Browse publications by year: 2018

  1. Teh, Hong Siok, Goh, Chin Shuang, Noor Aizah Abas
    Jurnal Inovasi Malaysia, 2018;1(2):69-82.
    Mandarin is one of the seven third-language courses offered in UiTM and has the largest number of students among the seven languages. In certain faculties at UiTM, the results of the Mandarin test were poorer. Hence, this project was conducted to improve the results of Basic Mandarin 1 in certain faculties in UiTM. The study was conducted at UiTM Selangor, comprising of Shah Alam, Puncak Perdana and Puncak Alam campuses. Based on the analysis from the Student Information Management System (SIMS) at UiTM, the score of the Basic Mandarin 1 writing test was found to be the lowest compared to the scores of the listening test, reading test and language project. In addition, the percentage of students who received Grade A in the faculties for the study was less than 15% while the number of students who received Grade C was over 30%. Therefore, the e-Kosa Kata app using Microsoft Sway was developed to help students memorize and remember vocabulary through digital devices. A questionnaire was also distributed to obtain students’ feedback on the effectiveness of the e-Kosa Kata. A total of 228 respondents from four selected faculties participated in the study. The findings showed that there was an increase in writing test scores and the percentage of students who received Grade A after using e-Kosa Kata. Additionally, the e-Kosa Kata app also benefits the environment, students, lecturers, departments and university. The app has the potential to be widely used among students as well as the general public who are interested in learning basic Mandarin
  2. Thuraiya Mohd, Nor Azalina Yusnita Abd Rahman, Nur Hanim Ilias, Azran Mansor, Siti Fairuz Che Pin, Asma Senawi, et al.
    Jurnal Inovasi Malaysia, 2018;1(2):53-68.
    Teaching and learning (T&L) process involves several activities and methods that have been continuously carried out (continuously cannot be used with implemented) (either have been continuously carried out or have been implemented) towards providing comprehensive and efficient education, and not limited to delivering lectures in lecture rooms only. Now, the method of T&Lis more geared towards practical exposures and experiences through the method of student academic visits. UiTM (Perak) is using this method as one of the teaching methods emphasized in the curriculum. Nevertheless, the lack of efficient application process of student academic visits is a problem that interferes with the T&L process in UiTM (Perak). Hence, this paper discusses the weaknesses in the manual application process for a student academic visit and suggestions for its improvement. Findings from this empirical study revealed some shortcomings in the existing application process, in which it is difficult for the Academic Affairs (HEA) to monitor the application, while applicants (lecturers) are not clear about the status of the application. This situation has caused other problems such as students getting their travel expenses late and difficulty in getting buses for the academic visit. Consequently, the online application of ‘Academic e-Visit Version 1’ was developed based on the orientation of the existing system innovation. The main objective of this system development is to improve existing procedures by taking into account the time factor, cost and current record keeping. This system is more efficient and easy to control. The implementation of this system indicates that the application process can be abbreviated from 21 days (manuals) to 14 days (e-Academic Visit Version 1 system). Additionally, it can also keep the application records more systematically and save costs. This system is best suited to all UiTM campuses in an effort to provide quality and innovative academic programs
  3. Zurina Md. Nen, Nur Zafifa Kamarunzaman, Mazlan Che Soh, Sarina Othman
    Jurnal Inovasi Malaysia, 2018;1(2):37-52.
  4. Noor Azrin Zainuddin, Shamsatuan Nahar, Norzarina Johari, Farah Suraya Md Nasrudin, Noraisyah Abdul Aziz, Nur Diana Zamani, et al.
    Jurnal Inovasi Malaysia, 2018;1(2):23-36.
    The use of technology in teaching and learning is increasingly synonymous with the existence of multiple online platforms. Online teaching and learning guides help lecturers and students to obtain a variety of information related to their specialization in the field of study. As all UiTM students at the Diploma level are required to take and pass the Entrepreneurial Basic course (ENT300), they need to produce an entrepreneurial project as one of the course evaluation components. However, the number of science and technology based entrepreneurship projects and products are still too few based on project titles every semester. The ENT300 Kiosk Science and Technology (KENTS) was developed specifically as a guide for the students of the Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics and has been improved by expanding its scope to the students of the Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Science at UiTM Johor. A more global scope in KENTS provides specialized online guides for lecturers and students in the science and technology clusters. KENTS is a platform that can be used to realize the direction of higher education in Malaysia and to assist UiTM in producing holistic graduates with entrepreneurship. This online guide platform provides teaching and learning assistance through the custom business template which is categorized into two, system development and machine design. KENTS provides a search function from a list of compilations of science-based and entrepreneurial projects that help lecturers and students find entrepreneurial ideas. KENTS database is used to store student entrepreneurial project information as an e-learning platform that can be shared by lecturers and students globally.
    MeSH terms: Computers; Engineering; Faculty; Learning; Malaysia; Mathematics; Students; Entrepreneurship
  5. Faiz Zulkifli, Rozaimah Zainal Abidin, Zurina Mansor, Mohd Hafiz Mohamad Hamzah, Faridah Zulkipli
    Jurnal Inovasi Malaysia, 2018;1(2):1-22.
    Higher order thinking skills (HOTS) is a skill that should be present in every teaching and learning process. Teaching mathematics and statistics particularly requires lecturers to be skilful in planning learning activities and using suitable assessment that can inculcate thinking skills among students. The main purpose of this study is to develop new innovation product by using question answer book and mobile apps. This study evaluates students’ ability in answering exam question based on a revised Bloom’s taxonomy. To achieve this aim, 124 actuarial sciences students in UiTM who have enrolled in statistics course for two different semesters were selected as samples. The samples were assigned into two groups where 59 of them have never used the suggested learning aids, while the other 65 students have used the learning aids the whole semester. Data were analysed using Rasch measurement analysis, the Ministep software. The analysis revealed that the exam questions built were significantly reliable and well adjusted to the students’ ability and the revised Bloom’s taxonomy. Generally, the used of learning aids in learning process can slightly improved students’ performance in writing examinations. Users recommended further improvement on the mobile apps in terms of the types of games and the quality of audio visual in the apps. Other than that, the questions designed in the question and answer book as well as in the mobile apps need to be validated by experts in related fields.
  6. Wong CY, Saravanan C, Musawi A, Gan SW
    J Clin Transl Res, 2018 Jan 15;3(3):311-317.
    PMID: 30895272
    Background: Dental anxiety is a common problem associated with poorer oral health. Managing anxiety is key to improving oral health of patients with dental anxiety. The present pilot study therefore investigated dental anxiety prevalence among patients visiting a university dental clinic. We further examined the effect of combined psychological interventions on anxiety or concern towards dental treatment procedures before treatment, after treatment, and at follow-up.

