Browse publications by year: 2012

  1. Harold Criso Ajin, Mohamed Kamel Abd Ghani, Abdul Hamid Abd Aziz, Ahmad Zorin Sahalan, Wan Omar Abdullah
    Kajian ini dilakukan untuk menentukan prevalens jangkitan vaginosis bakteria di kalangan wanita yang berumur 20 hingga 59 tahun di Hospital Umum Sarawak, Malaysia melalui pemeriksaan ke atas lumuran Pap lazim. Prevalens jangkitan ini dikaji di kalangan lima kumpulan etnik yang utama iaitu kaum Iban, Cina, Melayu, Bidayuh dan kaum Orang Ulu. Penyaringan mikroskopi dijalankan ke atas 300 sampel slaid yang telah diproses dan dicelup menggunakan pencelup Papanicolaou. Berdasarkan kepada maklumat pada borang permohonan penyaringan lumuran Pap, tanda dan gejala jangkitan diambil kira sebagai petunjuk penting semasa penyaringan kerana melalui tanda dan gejala jangkitan, lumuran Pap mempunyai hubungan yang rapat dengan ciri gambaran sitomorfologi jangkitan yang berlaku ke atas sel–sel epitelium sekiranya ia mengalami jangkitan. Kategori umur untuk setiap golongan etnik juga dijadikan sebagai salah satu faktor pengukur bagi menilai tahap kekerapan jangkitan. Hasil kajian menunjukkan jangkitan vaginosis bakteria mencatatkan sebanyak 79.7% (239/300 kes). Jangkitan berlaku pada kesemua kumpulan etnik dan jangkitan lebih kerap ditemui pada golongan umur 20 tahun hingga 39 tahun. Majoriti kes (93.3%) menunjukkan tanda dan gejala jangkitan. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan kepentingan menjalani ujian lumuran Pap sebagai ujian mengesan jangkitan vaginosis bakteria selain saringan awal pengesanan kanser serviks.

    MeSH terms: Animals; Ataxia Telangiectasia; Autonomic Nervous System Diseases; Malaysia; Gastropoda; Bivalvia
  2. Trihandini, Indang, Adiwoso, Adiningrum Wiradidjaja
    Perbezaan penjagaan kesihatan di antara orang-orang kurang upaya intelektual dan penduduk umum adalah jelas. Olimpik Khusus Indonesia (SOIna) adalah organisasi NGO yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan olahraga olimpik sedunia yang berkesempatan bekerja dengan warga kurang upaya intelektual. Kajian ini dilakukan untuk mengukur prevalen pereputan karies dan gingivitis di kalangan atlet-atlet Indonesia yang kurang upaya intelek. Jumlah peserta yang terlibat adalah 1452 atlet daripada 11 wilayah (Jawa Timur, Bali, Selatan Sabah, Utara Sumatera, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Kalimantan tengah, DKI, Jawa Barat, Yogyakarta, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Banten) di Indonesia. Pengumpulan data bermula dari tahun 2004 hingga 2009. Setiap tahun pengambilan data minimum dilakukan di dua wilayah yang berbeza. Purata usia atlet adalah 15.04 ± 4,62 tahun. 77.6% atlet mengalami rasa nyeri di rongga mulut kerana karies yang tidak dirawat. Karies tertinggi dijumpai pada atlet yang tinggal di pulau Jawa (81.5% Yogyakarta; Jawa Barat 83.8%. DKI Jakarta 80.2%, dan Jawa Timur 83.5%) berbanding dengan atlet yang tinggal di luar pulau Jawa. Secara umumnya prevalens inflamasi gusi pada atlet kurang upaya intelektual adalah 29.47%. Atlet dari wilayah DKI Jakarta menunjukkan prevalen inflamasi gusi tertinggi iaitu 51.04% berbanding dengan atlet daripada wilayah Nusa Tenggara Barat dengan 14.84%. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, prevalen karies dan gingivitis adalah tinggi. Atlet yang tinggal di pulau Jawa mengalami kerosakan gigi yang tidak dirawat dan inflamasi gusi yang lebih tinggi berbanding dengan atlet yang tinggal di luar pulau Jawa.

