METHODS: Participants with CKD Stage 4-5, enrolled in the Omega-3 Fatty Acids (Fish oils) and Aspirin in Vascular access Outcomes in Renal Disease (FAVOURED) trial, completed a lifestyle questionnaire at baseline on their dietary intake.
RESULTS: Of 567 participants, 538 (ANZ, n = 386; Malaysian, n = 152; mean ± SD age 54.8 ± 14.3 years, 64% male) completed the questionnaire. Dietary fruit and vegetable intakes were higher in ANZ participants; 49% (n = 189) consumed ≥2 serves day-1 of fruit and 61% (n = 235) ate ≥2 serves day-1 of vegetables compared to 24% (n = 36) and 34% (n = 52) of Malaysians, respectively (p 2 chicken serves week-1 and 65% (n = 251) ate >2 serves week-1 of red meat compared to 43% (n = 65) and 15% (n = 23) of Malaysians, respectively.
CONCLUSIONS: Significant regional variation in dietary intake for fruit, vegetables and animal protein is described that likely reflects cultural and economic differences. Barriers to meeting recommended dietary intakes require further investigation.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Invasive and local species growth pattern was also estimated using length-weight analysis. Sampling was conducted using cast net and electric shock in each river twice in 12 months. Fish collected were identified, photo captured and measured for their weight and length. The growth pattern was also estimated using length-weight analysis.
RESULTS: A total of 188 fishes were caught, comprises of 8 families and 15 species (ten local species with 119 individuals and five alien species with 69 individuals). Sistomus binotatus was the most dominant local species, whereas Tilapia nilotica was the most dominant alien species. There is no significant difference in composition between local and invasive species occur indicates the raise of alien species in those ecosystems even local species still dominated. The growth pattern for Sistomus binotatus and Clarias batrachus is isometric in the pristine ecosystem but negative isometric in disturbed rivers. Contrary, Tilapia nilotica has isometric for both ecosystems.
CONCLUSION: This study concluded the capability and potential of colonization of alien species in stress ecosystem especially Tilapia nilotica. Thus, there is potential colonization of alien in Malaysia freshwater systems and a threat to local species due to food competition, site preferences and survival ability.
METHODS AND STUDY DESIGN: Using a stratified multi-stage sampling, a total of 816 children (282 boys and 534 girls) aged 10 to 11 years from 12 selected primary schools in the state of Selangor, participated in this study. Data were collected on socio-demographic characteristics, pubertal status and disordered eating behaviors. The Pubertal Development Scale and the Children's Eating Attitudes Test (ChEAT) were used to assess pubertal status and disordered eating, respectively. Logistic regression analysis was conducted to determine the risk factors of disordered eating.
RESULTS: The prevalence of disordered eating was 30.8% (32.8% in boys and 29.7% in girls). However, the sex difference in the prevalence was not statistically significant. Age, ethnicity and pubertal status were significantly associated with disordered eating in univariate logistic regression analysis. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that among boys, being either in an advanced or post-pubertal stage (adjusted OR=8.64) and older age group (adjusted OR=2.03) were risk factors of disordered eating. However, among girls, being a Malay (adjusted OR=3.79) or Indian (adjusted OR=5.04) in an advanced or post-pubertal stage (adjusted OR=2.34) and older age group (adjusted OR=1.53) were risk factors of disordered eating.
CONCLUSION: This study found one in three children had disordered eating. Since ethnicity and pubertal status were identified as risk factors, ethnicity-specific intervention programs on the prevention of disordered eating among children should take into consideration their pubertal status.