
  • 1 Universiti Sains Malaysia


Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate whether students exposed to a brief stress reduction intervention would have lesser stress, anxiety and depression levels compared to their non-exposed classmates during stressful events. Methods: The Ex Post Facto design was applied in this study. Students who were exposed and not exposed to a brief stress reduction intervention were surveyed during a continuous examination and during the final examination. The Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS) was used to
examine effects on anxiety, stress, and depression levels. Results: The exposed students statistically had lower anxiety and depression scores than the nonexposed students during the stressful period. Reduction of stress, anxiety and depression scores was sustained during the stressful period. Conclusion: The significant reduction of anxiety and depression scores suggested that brief intervention was effective in the enhancement of the psychological wellbeing of exposed medical students during stressful period.