Displaying publications 201 - 220 of 377 in total

  1. Mohammadi S, Jalaludin MY, Su TT, Dahlui M, Azmi Mohamed MN, Abdul Majid H
    PMID: 30791423 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph16040603
    The increased prevalence of unhealthy eating habits and sedentary lifestyles among Malaysian adolescents has become a public health concern. The aim of this systematic review was to summarize evidence from observational studies related to diet and physical activity (PA) among Malaysian adolescents (13⁻18 years) and to recognize the associations between determinants of diet and PA and diet and PA behaviours. A systematic search for observational studies published from August 1990 through August 2017 was conducted via PubMed, Science Direct, Cochrane and Web of Science. A total of 18 studies met the inclusion criteria; these were independently extracted by two reviewers. Gender and ethnicity were the most commonly studied correlates of diet and PA; males were more physically active and they tended to have poorer diet quality and higher energy and macronutrient intakes in comparison to females; Malay adolescents had a lower diet quality and Chinese adolescents spent less time in PA compared to other ethnicities. However, the significance of these associations was often small or inconsistent. This review highlights the lack of longitudinal observational studies but summarizes the best available evidence for policymakers and public health practitioners to improve the diet and the level of PA in Malaysian adolescents.
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior
  2. Vasanth Rao VRB, Candasamy M, Bhattamisra SK
    Diabetes Metab Syndr, 2019 05 07;13(3):2112-2120.
    PMID: 31235145 DOI: 10.1016/j.dsx.2019.05.004
    Obesity is a complex disorder that is linked to many coexisting disorders. Recent epidemiological data have suggested that the prevalence of obesity is at an all-time high, growing to be one of the world's biggest problems. There are several mechanisms on how individuals develop obesity which includes genetic and environmental factors. Not only does obesity contribute to other health issues but it also greatly affects the quality of life, physical ability, mental strength and imposes a huge burden in terms of healthcare costs. Along with that, obesity is associated with the risk of mortality and has been shown to reduce the median survival rate. Obesity is basically when the body is not able to balance energy intake and output. When energy intake exceeds energy expenditure, excess calories will be stored as fat leading to weight gain and eventually obesity. The therapeutic market for treating obesity is composed of many different interventions from lifestyle intervention, surgical procedures to pharmacotherapeutic approaches. All of these interventions have their respective benefits and disadvantages and are specifically prescribed to a patient based on the severity of their obesity as well as the existence of other health conditions. This review discusses the genetic and environmental causes of obesity along with the recent developments in anti-obesity therapies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior
  3. Hanya G, Kanamori T, Kuze N, Wong ST, Bernard H
    Am J Primatol, 2020 08;82(8):e23157.
    PMID: 32515849 DOI: 10.1002/ajp.23157
    Knowledge of niche partitioning with respect to habitat is indispensable to understand the mechanism of coexistence of multiple species. Among primates, however, data are still deficient because repeated survey for a sufficiently long time, covering seasonal changes over a large area, is the only way to clarify habitat segregation within a seasonally fluctuating environment. Southeast Asia is particularly interesting because of the supra-annual, highly unpredictable seasonality in fruiting known as mast fruiting. We conducted repeated route census, habitat monitoring, and group tracking for 25 months in two study sites (ca. 10 km apart) in the largely primary lowland dipterocarp forest of the Danum Valley Conservation Area, eastern Sabah, northern Borneo, Malaysia. The five species of diurnal primates (Bornean orangutan Pongo pygmaeus, Müeller's gibbon Hylobates muelleri, red leaf monkey Presbytis rubicunda, long-tailed macaque Macaca fascicularis, and southern pig-tailed macaque M. nemestrina) did not show horizontal spatial segregation. Red leaf monkeys showed preferences for places with short tree height, but their distribution was not confined to such places. In response to the fruiting peak observed once during the study period, orangutans increased their numbers simultaneously in the two study sites. The average tree height used by the five species was different, but their range overlapped substantially. Compared with other primate communities, the lack of horizontal spatial segregation and the suggested long-distance movement of orangutans seem to be unique characteristics in Borneo, although the use of different forest strata is a widespread phenomenon among primate communities throughout the world.
