Description of a new species of Oxyurid: Syphacia (Syphatineria) callosciuri n. sp. parasite of a Sciurid rodent Callosciuris caniceps in Malaysia. In rodents belonging to the genus Callosciurus in Malaysia two species: S callosciuri n. sp. and S. owyangi Quentin, 1975, show morphological characteristics which are intermediate between the primitive Syphacia and two different lines of species parasite of recent rodents. These observations appear to indicate that the adaptation of Syphacia of Sciurids to the modern rodents has occured in South-East Asia.
Serum levels were determined in urban Chinese, Malays and Indians and in the forest-residing Orang Asli of age group 11 to 50. There was no difference in the IgM levels in the Chinese, Indians and Malays, but the serum IgG was elevated (p less than 0.05) in the Malays and the serum IgA level (p less than 0.01) in the Indians, when compared to the other two races. In contrast to the three other races there was a significant elevation of all three immunoglobulins in the Orang Asli. The mean immunoglobulin levels of the urban Malaysians are comparable to those reported for Caucasians residing in temperate countries. However, in the Orang Asli, the immunoglobulin levels were higher than observed for populations of the temperate regions but are comparable to the levels reported for several other populations of the tropical regions. Females had higher IgM levels than males in the Chinese, Indian and Malays but in the Orang Asli there was no sex difference in the immunoglobulin levels.
Mesocoelium malayanum sp. n. is described from the frog Rana macrodon, in Malaysia. Elongate body, broader anteriorly, measuring 1.900 (1.679-2.070) mm long by 0.404 (0.380-0.437) wide, tegument aspinose oral sucker 0.212 (0.200-0.228) by 0.202 (9.191-0.205), acetabulum 0.141 (0.132-0.150) by 0.139 (0.123-0.146), prepharynx present, oesophagus 0.115 (0.096-0.137), caeca reaching posterior 1/3 of body, anterior testis 0.097 (0.087-0.110) by 0.091 (0.087-0.100) dorsal to acetabulum, posterior testis 0.094 (0.087-0.101) by 0.092 (0.091-0.100), cirrus pouch 0.121 (0.111-0.130) by 0.047 (0.041-0.055), genital pore at left of midline of oesophagus just anterior to intestinal bifurcation, ovary 0.110 (0.091-0.127) by 0.089 (0.085-0.096) on left of body and posterior to acetabulum, vitelline glands with single follicles extending from intestinal bifurcation to ends of caeca, excretory vesicle I-shaped and eggs 0.040 (0.037-0.046) by 0.023 (0.022-0.024). Although morphologically related to M. maroccanum and M. meggitti, M. malayanum is considered to be a new species.
Capillaria hepatica infection in wild rodents collected from the States of Kelantan, Selangor and Johore in Peninsular Malaysia since 1973 is reported. A total of 1,258 rodents consisting of 20 species of house, field and forest rats, and 7 species of squirrels were examined for the parasite and 17 species consisting of 111 murids and 1 flying squirrel were found infected. The house rat, Rattus norvegicus had the highest prevalence rate, followed by 3 species of field rats, R. tiomanicus, R. argentiventer and Bandicota indica. The prevalence of infection was low among forest rats with the exception of Lenothrix canus. Only 1 flying squirrel, Hylopetes spadiceus was found with the parasite. The prevalence of infection in relation to the host behaviour and habitats was discussed. C. hepatica appears to be widespread throughout Malaysia with a wide range of hosts among rodent species. Some new host records are presented herein.