    MeSH terms: Gingivitis; Indonesia; Malaysia; Fenofibrate
  3. Ramli A, Ramli NI, Kamarudin K, Bahari SE, Azmi NA
    This study aims to identify the perception of third year physiotherapy students on the teaching and learning during clinical placements. A sample of 154 third year undergraduate and diploma students from the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, the Universiti Teknologi Mara and the Kolej Sains Kesihatan Bersekutu completed the questionnaire. High internal reliability of teaching and learning activities scale in the questionnaire was determined using Cronbach alpha (α = 0.94). Findings showed significant differences (p < 0.05) of perception among students in the clinical block between different levels of education, the ideal number of students in a group during clinical teaching session, and in the activity of ‘patient-centered activities,’ as well as 'feedback to the student.’ These findings demonstrated that the level of education does influence the students’ perceptions on their teaching and learning during clinical placements. In conclusion, the level of education is a contributory factor that influences the students’ rate of learning in clinical education.
    Keywords: Clinical education, physiotherapy students, perception, undergraduate, diploma
    MeSH terms: Adult; Cross-Sectional Studies; Education; Humans; Malaysia; Students; Universities; Physical Therapy Specialty
  4. Tan, Yap Hoon, Raja Muhammad Zuha, Baharudin Omar
    Phorid flies play an important role in forensic cases and can cause myiasis in humans. Studies on phorid flies species diversity are still limited in Malaysia. This research was carried out to collect information about species and frequency distribution of phorid flies as to provide more information on their roles in forensic and medical entomology. Bait trap was used with 100 g beef liver as baits. The species of the flies were identified using identification keys from Disney as well as Brown and Oliver. There were 449 phorid flies found in Kepong, Kuala Lumpur including Megaselia scalaris, Megaselia spiracularis, Megaselia sp. and phorid flies of genus X. Female phorid flies (98.89%) were found more prone to be trapped compared to male phorid flies (1.11%). Most phorid flies trapped in Kepong, Kuala Lumpur were from genus Megaselia and consisted of female flies. A total of five species of phorid flies probably new to science were also discovered. This study showed that Megaselia flies were found indoors rather than in open spaces. This was corresponding to their discoveries among the decomposing corpse found inside premises.
    MeSH terms: Red Meat; Animals; Cadaver; Cattle; Diptera; Entomology; Female; Humans; Liver; Malaysia; Male; Myiasis; Research; Science
  5. Chelliah, Kanaga Kumari, Lumin, Felecia
    Mamografi adalah cara paling efektif untuk mengesan keabnormalan payudara di kalangan wanita. Namun, mamografi dipercayai boleh menyebabkan karsinogenesis aruhan sinaran. Justeru pengukuran dos adalah penting untuk menganggar risiko dan mengawal kualiti imej. Kajian ini dijalankan untuk membandingkan dos glandular purata (AGD) yang diperolehi fantom payudara berdasarkan dua kombinasi anod/penuras yang berbeza iaitu tungsten/rhodium (W/Rh) dan tungsten/argentum (W/Ag). Fantom payudara CIRS 012A didedahkan pada projeksi kraniokaudal (CC) menggunakan sistem mamografi digital Hologic Selenia. Kerma udara kemasukan permukaan (ESAK) diukur menggunakan dosimeter pendar cahaya terma (TLD). AGD diperolehi daripada pengiraan asas ESAK dengan faktor penukaran berdasarkan formula Euref. Ujian t tak bersandar menunjukkan perbezaan bererti dalam purata AGD yang diperolehi. Purata AGD W/Rh adalah lebih tinggi berbanding purata AGD W/Ag (p = 0.002, 95% CI: 0.22, 0.53). Kesimpulannya, penggunaan W/Ag menyumbang kepada pengurangan dos semasa pemeriksaan mamografi.
    MeSH terms: Mammography; Radiographic Image Enhancement; Rhodium; Tungsten
  6. Hartini Yusof, Mohamed Kamel Abd. Ghani
    A cross-sectional study was conducted in February 2006 to determine the prevalence of Trichuris trichiura infection among Orang Asli (Aborigine) children at Pos Lenjang, Pahang. A total of 71 faecal samples were collected from the children (40 girls and 31 boys) aged between 1-12 years. The samples were examined for the presence of Trichuris trichiura ova using direct smear and formalin-ether concentration techniques. The result revealed that the overall prevalence of Trichuris trichiura infection was 43.7%. The infection was higher in males (51.6%) compared to females (37.5%), though not statistically significant (p > 0.05). According to age group, the school-aged children had higher prevalence of infection (56.8%) than preschool children (29.4%) (p < 0.05). Low socioeconomic status, large family size, poor environmental sanitation and poor personal hygiene are possible contributing factors that increase the prevalence of infection among the Orang Asli children at Pos Lenjang. In 31 samples positive for Trichuris trichiura, a detection rate of 100% was obtained using formalin-ether concentration, compared to 25.8% with direct smear technique. Thus, it is recommended that both techniques be performed in routine faecal examination for a more accurate diagnosis.