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior
  4. Loke PY, Lee CY
    J Econ Entomol, 2006 Feb;99(1):129-33.
    PMID: 16573333
    Monomorium orientale Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) is a common structure- and food-infesting ant in Asia. There is only limited information on the biology and habits of this species, especially on the preferred foods and distribution of nutrients in colonies. We conducted a laboratory study on the distribution of carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids, which were represented by respective food sources, in M. orientale colonies. Three colony conditions were applied: normal, with a balanced ratio of castes, queenless (only workers and brood), and broodless (only queens and workers). Food sources were stained to track the flow of the respective food in the colonies. Results revealed that carbohydrates had rapid distribution, with > 60% of the colony indicated in 24 h, in all colony conditions. Queens in all colonies did not feed on protein. Protein showed a more delayed distribution in the brood in all colony conditions; < 10% of the colony fed on protein by 24 h. Only queens in broodless colonies showed signs of feeding on lipid, with < 10% indicated in 24 h. Workers in all colonies fed on lipid as soon as it was delivered, whereas the brood only began to reveal feeding response after 24 h.
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior
  5. Lenz M, Kard B, Creffield JW, Evans TA, Brown KS, Freytag ED, et al.
    J Econ Entomol, 2013 Jun;106(3):1395-403.
    PMID: 23865207
    A comparative field study was conducted to evaluate the ability of subterranean termites to damage a set of four different plastic materials (cable sheathings) exposed below- and above-ground. Eight pest species from six countries were included, viz., Coptotermes formosanus (Shiraki) in China, Japan, and the United States; Coptotermes gestroi (Wasmann) in Thailand and Malaysia; Coptotermes curvignathus (Holmgren) and Coptotermes kalshoveni (Kemner) in Malaysia; Coptotermes acinaciformis (Froggatt) with two forms of the species complex and Mastotermes darwiniensis (Froggatt) in Australia; and Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar) in the United States. Termite species were separated into four tiers relative to decreasing ability to damage plastics. The first tier, most damaging, included C. acinaciformis, mound-building form, and M. darwiniensis, both from tropical Australia. The second tier included C. acinaciformis, tree-nesting form, from temperate Australia and C. kalshoveni from Southeast Asia. The third tier included C. curcignathus and C. gestroi from Southeast Asia and C. formosanus from China, Japan, and the United States, whereas the fourth tier included only R. flavipes, which caused no damage. A consequence of these results is that plastics considered resistant to termite damage in some locations will not be so in others because of differences in the termite fauna, for example, resistant plastics from the United States and Japan will require further testing in Southeast Asia and Australia. However, plastics considered resistant in Australia will be resistant in all other locations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior
  6. Wolff GH, Riffell JA
    J Exp Biol, 2018 02 27;221(Pt 4).
    PMID: 29487141 DOI: 10.1242/jeb.157131
    Mosquitoes are best known for their proclivity towards biting humans and transmitting bloodborne pathogens, but there are over 3500 species, including both blood-feeding and non-blood-feeding taxa. The diversity of host preference in mosquitoes is exemplified by the feeding habits of mosquitoes in the genus Malaya that feed on ant regurgitation or those from the genus Uranotaenia that favor amphibian hosts. Host preference is also by no means static, but is characterized by behavioral plasticity that allows mosquitoes to switch hosts when their preferred host is unavailable and by learning host cues associated with positive or negative experiences. Here we review the diverse range of host-preference behaviors across the family Culicidae, which includes all mosquitoes, and how adaptations in neural circuitry might affect changes in preference both within the life history of a mosquito and across evolutionary time-scales.
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior
  7. Mura Paroche M, Caton SJ, Vereijken CMJL, Weenen H, Houston-Price C
    Front Psychol, 2017;8:1046.
