Displaying publications 2361 - 2380 of 8301 in total

  1. Low WY, Wong YL, Zulkifli SN, Tan HM
    Int J Impot Res, 2002 Dec;14(6):440-5.
    PMID: 12494275
    This qualitative study aimed to examine cultural differences in knowledge, attitudes and practices related to erectile dysfunction (ED) utilizing focus group discussion. Six focus groups consisting of 66 men, 45-70-y-old were conducted-two Malay groups (n=18), two Chinese groups (n=25) and two Indian groups (n=23). Participants were purposely recruited from the general public on a voluntary basis with informed consent. Transcripts were analyzed using qualitative data analysis software ATLASti. The Malay and Chinese traditional remedies for preventing or treating ED are commonly recognized among all races. Many have a negative perception of someone with ED. Malay and Chinese men tended to blame their wife for their problem and thought that the problem might lead to extra-marital affairs, unlike the Indian men who attributed their condition to fate. Malays would prefer traditional medicine for the problem. The Chinese felt they would be more comfortable with a male doctor whilst this is not so with the Malays or Indians. Almost all prefer the doctor to initiate discussion on sexual issues related to their medical condition. There is a need for doctors to consider cultural perspectives in a multicultural society as a lack of understanding of this often contributes to an inadequate consultation.
  2. Mat Lazim N, Abdullah K, Karakullukcu B, Tan IB
    PMID: 29428959 DOI: 10.1159/000486371
    INTRODUCTION: The concept of neck dissection (ND) in the management armamentarium of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma has evolved throughout the years. Nowadays, ND becomes more functional.

    METHODOLOGY: A retrospective study of 865 patients was performed at Netherlands Cancer Institute-Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek Hospital to investigate the feasibility of selective ND (SND). All patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the pharynx and larynx who received primary radiation and underwent salvage ND were included in the study.

    RESULT: A total of 29 NDs were analyzed. In 17 neck sides, viable metastases were found (58%), whereas in the other 12 specimens there were no viable metastases. In 16 of the 17 necks (94%), the metastases were located either in level II, III, or IV or in a combination of these 3 levels. Level V was involved in only 1 case (6%).

    CONCLUSION: It is well justified to perform a salvage SND (levels II, III, and IV) for pharyngeal and laryngeal carcinoma after primary radiation. In carefully selected cases of supraglottic and oropharyngeal carcinoma, a superselective ND also appears as an efficient option.

