Workplace bullying has drawn greater attention in the last one and half decades. Despite its recognition by many organizations and countries, it is still rife. Why is that so? Could it be that the root of the problem has not been addressed? Or, could it be due to difficulties and resistances in embarking preventive and control measures. In this paper, we will examine the possible causes of workplace bullying based on a proposed model. In depth discussion of the personal and organizational factors are made while the work group and societal factors are dealt with in brief. In summary, the root of workplace bullying is multi-factorial. Understanding the complexity and subtlety of workplace bullying is pertinent in the effort to prevent or curtail it.
Stres di tempat kerja terjadi apabila keperluan kerja tidak sepadan dengan kebolehan, sumber, dan kehendak pekerja. Ia boleh memberi kesan ke atas psikologi dan fisiologi manusia. Seseorang individu yang berasa tertekan dengan kerja yang dilakukan akan menunjukkan kemurungan yang berpanjangan. Apabila rasa tertekan, psikologi akan terganggu dan pekerja gagal membuat keputusan dengan baik. Situasi ini boleh menjejaskan prestasi kerja mereka dan menggugat produktiviti organisasi. Masalah paling dibimbangi adalah stres di tempat kerja boleh menyebabkan penyakit berbahaya seperti tekanan darah tinggi, sakit jantung dan melemahkan sistem pertahanan badan terhadap penyakit. Stres di tempat kerja juga boleh menyebabkan kemalangan di tempat kerja, peningkatan kos keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan, gangguan trauma kumulatif, menjejaskan prestasi kerja serta mengganggu kehidupan sosial individu. Masalah keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan akibat stres di tempat kerja seharusnya tidak diabaikan oleh organisasi kerana ia boleh menyebabkan sumber manusia sesebuah negara kehilangan daya saingnya. Sumber manusia yang berasa terancam akibat masalah keselamatan dan kesihatan akan gagal menggunakan sepenuhnya kreativiti mereka dan melakukan tugas pada tahap minimum. Fenomena ini seharusnya dibimbangi dalam persekitaran perniagaan masa kini yang sangat kompetitif. Di Malaysia, kajian yang berkaitan dengan stres seharusnya dipertingkatkan kerana kajian lepas terhadap stres di tempat kerja adalah tidak menyeluruh. Perkembangan ini sejajar dengan perubahan yang berlaku di persekitaran kerja seperti teknologi, sosial, ekonomi, undang-undang buruh dan seumpamanya. Kajian stres di tempat kerja perlu dijalankan kerana sumbangannya amat bernilai dalam menghasilkan sumber manusia yang lebih produktif dan berdaya saing.
MeSH terms: Humans; Malaysia; Safety; Stress, Psychological*; Occupational Health
Background: Without any doubt, the combo of user ID and password are the most used authentication method in the computing and internet environment. However, due to the enormous number of accounts that require password authentication, users tend to develop bad habits in their password practices which in turn will put their account security at risk. With the increasing use of computing in health-care settings and the use of EMR in hospitals, such practices are a cause for concern.
Methods: This is a cross-sectional study using self-administered questionnaires, investigating the practice of the respondents in keeping their passwords secure. Respondents in this survey are the undergraduate students of Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
Results: Among the findings are that 87.4% of the respondents used the same password for more than one account. If a user used the same password for several accounts, it might trigger a domino effect if any of the account passwords were compromised. A total of 98.9% of the respondents memorised their password only in their mind, without writing down the password anywhere. This may lead to using easily guessable passwords which may introduce additional security risk to their accounts. The majority of the respondents (96.6%) never or rarely change their passwords. The study also showed that 82.7% of the respondents used passwords which are 6-8 characters in length. Longer passwords are usually safer but harder to remember. The questionnaire also explored the users’ password combination style, whether they used numbers only or combination of numbers and alphabets or some other pattern. A total of 39.1% used letters only but 27.6% used combination of numbers only which is less secure. About 77% of the respondents used personal information such as their birthday date or a person’s name as part of their password.
Conclusions: This habit may make their password guessable to people who are close to them. In conclusion, most medical students are not practising safe password conduct and they should be educated on this. If not, patients’ data confidentiality may be compromised in the future due to such practices.
