
  • 1 University of Malaya Malaysia


A 42-year-old gentleman presented with left eye pain after accidental contact with Euphorbia lactea sap while gar- dening. At presentation, left eye best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was 20/30. Ocular examination revealed left eye conjunctiva congestion and cornea abrasion. Eye symptoms and BCVA deteriorated over 12 hours. Cornea showed diffuse stromal oedema with presence of anterior uveitis. A diagnosis of toxic keratouveitis was made. He was treat- ed with intensive topical steroids, cycloplegics, lubricants, prophylactic antibiotics and oral non-steroidal anti-in- flammatory analgesic. Patient achieved complete resolution two weeks later. We aim to raise awareness among the ophthalmologists to detect and manage these injuries.