    PMID: 28790935 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01046
    Early childhood is a critical time for establishing food preferences and dietary habits. In order for appropriate advice to be available to parents and healthcare professionals it is essential for researchers to understand the ways in which children learn about foods. This review summarizes the literature relating to the role played by known developmental learning processes in the establishment of early eating behavior, food preferences and general knowledge about food, and identifies gaps in our knowledge that remain to be explored. A systematic literature search identified 48 papers exploring how young children learn about food from the start of complementary feeding to 36 months of age. The majority of the papers focus on evaluative components of children's learning about food, such as their food preferences, liking and acceptance. A smaller number of papers focus on other aspects of what and how children learn about food, such as a food's origins or appropriate eating contexts. The review identified papers relating to four developmental learning processes: (1) Familiarization to a food through repeated exposure to its taste, texture or appearance. This was found to be an effective technique for learning about foods, especially for children at the younger end of our age range. (2) Observational learning of food choice. Imitation of others' eating behavior was also found to play an important role in the first years of life. (3) Associative learning through flavor-nutrient and flavor-flavor learning (FFL). Although the subject of much investigation, conditioning techniques were not found to play a major role in shaping the food preferences of infants in the post-weaning and toddler periods. (4) Categorization of foods. The direct effects of the ability to categorize foods have been little studied in this age group. However, the literature suggests that what infants are willing to consume depends on their ability to recognize items on their plate as familiar exemplars of that food type.
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior
  8. Conley M, Barden A, Viecelli AK, Irish AB, Cass A, Hawley CM, et al.
    J Hum Nutr Diet, 2022 Dec;35(6):1178-1191.
    PMID: 34921448 DOI: 10.1111/jhn.12983
    BACKGROUND: Dietary management plays an important role in patients with kidney failure. Current dietary habits of Australians and New Zealanders (ANZ) and Malaysians with chronic kidney disease (CKD Stage 4-5) have not been adequately investigated. We report the dietary habits of people with advanced CKD and their adherence to country-specific dietary guidelines.

    METHODS: Participants with CKD Stage 4-5, enrolled in the Omega-3 Fatty Acids (Fish oils) and Aspirin in Vascular access Outcomes in Renal Disease (FAVOURED) trial, completed a lifestyle questionnaire at baseline on their dietary intake.

    RESULTS: Of 567 participants, 538 (ANZ, n = 386; Malaysian, n = 152; mean ± SD age 54.8 ± 14.3 years, 64% male) completed the questionnaire. Dietary fruit and vegetable intakes were higher in ANZ participants; 49% (n = 189) consumed ≥2 serves day-1 of fruit and 61% (n = 235) ate ≥2 serves day-1 of vegetables compared to 24% (n = 36) and 34% (n = 52) of Malaysians, respectively (p 2 chicken serves week-1 and 65% (n = 251) ate >2 serves week-1 of red meat compared to 43% (n = 65) and 15% (n = 23) of Malaysians, respectively.

    CONCLUSIONS: Significant regional variation in dietary intake for fruit, vegetables and animal protein is described that likely reflects cultural and economic differences. Barriers to meeting recommended dietary intakes require further investigation.

    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior
  9. Muhammad R, Ismail WNDRAW, Firdus S, Abdul Hamid SB, Mohd Asmawi UM, Md Nor N
    Nutrients, 2023 Feb 08;15(4).
    PMID: 36839227 DOI: 10.3390/nu15040869
    Despite the significance of dietary knowledge interventions, there is a lack of established studies on intuitive eating behaviour among young Malay adults in Malaysia. This cross-sectional study aimed to determine the intuitive eating score, identify the intuitive eating factors, and determine the association of intuitive eating with weight-control behaviours and binge eating. A total of 367 respondents completed self-administered questionnaires on sociodemographic characteristics, namely the Intuitive Eating Scale (IES-2) and The Diabetes Eating Problems Survey (DEPS). The findings reported IES-2 mean scores of 3.52 ± 0.32 and 3.47 ± 0.35 for both men and women. No difference in total IES-2 scores was found between genders for Unconditional Permission to Eat (UPE) and Reliance on Hunger and Satiety Cue (RHSC) subscales (p > 0.05). However, among all four subscales of IES-2, there was a gender difference in the mean EPR and B-FCC subscale scores (p < 0.05). A statistically significant difference was found in intuitive eating, which refers to a belief in one's body's ability to tell one how much to eat, in women across living areas (p < 0.05). The result shows that there is a relationship between weight-control behaviour and binge eating and dieting, with the coefficient of the relationship (R2) of 0.34. As a result, intuitive eating throughout young adulthood is likely to be related to a decreased prevalence of obesity, dieting, poor weight-management behaviours, and binge eating.
