Displaying publications 201 - 220 of 492 in total

  1. CHIN J
    Tubercle, 1964 Jun;45:114-24.
    PMID: 14161910
    Matched MeSH terms: Vaccination*
  2. Pang T, Gubler D, Goh DYT, Ismail Z, Asia Dengue Vaccine Advocacy Group
    Lancet, 2018 02 17;391(10121):654.
    PMID: 29617262 DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(18)30245-9
    Matched MeSH terms: Vaccination/methods
  3. Kotirum S, Vutipongsatorn N, Kongpakwattana K, Hutubessy R, Chaiyakunapruk N
    Vaccine, 2017 06 08;35(26):3364-3386.
    PMID: 28504193 DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2017.04.051
    INTRODUCTION: World Health Organization (WHO) recommends Rotavirus vaccines to prevent and control rotavirus infections. Economic evaluations (EE) have been considered to support decision making of national policy. Summarizing global experience of the economic value of rotavirus vaccines is crucial in order to encourage global WHO recommendations for vaccine uptake. Therefore, a systematic review of economic evaluations of rotavirus vaccine was conducted.

    METHODS: We searched Medline, Embase, NHS EED, EconLit, CEA Registry, SciELO, LILACS, CABI-Global Health Database, Popline, World Bank - e-Library, and WHOLIS. Full economic evaluations studies, published from inception to November 2015, evaluating Rotavirus vaccines preventing Rotavirus infections were included. The methods, assumptions, results and conclusions of the included studies were extracted and appraised using WHO guide for standardization of EE of immunization programs.

    RESULTS: 104 relevant studies were included. The majority of studies were conducted in high-income countries. Cost-utility analysis was mostly reported in many studies using incremental cost-effectiveness ratio per DALY averted or QALY gained. Incremental cost per QALY gained was used in many studies from high-income countries. Mass routine vaccination against rotavirus provided the ICERs ranging from cost-saving to highly cost-effective in comparison to no vaccination among low-income countries. Among middle-income countries, vaccination offered the ICERs ranging from cost-saving to cost-effective. Due to low- or no subsidized price of rotavirus vaccines from external funders, being not cost-effective was reported in some high-income settings.

    CONCLUSION: Mass vaccination against rotavirus was generally found to be cost-effective, particularly in low- and middle-income settings according to the external subsidization of vaccine price. On the other hand, it may not be a cost-effective intervention at market price in some high-income settings. This systematic review provides supporting information to health policy-makers and health professionals when considering rotavirus vaccination as a national program.

    Matched MeSH terms: Mass Vaccination/economics*
  4. Bello MB, Yusoff K, Ideris A, Hair-Bejo M, Peeters BPH, Omar AR
    Biomed Res Int, 2018;2018:7278459.
    PMID: 30175140 DOI: 10.1155/2018/7278459
    Newcastle disease (ND) is one of the most devastating diseases that considerably cripple the global poultry industry. Because of its enormous socioeconomic importance and potential to rapidly spread to naïve birds in the vicinity, ND is included among the list of avian diseases that must be notified to the OIE immediately upon recognition. Currently, virus isolation followed by its serological or molecular identification is regarded as the gold standard method of ND diagnosis. However, this method is generally slow and requires specialised laboratory with biosafety containment facilities, making it of little relevance under epidemic situations where rapid diagnosis is seriously needed. Thus, molecular based diagnostics have evolved to overcome some of these difficulties, but the extensive genetic diversity of the virus ensures that isolates with mutations at the primer/probe binding sites escape detection using these assays. This diagnostic dilemma leads to the emergence of cutting-edge technologies such as next-generation sequencing (NGS) which have so far proven to be promising in terms of rapid, sensitive, and accurate recognition of virulent Newcastle disease virus (NDV) isolates even in mixed infections. As regards disease control strategies, conventional ND vaccines have stood the test of time by demonstrating track record of protective efficacy in the last 60 years. However, these vaccines are unable to block the replication and shedding of most of the currently circulating phylogenetically divergent virulent NDV isolates. Hence, rationally designed vaccines targeting the prevailing genotypes, the so-called genotype-matched vaccines, are highly needed to overcome these vaccination related challenges. Among the recently evolving technologies for the development of genotype-matched vaccines, reverse genetics-based live attenuated vaccines obviously appeared to be the most promising candidates. In this review, a comprehensive description of the current and emerging trends in the detection, identification, and control of ND in poultry are provided. The strengths and weaknesses of each of those techniques are also emphasised.
    Matched MeSH terms: Vaccination/veterinary*
  5. Wong LP, Alias H, Sam IC, Zimet GD
    J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol, 2019 Apr;32(2):158-164.
    PMID: 30395984 DOI: 10.1016/j.jpag.2018.10.010
    STUDY OBJECTIVE: To assess the knowledge and beliefs regarding human papillomavirus (HPV) and the HPV vaccine among girls before and after vaccination in the Malaysian HPV Immunisation Programme.