    Methods: In this prospective pilot study, patients seeking restorative treatment were screened for dental anxiety and dental concern about treatment using the Dental Anxiety Scale-Revised (DAS-R) and Dental Concern Assessment (DCA) questionnaires. Participants with a DAS-R score of 9 or above were randomly assigned to an experimental or control group. The patients in the experimental group received two psycho-logical interventions (psychoeducation and progressive muscular relaxation) prior to dental treatment. Dur-ing treatment, patients received another psychological intervention (music distraction). No psychological interventions were given to control patients. DAS-R and DCA scores were used to assess dental anxiety and concern, respectively, before treatment, after treatment, and at follow-up. Nonparametric tests were used for intergroup and intragroup statistical analyses.

    Results: Out of 64 patients surveyed, 33 (51.6%) had experienced dental anxiety. Of those, 2 were exclud-ed, and 31 patients with a mean ± SD age of 41.2 ± 15.9 y completed the study. No intergroup differences in dental anxiety were found in terms of pretreatment, posttreatment, and follow-up treatment. The mean rank value of the dental anxiety score was less in the experimental group (13.53) than the control group (18.31), albeit not significant. More specifically, differences (Kruskal-Wallis %2 = 14.82, P = 0.001, effect size = 0.33) were found in the experimental group for pretreatment, posttreatment, and follow-up treatment levels of dental anxiety for extraction (P = 0.01), injection (P = 0.02), and sound/vibration of the drill (P = 0.00). No significant intragroup differences between pretreatment, posttreatment, and follow-up treatment were found in the control group.

    Conclusions: The combined brief psychological interventions reduced dental anxiety.

    Relevance for patients: The psychological interventions of the present study could be applied right before or during dental treatment to reduce the dental anxiety of patients. However, additional research involving larger groups is needed to replicate the results of this pilot study.

