Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 680 in total

  1. Ang YM
    Med J Malaysia, 2005 Mar;60(1):99-102.
    PMID: 16250291 MyJurnal
    Meliodosis is an infectious disease encountered mainly in tropics. It is not an uncommon problem in Malaysia especially in areas with agricultural activities. Although it can occur in all age groups, there have been few reported cases in children. Men are more commonly affected than women due to outdoor activities. Neonatal cases have been reported in Hawaii and Thailand. These infants presented with neonatal sepsis or meningitis. The mode of transmission to these infants has not been elucidated. This is the report of such a case first reported in Hospital Tengku Ampun Afzan, Kuantan.
  2. Ang YM
    Med J Malaysia, 2004 Oct;59(4):535-7.
    PMID: 15779589
    Chromobacterium violaceum infection is rare but causes a high mortality rate particularly in immunosuppressed persons. Since its clinical presentation is non-specific and the diagnosis basically relies upon blood culture and sensitivity, this infection should be considered among the organisms targeted empirically for antibiotic therapy when a cellulitis or rapidly progressive illness follows exposure to water or soil. This is a case of fulminant septicemia caused by this rarely encountered organism.
  3. Ang CS
    Med J Malaysia, 2002 Jun;57(2):215-7.
    PMID: 24326655
    Clomiphene is a widely prescribed drug for the treatment of infertility. Visual symptoms that occur as a side effect of this drug are uncommon. Some doctors may neglect to mention this side effect when prescribing clomiphene. Thus these visual disturbances can be very alarming to the patient and may also pose a hazard if the patient is doing activities such as driving or operating machinery. The patient should be told to stop taking clomiphene and ophthalmologic evaluation should be performed. Although visual disturbances generally cease on stopping clomiphene, some women may experience persistent visual disturbances.
  4. Ang CS
    Med J Malaysia, 2002 Dec;57(4):487-9.
    PMID: 12733175
    The term septooptic dysplasia was coined in 1956 by de Morsier, who pointed out the association of optic nerve hypoplasia and absence of the septum pellucidum. Patients with this condition may present with clinical features of hypopituitarism, decreased visual acuity and neurodevelopmental disabilities that lead to this diagnosis. The case that is presented here is unusual in that this patient was initially diagnosed as having low tension glaucoma during a routine screening examination and was treated for glaucoma for over a year before he was discovered to have septooptic dysplasia, also known as de Morsier's syndrome.
  5. Ang CS
    Med J Malaysia, 2001 Jun;56(2):252-4.
    PMID: 11771090
    Ocular fishhook injuries are rare, yet potentially vision threatening as complications such as corneal scarring, retinal detachment and endophthalmitis may result. The surgical management of these cases is challenging due to the construction of barbed fishhooks.
  6. Ang LC
    Med J Malaysia, 1992 Sep;47(3):220-4.
    PMID: 1491648
    From 1988 to 1990, eighty operations on eighty knees of seventy-nine patients with a clinical diagnosis of meniscal tear was entered into a prospective study. The clinical diagnosis was correct in 76% of patients. Excellent or good results were achieved in 90% of knees which had only meniscal lesions but dropped to 70.5% when other intraarticular pathologies coexisted with the meniscal lesions. Excellent or good results were achieved in 71% of the knees in the presence of Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) deficiency.
  7. Ang HH
    Food Chem Toxicol, 2008 Jun;46(6):1969-75.
    PMID: 18328612 DOI: 10.1016/j.fct.2008.01.037
    The Drug Control Authority (DCA) of Malaysia implemented the phase three registration of traditional medicines on 1 January, 1992. A total of 100 products in various pharmaceutical dosage forms of a herbal preparation, containing Eugenia dyeriana, either single or combined preparations (more than one medicinal plant), were analyzed for the presence of lead contamination, using atomic absorption spectrophotometry. These samples were bought from different commercial sources in the Malaysian market, after performing a simple random sampling. Results showed that 22% of the above products failed to comply with the quality requirement for traditional medicines in Malaysia. Although this study showed that 78% of the products fully complied with the quality requirement for traditional medicines in Malaysia pertaining to lead, however, they cannot be assumed safe from lead contamination because of batch-to-batch inconsistency.