    DESIGN: A nationwide longitudinal survey.

    SETTING: Thirty-two randomly selected schools from 13 states and 3 federal territories in Malaysia from February to March 2013, and October to November 2013.

    PARTICIPANTS: Form One female students (13 years old).


    MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Mean knowledge score of HPV infection.

    RESULTS: A total of 2644 students responded to the prevaccination survey, of whom 2005 (70%) completed the postvaccination survey. The mean knowledge score was 2.72 (SD ± 2.20) of a maximum score of 10 in the prevaccination survey, which increased significantly to 3.33 (SD ± 1.73) after the 3 doses of HPV vaccine (P = .001). Many answered incorrectly that, "Only girls can get HPV infection" (91.5%, n = 1841 prevaccination vs 96.1%, n = 1927 postvaccination), and only a few were aware that, "Vaccinating boys helps to protect girls against HPV infection" (11.4%, n = 229 for prevaccination vs 10.2%, n = 206 for postvaccination). The mean knowledge score was significantly higher postvaccination among higher-income families and those with parents of a higher occupational status. Regarding beliefs about the HPV vaccine, 89.4% in the prevaccination survey held the view that they would not get a HPV infection, and the percentage remained similar in the postvaccination survey. Perceived severity of HPV infection also remained low in the pre- and postintervention groups. Only 21.5% reported receiving health information about HPV along with the provision of the HPV vaccine; those who received health information showed higher levels of knowledge.

    CONCLUSION: Findings revealed a general lack of knowledge and erroneous beliefs about HPV and the HPV vaccine even after receiving vaccination. This suggests that imparting accurate knowledge about HPV along with vaccine administration is essential. Specifically, girls from lower socioeconomic groups should be a target of educational intervention.

