The profile of admissions staying less than 24 hours admitted to the paediatric wards of University Malaya Medical Center, Kuala Lumpur, over a period of six weeks was reviewed to ascertain the need of a short-stay ward. Ninety-three (22%) of the 428 admissions admitted during the study period were discharged within 24 hours, 56 (60%) were discharged within 12 hours. Major categories of admissions were: elective investigative procedures (43%), and emergency admissions (44%). Reasons for emergency admissions: infections 42%, minor trauma/cerebral concussion 25% and febrile/afebrile seizures 11%. Only 20% required percutaneous oximetry monitoring and 2% required observations more frequently than 2 hourly. There may be a case for a short stay ward in a big paediatric unit in Malaysia.