Displaying publications 181 - 200 of 295 in total

  1. Sonak S, Pangam P, Giriyan A
    J Environ Manage, 2008 Oct;89(1):14-23.
    PMID: 17544565
    A tsunami, triggered by a massive undersea earthquake off Sumatra in Indonesia, greatly devastated the lives, property and infrastructure of coastal communities in the coastal states of India, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Thailand. This event attracted the attention of environmental managers at all levels, local, national, regional and global. It also shifted the focus from the impact of human activities on the environment to the impacts of natural hazards. Recovery/reconstruction of these areas is highly challenging. A clear understanding of the complex dynamics of the coast and the types of challenges faced by the several stakeholders of the coast is required. Issues such as sustainability, equity and community participation assume importance. The concept of ICZM (integrated coastal zone management) has been effectively used in most parts of the world. This concept emphasizes the holistic assessment of the coast and a multidisciplinary analysis using participatory processes. It integrates anthropocentric and eco-centric approaches. This paper documents several issues involved in the recovery of tsunami-affected areas and recommends the application of the ICZM concept to the reconstruction efforts.
    Matched MeSH terms: Agriculture/legislation & jurisprudence; Conservation of Natural Resources/legislation & jurisprudence; Fisheries/legislation & jurisprudence
  2. Leong CC
    Med J Malaysia, 2006 Dec;61(5):592-8.
    PMID: 17623961
    On review of 3117 patients' records (all were female Indonesian foreign workers over the span of eight years (1997 to 2004 in a private clinic in Johor Bahru, 223 cases (7.2%) were found to have various medical problems. These 3117 foreigners were to be employed as domestic helpers in Malaysia. They were examined upon arrival in Johor Bahru even though our government did not require this pre-requisite (before 1st August 2005) as they were examined and certified fit in their country of origin before embarking to Malaysia. The proportion of female Indonesian foreign workers who were afflicted with category 1 conditions was 55.6% (which rendered them unfit for employment) and category 2 conditions was 44.4%. The medical problem detected most frequently was hypertension. Sixty-one (80.3%) out of 76 workers had stage 2 hypertension (JNC 7 report). Pulmonary tuberculosis ranked second in this review and is a category 1 condition. This paper supports the recent move by the Malaysian Ministry of Health to implement mandatory medical examinations for all foreign workers arriving in Malaysia within one month of arrival regardless of whether or not they are certified fit in their countries of origin.
    Matched MeSH terms: Employment/legislation & jurisprudence*; Mass Screening/legislation & jurisprudence*; Transients and Migrants/legislation & jurisprudence*
  3. Tan YL, Mackay J, Kolandai MA, Dorotheo EU
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2020 Jul 01;21(S1):23-25.
    PMID: 32649167 DOI: 10.31557/APJCP.2020.21.S1.23
    OBJECTIVE: This case series describes tobacco industry tactics and strategies used to interfere, derail, delay, and weaken the development of effective health warning regulations in Malaysia, Cambodia, the Philippines, and Hong Kong.

    METHODS: A historical review of official reports, news articles, and gray literature was undertaken to identify tobacco industry tactics and strategies to hamper government efforts in implementing stronger pictorial health warning regulations in four Asian jurisdictions (Cambodia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and the Philippines).

    RESULTS: Nineteen countries/jurisdictions in the WHO Western Pacific region currently require pictorial health warnings on cigarette packs, including some of the world's largest, in line with the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control Article 11 Guidelines. In the four jurisdictions examined, tobacco industry interference consisted of lobbying and misinformation of high-level government officers and policy-makers, distributing industry-friendly legislative drafts, taking government to court, challenging government timelines for law implementation, and mobilizing third parties. Strong political leadership and strategic advocacy enabled governments to successfully overcome this industry interference.

    CONCLUSION: The tobacco industry uses similar tactics in different jurisdictions to derail, delay, and weaken the implementation of effective health warning policies. Identifying and learning from international experiences can help anticipate and defeat such challenges.

    Matched MeSH terms: Smoking/legislation & jurisprudence; Smoking Cessation/legislation & jurisprudence; Tobacco Industry/legislation & jurisprudence
  4. Baker BK
    PLoS Med, 2016 Mar;13(3):e1001970.
    PMID: 26954325 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1001970
    Brook Baker describes the potential harms to global health from the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement and its failure to balance the interests of patients and the public with those of industry.
    Matched MeSH terms: Drug Industry/legislation & jurisprudence*; International Cooperation/legislation & jurisprudence*; Patents as Topic/legislation & jurisprudence
  5. Gbolahan Balogun W
    Anat Sci Educ, 2019 Jan;12(1):97-104.