    Matched MeSH terms: Vaccination/statistics & numerical data
  6. Zaki, R.A., Roffeei, S.N., Hazwan, A.E., Musa, N.
    JUMMEC, 2018;21(2):38-44.
    Objective: The study was designed to determine the risk perception of the public population in Kota Kinabalu towards childhood immunisation.
    Methodology: This was a cross-sectional study where self-administered questionnaires were distributed to the public in Kota Kinabalu. The respondents who consented were 18 years old and older. The illiterate persons and the foreigners were excluded. The calculated sample size was 400. Only 313 samples collected were suitable for analysis using SPSS v21.0.
    Results: Fever, pain swelling and allergic reaction were correctly identified as risks of immunisation. Autism, mental retardation and even death could also result from vaccination. Of the total respondents, 76.7% agreed with the practice of childhood vaccination, 70.0% thought that childhood vaccinations were safe and effective and 58.1% felt that its benefit outweighed the risk. Other than that, 32.0% refused childhood vaccination from fear of its risks, and this fear was the main reason for the refusal of childhood vaccination. Age, marital status, race and income were the factors which influenced parental willingness to vaccinate their children (p<0.05).
    Conclusions: Most participants understood the risks of childhood vaccination, but few agreed to the practice of childhood immunisation for herd immunity. Public health campaigns are needed, to increase the understanding and acceptance of childhood vaccination especially in the rural community.
    Keywords: Childhood Immunisation, Parental Risk, Perception, Public Acceptance
    Matched MeSH terms: Vaccination; Vaccination Refusal
  7. Andrišić M, Žarković I, Šandor K, Vujnović A, Perak Junaković E, Bendelja K, et al.
    Vet Immunol Immunopathol, 2022 Jan;243:110365.
    PMID: 34920287 DOI: 10.1016/j.vetimm.2021.110365
    Aujeszky's disease (AD) is a viral infectious disease caused by Suid herpesvirus 1 (SuHV-1). Vaccination and eradication of AD in domestic pigs is possible using marker vaccines with attenuated or inactivated SuHV-1, or subunit vaccines. However, vaccines with attenuated SuHV-1 have shown to be more potent in inducing strong cell-mediated immune response. The studies have shown that Parapoxvirus ovis, as well as Propionibacterium granulosum with lipopolysacharides (LPS) of Escherichia coli have pronounced immunomodulatory effects and that in combination with the vaccines can induce stronger humoral and cellular immune responses than use of vaccines alone. In our study distribution of peripheral blood T cell subpopulations was analysed after administration of vaccine alone (attenuated SuHV-1), immunostimulators (inactivated Parapoxvirus ovis or combination of an inactivated P. granulosum and detoxified LPS of E. coli) and combinations of vaccine with each immunostimulator to the 12-week old piglets. Throughout the study no significant changes were found in the proportions of γδ and most αβ T cell subpopulations analysed. However, on the seventh day of the study combination of an inactivated P. granulosum and LPS of E. coli with vaccine induced transient but significant increase of the proportions of CD4+CD8α+ and CD4-CD8α+ αβ T cells, that have been strongly associated with early protection of SuHV-1 infected pigs. Our findings indicate that combination of inactivated P. granulosum and detoxified E. coli LPS could be used for enhancement of a cellular immune response induced by vaccines against AD.
    Matched MeSH terms: Vaccination/veterinary
  8. Ozawa S, Wonodi C, Babalola O, Ismail T, Bridges J
    Vaccine, 2017 11 07;35(47):6429-6437.
    PMID: 29037575 DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2017.09.079
    BACKGROUND: Understanding and ranking the reasons for low vaccination uptake among parents in northern Nigeria is critical to implement effective policies to save lives and prevent illnesses. This study applies best-worst scaling (BWS) to rank various factors affecting parents' demand for routine childhood immunization.

    METHODS: We conducted a household survey in Nahuche, Zamfara State in northern Nigeria. Nearly two hundred parents with children under age five were asked about their views on 16 factors using a BWS technique. These factors focused on known attributes that influence the demand for childhood immunization, which were identified from a literature review and reviewed by a local advisory board. The survey systematically presented parents with subsets of six factors and asked them to choose which they think are the most and least important in decisions to vaccinate children. We used a sequential best-worst analysis with conditional logistic regression to rank factors.

    RESULTS: The perception that vaccinating a child makes one a good parent was the most important motivation for parents in northern Nigeria to vaccinate children. Statements related to trust and social norms were ranked higher in importance compared to those that highlighted perceived benefits and risks, healthcare service, vaccine information, or opportunity costs. Fathers ranked trust in the media and views of their leaders to be of greatest importance, whereas mothers placed greater importance on social perceptions and norms. Parents of children without routine immunization ranked their trust in local leaders about vaccines higher in considerations, and the media's views lower, compared to parents with children who received routine immunization.

    CONCLUSIONS: Framing immunization messages in the context of good parenting and hearing these messages from trusted information sources may motivate parental uptake of childhood vaccines. These results are useful to policymakers to prioritize resources in order to increase awareness and demand for childhood immunization.

