslims from performing their obligatory prayer. This study will aid the accurate understanding of how the back muscles respond in specific postures during Salat.
    Matched MeSH terms: Paraspinal Muscles/physiology*
  3. Zunariah, B., Zamzuri, Z., Che Nor Zarida, C.S., Rosnani, A.J.
    Introduction: The New Zealand White (NZW) rabbit model is commonly used for the research of
    posterolateral intertransverse lumbar arthrodesis. The standard approach reported by many
    researchers are a muscle splitting approach through the intermuscular plane between multifidus and longissimus muscles. Methods: In this research the fusion bed was exposed by retracting the three groups of paraspinal muscles (multifidus, longissimus and iliocostalis) medially. Results: This alternative method showed good exposure of the transverse processes and intertransverse membrane with less bleeding from the muscles observed. No death due to surgical complication was observed out of twenty-four rabbits operated. Conclusion: An easy and safe method for performing posterolateral intertransverse lumbar arthrodesis was demonstrated and recommended as an alternative approach for surgery on New Zealand White rabbits.
    Matched MeSH terms: Paraspinal Muscles
  4. Mohamed, E., Ibrahim, A.A., Ihab, E.A., Elwany, S., Hassab, M.H., Khamis, H.M.
    Introduction: The New Zealand White (NZW) rabbit model is commonly used for the research of
    posterolateral intertransverse lumbar arthrodesis. The standard approach reported by many researchers are a muscle splitting approach through the intermuscular plane between multifidus and longissimus muscles. Methods: In this research the fusion bed was exposed by retracting the three groups of paraspinal muscles (multifidus, longissimus and iliocostalis) medially. Results: This alternative method showed good exposure of the transverse processes and intertransverse membrane with less bleeding from the muscles observed. No death due to surgical complication was observed out of twenty-four rabbits operated. Conclusion: An easy and safe method for performing posterolateral intertransverse lumbar arthrodesis was demonstrated and recommended as an alternative approach for surgery on New Zealand White rabbits.
    Matched MeSH terms: Paraspinal Muscles
  5. Khil EK, Choi JA, Hwang E, Sidek S, Choi I
    BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 2020 Jun 26;21(1):403.
    PMID: 32590960 DOI: 10.1186/s12891-020-03432-w
    BACKGROUND: To evaluate paraspinal back muscles of asymptomatic subjects using qualitative and quantitative analysis on CT and MRI and correlate the results with demographic data.

    METHODS: Twenty-nine asymptomatic subjects were enrolled prospectively (age: mean 34.31, range 23-50; 14 men, 15 women) from August 2016 to April 2017. Qualitative analysis of muscles was done using Goutallier's system on CT and MRI. Quantitative analysis entailed cross sectional area (CSA) on CT and MRI, Hounsfield unit (HU) on CT, fat fraction using two-point Dixon technique on MRI. Three readers independently analyzed the images; intra- and inter-observer agreements were measured. Linear regression and Spearman's analyses were used for correlation with demographic data.

    RESULTS: CSA values were significantly higher in men (p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Paraspinal Muscles/pathology*; Paraspinal Muscles/physiopathology
  6. Areeudomwong P, Buttagat V
    Malays J Med Sci, 2019 Nov;26(6):77-89.
    PMID: 31908589 DOI: 10.21315/mjms2019.26.6.8
    Background: Existing literature offers little guidance for therapists who provide core stabilisation exercise (CSE) and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) training to treat chronic low back pain (CLBP). Studies conducting a head-to-head comparison of CSE and PNF training for CLBP are needed.

    Objective: To compare the effects of CSE and PNF training on pain-related outcomes and trunk muscle activity in CLBP patients.

    Methods: Forty-five CLBP patients, ranging from 18 to 50 years of age, were randomly divided and assigned to either a four-week CSE, four-week PNF training, or control group. Pain-related outcomes, including pain intensity, functional disability and patient satisfaction, as well as superficial and deep trunk muscle activity were assessed before and after the four-week intervention, and at a three-month follow-up.

    Results: Compared to the control group, those in the CSE and PNF training groups showed significant improvements in all pain-related outcomes after the four-week intervention and at three-month follow-up (P < 0.01). Following the four-week intervention, both CSE and PNF training groups demonstrated significant improvement in deep trunk muscle activity, including the transversus abdominis (TrA) and superficial fibres of lumbar multifidus (LM), compared to the control group (P < 0.05).

    Conclusion: Four-week CSE and PNF training provided short-term and long-term effects on pain-related outcomes, along with increased deep trunk muscle activity in CLBP patients.

    Matched MeSH terms: Paraspinal Muscles
  7. Hanifah J, Joehaimey J, Yusof MI
    Malays Orthop J, 2017 Jul;11(2):85-88.
    PMID: 29021888 MyJurnal DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.1707.018
    Spinal epidural abscess is a severe, generally pyogenic, infection of the epidural space of spinal cord or cauda equina. The swelling caused by the abscess leads to compression or vascular disruption of neurological structures that requires urgent surgical decompression to avoid significant permanent disability. We share a rare case of Klebsiella pneumoniae spinal epidural abscess secondary to haematogenous spread of previous lung infection that presented late at our centre with cauda equina syndrome that showed good short-term outcome in delayed decompression. A 50-year old female presented with one-week history of persistent low back pain with progressively worsening bilateral lower limb weakness for seven days and urinary retention associated with saddle anesthesia of 2-day duration. Magnetic resonance imaging with contrast of the lumbo-sacral region showed an intramuscular collection of abscess at left gluteus maximus and left multifidus muscle with a L3-L5 posteriorly placed extradural lesion enhancing peripherally on contrast, suggestive of epidural abscess that compressed the cauda equina. The pus was drained using the posterior lumbar approach. Tissue and pus culture revealed Klebsiella pneumoniae, suggestive of bacterial infection. The patient made immediate improvement of muscle power over bilateral lower limbs postoperative followed by ability to control micturition and defecation the 4th post-operative day. A good short-term outcome in delayed decompression of cauda equine syndrome is extremely rare. Aggressive surgical decompression combined with antibiotic therapy led to good short-term outcome in this patient despite delayed decompression of more than 48 hours.
    Matched MeSH terms: Paraspinal Muscles
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