METHOD: This is a prospective, observational study. The preintervention Sodergren scores of subjects with internal haemorrhoidal disease were recorded and blinded to the surgeon in charge. Sodergren scores of subjects in the two arms were unblinded and compared at the end of the study.
RESULTS: The results for 290 patients were available for final analysis. The median scores of those offered surgery and those who underwent successful rubber band ligation differed significantly [4 (interquartile range 3-10) vs 0 (interquartile range 0-4), P = 0.001]. In predicting treatment, the Sodergren score had an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.735 (95% CI 0.675-0.795).
CONCLUSION: There is a significant difference in scores between patients who were offered surgery and patients with successful rubber band ligation. Our study suggests that the Sodergren score has an acceptable discrimination in predicting the need for surgery in internal haemorrhoidal disease. We propose that patients with a Sodergren score of 6 or more be considered for upfront surgery. This score could potentially be used to standardize outcomes of future haemorrhoid trials.
METHOD: A prospective observational study was performed in 47 patients with FIA treated by SLOFT from September 2017 to February 2019.
RESULTS: There were 47 patients, of whom 33(70.2%) were men. The median age was 39 years (range 30-50 years). All the patients had primary FIA of cryptoglandular origin. The patients were followed up for 1 year and were postoperatively assessed at 2, 4, 12 and 24 weeks and 1 year. The median body mass index was 27.3 kg/m2 (range 24.3-29.4 kg/m2 ) and the median duration of surgery was 15 min (range 13-20 min). Most (83.0%) of the fistulas were trans-sphincteric. The success rates at the end of 24 weeks and 1 year were 87.2% and 80.9%, respectively. No postoperative incontinence was recorded.
CONCLUSION: In our series the success rate of SLOFT was 80.9%. There were no sphincter-related complications. Repeat SLOFT was feasible for cases of recurrence. Therefore, SLOFT should be considered an alternative sphincter-saving procedure to LIFT for the management of FIA.
Methods: Cirrhotic patients with suspected EVB were screened (n = 352). Eligible patients were assigned based on the physician's preference to either somatostatin (group S) or terlipressin (group T) followed by EVL. In group S, intravenous bolus (250 µg) of somatostatin followed by 250 µg/hour was continued for three days. In group T, 2 mg bolus injection of terlipressin was followed by 1 mg infusion every 6 h for three days.
Results: A total of 150 patients were enrolled; 41 in group S and 109 in group T. Reasons for physician preference was convenience in administration (77.1%) for group T and good safety profile (73.2%) for group S. Very early rebleeding within 49-120 h occurred in one patient in groups S and T (p = 0.469). Four patients in group S and 14 patients in group T have variceal rebleeding episodes within 6-42 d (p = 0.781). Overall treatment-related adverse effects were compatible in groups S and T (p = 0.878), but the total cost of terlipressin and somatostatin differed i.e., USD 621.32 and USD 496.43 respectively.
Conclusions: Terlipressin is the preferred vasoactive agent by physicians in our institution for acute EVB. Convenience in administration and safety profile are main considerations of physicians. Safety and hemostatic effects did not differ significantly between short-course somatostatin or terlipressin, although terlipressin is more expensive.
OBJECTIVE: To compare pain scores at 6 and 24 h postoperatively between laser closure and ligation of the intersphincteric tract for anal fistula.
DESIGN: Prospective, double-blinded randomized controlled trial.
SETTINGS: A quaternary hospital in Malaysia.
PATIENTS: Patients aged 18-75 years with high transsphincteric fistulas.
INTERVENTION: Fistula laser closure versus ligation of the fistula tract (LIFT) treatment.
MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Pain scores, continence, quality of life (QOL), operative time, and treatment failure were compared using chi-square, Fisher's exact test, student t-test, or Mann-Whitney with p 0.05).
LIMITATIONS: Patients with prior fistula surgery (approximately 20%) led to heterogeneity. The total laser energy delivered varied depending on fistula anatomy.
CONCLUSION: Laser fistula closure is an alternative to LIFT, with similar postoperative pain and shorter operative time despite more complex fistula anatomy in the laser arm, with a greater improvement in QOL.
METHODS: We reviewed all children with gastroesophageal varices seen in our unit from 2000 to 2019. Primary prophylaxis was defined as endoscopic procedure without a preceding spontaneous bleeding and secondary prophylaxis as preceded by spontaneous bleeding. High-risk varices were defined as presence of grade III esophageal varices, cardia gastric varices or cherry red spots on the varices. Outcome measures (spontaneous rebleeding within 3 months after endoscopic procedure, number of additional procedures to eradicate varices, liver transplant [LT], death) were ascertained.
RESULTS: Sixteen of 62 (26%) patients (median [± S.D.] age at diagnosis = 5.0 ± 4.3 years) with varices had primary prophylaxis, 38 (61%) had secondary prophylaxis while 8 (13%) had no prophylaxis. No difference in the proportion of patients with high-risk varices was observed between primary (88%) and secondary (92%; P = 0.62) prophylaxis. As compared to secondary prophylaxis, children who had primary prophylaxis were significantly less likely to have spontaneous rebleeding (6% vs. 38%; P = 0.022) and needed significantly fewer repeated endoscopic procedures (0.9 ± 1.0 vs. 3.1 ± 2.5; P = 0.021). After 8.9 ± 5.5 years of follow-up, overall survival was 85%; survival with native liver was 73%. No statistical difference was observed in the eventual outcome (alive with native liver) between primary and secondary (71% vs. 78%, P = 0.78).
CONCLUSION: Children with PHT who had primary prophylaxis had less subsequent spontaneous rebleeding and needed fewer additional endoscopic procedures as compared to secondary prophylaxis but did not have an improved eventual outcome. Screening endoscopy in all children who have signs of PHT and primary prophylaxis in high-risk esophageal varices should be considered before eventual LT.
METHOD: This is a retrospective study of all the patients that had undergone endoscopic variceal surveillance at the Gastroenterology endoscopy unit, Serdang Hospital from 1st January 2015 to 31st March 2017. Patients' demography, aetiologies of liver cirrhosis, platelet level and international normalised ratio (INR) prior banding procedure, and the post EVL complications were recorded and further analysed with SPSS version 16.
RESULTS: In this study, 105 patients were screened for varices. Fifty-five of them had undergone EVL, with a quarter of the patients requiring repeated ligation. There was a male preponderance with 76.4%. 56.4% of patients were in age from 40-59 years. The majority of our patients were of the Malay ethnicity. The major aetiology for liver cirrhosis in our patients was viral hepatitis with Hepatitis C (31.0%), and Hepatitis B (20.0%). Most of our patients had platelet count >50,000 and INR <1.5 prior to EVL. There was no major complication in all of our subjects.
CONCLUSION: EVL is relatively safe and feasible treatment for prevention of oesophageal variceal bleeds with a low complication rate.
CASE PRESENTATION: The liver progenitor cell proliferation is observed in a patient undergoing ALPPS for a metastatic hepatic tumour. Liver biopsy is acquired before and after ALPPS for the calculation of average number of liver progenitor cell under high magnification examination by stain of immunomarkers. This is the first in vivo evidence of growing liver progenitor cells demonstrated in a regenerating human liver.