    Matched MeSH terms: Vaccination/psychology*
  9. Lau SF, Wong JY, Khor KH, Roslan MA, Abdul Rahman MS, Bejo SK, et al.
    Top Companion Anim Med, 2017 Dec;32(4):121-125.
    PMID: 29525230 DOI: 10.1053/j.tcam.2017.12.001
    Working dogs are canine animals that have been trained to assist human beings in carrying out various tasks. They help in guarding property, performing rescues, assisting the visually impaired or physically handicapped, searching for drugs, explosives, and others. Leptospirosis is one of the most widespread zoonotic diseases in the world and a commonly occurring disease of the tropics and subtropics. In Malaysia, all working dogs are normally vaccinated with serovars, Pomona, Icterohaemorrhagiae, Canicola, and Grippotyphosa based on protocols recommended from other countries. The duration of immunity in vaccinated dogs for Leptospira can last up to 13 months; however, there is no full crossprotection between the different serovars. Five representative canine units from different government agencies in Malaysia (n = 96 dogs) were recruited in this study. For detection, the microscopic agglutination test was performed by incubating the serum from dogs with various serovars of leptospires, namely, Icterohaemorrhagiae, Canicola, Pomona, Grippotyphosa, Australis, Bataviae, Javanica, Tarassovi, Hebdomadis, Lai, and Pyrogenes. The plasma obtained was used for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis, for the detection of 16S rRNA, and lipL 32 genes of Leptospira. Out of the 96 dogs sampled, only 3 dogs were positive toward serovars, Australis, Bataviae, and Javanica, based on the cutoff point at 1:80. The seroprevalence of canine leptospirosis in this population was 3.1% (n = 3/96). However, all 96 blood samples of working dogs tested negative for both pathogenic and nonpathogenic Leptospira genes. The results revealed that, by vaccination alone, working dogs were not fully protected against leptospirosis and could pose a risk to dog handlers. A preventative and control protocol for leptospirosis is warranted, and its implementation should be monitored and improved accordingly from time to time, in order to maintain a healthy condition in both working dogs and their handlers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Vaccination/veterinary
  10. Rahmat H, Leelavathi M, Wan Ismail WF
    Med J Malaysia, 2022 Nov;77(6):637-642.
    PMID: 36448378
    INTRODUCTION: The new COVID-19 vaccine was met with worldwide overwhelming uncertainties pertaining to its safety profile, effectiveness, and potential adverse reactions when it was first introduced. This led to vaccine refusal and delay in vaccine uptake in many countries including Malaysia. The objective of this study was to determine the Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI) to the COVID-19 vaccine.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted among healthcare workers who received the COVID-19 vaccine during the first phase of immunisation from eight public primary clinics in Johor Bahru district. Data were collected between May and September 2021 using a self-administered questionnaire.

    RESULTS: A total of 240 healthcare workers participated and all of them received the Pfizer Messenger RNA vaccine. Our study found that a large majority of vaccine recipients (87.5%, n=210) experienced AEFI to COVID-19 vaccine for either the first, second, or both doses. More than 80% of them experienced more than one type of AEFI. The most common AEFI reported during the first and second dose was localised symptom such as pain at injection site (60-68%), pain on the injected arm (52-61%), and swelling at injection site (32-33%). Common systemic symptoms were fever (22- 57%), myalgia (20-45%), and dizziness (24-26%). Although a large majority experienced AEFI, these reactions were mostly of mild to moderate severity (47.3-73.6%). The mean duration of AEFI onset was within 30 minutes to about 1 day (0.33-22.5 hours) of injection and lasted between 30 minutes and 2.5 days. There was no association between demographic characteristic of participants and severity of AEFI to COVID-19 vaccine. Mean duration of fever was significantly (p=0.005) longer after the second dose (34.2 hours) of vaccine compared to first (20.6 hours) CONCLUSION: This study shows that a large majority of COVID-19 vaccine recipients experienced AEFI; however, these reactions were mostly of mild to moderate severity and lasted between 30 minutes and 2.5 days. A large majority experienced more than one type of AEFI. The most common AEFI was localised reactions consisting of pain and swelling at the injection site and pain on the injected arm. The most common systemic reactions were fever, myalgia, and dizziness. Duration of fever was significantly longer after the second dose.