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior
  10. Licht M, Burns AL, Pacher K, Krause S, Bartashevich P, Romanczuk P, et al.
    Biol Lett, 2024 Jul;20(7):20240177.
    PMID: 38982849 DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2024.0177
    While various marine predators form associations, the most commonly studied are those between subsurface predators and seabirds, with gulls, shearwaters or terns frequently co-occurring with dolphins, billfish or tuna. However, the mechanisms underlying these associations remain poorly understood. Three hypotheses have been proposed to explain the prevalence of these associations: (1) subsurface predators herd prey to the surface and make prey accessible to birds, (2) subsurface predators damage prey close to the surface and thereby provide food scraps to birds, and (3) attacks of underwater predators lower the cohesion of prey groups and thereby their collective defences making the prey easier to be captured by birds. Using drone footage, we investigated the interaction between Indo-Pacific sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus) and terns (Onychoprion sp.) preying on schooling fish off the eastern coast of the Malaysian peninsula. Through spatio-temporal analysis of the hunting behaviour of the two predatory species and direct measures of prey cohesion we showed that terns attacked when school cohesion was low, and that this decrease in cohesion was frequently caused by sailfish attacks. Therefore, we propose that sailfish created a by-product benefit for the bird species, lending support to the hypothesis that lowering cohesion can facilitate associations between subsurface predators and seabirds.
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior
  11. Tallman DA, Latifi E, Kaur D, Sulaheen A, Ikizler TA, Chinna K, et al.
    Nutrients, 2020 Mar 18;12(3).
    PMID: 32197373 DOI: 10.3390/nu12030797
    The association between dietary patterns and health outcomes, such as quality of life (QOL), in maintenance hemodialysis (MHD) patients with certain racial backgrounds has not been studied in detail. QOL is a powerful outcome measure in which dietary patterns could be a modifying factor. This study is a secondary analysis examining the association between dietary patterns and health outcomes in 101 African American (AA) maintenance hemodialysis (MHD) patients participating in the Palm Tocotrienols in Chronic Hemodialysis (PATCH) study. Quality of life (QOL) was assessed using the Kidney Disease Quality of Life 36-item survey (KDQOL-36™). Blood samples were analyzed for lipids, lipoprotein subfractions, and inflammatory markers. Food intake was measured using six non-consecutive 24-h dietary recalls over 15 months. Implausible energy intake reports were screened out by comparing reported energy intake (rEI) with predicted total energy expenditure (pTEE). Cluster analysis, using the k-means algorithm, identified two distinct dietary patterns in the study population: a high "sugar sweetened beverage" pattern (hiSSB) and a low "sugar sweetened beverage pattern" (loSSB). In the hiSSB group, consumption of SSB accounted for ~28% of energy intake, while SSB represented only 9% of energy intake in the loSSB group. The hiSSB group was characterized by a higher intake of total calories, sugar and percentage of kilocalories from carbohydrates, whereas the percentage of kilocalories from protein and fat was lower. While additional micronutrient intakes differed between groups (vitamin C, zinc, chromium), these were significantly lower than recommended values in the entire cohort. Patients in the hiSSB group presented with lower high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), lower large HDL particles and smaller low density lipoprotein (LDL) particle diameters. Antidepressant usage was significantly higher in the hiSSB group. Patients in the hiSSB group scored lower across all five KDQOL domains and scored significantly lower in the mental composite domain. MHD patients following a hiSSB dietary pattern had smaller dense LDL particles, lower HDL-C, and a lower QOL. Suboptimal intakes of fruits, vegetables, and grains as well as key micronutrients were evident in both patterns.
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior
  12. Chiang GL, Cheong WH, Samarawickrema WA, Mak JW, Kan SK
    PMID: 6150551
    Using seven methods of surveillance, 58 species of mosquitoes from nine genera were in Pantai and the two neighbouring villages during two visits in 1982. Ma. bonneae was the most prevalent species attracted to man. In the forest shade Ma. bonneae and Ma. dives showed activity throughout the 24 hours with peak biting during 1900-2100 hours. An. balabacensis exhibited peak activity shortly after midnight. Inside and outside house, Ma. bonneae showed similar activity except that it ceased during the day. Mansonia was only mildly zoophilic. CDC light traps gave poor yields of mosquitoes. Pyrethrum spray catch inside houses early morning did not include any Mansonia. Outdoor day resting catch included Ma. bonneae fed on man. Transmission of Brugia, probably human filariasis, by Ma. bonneae occurred in Pantai and in the two neighbouring villages. One infection in Ma. dives was found in Pantai. The monthly infective biting rate and monthly transmission potential for Ma. bonneae were estimated at the forest shade and outside the house in Pantai.