  7. Hoe TW
    Malays J Med Sci, 2018 May;25(3):1-6.
    PMID: 30899182 DOI: 10.21315/mjms2018.25.3.1
    The use of serious games as digital medicine started in recent years as the United States Food and Drug Administration granted Class 1 or 2 device clearance to serious games or game-like technologies. This encouraging trend motivates interdisciplinary cooperation between experts in the medical sciences and the game industry because the Northern American pharmaceutical revenues have exceeded USD1 trillion globally since 2014. The potential of this lucrative business opportunity may attract fund providers and venture capitalists to support game-related research and development projects. The author elaborates his activities and experiences in the United States in FY2017/2018 as a Humphrey fellow from Malaysia. Specifically, the research and development trend of serious games for cognitive function in the academic and the game industry has positive impact on how medical doctors and practitioners in low- and middle-income countries may use or develop games as digital medicine.
    MeSH terms: Cognition; Pharmaceutical Preparations; Financial Management; Malaysia; Medicine; Motivation; Technology; United States; United States Food and Drug Administration
  8. Wanandi SI, Ningsih SS, Asikin H, Hosea R, Neolaka GMG
    Malays J Med Sci, 2018 May;25(3):7-16.
    PMID: 30899183 DOI: 10.21315/mjms2018.25.3.2
    The growth of tumour cells is closely related to cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) present within their microenvironment. CAFs, the most abundant cells in tumour stroma, secrete growth factors that play pivotal roles in tumour cell proliferation, metabolism, angiogenesis and metastasis. Tumour cells adapt to rapid environmental changes from normoxia to hypoxia through metabolic interplay with CAFs. In this mini review, we discuss the role of lactate dehydrogenases (LDHs) and monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs) on the metabolic interplay between tumour cells and CAFs under hypoxia compared to normoxia. The LDHs catalyse the interchange of lactate and pyruvate, whereas MCTs facilitate the influx and efflux of monocarboxylates, especially lactate and pyruvate. To sum up, tumour cells switch their metabolic state between glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation through metabolic interplay with CAFs, which exhibit the Warburg effect under hypoxia and reverse Warburg effect under normoxia.
    MeSH terms: Catalysis; Glycolysis; L-Lactate Dehydrogenase; Neoplasms; Oxidative Phosphorylation; Pyruvic Acid; Lactic Acid; Lactate Dehydrogenases; Cell Proliferation; Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts
  9. Lah MHC, Reza F, Begum T, Abdullah JM
    Malays J Med Sci, 2018 May;25(3):27-39.
    PMID: 30899185 MyJurnal DOI: 10.21315/mjms2018.25.3.4
    Background: Previous studies from animal models have shown that pre-synaptic NMDA receptors (preNMDARs) are present in the cortex, but the role of inhibition mediated by preNMDARs during epileptogenesis remains unclear. In this study, we wanted to observe the changes in GABAergic inhibition through preNMDARs in sensory-motor and visual cortical pyramidal neurons after pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus.

    Methods: Using a pilocarpine-induced epileptic mouse model, sensory-motor and visual cortical slices were prepared, and the whole-cell patch clamp technique was used to record spontaneous inhibitory post-synaptic currents (sIPSCs).

    Results: The primary finding was that the mean amplitude of sIPSC from the sensory-motor cortex increased significantly in epileptic mice when the recording pipette contained MK-801 compared to control mice, whereas the mean sIPSC frequency was not significantly different, indicating that post-synaptic mechanisms are involved. However, there was no significant pre-synaptic inhibition through preNMDARs in the acute brain slices from pilocarpine-induced epileptic mice.

    Conclusion: In the acute case of epilepsy, a compensatory mechanism of post-synaptic inhibition, possibly from ambient GABA, was observed through changes in the amplitude without significant changes in the frequency of sIPSC compared to control mice. The role of preNMDAR-mediated inhibition in epileptogenesis during the chronic condition or in the juvenile stage warrants further investigation.