    Matched MeSH terms: Vaccination/adverse effects
  11. Shahrudin MS, Mohamed-Yassin MS, Nik Mohd Nasir NM
    Am J Case Rep, 2023 Jan 18;24:e938667.
    PMID: 36650730 DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.938667
    BACKGROUND Herpes zoster is a condition in which there is reactivation of varicella zoster virus (VZV), which is usually seen in the elderly and those with immunocompromised states. Recently, however, there have been many reports of herpes zoster after administration of COVID-19 vaccines, although initial trials showed that these vaccines have good safety and immunogenicity profiles. At the time of writing, about 5 billion people worldwide had received their full course of COVID-19 vaccination. This case report describes an elderly man who developed herpes zoster after receiving a booster dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech (BNT162b2) vaccine, with no adverse effects after the first and second dose. CASE REPORT An 82-year-old man with underlying type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and cerebrovascular disease presented with left-sided chest and upper back pain. The pain was intermittent, burning in nature, and disturbed his sleep. A week prior to his presentation, he received a COVID-19 vaccine (BNT162b2) booster dose. Examination revealed multiple vesicles along his anterior and posterior T3 dermatome. He was diagnosed with herpes zoster and treated with a course of oral acyclovir. Upon review 7 days later, he had recovered well, with resolution of his vesicles and pain. CONCLUSIONS COVID-19 vaccination remains an important measure to prevent transmission of infection and to reduce the mortality and morbidity caused by it. However, healthcare practitioners should be aware of the possible association between COVID-19 vaccination and herpes zoster. Appropriate explanation and safety advice on the possible adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination, including herpes zoster infection, should be given to patients. This will facilitate early recognition and treatment of this condition.
    Matched MeSH terms: Vaccination/adverse effects
  12. Wilkinson IE
    Med J Aust, 1992 May 18;156(10):741.
    PMID: 1535682
    Matched MeSH terms: Vaccination*
  13. Effendy AW, Zamri-Saad M, Puspa R, Rosiah S
    Vet Rec, 1998 Apr 18;142(16):428-31.
    PMID: 9595632
    A trial was conducted to compare the efficacy of intranasal vaccination in protecting goats against pneumonic pasteurellosis with intramuscular vaccination using an oil adjuvant vaccine, and a combination of the two methods. Forty goats were divided into four equal groups. Group 1 was vaccinated twice intranasally with formalin-killed Pasteurella haemolytica A2, group 2 was vaccinated twice intramuscularly with an oil adjuvant vaccine containing P haemolytica A7, and group 3 was initially vaccinated intranasally with the formalin-killed P haemolytica A2 followed by intramuscular vaccination with the oil adjuvant vaccine. In each group the two vaccinations were carried out four weeks apart. Group 4 was the unvaccinated control group. All goats were challenged intratracheally with 4 ml of an inoculum containing live P haemolytica A2 at a concentration of 1.3 x 10(7) colony forming units/ml two weeks after the last vaccination and were killed 14 days after the challenge. Although group 2 showed the highest clinical score following the challenge, deaths were observed only in group 3. Three goats in group 1 had pneumonic lung lesions, compared with six goats in group 2 and all the goats in groups 3 and 4. The lung lesions in group 1 were significantly (P < 0.05) less severe than in groups 3 and 4. Similarly, the lesions in group 2 were markedly less severe than in groups 3 and 4, although the differences were not significant. The difference between the extent of the lung lesions in the goats in groups 1 and 2 was not significant. Antibody against P haemolytica A2 in group 1 reached peak levels and was significantly (P < 0.01) higher than in the control group one week after the second vaccination, before declining.
    Matched MeSH terms: Vaccination/veterinary
  14. Zamri-Saad M, Sharif H, Basri K
    Vet Rec, 1989 Feb 18;124(7):171-2.
    PMID: 2922914
    Matched MeSH terms: Vaccination/veterinary*
  15. Ernawati R, Ibrahim AL
    Vet Rec, 1984 Oct 06;115(14):352-4.
    PMID: 6495601
    An experimental oil emulsion Newcastle disease vaccine was evaluated for its efficacy in broiler chickens. A group of chickens vaccinated at one day old with a live lentogenic Newcastle disease vaccine and subsequently revaccinated at three and eight weeks old with the experimental oil emulsion vaccine showed satisfactory haemagglutination inhibition antibody response which persisted for 18 weeks. Between 90 and 100 per cent of the vaccinated chickens were protected when challenged with the velogenic viscerotropic Newcastle disease virus. Although the vaccinated chickens were protected against clinical disease, virus could be isolated from a number of birds. By day 10 to 12 after challenge all the chickens were free from Newcastle disease infection.
    Matched MeSH terms: Vaccination/veterinary*
  16. Rafiq S, Russell ML, Webby R, Fonseca K, Smieja M, Singh P, et al.
    PLoS One, 2012;7(12):e51498.
    PMID: 23240030 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0051498
    BACKGROUND: To evaluate if, among children aged 3 to 15 years, influenza vaccination for multiple seasons affects the proportion sero-protected.

    METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Participants were 131 healthy children aged 3-15 years. Participants were vaccinated with trivalent inactivated seasonal influenza vaccine (TIV) over the 2005-06, 2006-07 and 2007-8 seasons. Number of seasons vaccinated were categorized as one (2007-08); two (2007-08 and 2006-07 or 2007-08 and 2005-06) or three (2005-06, 2006-07, and 2007-08). Pre- and post-vaccination sera were collected four weeks apart. Antibody titres were determined by hemagglutination inhibition (HAI) assay using antigens to A/Solomon Islands/03/06 (H1N1), A/Wisconsin/67/05 (H3N2) and B/Malaysia/2506/04. The proportions sero-protected were compared by number of seasons vaccinated using cut-points for seroprotection of 1:40 vs. 1:320. The proportions of children sero-protected against H1N1 and H3N2 was high (>85%) regardless of number of seasons vaccinated and regardless of cut-point for seroprotection. For B Malaysia there was no change in proportions sero-protected by number of seasons vaccinated; however the proportions protected were lower than for H1N1 and H3N2, and there was a lower proportion sero-protected when the higher, compared to lower, cut-point was used for sero-protection.

    CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: The proportion of children sero-protected is not affected by number of seasons vaccinated.

    Matched MeSH terms: Vaccination*
  17. Newall AT, Chaiyakunapruk N, Lambach P, Hutubessy RCW
    Influenza Other Respir Viruses, 2018 Mar;12(2):211-219.
    PMID: 29024434 DOI: 10.1111/irv.12510
    Influenza is responsible for substantial morbidity and mortality across the globe, with a large share of the total disease burden occurring in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). There have been relatively few economic evaluations assessing the value of seasonal influenza vaccination in LMICs. The purpose of this guide is to outline the key theoretical concepts and best practice in methodologies and to provide guidance on the economic evaluation of influenza vaccination in LMICs. It outlines many of the influenza vaccine-specific challenges and should help to provide a framework for future evaluations in the area to build upon.
    Matched MeSH terms: Vaccination/economics*
  18. Balbir Singh HK, Badgujar VB, Yahaya RS, Abd Rahman S, Sami FM, Badgujar S, et al.
    Hum Vaccin Immunother, 2019;15(11):2544-2551.
    PMID: 31070987 DOI: 10.1080/21645515.2019.1612666
    Aim: Mothers knowledge and attitude toward childhood vaccination influence uptake is the most adequate tool and preventive aspects to infectious disease epidemics. The present study assesses and measures knowledge and attitude of postnatal mothers toward vaccination.Methods and results: The present study adopted a cross-sectional study design, whereby 200 postnatal mothers were identified during their postnatal visit to clinics. The subjects were accessed using questionnaire to assess the level of knowledge and attitude of mothers regarding vaccination. The objectives were to study the level of knowledge, the attitude, and to find the association between knowledge and attitude of the study subjects. The data were analyzed using SPSS version 16. The results was analyzed through chi-square test. The association between age (p = .031), education (p = .021), occupation (p = .013), and knowledge score toward vaccination was found to be statistically significant. However, ethnicity (p = .127), employment (p = .197), and mode of delivery (p = .750) toward mothers vaccination knowledge were not significant for the study. Mothers education, age, and occupation were found to be associated with attitude toward childhood vaccination. No association was found between ethnicity, employment, and mode of delivery with attitude of childhood vaccination.Conclusion: More than half of the studied mothers had good knowledge scores on vaccination, more than two-thirds of the studied mothers had good attitude scores on vaccination. However, the religious misconception and fear of autism was the main cause of vaccine resistance in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Vaccination/psychology*