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior
  13. Jaal Z, Macdonald WW
    PMID: 8160064
    The host preferences of eight species of anophelines were studied in two coastal Malaysian villages, Kampung Permatang Rawa and Sungai Udang Kecil, by seven 12-hour catches in each village. Collections were made concurrently from a human-baited net trap, a cow-baited net trap and by human-bait landing catches. Anopheles campestris was attracted almost equally to man and cow, but An. lesteri paraliae, An. nigerrimus, An. peditaeniatus, An. sinensis, An. indefinitus, An. subpictus and An. vagus showed a strong preference for the cow bait. The human-bait landing catches were more productive than the human-baited net trap, which attracted very few mosquitos. Seven more all-night catches were made at each village employing only the cow-baited trap, and the combined data were used to plot the biting-cycles of each species at each site. Although the biting-cycles at the two localities were in general agreement, there were notable differences. At Sungai Udang Kecil, where the collection site was relatively sheltered, several species showed a steady decline in numbers from sunset to sunrise. At Kampung Permatang Rawa, on the other hand, where the site was more exposed and close to the sea, the same species showed a bimodal pattern of activity with an early evening peak followed by a decline then a period of increased activity before sunrise rising to a second, lesser peak at 0500-0600 hours.
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior
  14. Merritt MA, Tzoulaki I, Tworoger SS, De Vivo I, Hankinson SE, Fernandes J, et al.
    Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev, 2015 Feb;24(2):466-71.
    PMID: 25662427 DOI: 10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-14-0970
    Data on the role of dietary factors in endometrial cancer development are limited and inconsistent. We applied a "nutrient-wide association study" approach to systematically evaluate dietary risk associations for endometrial cancer while controlling for multiple hypothesis tests using the false discovery rate (FDR) and validating the results in an independent cohort. We evaluated endometrial cancer risk associations for dietary intake of 84 foods and nutrients based on dietary questionnaires in three prospective studies, the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC; N = 1,303 cases) followed by validation of nine foods/nutrients (FDR ≤ 0.10) in the Nurses' Health Studies (NHS/NHSII; N = 1,531 cases). Cox regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% confidence intervals (CI). In multivariate adjusted comparisons of the extreme categories of intake at baseline, coffee was inversely associated with endometrial cancer risk (EPIC, median intake 750 g/day vs. 8.6; HR, 0.81; 95% CI, 0.68-0.97, Ptrend = 0.09; NHS/NHSII, median intake 1067 g/day vs. none; HR, 0.82; 95% CI, 0.70-0.96, Ptrend = 0.04). Eight other dietary factors that were associated with endometrial cancer risk in the EPIC study (total fat, monounsaturated fat, carbohydrates, phosphorus, butter, yogurt, cheese, and potatoes) were not confirmed in the NHS/NHSII. Our findings suggest that coffee intake may be inversely associated with endometrial cancer risk. Further data are needed to confirm these findings and to examine the mechanisms linking coffee intake to endometrial cancer risk to develop improved prevention strategies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior
  15. Izwan-Anas N, Ya'cob Z, Low VL, Lourdes EY, Teoh BT, Mansor MS, et al.
    Trop Biomed, 2024 Sep 01;41(3):251-256.