  3. Yeo CI, Tan YS, Tiekink ER
    Acta Crystallogr E Crystallogr Commun, 2015 Oct 1;71(Pt 10):1159-64.
    PMID: 26594396 DOI: 10.1107/S2056989015016655
    The crystal and mol-ecular structures of the title salt, C8H8N3S2 (+)·Cl(-), (I), and salt hydrate, C8H7ClN3S2 (+)·Cl(-)·H2O, (II), are described. The heterocyclic ring in (I) is statistically planar and forms a dihedral angle of 9.05 (12)° with the pendant phenyl ring. The comparable angle in (II) is 15.60 (12)°, indicating a greater twist in this cation. An evaluation of the bond lengths in the H2N-C-N-C-N sequence of each cation indicates significant delocalization of π-electron density over these atoms. The common feature of the crystal packing in (I) and (II) is the formation of charge-assisted amino-N-H⋯Cl(-) hydrogen bonds, leading to helical chains in (I) and zigzag chains in (II). In (I), these are linked by chains mediated by charge-assisted iminium-N(+)-H⋯Cl(-) hydrogen bonds into a three-dimensional architecture. In (II), the chains are linked into a layer by charge-assisted water-O-H⋯Cl(-) and water-O-H⋯O(water) hydrogen bonds with charge-assisted iminium-N(+)-H⋯O(water) hydrogen bonds providing the connections between the layers to generate the three-dimensional packing. In (II), the chloride anion and water mol-ecules are resolved into two proximate sites with the major component being present with a site occupancy factor of 0.9327 (18).
  4. Yeo CI, Tan YS, Tiekink ER
    Acta Crystallogr E Crystallogr Commun, 2015 Aug 1;71(Pt 8):937-40.
    PMID: 26396760 DOI: 10.1107/S2056989015013341
    In the title complex salt, [Au2{(C6H5)2PCH2P(C6H5)2}]Cl2·(CH3)2C=O·H2O, the dication forms an eight-membered {-PCPAu}2 ring with a transannular aurophilic inter-action [Au⋯Au = 2.9743 (2) Å]. The ring approximates a flattened boat conformation, with the two methyl-ene C atoms lying ca 0.58-0.59 Å above the least-squares plane defined by the Au2P4 atoms (r.m.s. deviation = 0.0849 Å). One Cl(-) anion functions as a weak bridge between the Au(I) atoms [Au⋯Cl = 2.9492 (13) and 2.9776 (12) Å]. The second Cl(-) anion forms two (water)O-H⋯Cl hydrogen bonds about a centre of inversion, forming a centrosymmetric eight-membered {⋯HOH⋯Cl}2 supra-molecular square. Globally, the dications and loosely associated Cl(-) anions assemble into layers lying parallel to the ac plane, being connected by C-H⋯Cl,π(phen-yl) inter-actions. The supra-molecular squares and solvent acetone mol-ecules are sandwiched in the inter-layer region, being connected to the layers on either side by C-H⋯Cl,O(acetone) inter-actions.
  5. Tan YS, Yeo CI, Tiekink ER
    Acta Crystallogr E Crystallogr Commun, 2015 Aug 1;71(Pt 8):886-9.
    PMID: 26396747 DOI: 10.1107/S2056989015012682
    The title compound, [Fe(C17H14PS)2], is a second monoclinic polymorph (P21/c, with Z' = 1) of the previously reported monoclinic (C2/c, with Z' = 1/2) form [Fang et al. (1995 ▸). Polyhedron, 14, 2403-2409]. In the new form, the S atoms lie to the same side of the mol-ecule with the pseudo S-P⋯P-S torsion angle being -53.09 (3)°. By contrast to this almost syn disposition, in the C2/c polymorph, the Fe atom lies on a centre of inversion so that the S atoms are strictly anti, with a pseudo-S-P⋯P-S torsion angle of 180°. The significant difference in mol-ecular conformation between the two forms does not result in major perturbations in the P=S bond lengths nor in the distorted tetra-hedral geometries about the P atoms. The crystal packing of the new monoclinic polymorph features weak Cp-C-H⋯π(phen-yl) inter-actions consolidating linear supra-molecular chains along the a axis. These pack with no directional inter-actions between them.
  6. Lee SM, Lo KM, Tan SL, Tiekink ER
    Acta Crystallogr E Crystallogr Commun, 2016 Oct 1;72(Pt 10):1390-1395.
    PMID: 27746926
    The Yb(III) atom in the title complex, [Yb(C27H24Cl3N4O3)] [systematic name: (2,2',2''-{(nitrilo)-tris-[ethane-2,1-di-yl(nitrilo)-methylyl-idene]}tris-(4-chloro-phenolato)ytterbium(III)], is coordinated by a trinegative, hepta-dentate ligand and exists within an N4O3 donor set, which defines a capped octa-hedral geometry whereby the amine N atom caps the triangular face defined by the three imine N atoms. The packing features supra-molecular layers that stack along the a axis, sustained by a combination of aryl-C-H⋯O, imine-C-H⋯O, methyl-ene-C-H⋯π(ar-yl) and end-on C-Cl⋯π(ar-yl) inter-actions. A Hirshfeld surface analysis points to the major contributions of C⋯H/ H⋯C and Cl⋯H/H⋯Cl inter-actions (along with H⋯H) to the overall surface but the Cl⋯H contacts are at distances greater than the sum of their van der Waals radii.