    MeSH terms: Animals; Child; Child, Preschool; Cross-Sectional Studies; Ether; Ethers; Family Characteristics; Female; Formaldehyde; Humans; Hygiene; Male; Sanitation; Social Class; Trichuriasis; Trichuris; Prevalence; Population Groups
  7. Norhani Mohidin, Bakyah Lorenza Zaimuri
    Kanta sentuh merupakan alat optikal yang sepatutnya selamat digunakan untuk pembetulan ralat refraksi atau kosmetik. Namun demikian terdapat permasalahan berkaitan kesihatan mata yang timbul akibat sikap pemakai yang tidak patuh kepada garis panduan penjagaan kanta yang disaran oleh pengamal kesihatan mata. Justeru itu satu soal selidik berkaitan penjagaan kanta sentuh dilakukan di kalangan pemakai kanta sentuh di sekitar Kuala Lumpur. Ia berdasarkan 22 set soalan terfokus kepada penjagaan kanta sentuh termasuklah tatacara pembersihan dan disifeksi, rawatan enzim, penggunaan agen pembasah dan kekerapan menghadiri pemeriksaan lanjutan. Di samping itu, terdapat enam soalan yang diaju untuk meninjau pengetahuan pemakai berkaitan penjagaan kanta sentuh yang selamat. Seramai 104 pemakai kanta sentuh mengambil bahagian dalam kajian ini. Lebih kurang 86% daripada mereka adalah wanita dengan min umur 24 ± 6 tahun. Lebih setengah daripada mereka memakai kanta sentuh jenis pakai buang. Hampir kesemuanya (98%) menggunakan sistem disinfeksi kimia. Hanya 68% pemakai yang dikaji mencuci kanta mereka setiap kali sebelum memakai dan selepas menanggalkannya. Tiga puluh peratus (30%) pemakai kanta sentuh menggunakan agen pembasah dan 40% menggunakan tablet protein. Enam puluh satu peratus (61%) daripada mereka menyatakan tidak membuat temu janji untuk pemeriksaan lanjutan. Enam soalan tertumpu kepada pengetahuan pemakai mengenai penjagaan kanta yang selamat dan min jawapan yang betul ialah 61.4%. Sebahagian pemakai kanta sentuh tidak mengikut arahan penjagaan kanta sentuh seperti yang disaran oleh pengamal kesihatan mata. Ramai yang tidak faham akan garis panduan pemakaian kanta yang selamat. Kajian ini menunjukkan sebahagian daripada pemakai kanta sentuh tidak mempunyai pengetahuan yang cukup mengenai risiko dan bahaya ke atas mata mereka kerana ketidakpatuhan pada arahan yang disaran oleh pengamal kesihatan mata. Pengamal kanta sentuh perlu memikirkan semula strategi untuk memastikan pemakai patuh kepada arahan berkaitan penjagaan kanta sentuh supaya komplikasi dapat dikurangkan.