  8. Ang CS
    Trends Psychiatry Psychother, 2020 4 23;42(1):7-15.
    PMID: 32321081 DOI: 10.1590/2237-6089-2018-0109
    OBJECTIVE: Use of the Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders (SCARED) has increased significantly since its publication. Although the validity of the SCARED is well established, most of the samples investigated primarily comprised Caucasian children and, where available, people from Asian cultures such as China. Furthermore, the instrument's utility for screening use in community samples has yet to be validated, although it is commonly advocated for this use. The present study addressed the psychometric properties of the SCARED in a community sample of Malaysian children and adolescents.

    METHOD: A total of 386 participants from an urban area, aged between 8 and 17, completed the 41-item SCARED. Confirmatory factor analysis and exploratory factor analysis were performed to investigate the factor structure of the SCARED.

    RESULTS: Internal consistency ratings for the SCARED's total and subscale scores were good, except for School Avoidance. The validity of the SCARED was further demonstrated through a significant correlation with the Internalizing subscale of the Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). In contrast with the five-factor structure proposed for primarily Caucasian samples, factor analysis revealed a four-factor structure for this Malaysian sample.

    CONCLUSIONS: These research findings support the validity of the SCARED and its utility as a screening tool in a community sample of Malaysian children and adolescents.

  9. Ang KH
    Sains Malaysiana, 2018;47:471-479.
    In recent years, Malaysia has experienced quite a few number of chronic air pollution problems and it has become a
    major contributor to the deterioration of human health and ecosystems. This study aimed to assess the air quality data
    and identify the pattern of air pollution sources using chemometric analysis through hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA),
    discriminant analysis (DA), principal component analysis (PCA) and multiple linear regression analysis (MLR). The air
    quality data from January 2016 until December 2016 was obtained from the Department of Environment Malaysia. Air
    quality data from eight sampling stations in Selangor include the selected variables of nitrogen dioxide (NO2
    ), ozone (O3
    sulfur dioxide (SO2
    ), carbon monoxide (CO) and particulate matter (PM10). The HCA resulted in three clusters, namely low
    pollution source (LPS), moderate pollution source (MPS) and slightly high pollution source (SHPS). Meanwhile, DA resulted
    in two and four variables for the forward stepwise mode and the backward stepwise mode, respectively. Through PCA,
    it was identified that the main pollutants of LPS, MPS and SHPS came from industrial and vehicle emissions, agricultural
    systems, residential factors and natural emission sources. Among the three models yielded from the MLR analysis, it was
    found that SHPS is the most suitable model to be used for the prediction of Air Pollution Index. This study concluded that
    a clearer review and practical design of air quality monitoring network would be beneficial for better management of
    air pollution. The study also suggested that chemometric techniques have the ability to show significant information on
    spatial variability for large and complex air quality data.
  10. Ang, Kean Hua
    Accessible tourism is considered new-partially conceptual that being implemented in the tourism
    industry. This study carry out to investigate and to determine disabled people in engage with the
    tourism activities in Kuala Lumpur City. This study uses qualitative of face-to-face interview and
    quantitative of questionnaire survey. Five domains had been set for interview purposes, while
    questionnaire survey involved with two main parts, namely demographic profile and the experienced of
    disabled people in expose to tourism activities in Kuala Lumpur city. This questionnaire uses
    Thurstone scale and Likert scale. Complete collection data will be input using SPSS v.23 for analysis.
