We report a rare case of laryngotracheal anomaly and its possible etiology and mode of presentation. A teenager presented with voice change and a neck lump. Investigations revealed a laryngeal anomaly in which the larynx was hyperdescended. It was accompanied by low lying thyroid gland and hyoid bone together with an absence of a cervical segment of the esophagus and trachea. The anomaly only became noticeable secondary to pubertal changes in the thyroid cartilage of the teenager. An embryological defect during the formation of the laryngotracheal tube and esophagus is a possible explanation of this anomaly. The present case probably represents the third reported of its kind.
Intestinal parasitic infections (IPIs) have a worldwide distribution and have been identified as one of the most significant causes of illnesses and diseases among the disadvantaged population. In Malaysia, IPIs still persist in some rural areas, and this study was conducted to determine the current epidemiological status and to identify risk factors associated with IPIs among communities residing in rural and remote areas of West Malaysia.
Sickle cell disease (SCD) is an inherited red cell disorder, characterized by the tendency of haemoglobin S or sickle haemoglobin to polymerize and assume a characteristic sickle shape. Molecular analysis has been the mainstay of detection method when confirmation is required. Previously a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based restriction enzyme analysis was used for this purpose. A simple bidirectional allele-specific amplification, recently described by Waterfall in 2001 was used to detect the GAG --> GTG mutation on codon 6 of the beta globin gene. Two sets of primers for the mutant and the wild type alleles were used in a single PCR reaction to amplify the regions of interest. The resultant PCR products will produce two fragments at 517 and 267 base pair (bp) respectively. This report highlights the investigations for SCD in the family of a 16-year old girl with recurrent painful crisis affecting the lower limbs whereby the family members are asymptomatic for the disease. Her haemoglobin electrophoresis at an alkaline pH showed dense bands at the HbS and HbF regions, while her father and two sisters had bands at HbS, HbF and HbA. The PCR analysis showed that she was homozygous for the mutation by the presence of only one band at 267 bp fragment, while the father and her sisters were heterozygotes, with the presence of two bands at 267 as well as 517 bp fragments. DNA sequencing of the sample confirmed the mutation. In conclusion, this case report highlighted the simple and cheap yet practical method for molecular confirmation of the presence of HbS gene in subjects with homozygous or heterozygous state of the condition.
Endoscopic examination and removal of foreign body under general anaesthesia are recommended for persistent symptomatic patient with or without significant findings on radiological examination. This report evaluates the management outcome of surgical removal of foreign body ingestion in upper gastrointestinal tract. A total of 70 cases with full documentation were reviewed retrospectively from June 1998 until December 2007. There were 32 male and 38 female with age range from 6 months to 87 years old (mean: 36.9 years). Sixty five patients (93%) were adults and 15 (7%) were below 13 years. Fish bones were the most common foreign body found (44.3%). Radiologically, foreign bodies were highly suspicious in 51 cases (76.1%). Intraoperatively, thirty six cases (70.6%) were positive. From 16 cases (23.9%) with normal radiograph, 10 cases (62.5%) were found to have foreign bodies. Therefore the plain radiograph is helpful, but clinical presentation is more reliable to determine surgical removal under general anaesthesia.
To evaluate the perinatal outcome of premature babies according to the mode of delivery. A total of 113 pregnant women and 124 neonates who delivered from 30 to 35 weeks of gestation were enrolled and outcomes of 70 neonates born vaginally were compared to 54 neonates born by caesarean. Neonatal mortality rate was 20 percent for infants in caesarean group as compared to 10 percent for vaginal group. There was no significant difference in the neonatal morbidity among both the groups. Caesarean delivery cannot be routinely recommended, unless there are obstetric indications.
A 14 year old boy underwent a 7 hour long spinal surgery for scoliosis in the prone position. In the immediate postoperative period, he developed right proptosis, periorbital swelling, chemosis and total ophthalmoplegia. The vision in his right eye was only counting fingers and the intraocular pressure was 68 mmHg. Fundus examination revealed occlusion of the right central retinal artery. A rare manifestation of both vein and artery occlusion was possible in this patient as a result of external ocular compression due to a prolonged period in the prone position. This report highlights the importance of being aware of the possible complications of external ocular compression in non-ocular surgery.
