Foreword. M K Rajakumar
Introduction: The transformation of health care in Malaysia. p1. CHEE HENG LENG AND SIMON BARRACLOUGH
PART I: The state and the private sector in the financing and provision of health care. p17
1 The growth of corporate health care in Malaysia. p19. CHEE HENG LENG AND SIMON BARRACLOUGH
2 Regulating Malaysia’s private health care sector. p40. NIK ROSNAH WAN ABDULLAH
3 Rising health care costs: the contradictory responses of the Malaysian state. p59. PHUA KAI LIT
4 Malaysian health policy in comparative perspective. p72. M. RAMESH
5 The welfarist state under duress: global influences and local contingencies in Malaysia. p85. CHAN CHEE KHOON
6 Equity in Malaysian health care: an analysis of public health expenditures and health care facilities. p102. WEE CHONG HUI AND JOMO K.S.
PART II: People’s access to health care. p117
7 Health care for the Orang Asli: consequences of paternalism and non-recognition. p119. COLIN NICHOLAS AND ADELA BAER
8 Women’s access to health care services in Malaysia. p137. CHEE HENG LENG AND WONG YUT LIN
9 HIV/AIDS health care policy and practice in Malaysia. p154. HUANG MARY S.L. AND MOHD NASIR MOHD TAIB
10 Health care and long-term care issues for the elderly. p170. ONG FON SIM
11 Health care in Sarawak: model of a public system. p187. KHOO KHAY JIN
Epilogue: Civil society and health care policy in Malaysia. p208. CHEE HENG LENG AND SIMON BARRACLOUGH