MeSH terms: Confidentiality; Cross-Sectional Studies; Faculty; Habits; Humans; Malaysia; Surveys and Questionnaires; Students, Medical; Writing; Internet
Background: The COMBI concept is a novel approach by the WHO to control communicable diseases which are influenced by community behaviour. The Ministry of Health is currently evaluating its use against dengue in selected areas throughout Malaysia. COMBI doctrine differs from previous dengue campaigns. It acknowledges that the factors contributing to dengue proliferation may differ between areas. Factors for a given area are analysed, then a single precise behavioural goal to overcome those problems is formulated. To inculcate this behavioural change, the target community is subjected to an intensive campaign using Integrated Marketing Communication techniques adapted from the advertisingindustry, particularly involving volunteers from the community itself.
Methodology: In Selangor the pilot project was implemented in Section 3 and Section 4 of Bandar Baru Bangi, in the district of Hulu Langat. Here, Aedes breeding was found to occur mainly in water containers of semi permanent nature (eg. ‘kolah’, aquatic plant jars, flower pot bases etc). A total of 172 volunteers were recruited to disperse the message of “Suluh – Suluh, Basuh - Basuh” whilst distributing leaflets and flashlights to 2666 homes. Residents were instructed to illuminate such water containers twice weekly and scrub any containers found to contain larvae. The program commenced on 23/5/2004 and lasted 16 weeks.
Results : During this period, the initial Aedes Index of 5 was reduced to 0.96 while combined cases of Dengue Fever / Dengue Haemorraghic Fever in Sections 3 and 4 reported to the Hulu Langat District Health Office also dropped to 1 (unconfirmed).
Conclusion : The COMBI approach in Hulu Langat successfully demonstrated that correct problem identification synergized with community engagement can potentially reduce Aedes proliferationand dengue morbidity.
Background: A cross sectional study was carried out to identify the level and factors associated with patients’ satisfaction in antenatal clinic at Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
Methods: A total of 150 respondents were selected by using convenience sampling method. Data was collected via structured questionnaire with face to face interview. The obtained data was analyzed by using SPSS version 11.5.
Results: Majority of the respondents were Malay (72%), while Chinese (18%) and Indian (10%).
Age of the respondents around 19 to 40 years old with tertiary education level (50.7%) and most of them are working (76.4%). More than half of the respondents were satisfied with the service that they received (56.7%), while the others (43.3%) not satisfied. Generally, most of the respondents were satisfied with interpersonal aspects from the staff (62%), technical quality of the doctors (79.3%), efficacy (78%), availability (50.7%), and the financial aspect (70%). Meanwhile, the respondents were not satisfied with the several aspects i.e. accessibility (61.3%), convenience (51.3%), and continuity of care (81.3%). In bivariate analysis, the result of this study showed that there were only two factors significantly related with level of satisfaction (p
Study site: Pusat Perubatan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (PPUKM)
MeSH terms: Continuity of Patient Care; Cross-Sectional Studies; Hospitals; Hospitals, University; Humans; Malaysia; Outpatient Clinics, Hospital; Personal Satisfaction; Physicians; Surveys and Questionnaires; Patient Satisfaction
Background: A randomised clinical trial was carried out to study the cost-effectiveness of continuous venovenous hemofiltration using high volume and standard volume.
Methods: Study was done through interviews involving patients or their relatives and document review on patients’ treatment and progress note during the hemofiltration therapy in the Intensive Care Unit, Hospital University Kebangsaan Malaysia. Study also involved secondary data analysis and a structured questionnaire survey to assess the treatment and medical cost incurred by the hospital during the continuous venovenous hemofiltration therapy.
Results: The result of this study showed that the continuous venovenous hemofiltration given at high volume 4-6 litres/hour is more cost effective than standard volume of 2 litres/hour. The Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score reduction in the high volume hemofiltration is 3.0 units over 24 hours. This reduction is higher than the standard volume hemofiltration which is only 0.5 unit over 24 hours.
Conclusions: High volume hemofiltration is more cost effective than standard volume therapy, where only RM 5,552 compared to RM 23,512 is needed for every one unit of SOFA score reduction respectively.