BACKGROUND: One of the most commonly used method for dental age assessment is the method reported by Demirjian and coworkers in 1973. It was later modified by Willems and coworkers whereby they “performed a weighted ANOVA” in order to adapt the scoring system.
AIM: To evaluate the applicability of Demirjian and Willems methods for dental age estimation for Malaysian children and to correlate the accuracy of the findings with the chronology of tooth development of premolars and second molars.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 991 dental panoramic radiographs of 5-15-year-old Malaysian children were included in the study. The mean Demirjian and Willems estimated ages were compared to the mean chronological age.
RESULTS: The mean chronological age of the sample was 10.1±2.8 and 9.9±3.0 years for males and females respectively. Using the Demirjian method, the mean estimated dental age was 10.8±2.9 years for males and 10.5±2.9 years for females. For Willems method, the mean estimated age was 10.3±2.8 years males and 10.0±3.0 years respectively.
CONCLUSIONS: Willems method was more applicable for estimating dental age for Malaysian children. Overestimation in Demirjian method could be due to advanced development of second bicuspids and molars.
Two studies examined the ability of the life script account to explain the reminiscence bump for emotionally charged autobiographical memories among Malaysian participants. In Study 1 volunteers, aged 50-90 years, participated in a two-phased task. In the first phase, participants estimated the timing of 11 life events (both positive and negative) that may occur in a prototypical life course within their own culture. Two weeks later the participants retrieved the same set of events from their lives and reported how old they were when those events occurred. In the second study 92 undergraduate students produced life scripts for the same 11 events. The findings revealed reminiscence bumps in both life script and retrieval curves for the memories judged happiest, most important, most in love, and most jealous. A reminiscence bump was also noted for success, although this was later in the lifespan than other reminiscence bumps. It was suggested that the life scripts can be used as an alternative account for the reminiscence bump, for highly positive and occasionally for negative autobiographical memories.
Mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) are a group of inherited disorders caused by the deficiency of specific lysosomal enzymes involved in glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) degradation. Currently, there are 11 enzyme deficiencies resulting in seven distinct MPS clinical syndromes and their subtypes. Different MPS syndromes cannot be clearly distinguished clinically due to overlapping signs and symptoms. Measurement of GAGs content in urine and separation of GAGs using high-resolution electrophoresis (HRE) are very useful initial screening tests for isotyping of MPS before specific enzyme diagnostics. In this study, we measured total urinary GAGs by a method using dimethylmethylene blue (DMB), and followed by isolation and separation of GAGs using high resolution electrophoresis (HRE) technique. Of 760 urine samples analyzed, 40 have abnormal GAGs HRE patterns. Thirty-five of these 40 cases have elevated urinary GAGs levels as well. These abnormal HRE patterns could be classified into 4 patterns: Pattern A (elevated DS and HS; suggestive of MPS I, II or VII; 16 cases), Pattern B (elevated HS and CS; suggestive of MPS III; 17 cases), and Pattern C (elevated KS and CS; suggestive of MPS IV, 5 cases), and Pattern D (elevated DS; suggestive of MPS VI; 2 cases). Based on the GAGs HRE pattern and a few discriminating clinical signs, we performed selective enzymatic investigation in 16 cases. In all except one case with MPS VII, the enzymatic diagnosis correlated well with the provisional MPS type as suggested by the abnormal HRE pattern. Our results showed that GAGs HRE is a useful, inexpensive and practical first-line screening test when MPS is suspected clinically, and it provides an important guide to further enzymatic studies on a selective basis.