    MeSH terms: Ataxia Telangiectasia; Plant Extracts; Proteins; Tablets
  8. Noraziah Mohamad Zin, Marlini Othman
    Bakteria endofit adalah berpotensi untuk menghasilkan antibiotik dan metabolit sekunder yang lain. Penghasilan metabolit sekunder dapat ditingkatkan melalui pengoptimuman kandungan nutrien seperti sumber nitrogen. Dalam kajian ini kandungan sumber nitrogen iaitu ammonium sulfat, ammonium dihidrogen fosfat, kalium nitrat dan natrum nitrat telah diubahsuai di dalam kaldu International Streptomyces Project 4 (ISP4) untuk pertumbuhan Streptomyces SUK 02. Pengekstrakan dilakukan dengan menggunakan etil asetat dan aktiviti antifungus ditentukan dengan menggunakan teknik serapan agar. Fungus ujian yang digunakan adalah Aspergillus fumigatus dan Fusarium solani. Hasil kajian menunjukkan peratusan berat (w/v) ekstrak kasar maksima didapati daripada kaldu yang mengandungi natrium nitrat (3.30%), diikuti oleh ammonium dihidrogen fosfat (2.24%), ammonium sulfat (1.46%) dan kalium nitrat (1.20%). Aktiviti antifungus dikesan daripada ekstrak bersumberkan nitrogen ammonium sulfat.Peratus perencatan ekstrak tersebut terhadap Aspergillus fumigatus dan Fusarium solani adalah 33.0-35.0% dan 17.4-30.0%, masing-masing. Manakala nilai MIC terhadap Aspergillus fumigatus adalah 1.5 mg/ml. Sebagai kesimpulan, natrium nitrat merupakan sumber nitrogen yang sesuai bagi partumbuhan optimum Streptomyces SUK 02 manakala kehadiran ammonium sulfat boleh meningkatkan aktiviti antifungus.
    MeSH terms: Agar; Aspergillus; Aspergillus fumigatus; Fungi; Fusarium; Nitrogen; Streptomyces; Ammonium Compounds
  9. Neo, Xiao Xu, Khairul Osman, Sri Pawita Albakri Amir Hamzah, Noor Hazfalinda Hamzah
    Individual identification is an important and challenging task in forensic investigation. Lip print on drinking glass or cigarette butt found at crime scenes may link to a suspect. The aim of this study was to determine the differences in lip print between sexes or races, differences in lip measurement between sexes or races and determine a way to estimate sex and race by using lip print or lip measurements for main races in Malaysia. A total of 134 subjects (67 males and 67 females) of Malay, Chinese and India were recruited from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Campus Kuala Lumpur (UKMKKL), Malaysia. Lip prints were taken by using a lipstick and a transparent cellophane tape. Lip measurements were taken by using electronic digital callipers. Lip prints were classified according to Tsuchihashi classification. Statistical analysis indicated that there was a significant difference in lip print between sexes (p < 0.001) but not in races (p > 0.05). Width of oral opening and the height of lower lip both indicated significant differences between sexes (p < 0.001) while the height of upper lip and lower lip each indicated significant differences between races (p < 0.05). However, there was no significant interaction between sexes and races for all lip measurements. Formulae for sex and race determination were calculated with Classification Tree when there was significant difference between every comparison. Tables of accuracy percentage and performance evaluation for method in categorizing sex or race by using lip print or lip measurement were made. For validation of method in sex determination based on the formulae formed, accuracy in females is 90% and 65% in males. Therefore, overall percentage of accuracy in sex determination was 77.5%. This study can provide a preliminary idea about the use of lip prints in sex or race determination among Malaysian population.
    MeSH terms: Cellophane; Crime; Female; India; Lip; Malaysia; Male; Mouth Mucosa; Sex Determination Analysis; Biological Processes
  10. Azlina Abdul Aziz, Mohamed Zabri Johari, Hawa Ismail
    Kajian Morbiditi Kesihatan Kebangsaan 2006 menunjukkan amalan Pemeriksaan Sendiri Payudara (PSP) masih rendah di kalangan wanita Malaysia walaupun berbagai program kesedaran telah dilakukan. Kajian ini dilakukan dari bulan Mei hingga Disember 2008, untuk mengkaji perubahan tahap pengetahuan, amalan dan sikap jururawat di Hospital Kuala Krai, Kelantan terhadap amalan PSP setelah program intervensi pendidikan kesihatan diadakan. Objektif kajian ialah untuk meningkatkan amalan PSP di kalangan jururawat di hospital tersebut. Kajian dilakukan secara intervensi pra dan pasca uji tanpa perbandingan. Responden terdiri daripada 43 orang yang dipilih melalui persampelan rawak mudah. Alat kajian yang digunakan ialah borang soal selidik melalui sesi temu ramah bersemuka dengan responden. Program intervensi pendidikan kesihatan termasuk ceramah, demontrasi PSP, kaunseling dan pameran diadakan untuk mengajar jururawat tentang masa yang sesuai, kekerapan dan teknik melakukan PSP dengan betul. Hasil menunjukkan terdapat perubahan yang signifikan bagi tahap pengetahuan (p < 0.001)sebelum dan selepas intervensi. Namun, analisis amalan pula menunjukkan tidak terdapat perubahan yang signifikan terhadap amalan PSP yang betul (p = 0.083). Analisis sikap menunjukkan kesemua 43 orang atau 100% responden telah berubah dari negatif menjadi positif terhadap persepsi-persepsi kerentanan, halangan dan faedah melakukan PSP. Tidak terdapat hubungan di antara sosio-demografik responden dengan tingkah laku PSP (p = 0.63). Walaupun dalam aspek amalan, perubahan sebelum dan selepas intervensi masih rendah dan tidak signifikan, perlaksanaan intervensi pendidikan kesihatan ini telah dapat mencetuskan sedikit perubahan di kalangan jururawat dari Hospital Kuala Kerai walaupun tidak secara menyeluruh.