    The result indicates majority participants are positively agreed that infrastructure or services, as well as
    information map should be prepared in appropriated ways would increase the accessible tourism. The
    education also plays an important role that able to sustain the accessible tourism industry for longer
    term. Nevertheless, most of participants are partially disagreed in the facilities provided, which likely
    to refer to the public toilets and transportations, as well as hotels management that should serve
    specialty to disabled people. They do opinion that public facilities should be upgrade, as well as
    comment on the hotel staffs should undergo for training and behave friendlier attitude, which important
    to provide comfortable condition towards the disabled people. This study suggests disabled people
    have self-encouraged in engage with the tourism activities in Kuala Lumpur. At the same time, further
    study in exploratory, understandable, and predictable on accessible tourism are required, especially
    involved in the sub-urban and rural area that provide facilities and services for the tourism industry.
  11. Ang, Kean Hua
    This Methodology framework in research study smoothing the process of collecting data. Research
    study is categorized into qualitative and quantitative research. Qualitative research refer to a studies
    require careful observation, while quantitative research refers to a studies involve in statistics.
    Qualitative and quantitative research study can be determined through primary and secondary data.
    Primary data is defined as data that comes from original or the first source, while secondary data is
    defined as data that has been collected by other researchers. Primary data can be categorized into
    active and passive. Active primary data can be divided into direct interview (through face to face
    between researcher and respondents) and interviewed indirectly (e.g. by phone, mail, technology),
    while passive primary data involve with structured and secret characteristic, structured and open
    characteristic, unstructured and secret characteristic, unstructured and open characteristic. Secondary
    data involves with writing (journals, books, magazines, past records, reports and documents, internet, theses, short stories, newspaper), as well as vision and hearing (speeches, movies and videos, songs,
    stories). Even secondary data has its advantages and disadvantages, but both secondary and primary
    data are depend on each other in solving the society problems through the achievement of the
    objectives or hyphotheses in a research study.
  12. Ang, Kean Hua
    Research study is an academic methods applied in real world in solving problems associated with the
    society. The research process in achieving objectives of study will have a complete framework
    including methodology. Methodology can be defined as method used to collec and compile data
    through effective procedures in resulting the study problems. Methodology is divided into three stages,
    namely the planning process, application process, and analysis process. This literature review of
    methodology framework prioritizes on the planning process that involve with research study design,
    which can be divided into an experimental and non-experimental. Experimental methods can be
    categorized into real-experimental studies and quasi-experimental studies. Meanwhile, nonexperimental
    can be divided into experimental survey, field studies, case studies, action studies and
    historical studies. Mostly experimental methods are used in pure science and non-experimental methods used in social sciences. However, both methods are still relevant to be applied into certain
    areas of study in order to achieve the objectives and hypothesis. Therefore, the methodology are
    compulsory to be designed and applied properly, precisely and accurately so that the process of
    collecting data in the period of before, during and after collection will not involve with ant errors,
    mistakes and carelessness that may affect the research study.
  13. Ang, Kean Hua
    Methodology is compulsory in research study that involve with the process of design,
    application, and analysis. The literature review was conducted to describe the relationship of
    sampling area, sample size, and determination of the measurement scale. The sample size can
    be determined through formula (or equation). When sample size are applied in sampling area,
    probability and non-probability sampling will be involve in determining the quantity and
    quality of data collection for research. Random probability sampling is divided into simple
    random, systematic, stages random, various stages random, and grouping; while nonprobability
    sampling can be divided into chance, aimed, quota, snowball, dimensional, critical cases, and maximum variation. Next, the measurement scale can be determined through
    normal, ordinal interval and ratio in questionnaire or interview, which all four scales will be
    determine measurements such as Likert scale, Thurstone scale, Guttman scale, and the
    difference procedures of Sematics scale in carrying out an analysis research. Therefore, the
    sample size and sampling area, and also the choice of measurement scale is important in the
    methodology for smoothing and accelerating the process of collecting and gathering data.
  14. Keong, Ang Tau
    MATEMATIKA, 2018;34(1):143-151.