    MeSH terms: Animals; Epilepsy; gamma-Aminobutyric Acid; Pilocarpine; Status Epilepticus; Visual Cortex; Receptors, N-Methyl-D-Aspartate; N-Methylaspartate; Dizocilpine Maleate; Pyramidal Cells; Patch-Clamp Techniques; Models, Animal; Mice; Sensorimotor Cortex
  10. López-Muñoz F, Povedano-Montero FJ, Chee KY, Shen WW, Fernández-Martín P, García-Pacios J, et al.
    Malays J Med Sci, 2018 May;25(3):40-55.
    PMID: 30899186 DOI: 10.21315/mjms2018.25.3.5
    Objective: We carried out a bibliometric study on the scientific papers related to second-generation antipsychotic drugs (SGAs) in Malaysia.

    Methods: With the SCOPUS database, we selected those documents made in Malaysia whose title included descriptors related to SGAs. We applied bibliometric indicators of production and dispersion, as Price's law and Bradford's law, respectively. We also calculated the participation index of the different countries. The bibliometric data were also been correlated with some social and health data from Malaysia (total per capita expenditure on health and gross domestic expenditure on R&D).

    Results: We found 105 original documents published between 2004 and 2016. Our results fulfilled Price's law, with scientific production on SGAs showing exponential growth (r = 0.401, vs. r = 0.260 after linear adjustment). The drugs most studied are olanzapine (9 documents), clozapine (7), and risperidone (7). Division into Bradford zones yields a nucleus occupied by the Medical Journal of Malaysia, Singapore Medical Journal, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, and Pharmacogenomics. Totally, 63 different journals were used, but only one in the top four journals had an impact factor being greater than 3.

    Conclusion: The publications on SGAs in Malaysia have undergone exponential growth, without evidence a saturation point.

    MeSH terms: Australia; Benzodiazepines; Clozapine; Health Expenditures; Malaysia; New Zealand; Pharmacogenetics; Psychiatry; Publications; Singapore; Antipsychotic Agents; Bibliometrics; Risperidone; Journal Impact Factor; Medical Writing
  11. Yun TC, Ahmad SR, Quee DKS
    Malays J Med Sci, 2018 May;25(3):56-66.
    PMID: 30899187 DOI: 10.21315/mjms2018.25.3.6
    Background: Young adults are at risk of developing obesity, especially when transitioning into university life as they become responsible for their daily eating and lifestyles. This study estimates the prevalence of overweight/obesity and explores the eating patterns and lifestyle practices of university students.

    Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted at Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD). A total of 303 students participated. Data was collected from January to April 2016. Self-designed questionnaires comprised questions pertaining to current weight, self-reported height data, information on eating habits, exercise and knowledge of the food pyramid. The collected data were used to compare and contrast eating habits and lifestyle practices among overweight/obese students with those of non-overweight/obese students.

    Results: The prevalence of overweight/obesity was 28.8% (95% CI: 24.0%, 34.0%). The majority ate regular daily meals, but more than half skipped breakfast. Frequent snacking, fried food consumption at least three times per week and low intake of daily fruits and vegetables were common. The frequency of visits to fast food restaurants was significantly higher in the overweight/obese. 25.4% of the students exercised at least three times per week. Almost all students are aware of balanced nutrition and the food pyramid.

    Conclusions: Most university students had poor eating habits, although the majority had good nutrition knowledge. By way of recommendation, the university is encouraged to provide a multi-disciplinary team specialising in health promotion that includes nutrition and physical activity programmes to increase the awareness among the university students.

