JUMMEC, 2002;7:28-39.


This paper examines the results of a section on recent illness of the health survey among 799 foreign workers from three selected study locations. The main objective was to study illness/injury patterns and the utilisation of available health care services. It also attempts to examine the use of health supplements as an indicator of self-care. Findings indicate that the illness/injury rate was 46.6%. The illness/injury rate increased with age and was highest in the 45-54 age group (65.0%) and among the Thai workers (69.6%). The main illnesses reported were injuries and accidents (19.6%), musculoskeletal problems (18.0%) and gastrointestinal complaints (16.7%), and it varied with gender, age and nationality. Almost 90 percent of the foreign workers sought treatment at modern health care facilities, with a third utilising government health care services. The employers contributed towards 60% of all the treatment costs. Nearly a third of the foreign workers took health supplements, and the rates were higher among the younger age group (40.0%) and among the Indonesian workers (52.0%). Majority had obtained the health supplements from the pharmacies or retail shops (43.4%) and private health care facilities (35.4%), and about 70 percent paid out of their own pocket. Some of the implications and limitations of these findings are discussed.