METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study. Postpartum women were identified from a tertiary hospital and evaluated at 1-month postnatal period using WOMBLSQ. The Rasch model was used to investigate the reliability, unidimensionality, item and person misfits and distribution map.
RESULTS: A total of 195 women were involved. The Rasch analysis revealed that the 30 items had a high level of reliability at 0.99 and item separation at 9.02. It has a low level of reliability at 0.45 and persons separation at 0.90. All the items are considered fit. Five people have most misfitting response strings based on item IPS_Q15, 'I was given little advice on contraception following the birth of my baby', but extremely trivial differences were found in the parameter estimates after refitting the model. The more difficult item to endorse satisfaction is item CA_Q17 'I was given little advice on contraception following the birth of my baby'.
CONCLUSIONS: The WOMBLSQ tested in postpartum women proved to have high item reliability index but with an adequate sample. The analysis shows that the 30 items target the right form of respondents, have similar latent characteristics of postpartum women and a shared sense of satisfaction. For future improvement, more difficult items endorsing satisfaction should be created, and the common items in which satisfaction is expected should be reduced.
METHODS: Information was obtained from published records, responses from various questionnaires, personal communication and involvement with curricular development.
RESULTS: Curricular innovations tended to be implemented in new medical schools upon their establishment. Established medical schools seemed to implement these innovations much later. Curricular trends appear to move towards integration, student-centred and problem-based learning as well as community-oriented medical education, with the Student-centred learning, Problem-based learning, Integrated teaching, Community-based education, Electives and Systematic programme (SPICES) model used as a reference. The focus is based on the premise that although the short-term aim of undergraduate medical education in Malaysia is to prepare graduates for the pre-registration house officer year, they must be able to practise and make decisions independently and be sensitive to the needs of the country's multiracial, multi-religious, and often remote communities.
CONCLUSION: In most cases, curricular planning starts with a prescriptive model where planners focus on several intended outcomes. However, as the plan is implemented and evaluated it becomes descriptive as the planners reassess the internal and external factors that affect outcomes. A common trend in community-oriented educational activities is evident, with the introduction of interesting variations, to ensure that the curriculum can be implemented, sustained and the intended outcomes achieved.
Method: A retrospective review case records of patients who had undergone external ventricular drainage (EVD) for suspected meningitic hydropcephalus in Hospital Sultanah Aminah Johor Bahru (HSAJB), Johor, Malaysia.
Results: Fifty-one cases were analysed. Mean age of patients was 37.27 years old, with 64.7% of them was male. Univariate analysis revealed that the main parameters to determine CSF sterility were CSF glucose (95% CI, 0.852, 10.290, P = 0.001), CSF protein (CI 95%, 0.722, 14.898, P < 0.001), CSF gram stain (95% CI, 16.437, 0.877, P < 0.001 ) and CSF appearance ( 0.611, 6.362, P = 0.012). Multivariate analysis had proven that gram stain was the main parameter in the CSF analysis (CI 95%, 16.437, 0.029, P = 0.016). No significant differences in CSF results were observed from EVD and lumbar puncture.
Conclusion: The most significant parameter in CSF to determine infection was gram stain.
Method: This study is to evaluate the outcome of patients with mild head injury which were managed in non-neurosurgical centres with the help of teleneurosurgery. The study recruits samples from five primary hospitals utilising teleneurosurgery for neurosurgical consultations in managing mild head injury cases in Johor state. Two main outcomes were noted; favourable and unfavourable, with a follow up review of the Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS) at 3 and 6 months.
Results: Total of 359 samples were recruited with a total of 11 (3.06%) patients have an unfavourable. no significant difference in GOS at 3 and 6 months for patient in the unfavourable group (P = 0.368).
Conclusion: In this study we have found no significant factors affecting the outcome of mild head injury patients managed in non-neurosurgical centres in Johor state using the help of teleneurosurgery.