    MeSH terms: Adult; Body Weight; Brunei; Cross-Sectional Studies; Feeding Behavior; Fruit; Health Promotion; Humans; Life Style; Obesity; Restaurants; Students; Universities; Vegetables; Exercise; Prevalence; Overweight; Young Adult; Fast Foods; Self Report; Breakfast; Snacks
  12. Chean KY, Rahim FF, Chin JS, Choi XL, Liew KW, Tan CC, et al.
    Malays J Med Sci, 2018 May;25(3):78-87.
    PMID: 30899189 MyJurnal DOI: 10.21315/mjms2018.25.3.8
    Background: Many smokers have undiagnosed chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and yet screening for COPD is not recommended. Smokers who know that they have airflow limitation are more likely to quit smoking. This study aims to identify the prevalence and predictors of airflow limitation among smokers in primary care.
    Methods: Current smokers ≥ 40 years old who were asymptomatic clinic attendees in a primary care setting were recruited consecutively for two months. We used a two-step strategy. Step 1: participants filled in a questionnaire. Step 2: Assessment of airflow limitation using a pocket spirometer. Multiple logistic regression was utilised to determine the best risk predictors for airflow limitation.
    Results: Three hundred participants were recruited. Mean age was 58.35 (SD 10.30) years old and mean smoking history was 34.56 pack-years (SD 25.23). One in two smokers were found to have airflow limitation; the predictors were Indian ethnicity, prolonged smoking pack-year history and Lung Function Questionnaire score ≤ 18. Readiness to quit smoking and the awareness of COPD were low.
    Conclusions: The high prevalence of airflow limitation and low readiness to quit smoking imply urgency with helping smokers to quit smoking. Identifying airflow limitation as an additional motivator for smoking cessation intervention may be considered. A two-step case-finding method is potentially feasible.
    Study site: primary care clinic (outpatient clinic), Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
    MeSH terms: Adult; Ambulatory Care Facilities; Cross-Sectional Studies; Female; Hospitals, General; Humans; Malaysia; Male; Outpatient Clinics, Hospital; Smoking; Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive*
  13. Kong CC, Kandasamy R, Haspani S, Idris Z, Abdullah JM
    Malays J Med Sci, 2018 May;25(3):88-102.
    PMID: 30899190 MyJurnal DOI: 10.21315/mjms2018.25.3.9
    Background: Meningiomas are the most common intracranial tumours; they account for 13%-26% of all the primary intracranial tumours. Skull base meningiomas make up 25% of all meningiomas and are one of the most difficult intracranial tumours to be managed surgically. This is due to the fact that it is difficult to approach the lesions which are also close to vital structures such as cranial nerves and major blood vessels. Despite the abundance of these cases in Malaysia, local data on meningiomas is scarce.

    Methods: This is a retrospective study consisting of 199 patients with meningiomas who have been operated at the Kuala Lumpur General Hospital from January 2010-December 2014. They were categorised into skull base and non-skull base groups. Demography, tumour characteristics, and patient outcomes were analysed. Kaplan-Meier survival curves as well as Cox hazard univariable and multivariable regressions for the possible predictors of survival were analysed.

    Results: 97.5% of the patients (n = 194) had WHO grade I meningioma and only five patients had WHO grade II meningioma. There was a female predominance (n = 134; 67.3%), with a male-to-female ratio of 1:2. Some 27.1 % patients had skull base meningiomas. Patients with skull base meningiomas had poorer outcomes and discharge conditions (n = 23; 42.6% P < 0.01), in addition to higher risk of incomplete resections (n = 34; 63% P < 0.01). Multivariate cox hazard regressions showed that the skull base meningioma group had four times the risk of death of the non-skull base group.

    Conclusions: Symptomatic meningiomas can be curative if the tumour is completely removed. Our study has revealed that skull base meningiomas which were operated locally had higher rates of incomplete resection and poorer surgical outcomes as compared to the non-skull base group. Patients with skull base meningiomas had four times the risk of death vis-à-vis non-skull base ones. More local studies are needed to look into skull base meningiomas for the improvement of its surgical outcomes.

    MeSH terms: Brain Neoplasms; Cranial Nerves; Demography; Female; Hospitals, General; Humans; Malaysia; Male; Meningeal Neoplasms; Meningioma; Patient Discharge; Retrospective Studies; Treatment Outcome; Skull Base; Skull Base Neoplasms; Kaplan-Meier Estimate
  14. Yusoff N, Anuar NN, Reza MF
    Malays J Med Sci, 2018 May;25(3):103-110.
    PMID: 30899191 MyJurnal DOI: 10.21315/mjms2018.25.3.10
    Background: Sex is a psychobiological factor that is important in the process of emotion. This study determines the effect of sex on the electropsychological process of various intensities of emotional arousal.

    Methods: In the Event-related Potential (ERP) session, electroencephalographic (EEG) data was recorded for 90 participants, 60% of whom were females. The participants responded to 30 universal emotional pictures, randomly chosen from the International Affective Picture System (IAPS), which were classified as invoking high, moderate, and low intensity of emotional arousal.

    Results: From the analysis of variance of two-way mixed design, the interaction between sex and emotional intensity was observed in the occipital regions (O2), indexed by the amplitude of P300 and N200 components. Males exhibited higher amplitude of P300 and N200 components (in the occipital region) as responded to high and low emotional arousal stimuli than females.

