
  • 1 Hospital Kuala Lumpur


Klüver-Bucy syndrome was first diagnosed in humans in 1955, after a group
of people who had experienced temporal lobectomy. It is a rare
neuropsychiatry disease and of which little is understood about its
pathophysiological processes. Here we present a 60-year-old man seen in the
outpatient psychiatric department in a tertiary hospital in Kuala Lumpur
who presented to us with hyper sexuality, impulsivity, docility, amnesia and
hyperphagia for the past 10 months. He was diagnosed with Herpes Simplex
Virus with encephalitis 18 months ago and was shown to have bilateral
meningoencephalitis of his temporal lobes. Thus, a diagnosis of Klüver-Bucy
was made. We have taken a multi-disciplinary team approach to treat his
illness and specific goals has been laid out in each discipline. A written
consent has been taken by the patient and his family for the publication of
this report.