  7. Yeo CI, Tan SL, Tiekink ER
    Acta Crystallogr E Crystallogr Commun, 2016 Oct 1;72(Pt 10):1446-1452.
    PMID: 27746938
    The title compound, [Au(C9H10NOS)(C18H15P)], features a near linear P-Au-S arrangement defined by phosphane P and thiol-ate S atoms with the minor distortion from the ideal [P-Au-S is 177.61 (2)°] being traced in part to the close intra-molecular approach of an O atom [Au⋯O = 3.040 (2) Å]. The packing features supra-molecular layers lying parallel to (011) sustained by a combination of C-H⋯π and π-π [inter-centroid distance = 3.8033 (17) Å] inter-actions. The mol-ecular structure and packing are compared with those determined for a previously reported hemi-methanol solvate [Kuan et al. (2008 ▸). CrystEngComm, 10, 548-564]. Relatively minor differences are noted in the conformations of the rings in the Au-containing mol-ecules. A Hirshfeld surface analysis confirms the similarity in the packing with the most notable differences relating to the formation of C-H⋯S contacts between the constituents of the solvate.
  8. Noordin R, Yunus MH, Tan Farrizam SN, Arifin N
    Adv Parasitol, 2020;109:131-152.
    PMID: 32381194 DOI: 10.1016/bs.apar.2020.01.003
    Toxocariasis is a human infection primarily caused by larvae of Toxocara canis from dogs, and also by T. cati from cats. Children have a more significant risk of acquiring the infection due to their closer contact with pets, and greater chances of ingesting soil. Diagnosis of toxocariasis is based on clinical, epidemiological, and serological data. Indirect IgG ELISA is a widely used serodiagnostic method for toxocariasis, with native T. canis TES most commonly used as the antigen. Western blots, using the same antigen, can be used to confirm positive ELISA findings to reduce false-positive results. Improvements in Toxocara serodiagnosis include the use of recombinant TES antigens, simpler and more rapid assay formats, and IgG4 subclass detection. Also, incorporation of recombinant T. cati TES protein increases the diagnostic sensitivity. Development of antigen detection tests using polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies, nanobodies, or aptamers can complement the antibody detection assays, and enhance the effectiveness of the serodiagnosis.
  9. Ng CJ, Low WY, Tan NC, Choo WY
    Int J Impot Res, 2004 Feb;16(1):60-3.
    PMID: 14963472 DOI: 10.1038/sj.ijir.3901141
    The objective of this study was to explore the roles and perceptions of general practitioners (GPs) in the management of erectile dysfunction (ED). This qualitative study used focus group discussions and in-depth interviews. This study was conducted based on 28 GPs from an urban area in Malaysia who had managed patients with ED and prescribed anti-ED drugs. Main outcome measures included the roles of GPs in managing patients with ED (active or passive), perceptions regarding ED and the treatment, and factors influencing their decision to prescribe. Majority of the GPs assumed a passive role when managing patients with ED. This was partly due to their perception of the disease being nonserious. Some also perceived ED as mainly psychological in nature. The anti-ED drugs were often viewed as a lifestyle drug with potentially serious side effects. The fear of being perceived by patients as 'pushing' for the drug and being blamed if the patients were to develop serious side effects also hampered the management of this disease. GPs who participated in this study remained passive in identifying and treating patients with ED and this was attributed to their perception of the disease, drug treatment and patient's background.
  10. Yeo CI, Tan SL, Tiekink ER
    Acta Crystallogr E Crystallogr Commun, 2016 Aug 1;72(Pt 8):1068-73.
    PMID: 27536384 DOI: 10.1107/S2056989016010781
    The title compound, [Au(C8H7ClNOS)(C18H15P)], is a monoclinic (P21/n, Z' = 1; form β) polymorph of the previously reported triclinic form (P-1, Z' = 1; form α) [Tadbuppa & Tiekink (2010 ▸). Acta Cryst. E66, m664]. The mol-ecular structures of both forms feature an almost linear gold(I) coordination geometry [P-Au-S = 175.62 (5)° in the title polymorph], being coordinated by thiol-ate S and phosphane P atoms, a Z conformation about the C=N bond and an intra-molecular Au⋯O contact. The major conformational difference relates to the relative orientations of the residues about the Au-S bond: the P-Au-S-C torsion angles are -8.4 (7) and 106.2 (7)° in forms α and β, respectively. The mol-ecular packing of form β features centrosymmetric aggregates sustained by aryl-C-H⋯O inter-actions, which are connected into a three-dimensional network by aryl-C-H⋯π contacts. The Hirshfeld analysis of forms α and β shows many similarities with the notable exception of the influence of C-H⋯O inter-actions in form β.