    Conclusion: Sex is a fundamental factor that modulates psychological states in reaction to emotional stimuli.

    MeSH terms: Analysis of Variance; Arousal; Electroencephalography; Emotions; Evoked Potentials; Female; Male; Occipital Lobe
  15. Baharuddin IH, Arifin WN, Kueh YC, Rahman NA
    Malays J Med Sci, 2018 May;25(3):111-119.
    PMID: 30899192 DOI: 10.21315/mjms2018.25.3.11
    Background: Many questionnaires have been developed to measure dental anxiety and fear. Among them is the Index of Dental Anxiety and Fear Scale (IDAF-4C+), which consists of a dental anxiety and fear module (IDAF-4C), a phobia module (IDAF-P) and a stimulus module (IDAF-S). The objective of this research was to report the adaptation and validation of the IDAF-4C+ for Malaysian secondary school children.

    Methods: This was a cross-sectional validation study. The original English version of the IDAF-4C+ was translated into Malay, back-translated, and then sent for content validation via an expert validation and face validation by the target student population. Three hundred and seventy questionnaires were then distributed among 16-year-old school children. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted for the IDAF-4C module using a bootstrapped maximum likelihood estimator. Spearman's rank correlation was used to assess the relationship between the IDAF-S and IDAF-4C modules. Intraclass correlation (ICC) was used to determine the stability of the IDAF-S and IDAF-4C modules, while kappa values were used for the IDAF-P module.

    Results: The response rate was 86.5% for CFA and 76.9% for stability. CFA showed the existence of only one factor with a reliability estimate of 0.921, obtained via Raykov's procedure. All items in the IDAF-S module were significantly correlated with the IDAF-4C module (P < 0.001). The IDAF-S and IDAF-4C modules were stable, as determined via a two-way mixed model with absolute agreement, a single measure and a Case 3 ICC (A, 1). The IDAF-P module showed satisfactory stability, as assessed via kappa values.

    Conclusion: The Malay version of the IDAF-4C+ is valid and reliable in measuring dental anxiety and fear among Malaysian secondary school children.

    MeSH terms: Child; Cross-Sectional Studies; Factor Analysis, Statistical; Fear; Humans; Malaysia; Phobic Disorders; Surveys and Questionnaires; Students; Translating; Reproducibility of Results; Dental Anxiety
  16. Azmoude E, Aradmehr M, Dehghani F
    Malays J Med Sci, 2018 May;25(3):120-128.
    PMID: 30899193 DOI: 10.21315/mjms2018.25.3.12
    Objectives: Midwives have a crucial role in providing optimal care for pregnant women. One of the most important policies for quality improvement in maternity care is implementation of evidence-based practice. However, the application of evidence-based practice within the maternity health care setting faces many challenges. The purpose of this study was to describe Iranian midwives' attitude and perceived barriers of evidence based practice in maternity care.

    Methods: In this descriptive, cross-sectional study, a census sample of 76 midwives from two public hospitals and urban health centers in Torbat Heydariyeh, a city east of Iran were surveyed. Data collection tools were two reliable and valid questionnaires that measure midwives' attitudes and barriers of implementation of evidence-based practice. Data were analysed using SPSS version 16.

    Results: The mean age and years of experience were 29.30 ± 4.86 and 5.22 ± 4.21 years, respectively. The mean score of attitude was 40.85 ± 4.84 (range = 30-60). This study also found time constraints (2.70 ± 0.92), inadequate facilities (2.64 ± 0.72), non-compilation of literature in one place (2.59 ± 0.92), lack of cooperation of physicians (2.48 ± 1.06) and the feeling of inadequate authority (2.45 ± 0.88) as the top five barriers to implementing EBP.

    Conclusion: Survey participants demonstrated a positive attitude toward EBP. Organisational comprehensive strategies such as time efficiency, adequate material and human resources, familiarity with organisations such as the Cochrane Collaboration and managerial support for increasing professional legitimate authority are recommended to promote the use of Evidence-Based Practice in Iran.