    MeSH terms: Animals; Lepidoptera; Malaysia; Methylglycosides; Fenofibrate
  11. Harold Criso Ajin, Mohamed Kamel Abd Ghani, Nurul Farhana Jufri, Ahmad Zorin Sahalan, Wan Omar Abdullah
    Kajian ini dilakukan untuk menentukan prevalens jangkitan Trichomonas vaginalis, di kalangan wanita yang berumur 20 hingga 59 tahun di Hospital Umum Sarawak melalui pemeriksaan ke atas lumuran Pap lazim. Prevalens jangkitan ini dikaji di kalangan lima kumpulan etnik utama iaitu kaum Iban, Cina, Melayu, Bidayuh dan Orang Ulu. Penyaringan dijalankan pada lumuran Pap lazim ke atas 300 sampel slaid yang telah diproses dan dicelup menggunakan pencelup Papanicolaou. Berdasarkan maklumat pada borang permohonan penyaringan lumuran Pap, tanda dan gejala jangkitan diambil kira sebagai petunjuk penting semasa penyaringan kerana melalui tanda dan gejala jangkitan, lumuran Pap mempunyai hubungan yang rapat kepada ciri-ciri gambaran sitomorfologi jangkitan yang berlaku ke atas sel epitelial sekiranya ianya mengalami jangkitan. Kategori umur untuk setiap golongan etnik juga dijadikan sebagai salah satu faktor pengukur bagi menilai tahap kekerapan jangkitan. Hasil kajian menunjukkan trikomoniasis mencatatkan jangkitan sebanyak 7.7% kes. Jangkitan berlaku pada kesemua kumpulan etnik dan lebih kerap ditemui pada golongan umur 20 hingga 29 tahun. Kesemua kes turut menunjukkan tanda dan gejala jangkitan. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan kepentingan menjalani ujian lumuran Pap sebagai ujian mengesan jangkitan Trikomonas vaginalis selain saringan awal pengesanan kanser serviks.
    MeSH terms: Animals; Ataxia Telangiectasia; Hospitals; Malaysia; Trichomonas vaginalis; Gastropoda; Bivalvia
  12. Bariah Mohd-Ali, Nazirin Arsad, Zainora Mohammed
    It is possible that different techniques used to measure axial length (AL) and anterior chamber depth (ACD) is the cause of discrepancy in refractive outcomes of cataract surgery. This study evaluated the agreement and repeatability of AL and ACD measurements using immersion and contact A-scan biometry techniques and compared the refractive outcomes from both techniques. Twenty four patients were evaluated for agreement and repeatability of AL and ACD measurements using the two different methods. The results were analyzed using Bland and Altman plots. Another 60 patients with age-related cataract were selected to compare the refractive outcomes between both methods. The IOL power was calculated using Sanders- Retzlaff- Kraff- Theoretical (SRK-T) equation. Refraction was determined between four to six weeks postoperatively and the results were analyzed using paired t-test. The results of this study showed good agreement between both techniques was noted with no significant difference detected between measurements (p > 0.05). Significant correlation was found in all parameters (AL: r = 0.99; p < 0.01, r = 0.99; p < 0.01) ACD: r = 0.91; p < 0.01, r = 0.97; p < 0.01). No significant difference in refractive outcomes of post cataract surgery was detected between the two techniques (p = 0.07). This study concludes that contact A-scan biometry and immersion techniques provide reliable results and should not be the cause of discrepancy in the refractive planned and outcome of cataract surgery.