This research aimed to determine HIV prevalence, risk behaviour and knowledge of transmission methods among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Venue-day-time sampling (VDTS) was applied to identify venues where men congregate to solicit sex from other men. Participants recruited from clubs, massage parlours, saunas and one park self-completed a computerized behavioural questionnaire, were administered an oral rapid HIV test and given the opportunity to return later to receive full counselling and learn their HIV status. A total of 517 men were enrolled into the study. The majority were Malays (47.0%) and Chinese (43.7%). Twenty tested HIV positive (3.9%). Significant predictors of HIV infection included having unprotected anal sex with a casual partner (44.9% of participants, odds ratio [OR] = 2.99; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.13-7.90; P = 0.027), having unprotected receptive anal sex (27.9%, OR = 2.71; 95% CI 1.10-6.54; P = 0.030) and having group sex (33.3%, OR = 3.95; 95% CI 1.55-10.09; P = 0.004). One in five participants (20.1% and 19.5%) did not believe that HIV could be transmitted through insertive or receptive anal sex, respectively. Risk behaviour is high and knowledge of HIV transmission methods was low among MSM in Kuala Lumpur. Future prevention efforts should focus on providing risk reduction education to this community.
Diplopodia is a rare congenital disorder that has not been extensively discussed in textbooks, and case reports appear to be the main source of information. Although the exact cause of diplopodia remains unknown, the presence of extra digits as well as metatarsals and tarsals allows it to be differentiated from pedal polydactyly. Syndactyly refers to the congenital fusion of the digits. Concomitant bilateral syndactyly and diplopodia is extremely unusual, and in this report we describe a case of right diplopodia and left polydactyly combined with bilateral manual syndactyly in a 15-year-old girl who was ultimately treated with through-the-knee amputation. Radiological examination of the right leg revealed tibial hypoplasia and the right foot displayed 8 digits with corresponding metatarsals and tarsals, whereas the left leg revealed 2 extra digits on the medial aspect of the foot with corresponding metatarsal and tarsal bones. Anatomical dissection of the right foot revealed that it was divided into halves consisting of 8 toes with corresponding metatarsals and tarsals, as well as tibial hypoplasia and absence of the great toe. Diplopodia associated with tibial hypoplasia and syndactyly can be treated surgically, and the present case report details the clinical, radiological, and anatomical elements of this rare deformity.
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of static and dynamic stretching within a pre-exercise warm-up on hip dynamic range of motion (DROM) during instep kicking in professional soccer players. The kicking motions of dominant legs were captured from 18 professional adult male soccer players (height: 180.38 ± 7.34 cm; mass: 69.77 ± 9.73 kg; age: 19.22 ± 1.83 years) using 4 3-dimensional digital video cameras at 50 Hz. Hip DROM at backward, forward, and follow-through phases (instep kick phases) after different warm-up protocols consisting of static, dynamic, and no-stretching on 3 nonconsecutive test days were captured for analysis. During the backswing phase, there was no difference in DROM after the dynamic stretching compared with the static stretching relative to the no-stretching method. There was a significant difference in DROM after the dynamic stretching compared with the static stretching relative to the no-stretching method during (a) the forward phase with p < 0.03, (b) the follow-through phase with p < 0.01, and (c) all phases with p < 0.01. We concluded that professional soccer players can perform a higher DROM of the hip joint during the instep kick after dynamic stretching incorporated in warm-ups, hence increasing the chances of scoring and injury prevention during soccer games.
BACKGROUND: In-depth understanding of cultural and religious factors limiting organ donation of three ethnic populations (Malay, Chinese, and Indian) in Southeast Asia is lacking. Identification of factors limiting organ donation among these three ethnic groups will provide insights into culturally appropriate strategies to promote acceptance of organ donation in a multiethnic Asian community.
METHODS: A total of 17 focus group discussions (105 participants) were conducted between September and December 2008. Participants were members of the general public aged 18 to 60 years, recruited through convenient sampling around the Klang Valley area of Malaysia.