  11. Tan YF, Break MK, Tahir MI, Khoo TJ
    Acta Crystallogr E Crystallogr Commun, 2015 Feb 1;71(Pt 2):238-40.
    PMID: 25878829 DOI: 10.1107/S205698901500095X
    The title compound, C17H18N2O2S2, synthesized via a condensation reaction between S-benzyl di-thio-carbazate and 3,4-di-meth-oxy-benzaldehyde, crystallized with two independent mol-ecules (A and B) in the asymmetric unit. Both mol-ecules have an L-shape but differ in the orientation of the benzyl ring with respect to the 3,4-di-meth-oxy-benzyl-idine ring, this dihedral angle is 65.59 (8)° in mol-ecule A and 73.10 (8)° in mol-ecule B. In the crystal, the A and B mol-ecules are linked via pairs of N-H⋯S hydrogen bonds, forming dimers with an R 2 (2)(8) ring motif. The dimers are linked via pairs of C-H⋯O hydrogen bonds, giving inversion dimers of dimers. These units are linked by C-H⋯π inter-actions, forming ribbons propagating in the [100] direction.
  12. Lee SM, Lo KM, Tan SL, Tiekink ER
    Acta Crystallogr E Crystallogr Commun, 2016 Aug 1;72(Pt 8):1223-7.
    PMID: 27536419 DOI: 10.1107/S2056989016012159
    In the solid state, the title compound, C12H16BrNO5 [systematic name: 4-bromo-2-((1E)-{[1,3-dihy-droxy-2-(hy-droxy-meth-yl)propan-2-yl]iminium-yl}meth-yl)-6-meth-oxy-benzen-1-olate], C12H16BrNO5, is found in the keto-amine tautomeric form, with an intra-molecular iminium-N-H⋯O(phenolate) hydrogen bond and an E conformation about the C=N bond. Both gauche (two) and anti relationships are found for the methyl-hydroxy groups. In the crystal, a supra-molecular layer in the bc plane is formed via hy-droxy-O-H⋯O(hy-droxy) and charge-assisted hy-droxy-O-H⋯O(phenolate) hydrogen-bonding inter-actions; various C-H⋯O inter-actions provide additional cohesion to the layers, which stack along the a axis with no directional inter-actions between them. A Hirshfeld surface analysis confirms the lack of specific inter-actions in the inter-layer region.
  13. Brindha K, Paul R, Walter J, Tan ML, Singh MK
    Environ Geochem Health, 2020 Nov;42(11):3819-3839.
    PMID: 32601907 DOI: 10.1007/s10653-020-00637-9
    Monitoring the groundwater chemical composition and identifying the presence of pollutants is an integral part of any comprehensive groundwater management strategy. The present study was conducted in a part of West Tripura, northeast India, to investigate the presence and sources of trace metals in groundwater and the risk to human health due to direct ingestion of groundwater. Samples were collected from 68 locations twice a year from 2016 to 2018. Mixed Ca-Mg-HCO3, Ca-Cl and Ca-Mg-Cl were the main groundwater types. Hydrogeochemical methods showed groundwater mineralization due to (1) carbonate dissolution, (2) silicate weathering, (3) cation exchange processes and (4) anthropogenic sources. Occurrence of faecal coliforms increased in groundwater after monsoons. Nitrate and microbial contamination from wastewater infiltration were apparent. Iron, manganese, lead, cadmium and arsenic were above the drinking water limits prescribed by the Bureau of Indian Standards. Water quality index indicated 1.5% had poor, 8.7% had marginal, 16.2% had fair, 66.2% had good and 7.4% had excellent water quality. Correlation and principal component analysis reiterated the sources of major ions and trace metals identified from hydrogeochemical methods. Human exposure assessment suggests health risk due to high iron in groundwater. The presence of unsafe levels of trace metals in groundwater requires proper treatment measures before domestic use.
  14. Amul GGH, Tan GPP, van der Eijk Y
    PMID: 32610812 DOI: 10.34172/ijhpm.2020.97
    BACKGROUND: Transnational tobacco companies (TTCs) have a well-established presence in Southeast Asia and are now targeting other low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), especially Africa. While the tobacco industry's tactics in Southeast Asia are well documented, no study has systematically reviewed these tactics to inform tobacco control policies and movements in Africa, where the tobacco epidemic is spreading.