    In this paper we consider a harvesting model of predator-prey fishery in which
    the prey is directly infected by some external toxic substances. The toxic infection is
    indirectly transmitted to the predator during the feeding process. The model is a modified
    version from the classic Lotka-Volterra predator-prey model. The stability and bifurcation
    analyses are addressed. Numerical simulations of the model are performed and bifurcation
    diagrams are studied to investigate the dynamical behaviours between the predator and
    the prey. The effects of toxicity and harvesting on the stability of steady states found in
    the model are discussed.
  15. Ang CS
    Jurnal Psikologi Malaysia, 2016;30:90-101.
    It is very consistent in the sense that social competence was predictive of youth employability. Unlike many previous surveys, the present study utilized multiple measures and provided a more comprehensive picture of social young adults’ perception of social competence in the domains of social (communicative competence and assertiveness), cognition (critical thinking and future orientation), and emotion (identity formation and prosocial tendency). Six measures of social competence were completed by 1134 university students in six randomly selected universities. Analyses revealed most young adults were situationally non-assertive and scored lower communicative competence. Moreover, they were more frequently concerned about family-related, financial-related, and educational-related aspects, but less involved in civic engagement. Of significance, critical thinking or problem-solving skills among young adults should be of concern. The identity formation also poor manifested due to extending exploration of the self and undecided manner in young adulthood. Interestingly, emotional benefits have been directed students to become involved in more prosocial behavior. The findings may be useful for social efforts to promote social competence in early adulthood and for their later working life
  16. Ang, Kean Hua
    The Northeast Monsoon flood disaster is a nature catastrophic that struck during monsoon season,
    which from October to December, is negatively impact to the local communities. Therefore, this study
    conducted to determine the effectiveness of internal factors in confronts the monsoon flood disaster in
    Kota Bharu, Kelantan. This reseach involved with quantitative methods, where questionnaires is
    require to collect and gather the data. This questionnaires is divided into two parts, namely
    demographic profile and internal factors in confronts the monsoon flood. Targeted sample size was set
    to 400 respondents and the study area is concentrated in Kota Bharu city. The analysis used in this
    study is the correlation coefficient between variables. The results indicate majority of respondents
    settled adjacent to the river is likely to build timber-structured house and higher than the land surface or a poles house to avoid flood disasters. In addition, respondents are cautious especially when there is
    continuous raining by preparing the daily need such as water, foods, boats, etc., which is sufficient for
    long period of one month or more. Despite the floods that bring joy to some residents, however,
    respondents will move to higher and safer area along with the important documents when necessary. In
    conclusion, the residents practiced the concept of adaptation to face the monsoon floods through
    physically and mentality, as well as ensuring safety and healthy are in good condition to avoid any
    unwanted circumstances.
  17. Hua AK
    J Environ Public Health, 2017;2017:7515130.
    PMID: 28377790 DOI: 10.1155/2017/7515130
    Malacca River water quality is affected due to rapid urbanization development. The present study applied LULC changes towards water quality detection in Malacca River. The method uses LULC, PCA, CCA, HCA, NHCA, and ANOVA. PCA confirmed DS, EC, salinity, turbidity, TSS, DO, BOD, COD, As, Hg, Zn, Fe, E. coli, and total coliform. CCA confirmed 14 variables into two variates; first variate involves residential and industrial activities; and second variate involves agriculture, sewage treatment plant, and animal husbandry. HCA and NHCA emphasize that cluster 1 occurs in urban area with Hg, Fe, total coliform, and DO pollution; cluster 3 occurs in suburban area with salinity, EC, and DS; and cluster 2 occurs in rural area with salinity and EC. ANOVA between LULC and water quality data indicates that built-up area significantly polluted the water quality through E. coli, total coliform, EC, BOD, COD, TSS, Hg, Zn, and Fe, while agriculture activities cause EC, TSS, salinity, E. coli, total coliform, arsenic, and iron pollution; and open space causes contamination of turbidity, salinity, EC, and TSS. Research finding provided useful information in identifying pollution sources and understanding LULC with river water quality as references to policy maker for proper management of Land Use area.
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