    MeSH terms: Anterior Chamber; Biometry; Cataract; Cataract Extraction; Humans; Lens, Crystalline
  13. Satirah Zainalabidin, Coats, Paul, Wadsworth, Roger M.
    Myogenic tone is the response of the vascular smooth muscle to an increase in intraluminal pressure with vasoconstriction and with vasodilation when the pressure is decreased. Such myogenic tone contributes a level of physiological basal tone in response to neurohumoral stimuli. In spite of myogenic tone discovery by Sir William Bayliss 100 years ago, questions still remain regarding the underlying signaling mechanism of the myogenic response. Studies have shown that increased intraluminal pressure or wall tension leads to membrane depolarization, voltage-operated calcium channel (VOCC), stretch-activated cation (SAC) channels, extracelullar matrix (ECM) and actin cytoskeleton. Recently, evidence has shown a potential role for reactive oxygen species (ROS) as a key signalling mediator in the genesis of myogenic tone. The identification of the primary mechanosensors in the initiation of pressure-dependent myogenic tone is essential as these components could be potential therapeutical targets in the future.
    MeSH terms: Cations; Homeostasis; Actin Cytoskeleton; Muscle, Smooth, Vascular; Vasoconstriction; Vasodilation; Calcium Channels; Signal Transduction; Reactive Oxygen Species; Biological Processes
  14. Hany Mohamed Aly Ahmed, Deepti Saini
    Archives of Orofacial Sciences, 2012;7(2):101-106.
    Sufficient knowledge on the root and root canal anatomy is essential for practicing root canal treatment. The mesiobuccal roots of maxillary molar teeth present an endodontic challenge due to their wide variability and complexity of their internal morphological landmarks. A review on the literature indicates that the prevalence of a third mesiobuccal root canal in the mesiobuccal root of maxillary molar teeth may reach 9%, and the root canal configuration usually is type XV (3-2). These reported data reveal the importance of absolute awareness for this anatomical aberration that requires special attention from dental practitioners while commencing root canal treatment in maxillary molar teeth. Hence, this article aims to report and describe the management of a maxillary first molar tooth with three mesiobuccal root canals, but with an unusual configuration.
    MeSH terms: Attention; Awareness; Dental Pulp Cavity; Molar; Root Canal Therapy; Tooth Root; Prevalence
  15. Tan, Shiuan Lee, Mohd Fadhli Khamis, Albajalan, Osama Bahaa, Norehan Mokhtar
    Cephalometric analyses using computer software have more advantages than manual analyses. However, the software should be evaluated for the accuracy and reproducibility before it can be used. The aims of the present study were: 1) to compare the differences in accuracy and precision between utilizing scanned images and soft copy images with the software 2) to assess the reproducibility of software and manual cephalometric analyses. Fifteen cephalograms were selected randomly from the Record Unit, Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia. All films had 10 fiducial points marked and were scanned at 75 dots per inch (dpi) and 300 dpi. Manual and digital measurements were compared to obtain magnification factors. Seven digital x-ray images of a caliper were taken. The mean differences were measured between the fixed caliper measurement and digital measurements. Subsequently, 37 cephalograms were traced manually and digitally with Computer-Assisted Simulation System for Orthognathic Surgery (CASSOS) software to assess its accuracy and reproducibility after applying the obtained magnification factor. Steiner analysis was utilized and T tests were used to evaluate the mean difference. P
    MeSH terms: Cephalometry; Malaysia; Radiographic Image Enhancement; Radiography, Dental; Software; X-Rays; Reproducibility of Results; Orthognathic Surgery
  16. Hazem Yousef Abu Sharbeh, Kannan, Thirumulu Ponnuraj, Raja Azman Raja Awang, Adam Husein
    The in vitro cytotoxic potential of locally produced dental porcelain was evaluated in this study. The cellular response of human osteoblast and fibroblast cell lines were assessed using MTT assay by incubating with the fluid extract of dental porcelain powder and dental porcelain discs (direct test). Aging process was carried out by submerging the discs into 3% bovine serum albumin (BSA) solution. Tests on extracts showed that dental porcelain was significantly different from the control at a concentration of 250 mg/ml. Direct test showed that dental porcelain after aging was not significantly different from the control with a mean (SD) of 89.2 (13.4)%, whereas, it was significantly different from the control before conditioning of BSA with a mean (SD) of 88.5 (12.1)%. However, the dental porcelain caused mild suppression of succinate dehydrogenase activity (
    MeSH terms: Cell Line; Dental Porcelain; Fibroblasts; Humans; Osteoblasts; Serum Albumin, Bovine; Solutions; Succinate Dehydrogenase; Pharmaceutical Solutions; Biological Processes; Physiological Processes
  17. Irfan Mohamad, Yaroko, Aliyu A., Fard, Kambiz Karimian
    Assault injury can occur to any parts of the body. Usually the target area is the head, neck, chest and abdomen as they contain many major structures that are vital for life. However, movement of the victim few seconds before the instrument reach the body can redirect the impact to the less fatal part of the body. The outcome may be less fatal but can lead to cosmetically unacceptable condition. (Copied form article).