MeSH terms: Hemofiltration; Hospitals, University; Humans; Intensive Care Units; Malaysia; Universities; Organ Dysfunction Scores
Natural radionuclides such as 210 Po and 210 Pb were analyzed in soft part of cockle (Anadara granosa) obtained from Kuala Selangor in the west coast Peninsular of Malaysia. The activity levels of both nuclides fluctuated within the size of cockles from 41.3 ± 2.5 Bq/kg to 114 ± 7 Bq/kg and 12.9 ± 1.7 Bq/kg to 96.8 ± 5.3 Bq/kg in dry weight (dwt) for 210 Po and 210 Pb, respectively. The level activity in wet weight (wwt) also varied from 8.60 ± 0.52 Bq/kg to 25.70 ± 1.63 Bq/kg and 2.47 ± 0.40 Bq/kg to 19.27 ± 1.05 Bq/kg for 210 Po and 210 Pb, respectively, probably related to the different of metabolic rate and growth of cockles. Activity ratio of 210 Po/ 210 Pb in dry weight also fluctuated from 0.93 to 6.41 with not related to the decay of 210 Pb.
Mineral elemental uptake by Colocasia esculenta growing in swamp agroecosystem was studied following 14, 18 or 28 months of field spraying (MAT, months after treatment) with herbicide Gramoxone ® (paraquat). In overall, Al (68226.67 + 24066.56 μg/g dw) was the major element in riverine alluvial swamp soil, followed by micronutrient Fe (22280.00 + 6328.87 μg/g dw).
Concentration of macronutrient K (20733.33 + 7371.82 μg/g dw) was the highest in swamp taro leaf followed by macronutrient Ca (7050.00 + 3767.26 μg/g dw). In overall, the order of importance of the average mineral concentration in swamp taro leaf was K > Ca > Mn > Al > Na > Fe > Zn > Br > Co. However at 14 MAT, the order of importance of mineral content concentration in swamp taro leaf was K > Ca > Al > Na > Mn > Fe > Zn > Br > Co. At 18 MAT, the order of importance of mineral content concentration in swamp taro leaf was K > Ca > Mn > Al > Fe > Na > Zn > Br > Co. At 28 MAT, the order of importance of mineral content concentration in swamp taro leaf was K > Ca > Mn > Fe > Al > Zn > Na > Br > Co. In overall, the average order of importance of mineral elemental uptake or the soil plant transfer coefficient was Mn > K > Na > Zn > Co > Fe > Al; similar with the order at 28 MAT. However, at 14 MAT the order of importance of the soil plant transfer coefficient was different at Mn > K > Na > Co > Zn > Al > Fe.
A trial study had been conducted to determine the particulate form of 137 Cs in seawater surrounding East Malaysia. Large volume of seawater was filtered at a flow rate of 15 liters/min through the copper hexacyanoferrates (II) impregnated filters. These filters were ashed and counted using the gamma spectrometry system to determine the dissolved 137 Cs activity. It was found that the particulate form of 137 Cs consists of 20 to 49 % of the total 137 Cs activity concentrations. Some reasonable explanations for higher particulate percentage such as sampling locations, high water flow-rate, and large volume of seawaters were further discussed. It is hope that the result of this study will help to build a better understanding about the usage of impregnated filters to study dissolved 137 Cs activity concentrations.
The soil plant transfer coefficient or f factor of 14 C-carbofuran pesticide was studied in outdoor lysimeter experiment consisting of Brassica sp. vegetable crop, riverine alluvial clayey soil and Bungor series sandy loam soil. Soil transfer coefficients at 0-10 cm soil depth were 4.38 + 0.30, 5.76 + 1.04, 0.99 + 0.25 and 2.66 + 0.71; from 1X recommended application rate in alluvial soil, 2X recommended application rate in alluvial soil, 1X recommended application rate in Bungor soil and 2X recommended application rate in Bungor soil, respectively. At 0-25 cm soil depth, soil plant transfer coefficients were 8.96 + 0.91, 10.40 + 2.63, 2.34 + 0.68 and 6.19 + 1.40; from 1X recommended application rate in alluvial soil, 2X recommended application rate in alluvial soil, 1X recommended application rate in Bungor soil and 2X recommended application rate in Bungor soil, respectively. At 77 days after treatment (DAT), the soil plant transfer coefficient was significantly higher in riverine alluvial soil than Bungor soil whereas shoot and root growth was significantly higher in Bungor soil than in riverine alluvial soil. At both 0-10 cm Brassica sp. rooting depth and 0-25 cm soil depth, the soil plant transfer coefficient was significantly higher in 2X recommended application rate of 14 C-carbofuran as compared to 1X recommended application rate, in both Bungor and riverine alluvial soils.