  19. Bell IG, Nicholls PJ, Norman C, Ideris A, Cross GM
    Aust Vet J, 1991 Mar;68(3):97-101.
    PMID: 2043098
    Meat chickens housed on a commercial broiler farm in Australia were vaccinated once at 10 to 11 days-of-age by aerosol with live V4 Newcastle disease virus (NDV) vaccine. Groups of vaccinated and unvaccinated birds were flown to Malaysia, where they were challenged with a virulent strain of NDV. Survival rates in vaccinated chickens challenged 7, 14, 21 or 31 d after vaccination were 0.47, 0.77, 0.97 and 0.92, respectively. All unvaccinated chickens died due to Newcastle disease (ND) following challenge. Chickens in Australia and Malaysia were bled and the serums tested for haemagglutination-inhibiting (HI) antibody to NDV. Many vaccinated birds with no detectable antibody, and all birds with a log2 titre of 2 or greater, survived challenge. The results showed that this V4 vaccine induced protective immunity in a significant proportion of chickens within 7 d of mass aerosol vaccination. This early immunity occurred in the absence of detectable circulating HI antibody. Non-HI antibody mediated immunity continued to provide protection up to 31 d after vaccination. Almost all vaccinated birds were protected within 3 w of vaccination. It is concluded that the V4 vaccine is efficacious and could be useful during an outbreak of virulent ND in Australia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Vaccination/veterinary*
  20. Ab Rahman N, King TL, Peariasamy KM, Sivasampu S, SAFECOVAC study group
    Vaccine, 2024 Dec 02;42(26):126465.
    PMID: 39447251 DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2024.126465
    OBJECTIVE: To assess the potential risk of major adverse cerebro-cardiovascular events (MACCE) associated with COVID-19 vaccination and SARS-CoV-2 infection.

    METHODS: This self-controlled case series study used nationwide health database from Malaysia. The study included individuals aged ≥18 years who were hospitalised between 24 February 2021 and 30 June 2022. Outcomes were composite of MACCE: stroke, acute ischaemic heart disease, and cardiovascular death. Exposures were COVID-19 vaccination and SARS-CoV-2 infection. The risk period was day 1 to day 21 following exposure. Conditional Poisson regression model was used to estimate the incidence rate ratios (IRRs) and 95 % confidence interval (CI) comparing the outcomes in the risk and control periods.

    RESULTS: The risk of MACCE within 21 days after vaccination per 100,000 doses administered were 12.0 (95% CI 11.9-12.1) (BNT162b2), 9.2 (95% CI 9.1-9.3) (CoronaVac), and 6.8 (95% CI 6.6-7.0) (ChAdOx1). The incidence rate ratios showed no increased risk of MACCE associated with the first, second, or third doses of BNT162b2, CoronaVac, and ChAdOx1 vaccines for individuals without prior cardiovascular disease (CVD). This finding was consistent for individuals with CVD. Vaccine booster dose, whether in a homologous or heterologous schedule, did not show increased risk of MACCE. Analysis by ethnic groups detected a slightly elevated risk of MACCE in Indian after the first dose of ChAdOx1 (IRR 1.64; 95% CI 1.08-2.48) in those without CVD. No significant association were observed in other subgroup analyses. SARS-CoV-2 infection was associated with significantly increased risk of MACCE in individuals without CVD (IRR 3.54; 95% CI 3.32-3.76) and with CVD (IRR 1.98; 95% CI 1.61-2.34).

    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings support the favourable safety profile of these COVID-19 vaccines and indicate that the overall benefit-risk ratio of the COVID-19 vaccines remains positive.

    Matched MeSH terms: Vaccination/adverse effects
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