RESULTS: Although the majority had favorable attitudes toward deceased organ donation and transplantation, a diversity of myths and misinformation were unearthed from the discussions across the ethnic groups. These include perceived religious prohibition, cultural myths and misperceptions, fear of disfigurement, fear of surgery, distrust of the medical system, and family disapproval. Culture and religious beliefs played important prohibitive roles among those opposed to organ donations. There were distinctive ethnic differences in cultural and religious concerns regarding organ donation. Less-educated and rural groups appeared to have more misconceptions than the well-educated and the urban groups.
CONCLUSION: Our findings may assist organ donation and transplantation organizations to reach diverse sociodemographic and ethnic communities with culture-specific information about organ donation. The involvement of community and religious leaders is critical in organ donation requests.
STUDY DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey.
OBJECTIVES: To investigate factors related to length of time between spinal cord injury (SCI) onset and start of first post-injury employment.
SETTING: Persons living with SCI in the community who are members of a disability support organization.
METHODS: Participants were randomly selected from the membership list of a non-governmental voluntary organization. They met the following four criteria: traumatic SCI, minimum of 15 years of age at the time of survey, a minimum of 2 years after SCI and had been employed for some time since SCI. The main outcome measure was time (in years) from injury onset to beginning first post-injury job.
RESULTS: Participants averaged 4.9 years (s.d. 5.1) from the time of SCI to their first post-injury job, with a range of 3 months to 20 years. Fifty percent of the participants who eventually returned to work had done so by 4 years. Return to pre-injury employer and employment were associated with early return, whereas having less years in education and being older at the time of injury were associated with longer time to return to work.
CONCLUSION: Rehabilitation team need to consider return to employment as a realistic goal even many years after SCI. Perhaps a focus on returning more people to their pre-injury employer and employment with added focus and input from rehabilitation team for those with lower education status and older age at time of injury might expedite the process of reintegration.
Variations in the gene for dopamine D2 receptor (DRD2) might have an influence on the outcome of antipsychotic treatment in schizophrenia. The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of DRD2 polymorphisms on treatment outcomes in patients with schizophrenia.
A 15 year-old adolescent was referred with 2 month history of worsening of breathlessness and haemoptysis. He also reported constitutional symptoms of fever, poor appetite and weight loss. The chest roentgenogram showed a massive right pleural effusion with apparent cardiomegaly. The cardiac silhouette over the right heart border was obliterated and the mediastinum was widened. Computed tomogram of the thorax showed a bulky heterogeneous mass in the right lung with extension to the heart. Subsequent CT guided lung biopsy revealed Primitive Neuroectodermal tumour (PNET). Here, we illustrate the clinical course of an aggressive pulmonary PNET with lethal cardiac metastasis.
OBJECTIVES: This study examined the level of knowledge and barriers towards cervical cancer screening of female university students.
METHODOLOGY: A cross-sectional design was used for 287 female students at a tertiary institution located in Selangor, Malaysia. A name list of all students in the all faculties were obtained from each faculty's registrar and the ethics committee of the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, approved the study. Respondents completed a consent form before they were given the questionnaire consisting of four sections: socio-demographic characteristics (six questions); risk factor of cervical cancer (six); knowledge about cervical cancer and the Pap smear test (ten); and finally barriers to Pap screening (eleven). Data were analyzed using SPSS version 13.
RESULTS: The prevalence of ever having had a Pap test was 6%. Majority of the participants had adequate knowledge about risk factors of cervical cancer. The highest knowledge about cervical cancer risk factor reported by the respondents was having more than one sex partner (77.5%), whereas the lowest was the relationship between HPV and cervical cancer (51.2%). Age, marital status, ethnicity, monthly family income and faculty were significantly associated with knowledge of cervical cancer screening (p=0.003; p=0.001; p=0.002; p=0.002; p=0.001 and p=0.002; respectively). The most common barriers of cervical cancer screening were the Pap smear test will make them worry (95.8%) whereas the least common barrier reported among participants was no encouragement from the partner (8.8%).
CONCLUSION: Some misconceptions and barriers in uptaking Pap smear test are still serious problems among young women. Although knowledge about cervical cancer screening is adequate they have a very poor practice of Pap smear test. The introduction of reproductive health subjects is warranted for all university students.