    PMID: 30255559 DOI: 10.1002/ase.1831
    Anatomy education forms the foundation of a successful medical education. This has necessitated the development of innovative ideas to meet up with current realities. Despite these innovative ideas, there are challenges facing anatomy education, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. Problems such as inadequate teaching experts and outdated curricula have made anatomy education in sub-Saharan Africa uninviting and disinteresting. Several interventions have been suggested, such as the procurement of teaching tools and upgrading of teaching infrastructure. However, in this age of information technology; anatomy education, especially in sub-Saharan Africa could benefit from the integration of electronic tools and resources. This article explores the electronic tools and resources such as three-dimensional printing, educational games, and short videos that are readily available for the teaching of anatomy in sub-Saharan Africa. The author concludes by discussing how these electronic tools and resources can be used to address many of the challenges facing anatomy education in sub-Saharan Africa.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anatomy/legislation & jurisprudence; Education, Medical/legislation & jurisprudence; Schools, Medical/legislation & jurisprudence
  6. Yong HH, Foong K, Borland R, Omar M, Hamann S, Sirirassamee B, et al.
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2010 Jan;22(1):98-109.
    PMID: 20032039 DOI: 10.1177/1010539509351303
    This study examined support for and reported compliance with smoke-free policy in air-conditioned restaurants and other similar places among adult smokers in Malaysia and Thailand. Baseline data (early 2005) from the International Tobacco Control Southeast Asia Survey (ITC-SEA), conducted face-to-face in Malaysia and Thailand (n = 4005), were used. Among those attending venues, reported total smoking bans in indoor air-conditioned places such as restaurants, coffee shops, and karaoke lounges were 40% and 57% in Malaysia and Thailand, respectively. Support for a total ban in air-conditioned venues was high and similar for both countries (82% Malaysian and 90% Thai smokers who believed there was a total ban), but self-reported compliance with bans in such venues was significantly higher in Thailand than in Malaysia (95% vs 51%, P < .001). As expected, reporting a ban in air-conditioned venues was associated with a greater support for a ban in such venues in both countries.
    Matched MeSH terms: Restaurants/legislation & jurisprudence*; Smoking/legislation & jurisprudence*; Tobacco Smoke Pollution/legislation & jurisprudence
  7. Manap N, Voulvoulis N
    J Environ Manage, 2015 Jan 1;147:338-48.
    PMID: 25304520 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2014.09.024
    Scientific research has characterized the effects of dredging, an underwater excavation process for navigational purposes or material extraction, and has shown its association with a number of chemical, physical and biological impacts. Due to this, much environmental management has been applied in the dredging industry in order to manage its detrimental effects. However, developing nations may have different approaches towards their dredging environmental management to compare to their companions with higher economic strength. Moreover, scientific evidence to make an informed decision is often lacking, hence affecting the number of research executed at these nations, limiting their efforts to preserve the environment. This paper reviews the dredging environmental impacts and its two important factors, dredging technology and sediment characteristic, that determine the magnitude of impacts through literature review, and discusses the need for a more integrated dredging environmental management to be developed for developing nations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Conservation of Natural Resources/legislation & jurisprudence
  8. Jain D, Darrow JJ
    Health Matrix Clevel, 2013;23(2):425-57.
    PMID: 24341078
    Access to affordable drugs for the treatment of HIV/AIDS and other diseases is increasingly challenging in many developing countries such as Brazil, South Africa, and India. These challenges are in part the result of strengthened patent laws mandated by the 1994 Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) treaty. However, there are underutilized instruments within TRIPS that governments can use to limit the adverse effects of patent protection and thereby ensure a supply of affordable generic drugs to their people. One such instrument is compulsory licensing, which allows generic manufacturers to produce pharmaceutical products that are currently subject to patent protection. Compulsory licensing has been used by a number of countries in the last few years, including the United States, Canada, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brazil, and Thailand, and is particularly significant for countries such as India, where large numbers of people are infected with HIV. This Article explores the feasibility of compulsory licensing as a tool to facilitate access to essential medicines within the current patent regime in India, drawing on the experiences of other countries.
    Matched MeSH terms: Patents as Topic/legislation & jurisprudence*
  9. Shetty P
    Lancet, 2013 Jun 15;381(9883):2073.
    PMID: 23769222 DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(13)61231-3
    Matched MeSH terms: Street Drugs/legislation & jurisprudence
  10. Rani M, Nusrat S, Hawken LH
    BMC Public Health, 2012;12:877.
