Lower lip numbness has always been a sinister symptom. Much has been written about it being the sole symptom of pathological lesions and metastatic tumours in the mandible. It may also be a symptom of manifestations of certain systemic disorders. A case of lower lip numbness resulting from the compression of the mental nerve by a peri-radicular abscess is presented because of the unusual nature of this spread of infection.
Ludwig's angina is a potentially lethal oro-facial cellulitis due to oro-dental infection. The aetiology and management of a case of Ludwig's angina are briefly discussed.
Awake fibreoptic intubation (AFOI) is an established modality in patients with anticipated difficulty with tracheal intubation. This case demonstrates that with careful and meticulous preparations, AFOI can lead to improved airway management and excellent patient outcomes. A 38-year-old woman presented with severe trismus secondary to odentogenous abscess was identified preoperatively as having a potential difficult airway. AFOI was performed successfully using combined Spray-As-You-Go and dexmedetomidine technique.
A case of non-vital infected dens invaginatus of the maxillary right lateral incisor with open apex, which presented with pain and swelling is presented. Although root growth and apical closure was achieved using calcium hydroxide, the periapical infection persisted and resolution was only achieved after apical curettage and apicectomy.
A 43 year-old man presented with pain on the right tooth for three days duration. Computed tomography showed left orbital cellulitis and right parapharyngeal abscess. There was also evidence suggestive of a dental abscess over right upper alveolar region. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed left superior ophthalmic vein thrombosis. Emergency drainage of the right parapharyngeal abscess was performed. Right maxillary molar extraction revealed periapical abscess. Left eye proptosis markedly reduced after initiating heparin.
Dental pulp is prone to dystrophic mineralization; this mineralization can be so extensive that the entire root canal system is obliterated. As a result, root canal treatment can become a difficult if not impossible task. This article presents the endodontic management of a tooth with an obliterated pulp chamber and associated with a discharging sinus in a teenage patient. The role of a calcium hydroxide lining to induce mineralization and cause the obliteration of the pulpal space is also discussed.