    PMID: 39548777 DOI: 10.47665/tb.41.3.003
    Simulium asakoae Takaoka and Davies has been confirmed to bite humans and has been incriminated as a vector of blood protozoan parasites of the genera Leucocytozoon and Trypanosoma, as well as an unknown filarial parasite in Thailand. However, its attraction to humans has remained uninvestigated in Malaysia. Recently, 27 black flies were collected in Pahang, Malaysia, of which 25 were captured in CO2-baited Malaise traps and two were collected from humans during trapping activity. All specimens were morphologically identified as S. asakoae. Cytochrome c oxidase I sequences of the two specimens caught on humans showed 100% similarity with those of S. asakoae in the NCBI GenBank, confirming their morphological identity. Blood-meal analysis using a HAL·HARTM kit did not show the presence of domestic or wild animal DNA. However, human DNA was amplified from one engorged fly in the cytochrome b gene amplification assay, providing the first evidence of blood-feeding by S. asakoae in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior
  16. Ahmad AK, Nur-Hazwani MNR, Aisyah Syed Omar S, Aweng ER, Taweel A
    Pak J Biol Sci, 2020 Jan;23(11):1374-1379.
    PMID: 33274864 DOI: 10.3923/pjbs.2020.1374.1379
    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Malaysia reported experiencing serious invasive species intrusion in various rivers and threatening some local species to distinct. A study was undertaken to estimate and compare their composition and species richness in two pristine and two disturbed freshwater ecosystems.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: Invasive and local species growth pattern was also estimated using length-weight analysis. Sampling was conducted using cast net and electric shock in each river twice in 12 months. Fish collected were identified, photo captured and measured for their weight and length. The growth pattern was also estimated using length-weight analysis.

    RESULTS: A total of 188 fishes were caught, comprises of 8 families and 15 species (ten local species with 119 individuals and five alien species with 69 individuals). Sistomus binotatus was the most dominant local species, whereas Tilapia nilotica was the most dominant alien species. There is no significant difference in composition between local and invasive species occur indicates the raise of alien species in those ecosystems even local species still dominated. The growth pattern for Sistomus binotatus and Clarias batrachus is isometric in the pristine ecosystem but negative isometric in disturbed rivers. Contrary, Tilapia nilotica has isometric for both ecosystems.

    CONCLUSION: This study concluded the capability and potential of colonization of alien species in stress ecosystem especially Tilapia nilotica. Thus, there is potential colonization of alien in Malaysia freshwater systems and a threat to local species due to food competition, site preferences and survival ability.

    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior
  17. Jani R, Irwin C, Rigby R, Byrne R, Love P, Khan F, et al.
    Child Obes, 2024 Dec;20(8):553-571.
    PMID: 38990706 DOI: 10.1089/chi.2023.0196
    Aim: Picky eating is a common appetitive trait reported among children and adolescents and may have detrimental effects on their weight, vegetable, and fruit intake, impacting health status. However, an updated systematic review of the literature and summary of effect estimates is required. This study aims to explore the association between picky eating with weight, vegetable and fruit intake, vegetable-only intake, and fruit-only intake. Methods: A systematic literature search of six electronic scientific databases and data extraction was performed between November 2022 and June 2023. Original articles that examined picky eating in association with weight, vegetable and/or fruit intake were included. PRISMA guidelines were followed and meta-analytical and meta-regression analyses were conducted to compute summary effect estimates and explore potential moderators. PROSPERO registration: CRD42022333043. Results: The systematic review included 59 studies of which 45 studies were included in the meta-analysis. Overall, the summarized effect estimates indicated that picky eating was inversely associated with weight [Cohen's dz: -0.27, 95% confidence interval (CI): -0.41 to -0.14, p < 0.0001]; vegetable and fruit intakes (Cohen's dz: -0.35, 95% CI: -0.45, -0.25, p < 0.0001); vegetable-only intake (Cohen's dz: -0.41, 95% CI: -0.56, -0.26, p < 0.0001), and fruit-only intake (Cohen's dz: -0.32, 95% CI: -0.45, -0.20, p < 0.0001). Picky eating was positively associated with underweight (Cohen's dz: 0.46, 95% CI: 0.20, 0.71 p = 0.0008). Conclusion: Although effect sizes were small, picky eating was inversely associated with weight, vegetable, and fruit intakes, and positively associated with underweight in children and adolescents aged birth to 17 years.
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior
  18. Chong LS, Chin YS, Gan WY, Nasir MT
    Asia Pac J Clin Nutr, 2017 Mar;26(2):326-333.
    PMID: 28244713 DOI: 10.6133/apjcn.012016.10
    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: To determine the associations between socio-demographic characteristics and pubertal status with disordered eating among primary school children.