    MeSH terms: Attitude; Cross-Sectional Studies; Female; Hospitals, Public; Humans; Iran; Maternal Health Services; Midwifery; Obstetrics; Physicians; Pregnancy; Surveys and Questionnaires; Urban Health; Censuses; Evidence-Based Practice; Quality Improvement
  17. Tewari R, Chopra D, Wazahat R, Dhingra S, Dudeja M
    Malays J Med Sci, 2018 May;25(3):129-134.
    PMID: 30899194 DOI: 10.21315/mjms2018.25.3.13
    Multidrug-resistant (MDR) Acinetobacter baumannii (A. baumannii) bacterium, a nosocomial pathogen associated with a high mortality rate and limited therapeutic options have emerged as a serious problem throughout the world. The present study aimed to assess the current levels of antibiotic susceptibility among the isolates of Acinetobacter species. The sensitivity patterns were analysed from various clinical specimens obtained from both in-patients and outpatients of a teaching hospital. Isolation was performed on 5% sheep blood agar and MacConkey agar. Urine samples were inoculated into CLED agar. Antibiotic susceptibility was performed by the disc diffusion method. A total of 16,452 samples were collected. The total number of samples positive for Acinetobacter species was 67 (0.4%). The highest number of isolates 26 (38.8%) were obtained from urine. Majority 80.3% of the isolates exhibited resistance to three or more classes of antibiotics. All isolates were susceptible to colistin (100%). The susceptibility rate of A. baumannii isolates was 80% for tigecycline and 53.3% for carbapenem. Combination therapies including colistin and tigecycline seem to be the rational treatment for MDR A. baumannii until new alternatives come forward.
    MeSH terms: Agar; Animals; Anti-Bacterial Agents; Colistin; Cross Infection; Hospitals, Teaching; Humans; Minocycline; Outpatients; Sheep; Carbapenems; Acinetobacter calcoaceticus; Acinetobacter baumannii
  18. Zolkefli Y
    Malays J Med Sci, 2018 May;25(3):135-139.
    PMID: 30899195 DOI: 10.21315/mjms2018.25.3.14
    Can a lie be justified if it saves a human life or a community, or if another great evil is avoided? The article proposes that health professionals need not always tell the truth, depending on situation; but, this does not refute the significance of telling the truth. It also elucidates the value of telling the truth, and the challenges for telling the whole truth. Two prominent theories of ethics, Deontological and Consequentialism are deliberated, together with the integration of examples to illustrate main areas of interest.
    MeSH terms: Health Personnel; Humans; Truth Disclosure; Life; Ethical Theory
  19. Sirunyan AM, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Ambrogi F, Asilar E, Bergauer T, et al.
    Eur Phys J C Part Fields, 2018;78(11):965.
    PMID: 30881214 DOI: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-018-6373-0
    The production of a Z boson, decaying to two charged leptons, in association with jets in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV is measured. Data recorded with the CMS detector at the LHC are used that correspond to an integrated luminosity of 2.19 fb -1 . The cross section is measured as a function of the jet multiplicity and its dependence on the transverse momentum of the Z boson, the jet kinematic variables (transverse momentum and rapidity), the scalar sum of the jet momenta, which quantifies the hadronic activity, and the balance in transverse momentum between the reconstructed jet recoil and the Z boson. The measurements are compared with predictions from four different calculations. The first two merge matrix elements with different parton multiplicities in the final state and parton showering, one of which includes one-loop corrections. The third is a fixed-order calculation with next-to-next-to-leading order accuracy for the process with a Z boson and one parton in the final state. The fourth combines the fully differential next-to-next-to-leading order calculation of the process with no parton in the final state with next-to-next-to-leading logarithm resummation and parton showering.
  20. Rudhziah, S., Apandi, N.A.C, Subban, R.H.Y., Mohamed, N.S.
    Science Letters, 2018;12(2):45-52.
    Seaweed kappa-carrageenan was used as host polymer to prepare biopolymer electrolyte films. Solid biopolymer electrolytes based on seaweed kappa-carrageenan were prepared by incorporation of ammonium nitrate in various weight percentage. The films were examined using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The results of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy proved the occurrence of complexation between the biopolymer and the salt. The ionic conductivity of the electrolyte increased with increase salt concentration. The maximum ionc conductivity value of 1.41 × 10-4 S cm-1 was achieved for the film containing 50 wt % ammonium nitrate. The temperature-conductivity plot of the polymer electrolytes was found to obey Arrhenius equation
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