The microstructure, tensile fracture and creep fracture of as-cast beta phase contained γ-TiAl with nominal composition of Ti-48Al-4Cr (at.%) was investigated. The effect of beta phase on tensile and creep strength was determined from fracture analysis. Tensile test were performed at room temperature whereas constant load tensile creep test were performed at temperature 800 0 C and initial stress of 150MPa. Initial as-cast microstructure, microstructure and fracture surface after tensile and creep test were examined using scanning electron microscopy technique. Analysis shows brittle fracture after room temperature tensile test whereas ductile fracture after high temperature creep test. The role of beta phase was discussed. It is concluded that beta phase is sensitive to temperature and detrimental at both room and high temperature.
This work focuses on the use of X-ray tomography in investigating the flow distribution in a structured packed bed. Cross sections of the liquid hold up distribution in a 10 cm diameter column packed with Katapak-SP12 are obtained at various column heights for different liquid flow rates. The repartition of the liquid hold up between baskets and corrugated sheets is quantified. Wall wipers and column wall effects are visualized. Results are obtained from an initially dry column without gas flow.
Surface free energies have been evaluated from Young’s moduli and lattice parameter data of five aluminium alloys with varying amounts of stanum to determine the inter-correlation with anode capacity of the alloys. The composition containing ~1.47%Sn exhibits a minimum in the surface free energy which accounts for the decrease in the tendency of the alloy to undergo passivation thus resulting in a higher anode capacity of 2478Ah/kg at ≈ 0.08mA/cm 2 , current density. The results showed that aluminium alloy containing certain amount of stanum has lowered surface free energy, leading to reduction in passive film thickness and reduces metal/oxide bond strength. These factors in turn result in a better cathodic protection property of aluminium alloy containing stanum.
Polymer blends of 60/40 NR/HDPE were prepared using Brabender PL2000 Plasticorder with 60g capacity. The blends were added with radiation-sensitive natural rubber (NR)-based compatibilizer, known as LENRA. They were irradiated with electron-beam radiation at various doses. The efficacy of the compatibilizer was monitored by measuring various properties of the blends such as physical and dynamic mechanical properties including morphological studies by electron microscopic technique. Early results show that the addition of LENRA improves the properties of the TPNR blends.
Protocorm-like bodies (PLBs) of an orchid (Oncidium lanceanum) were irradiated using 220 MeV 12 C 5+ ions, accelerated by AVF cyclotron at JAEA, Japan in 2005. Five different doses were applied to the PLBs; 0, 1.0, 2.0, 6.0 and 12.0 Gy. Following irradiation, these PLBs were maintained in cultures for germination and multiplication. Irradiation effects on growth and seedling regeneration patterns as well as molecular characteristics of the in vitro cultures were monitored and recorded. In general, average fresh weights of the irradiated PLBs increased progressively by irradiating the explants at 1.0, 2.0 and reached the maximum at 6.0 Gy. The figure however dropped when the explants were irradiated at 12 Gy. Surprisingly, although the highest average fresh weight was recorded on PLBs irradiated at 6.0 Gy, most of these PLBs were not able to regenerate into complete shoots. On average, after 4 months of irradiation, only 21 seedlings were successfully regenerated from each gram of these PLBs. The highest shoot regeneration was recorded on cultures irradiated at 2.0 Gy in which 102 seedlings were obtained from one gram of the PLBs. Some morphological changes were seen on in vitro plantlets derived from PLBs irradiated at doses of 1.0 and 2.0 Gy. Most of the regenerated seedlings have been transferred to glasshouse for further morphological selection. Molecular analysis showed the presence of DNA polymorphisms among the seedlings from different doses of irradiation.
Geographically isolated populations of endemic orchids have evolved and adapted to an existence within specifi c ecological niches. These populations are highly susceptible to anthropogenic
infl uences on their microhabitats. The primary objective of conservation programs is the restoration of endangered populations to their ecologically sustainable levels, and the fi rst stage in the process of conservation involves estimation of molecular diversity at the level of the population. The approach described in this article involves the application of RAPD, Microsatellites and Chloroplast DNA markers for the characterization of the genetic structure of Paphiopedilum rothschildianum and Phalaenopsis gigantea, two endangered and endemic orchids of Sabah. This study has isolated a total of 96 microsatellite loci in P. rothschildianum and P. gigantea, 42 specifi c primer pairs have been designed for amplifi cation of microsatellite loci and are currently being applied to screen the breeding pools. The Chloroplast DNA regions amplifi ed by the primer pairs trnH-psbA and trnL-trnF exhibit distinct polymorphisms and can be used to establish phylogenetic
relationships. The ability of microsatellite loci to cross-amplify selected varieties of orchids has been determined. The molecular markers developed will be applied to estimate population diversity
levels and to formulate long-term management strategies for the conservation of endangered species of orchids of Sabah.