    METHODS AND STUDY DESIGN: Using a stratified multi-stage sampling, a total of 816 children (282 boys and 534 girls) aged 10 to 11 years from 12 selected primary schools in the state of Selangor, participated in this study. Data were collected on socio-demographic characteristics, pubertal status and disordered eating behaviors. The Pubertal Development Scale and the Children's Eating Attitudes Test (ChEAT) were used to assess pubertal status and disordered eating, respectively. Logistic regression analysis was conducted to determine the risk factors of disordered eating.

    RESULTS: The prevalence of disordered eating was 30.8% (32.8% in boys and 29.7% in girls). However, the sex difference in the prevalence was not statistically significant. Age, ethnicity and pubertal status were significantly associated with disordered eating in univariate logistic regression analysis. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that among boys, being either in an advanced or post-pubertal stage (adjusted OR=8.64) and older age group (adjusted OR=2.03) were risk factors of disordered eating. However, among girls, being a Malay (adjusted OR=3.79) or Indian (adjusted OR=5.04) in an advanced or post-pubertal stage (adjusted OR=2.34) and older age group (adjusted OR=1.53) were risk factors of disordered eating.

    CONCLUSION: This study found one in three children had disordered eating. Since ethnicity and pubertal status were identified as risk factors, ethnicity-specific intervention programs on the prevention of disordered eating among children should take into consideration their pubertal status.

    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior
  19. Shahar S, Earland J, Rahman SA
    Asia Pac J Clin Nutr, 2000 Jun;9(2):122-9.
    PMID: 24394398
    A cross-sectional nutritional survey was carried out on 350 elderly Malays aged 60 and above from 11 randomly selected villages in a rural area on the east coast of Malaysia. The findings indicated that the mean intakes of energy and of all of the nutrients investigated were below the Malaysian Recommended Dietary Allowances, except for protein and vitamin C. With respect to dietary habits, almost all of the subjects reported that they had breakfast (99.3%), lunch (97.9%) and dinner (90.4%) daily or almost daily (5-6 times/week). However, approximately half of the subjects, especially women, had particular beliefs and prohibitions about specific foods. Most of the subjects usually ate their meals at home, particularly dinner, with 99.3% always having dinner in their own home. Thus, although the rural elderly Malays studied had regular meal intakes, the dietary intake was inadequate. There is a need to plan community-based intervention programmes in order to prevent the subsequent consequences of malnutrition that lead to increased morbidity and mortality.
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior
  20. Greenwood MP, Greenwood M, Paton JF, Murphy D
    PLoS One, 2014;9(8):e104802.
    PMID: 25111786 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0104802
    Salt appetite, the primordial instinct to favorably ingest salty substances, represents a vital evolutionary important drive to successfully maintain body fluid and electrolyte homeostasis. This innate instinct was shown here in Sprague-Dawley rats by increased ingestion of isotonic saline (IS) over water in fluid intake tests. However, this appetitive stimulus was fundamentally transformed into a powerfully aversive one by increasing the salt content of drinking fluid from IS to hypertonic saline (2% w/v NaCl, HS) in intake tests. Rats ingested HS similar to IS when given no choice in one-bottle tests and previous studies have indicated that this may modify salt appetite. We thus investigated if a single 24 h experience of ingesting IS or HS, dehydration (DH) or 4% high salt food (HSD) altered salt preference. Here we show that 24 h of ingesting IS and HS solutions, but not DH or HSD, robustly transformed salt appetite in rats when tested 7 days and 35 days later. Using two-bottle tests rats previously exposed to IS preferred neither IS or water, whereas rats exposed to HS showed aversion to IS. Responses to sweet solutions (1% sucrose) were not different in two-bottle tests with water, suggesting that salt was the primary aversive taste pathway recruited in this model. Inducing thirst by subcutaneous administration of angiotensin II did not overcome this salt aversion. We hypothesised that this behavior results from altered gene expression in brain structures important in thirst and salt appetite. Thus we also report here lasting changes in mRNAs for markers of neuronal activity, peptide hormones and neuronal plasticity in supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus following rehydration after both DH and HS. These results indicate that a single experience of drinking HS is a memorable one, with long-term changes in gene expression accompanying this aversion to salty solutions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior/drug effects*
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