    PMID: 23067232 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2458-12-877
    Segmented service delivery with consequent inefficiencies in health systems was one of the main concerns raised during scaling up of disease-specific programs in the last two decades. The organized response to NCD is in infancy in most LMICs with little evidence on how the response is evolving in terms of institutional arrangements and policy development processes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Preventive Medicine/legislation & jurisprudence
  11. Fauziah SH, Agamuthu P
    Waste Manag Res, 2012 Jul;30(7):656-63.
    PMID: 22455994 DOI: 10.1177/0734242X12437564
    In Malaysia, landfills are being filled up rapidly due to the current daily generation of approximately 30,000 tonnes of municipal solid waste. This situation creates the crucial need for improved landfilling practices, as sustainable landfilling technology is yet to be achieved here. The objective of this paper is to identify and evaluate the development and trends in landfilling practices in Malaysia. In 1970, the disposal sites in Malaysia were small and prevailing waste disposal practices was mere open-dumping. This network of relatively small dumps, typically located close to population centres, was considered acceptable for a relatively low population of 10 million in Malaysia. In the 1980s, a national programme was developed to manage municipal and industrial wastes more systematically and to reduce adverse environmental impacts. The early 1990s saw the privatization of waste management in many parts of Malaysia, and the establishment of the first sanitary landfills for MSW and an engineered landfill (called 'secure landfill' in Malaysia) for hazardous waste. A public uproar in 2007 due to contamination of a drinking water source from improper landfilling practices led to some significant changes in the government's policy regarding the country's waste management strategy. Parliament passed the Solid Waste and Public Cleansing Management (SWPCM) Act 2007 in August 2007. Even though the Act is yet to be implemented, the government has taken big steps to improve waste management system further. The future of the waste management in Malaysia seems somewhat brighter with a clear waste management policy in place. There is now a foundation upon which to build a sound and sustainble waste management and disposal system in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Refuse Disposal/legislation & jurisprudence
  12. Dahlui M, Ramli S, Bulgiba AM
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2011;12(6):1631-4.
    PMID: 22126511
    Breast cancer is the most common cancer in Malaysian females. The National Cancer Registry in 2003 and 2006 reported that the age standardized incidence of breast cancer was 46.2 and 39.3 per 100,000 populations, respectively. With the cumulative risk at 5.0; a woman in Malaysia had a 1 in 20 chance of developing breast cancer in her lifetime. The incidence of cancer in general, and for breast cancer specifically was highest in the Chinese, followed by Indians and Malays. Most of the patients with breast cancers presented at late stages (stage I: 15.45%, stage II: 46.9%, stage III: 22.2% and stage IV: 15.5%). The Healthy Lifestyles Campaign which started in the early nineties had created awareness on breast cancer and after a decade the effort was enhanced with the Breast Health Awareness program to promote breast self examination (BSE) to all women, to perform annual clinical breast examination (CBE) on women above 40 and mammogram on women above 50. The National Health Morbidity Survey in 2006 showed that the prevalence rate of 70.35% by any of three methods of breast screening; 57.1% by BSE, 51.8% by CBE and 7.6% by mammogram. The current screening policy for breast cancer focuses on CBE whereby all women at the age of 20 years and above must undergo breast examination by trained health care providers every 3 years for age between 20-39 years, and annually for age 40 and above. Several breast cancer preventive programs had been developed by various ministries in Malaysia; among which are the RM50 subsidy for mammogram by the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development and the SIPPS program (a call-recall system for women to do PAP smear and CBE) by the Ministry of Health. Measures to increase uptake of breast cancer screening and factors as to why women with breast cancer present late should be studied to assist in more development of policy on the prevention of breast cancer in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Policy/legislation & jurisprudence*
  13. Reynolds G, Payne J, Sinun W, Mosigil G, Walsh RP
    Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 2011 Nov 27;366(1582):3168-76.
    PMID: 22006960 DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2011.0154
    In an earlier special issue of this journal, Marsh & Greer summarized forest land use in Sabah at that time and gave an introduction to the Danum Valley Conservation Area. Since that assessment, during the period 1990-2010, the forests of Sabah and particularly those of the ca 10 000 km(2) concession managed on behalf of the State by Yayasan Sabah (the Sabah Foundation) have been subject to continual, industrial harvesting, including the premature re-logging of extensive tracts of previously only once-logged forest and large-scale conversion of natural forests to agricultural plantations. Over the same period, however, significant areas of previously unprotected pristine forest have been formally gazetted as conservation areas, while much of the forest to the north, the south and the east of the Danum Valley Conservation Area (the Ulu Segama and Malua Forest Reserves) has been given added protection and new forest restoration initiatives have been launched. This paper analyses these forest-management and land-use changes in Sabah during the period 1990-2010, with a focus on the Yayasan Sabah Forest Management Area. Important new conservation and forest restoration and rehabilitation initiatives within its borders are given particular emphasis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Conservation of Natural Resources/legislation & jurisprudence
  14. Ormond M
    Asia Pac Viewp, 2011;52(3):247-59.