    MeSH terms: Abdomen; Head; Neck; Abdominal Cavity
  18. Mon Mon, Tin-Oo, Razliza Razali
    To assess their awareness and usage of mouthguard and occurrence of sports-related oral injuries in athletes who involve in various sports activities in Kota Bharu. A cross-sectional study was carried out among 180 athletes aged 12 to 27 years. A structured interviewer-guided questionnaire was used to determine the prevalence of oral injuries sustained during sport activities, the use of mouthguard as well as the athletes' awareness of mouthguard use. The respondents consisted of 107 males (59.5%) and 73 females (40.5%) with a mean age of 16.7 years (SD 5.53). There were 60 (22.2%) athletes who had one or more types of sports-related oral injuries sustained. Laceration of lips, tongue and gums were the most frequent injuries (57.5%) while loosening of teeth and fracture of teeth sustained in 12.5% and 10.0% of athletes respectively. Malay traditional martial arts silat athletes, 17(68.0%) experienced the highest oral injuries among athletes. The prevalence of oral injuries was significantly different between ball sports, martial arts and other non-contact sports (p=0.002). Sixty-one athletes (33.9%) reported that they were aware of mouthguard; however none of the athletes used the mouthguards during their sports activities. Malay traditional martial arts silat was the most common susceptible to sustain oral injuries. None of the athletes were wearing mouthguard. Education on prevention of orofacial trauma should be given to the coaches and athletes. Wearing of mouthguard during sport activities should be compulsory during practice and competition events.
    MeSH terms: Athletic Injuries; Cross-Sectional Studies; Female; Gingiva; Humans; Lip; Male; Mouth Protectors; Surveys and Questionnaires; Prevalence; Martial Arts; Lacerations; Athletes
  19. Adam Husein, Huwaina Abd. Ghani, Fazal Reza
    Replacing a single missing anterior tooth can be a challenge. Many factors need to be considered when choosing the appropriate treatment. Several treatment options are well established. This case report is to present the use of a cast cobalt chrome partial denture with custom made porcelain tooth to improve aesthetic. The overall shade of the artificial tooth were nicely matched with the adjacent teeth and definite enamel translucency could be achieved which would not be possible with acrylic or even with readymade porcelain tooth.
    MeSH terms: Chromium Alloys; Cobalt; Dental Enamel; Dental Porcelain; Denture, Partial; Esthetics; Tooth, Artificial
  20. Hasan Ruhaya, Nasruddin Jaafar, Marhazlinda Jamaluddin, Abdul Rashid Ismail, Noorliza Mastura Ismail, Tambi Chek Badariah, et al.
    This is a cross-sectional study in a representative sample of preschool children from 12 preschools (TADIKA KEMAS) Pasir Mas, Kelantan, Malaysia. Data on socioeconomic status and sources of water supply at home were collected through interview with mothers. Children’s anthropometric data (height and weight) and body-mass-index-for-age (BMI-for-age) was calculated. Oral examinations of ECC status was based on the dmft index (WHO, 1997). The results showed mean
    carious teeth were very high (dmft 11.1±4.8) and almost every preschool child was affected with ECC (prevalence 98.1%). The majority were in “high caries” category (i.e. dmft >7) and about 51.4% of preschoolers was underweight and only a few was overweight/obese. Preschool children with high caries mostly were underweight and normal of BMI. The BMI-for-age, household income and household expenditure for food were significant correlation with ECC experience (p
    MeSH terms: Anthropometry; Body Weight; Child; Child, Preschool; Cross-Sectional Studies; Diagnosis, Oral; Health Expenditures; Humans; Malaysia; Mothers; Obesity; Social Class; Thinness; Water Supply; Body Mass Index; Prevalence; Overweight
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