JUMMEC, 1998;3:61-62.


During the study period, a total of 241 foreign workers were examined. The countries represented were Indonesia (103), Bangladesh (133), Myanmar (I), Pakistan (3) and others (1). The specimens collected were blood (238) and stool samples (173). The tests conducted on blood samples were for syphilis by RPR and TPHA, HIV, Hepatitis B, and from stool samples, enteric pathogens such as Salirzoirella spp, Shigelln spp. and Vibrio clrolerne. Table I shows the type of tests performed on the various nationalities and Table 2 the results of testing. Of the 230 blood samples tested by RPWPHA, five were positive, one from Indonesia (1.09%) and four from Bangladesh (3.79%). There was only one sample of blood out of 238 tested which was HIV positive (0.42%) and this was in an Indonesian. Twenty three workers were found to be Hepatitis B antigen positive (9.66%), 10 out of 102 (9.80%) from Indonesia and 13 out of 131 from Bangladesh (9.92%). As for the entric bacterial pathogens, only six out of 173 stool samples tested were positive, five for Saliizoilella Spp. and one for Slligdla sp. Of the five positives for Salmonella, one was from Indonesia and four from Bangladesh. The single isolate of Shigella was from Pakistan. From this pretiniinary study, it is obvious that hepatitis B is the most important problem among the workers from Indonesia and Bangladesh. The second of importance is venereal disease and enteric bacteria among Bangladesh workers. The other three national groups are too small to be analyzed. It is interesting to note that although these workers are supposed to have been screened for venereal diseases, a number of them were still found to be positive. However, we are not certain that these might not have been acquired locally. There was only one case of HIV detected but if the foreign workers continue with their pronliscuous lifestyle they are likely to pick up other sexually transmitted diseases including HIV and chlamydia1 infections. For those who were found to be stool positive for enteric pathogens, it is important to determine whether they are food-handlers as they will prove a significant risk for the spread of infections. Originally, it was intended to test blood samples for hepatitis C and E markers since the incidence in foreign countries from which the workers come are higher. However, due to the shortage of the samples, this had to be deferred. In the light that hepatitis carriage rate is the highest for the microbes tested, it is important to include these two markers in future studies.