    METHODS: We conducted a systematic literature review of articles that describe tobacco industry tactics in Southeast Asia, which includes Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Myanmar, East Timor, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, and Brunei. After screening 512 articles, we gathered and analysed data from 134 articles which met our final inclusion criteria.

    RESULTS: Tobacco transnationals gained dominance in Southeast Asian markets by positioning themselves as good corporate citizens with corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives, promoting the industry as a pillar of, and partner for, economic growth. Tobacco transnationals also formed strategic sectoral alliances and reinforced their political ties to delay the implementation of regulations and lobby for weaker tobacco control. Where governments resisted the transnationals' attempts to enter a market, they used litigation and deceptive tactics including smuggling to pressure governments to open markets, and tarnished the reputation of public health organizations. The tobacco industry undermined tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship (TAPS) regulations through a broad range of direct and indirect marketing tactics.

    CONCLUSION: The experience of Southeast Asia with tobacco transnationals show that, beyond highlighting the public health benefits, underscoring the economic benefits of tobacco control might be a more compelling argument for governments in LMICs to prioritise tobacco control. Given the tobacco industry's widespread use of litigation, LMICs need more legal support and resources to counter industry litigations. LMICs should also prioritize measures to protect health policy from the vested interests of the tobacco industry, and to close regulatory loopholes in tobacco marketing restrictions.

  15. Shakri NM, Husain S, Zahedi FD, Tan GC
    Medeni Med J, 2020;35(1):71-74.
    PMID: 32733753 DOI: 10.5222/MMJ.2020.45389
    Plasmablastic lymphoma (PBL) is a rare and aggressive variant of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma predominantly in oral cavities of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive male patients or immunosuppressive hosts. Limited number of reports on HIV-negative PBL in immunocompetent patients are available in the literature. We reported an unusual case of sinonasal PBL which occurred in an HIV-negative and immunocompetent female patient. She underwent endoscopic removal of the tumor and completed 6 cycles of chemotherapy (hyperfractionated-CVAD). Any finding in favour of tumour recurrence was not observed in positron-emission tomography scan (PET-scan) performed 18 months after the treatment.
  16. Oh AL, Tan AGHK, Chieng IYY
    J Pharm Pract, 2021 Jan 12.
    PMID: 33433248 DOI: 10.1177/0897190020987127
    INTRODUCTION: Medication history assessment during hospital admissions is an important element in the medication reconciliation process. It ensures continuity of care and reduces medication errors.

    OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to determine the incidence of unintentional discrepancies (medication errors), types of medication errors with its potential severity of patient harm and acceptance rate of pharmaceutical care interventions.

    METHODS: A four-month cross-sectional study was conducted in the general medical wards of a tertiary hospital. All newly admitted patients with at least one prescription medication were recruited via purposive sampling. Medication history assessments were done by clinical pharmacists within 24 hours or as soon as possible after admission. Pharmacist-acquired medication histories were then compared with in-patient medication charts to detect discrepancies. Verification of the discrepancies, interventions, and assessment of the potential severity of patient harm resulting from medication errors were collaboratively carried out with the treating doctors.

    RESULTS: There were 990 medication discrepancies detected among 390 patients recruited in this study. One hundred and thirty-five (13.6%) medication errors were detected in 93 (23.8%) patients (1.45 errors per patient). These were mostly contributed by medication omissions (79.3%), followed by dosing errors (9.6%). Among these errors, 88.2% were considered "significant" or "serious" but none were "life-threatening." Most (83%) of the pharmaceutical interventions were accepted by the doctors.

    CONCLUSION: Medication history assessment by pharmacists proved vital in detecting medication errors, mostly medication omissions. Majority of the errors intervened by pharmacists were accepted by the doctors which prevented potential significant or serious patient harm.

  17. Yusoff K, Tan WS, Lau CH, Ng BK, Ibrahim AL
    Avian Pathol, 1996 Dec;25(4):837-44.
    PMID: 18645902
    The nucleotide sequence of the haemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) glycoprotein gene of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) variant strain V4(UPM) was determined by direct genomic RNA sequencing and confirmed by cycle sequencing. The gene comprises 1996 nucleotides encoding a 615 amino acid protein of size 67.4 kDa. The nucleotide and amino acid sequences of this strain were compared with those of the parent strain V4(QUE). There are 16 nucleotide substitutions on V4(UPM), eight of which are silent mutations and another eliminated a potential Asn-linked glycosylation site in V4(UPM). In addition, an Arg (403) residue was shown to be absent in the variant strain. This deletion is thought to be significant because of its location in a highly conserved region of the HN protein.
  18. Jawahir S, Mohamad Anuar NN, Sheikh Abdullah SF, Silvernayagam S, Tan EH
    Med J Malaysia, 2021 Jan;76(1):73-79.
    PMID: 33510113
    INTRODUCTION: Positive professional practice environments are crucial to safeguard a healthy and safe working conditions for health workforce, including nurses; so as to ensure provision of quality healthcare and safety of patient.

    METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study to assess nurses' perceptions towards nursing practice environment and factors associated with their perceptions. A validated Practice Environment Scale of the Nursing Work Index (PESNWI) questionnaire was administered to nurses working in two Ministry of Health hospitals. The questionnaire comprises of five subscales: Participation, Foundation, Managers Support, Workforce Adequacy and Physician/Nurse Relations. Mean scores of >2.50 were considered as favourable, and ≤2.50 were considered as unfavourable. Simple linear and multiple linear regression analysis were employed to identify factors associated with their perceptions. Analysis was carried out using STATA version 14.0.

    RESULTS: A total of 366 respondents took part in the study, with a response rate of 98.4%. Majority were working shift (89.6%) and working extended hours (62.3%). In general, the nursing practice environments were rated as favourable. Overall mean score was 2.90±0.03 and four out of five subscales' mean scores were >2.50. Foundation for quality nursing care was perceived as the most favourable subscale, while workforce adequacy was perceived as the least favourable. There were statistically significant association between working extended hours, doing double shift and working during day off with perceived unfavourable workforce adequacy.

    CONCLUSION: Nursing practice environment was perceived as favourable in the studied hospitals. Policy makers, service providers, and hospital managers could explore further on human resource planning and management of nursing personnel to tackle the issue of nurse staffing in the country.

  19. Tan YN, Ayob MK, Osman MA, Matthews KR
    Lett Appl Microbiol, 2011 Nov;53(5):509-17.
    PMID: 21848644 DOI: 10.1111/j.1472-765X.2011.03137.x
    The goal of this study was to determine inhibitory effect of palm kernel expeller (PKE) peptides of different degree of hydrolysis (DH %) against spore-forming bacteria Bacillus cereus, Bacillus circulans, Bacillus coagulans, Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus megaterium, Bacillus pumilus, Bacillus stearothermophillus, Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus thuringiensis, Clostridium perfringens; and non-spore-forming bacteria Escherichia coli, Lisinibacillus sphaericus, Listeria monocytogenes, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella Typhimurium and Staphylococcus aureus.
  20. Tan SL, Ahmad TS, Selvaratnam L, Kamarul T
    J Anat, 2013 Apr;222(4):437-50.
    PMID: 23510053 DOI: 10.1111/joa.12032
    Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are recognized by their plastic adherent ability, fibroblastic-like appearance, expression of specific surface protein markers, and are defined by their ability to undergo multi-lineage differentiation. Although rabbit bone marrow-derived MSCs (rbMSCs) have been used extensively in previous studies especially in translational research, these cells have neither been defined morphologically and ultrastructurally, nor been compared with their counterparts in humans in their multi-lineage differentiation ability. A study was therefore conducted to define the morphology, surface marker proteins, ultrastructure and multi-lineage differentiation ability of rbMSCs. Herein, the primary rbMSC cultures of three adult New Zealand white rabbits (at least 4 months old) were used for three independent experiments. rbMSCs were isolated using the gradient-centrifugation method, an established technique for human MSCs (hMSCs) isolation. Cells were characterized by phase contrast microscopy observation, transmission electron microscopy analysis, reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis, immunocytochemistry staining, flow cytometry, alamarBlue(®) assay, histological staining and quantitative (q)PCR analysis. The isolated plastic adherent cells were in fibroblastic spindle-shape and possessed eccentric, irregular-shaped nuclei as well as rich inner cytoplasmic zones similar to that of hMSCs. The rbMSCs expressed CD29, CD44, CD73, CD81, CD90 and CD166, but were negative (or dim positive) for CD34, CD45, CD117 and HLD-DR. Despite having similar morphology and phenotypic expression, rbMSCs possessed significantly larger cell size but had a lower proliferation rate as compared with hMSCs. Using established protocols to differentiate hMSCs, rbMSCs underwent osteogenic, adipogenic and chondrogenic differentiation. Interestingly, differentiated rbMSCs demonstrated higher levels of osteogenic (Runx2) and chondrogenic (Sox9) gene expressions than that of hMSCs (P  0.05). rbMSCs possess similar morphological characteristics to hMSCs, but have a higher potential for osteogenic and chondrogenic differentiation, despite having a lower cell proliferation rate than hMSCs. The characteristics reported here may be used as a comprehensive set of criteria to define or characterize rbMSCs.
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