    PMID: 22216474
    "Medical tourism" has frequently been held to unsettle naturalised relationships between the state and its citizenry. Yet in casting "medical tourism" as either an outside "innovation" or "invasion," scholars have often ignored the role that the neoliberal retrenchment of social welfare structures has played in shaping the domestic health-care systems of the "developing" countries recognised as international medical travel destinations. While there is little doubt that "medical tourism" impacts destinations' health-care systems, it remains essential to contextualise them. This paper offers a reading of the emergence of "medical tourism" from within the context of ongoing health-care privatisation reform in one of today's most prominent destinations: Malaysia. It argues that "medical tourism" to Malaysia has been mobilised politically both to advance domestic health-care reform and to cast off the country's "underdeveloped" image not only among foreign patient-consumers but also among its own nationals, who are themselves increasingly envisioned by the Malaysian state as prospective health-care consumers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Care Sector/legislation & jurisprudence
  15. Wong LP
    BMC Public Health, 2011;11:446.
    PMID: 21649937 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2458-11-446
    This study sought to understand the factors associated with street racing among the illegal motorcycle racers in Malaysia or known as the "Mat Rempit".
    Matched MeSH terms: Motorcycles/legislation & jurisprudence*
  16. Khiun LK
    PMID: 20836261
    Matched MeSH terms: Agriculture/legislation & jurisprudence
  17. Abd Ghani MK, Bali RK, Naguib RN, Marshall IM, Nilmini S. Wickramasinghe
    Int J Electron Healthc, 2008;4(1):78-104.
    PMID: 18583297
    An integrated Lifetime Health Record (LHR) is fundamental for achieving seamless and continuous access to patient medical information and for the continuum of care. However, the aim has not yet been fully realised. The efforts are actively progressing around the globe. Every stage of the development of the LHR initiatives had presented peculiar challenges. The best lessons in life are those of someone else's experiences. This paper presents an overview of the development approaches undertaken by four East Asian countries in implementing a national Electronic Health Record (EHR) in the public health system. The major challenges elicited from the review including integration efforts, process reengineering, funding, people, and law and regulation will be presented, compared, discussed and used as lessons learned for the further development of the Malaysian integrated LHR.
    Matched MeSH terms: Medical Records Systems, Computerized/legislation & jurisprudence
  18. Chee HL
    Soc Sci Med, 2008 May;66(10):2145-56.
    PMID: 18329149 DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2008.01.036
    The recent history of healthcare privatisation and corporatisation in Malaysia, an upper middle-income developing country, highlights the complicit role of the state in the rise of corporate healthcare. Following upon the country's privatisation policy in the 1980s, private capital made significant inroads into the healthcare provider sector. This paper explores the various ownership interests in healthcare provision: statist capital, rentier capital, and transnational capital, as well as the contending social and political forces that lie behind state interests in the privatisation of healthcare, the growing prominence of transnational activities in healthcare, and the regional integration of capital in the healthcare provider industry. Civil society organizations provide a small but important countervailing force in the contention over the future of healthcare in the country. It is envisaged that the healthcare financing system will move towards a social insurance model, in which the state has an important regulating role. The important question, therefore, is whether the Malaysian government, with its vested interests, will have the capacity and the will to play this role in a social insurance system. The issues of ownership and control have important implications for governance more generally in a future healthcare system.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services Accessibility/legislation & jurisprudence*
  19. Radin Umar RS
    Int J Inj Contr Saf Promot, 2006 Jun;13(2):71-9.
    PMID: 16707342
    This paper presents the approach taken by the Malaysian Government to contain motorcycle casualties in Malaysia. It involves the exposure control, crash prevention, behaviour modification and injury control related to humans, vehicles and the environment based on pre-crash, crash and post-crash scenarios of motorcycle accidents. These initiatives emanated mainly from the research and development carried out by the Road Safety Research Centre at Universiti Putra Malaysia. Recent outcomes from these initiatives are presented and their impact is highlighted.
    Matched MeSH terms: Safety/legislation & jurisprudence*
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