MeSH terms: Animals; Breeding; Cations; Genetic Markers; Malaysia; Phylogeny; Polymorphism, Genetic; DNA Primers; DNA, Chloroplast; Microsatellite Repeats; Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Technique; Orchidaceae; Endangered Species
Since the early 1950’s, Singapore is internationally known as the guppy-breeding centre. At least 40 different colour varieties of guppies are cultured in Singapore, with each farm specialising in 10 to 15 varieties. These fancy varieties have been developed by skilful farmers through intensive and continual selective breeding. Genes controlling background body pigmentation such as albino (a), blond (b), gold (g) and blue (r) are autosomally inherited and recessive to their wild-type alleles which produce drab olive-brown background coloration. Colour patterns which are superimposed onto wild-type background coloration are due to genes located on the sex chromosomes. These
sex-linked colour genes are dominant and sex-limited to males as their expression requires male hormones. Y-linked colour pattern genes carried by males are inherited only along the paternal line while X-linked genes are present in both sexes. Among the guppy varieties produced locally, only two Y-linked genes, Ssb and Sst, that control snakeskin tail and body patterns, respectively, have been found in varieties with snakeskin-like reticulations. Single colour genes that are both X- and Y-linked produce red (Rdt), blue (Blt), green (Grt), black (Bt) and variegated (Var) patterns
on the caudal fin. The black caudal-peduncle of the Tuxedo variety is the result of Bcp, a gene that is both X- and Ylinked. Different combinations of colour pattern genes and background pigmentation genes as well as interactions among them give rise to various colour phenotypes. For
instance, the inclusion of Bcp in Snakeskin varieties causes black reticulations on the tail fin to be replaced by large, coarse black spots. Neon coloration is produced by interactions between the Ln (light turquoise) gene with Blt, Rdt and Bcp.
Malaysia, experienced two epidemic waves of HPAI; its fi rst outbreak of HP H5N1 in August 2004 that occurred in the state of Kelantan and the second and subsequent outbreaks in February–March 2006 in three states on the west coast of Malaysia namely Wilayah Persekutuan
Kuala Lumpur, Perak and Penang. Five outbreaks occurred in village chickens and one in a multi-species enclosure of birds in a bird park resort facility. Molecular epidemiological studies by genomic sequencing and phylogenetic analyses of the viruses isolated showed that the
virus isolated from WP Kuala Lumpur is of the V-genotype and it originated from Hunan China, two viruses were found to be similar to the Fujian/Hunan strains and other viruses were similar to the Vietnam/ Thailand strains.
The genetic relationship between any two populations is a function of the differences between them in allele frequencies, with this relationship commonly expressed in terms of a genetic distance. For example if the two populations are homozygous for different alleles at a particular locus, the distance is the maximum possible whereas if the allele frequencies in the two populations are identical, the distance is zero. The estimated genetic distances may vary among loci. Thus, the most accurate measures of relationships will be obtained by averaging many loci (Nei, 1978). In plant and animal breeding, it is expected that a cross between two individuals originating from two populations with a large genetic distance between them will result in maximum heterosis or hybrid vigour. Many estimates of genetic distances are available in the literature but Nei’s standard genetic distance, D, (Nei, 1972, 1978) had been extensively used in studies of human, animal and plant varieties, races, breeds, strains, populations, species and genera.
Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a life-threatening inherited disease that particularly affects the airways and digestive systems, which is caused by mutations in the Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR) gene. CF is considered as the most common autosomal recessive disorder in the Caucasian population. However, the prevalence of this disease amongst Asians is considered to be low, hence the lack of awareness of this disease amongst geneticists and physicians in Malaysia. This review will describe the features of CF, its molecular genetics, the current classification of CFTR mutation classes, the genotype-phenotype correlations, the effects of modifier genes, and the discourse of the disease pathogenesis, in the hope of raising public awareness of the condition and ultimately to improve the clinical and social care of those affected by CF in Malaysia.