Displaying publications 221 - 240 of 333 in total

  1. Kamarulzaman A, Altice FL
    Curr. Opin. Infect. Dis., 2015 Feb;28(1):10-6.
    PMID: 25490106 DOI: 10.1097/QCO.0000000000000125
    HIV management in people who use drugs (PWUD) is typically complex and challenging due to the presence of multiple medical and psychiatric comorbidities as well as social, physical, economic and legal factors that often disrupt the HIV continuum of care. In this review, we describe the individual, health systems and societal barriers to HIV treatment access and care retention for PWUD. In addition, the clinical management of HIV-infected PWUD is often complicated by the presence of multiple infectious and noninfectious comorbidities.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mental Disorders/complications; Mental Disorders/drug therapy*; Mental Disorders/epidemiology
  2. Zyoud SH, Awang R, Sulaiman SA, Al-Jabi SW
    Hum Psychopharmacol, 2010 Aug;25(6):500-8.
    PMID: 20737523 DOI: 10.1002/hup.1140
    The objectives of this study were to determine the risk factors and life stressors that are prevalent among the acetaminophen deliberate self-poisoning (DSP) cases, to identify gender differences in the associated factors, and to determine the prevalence of psychiatric diagnosis and the patterns and types of psychotherapeutic interventions provided by psychiatrists.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mental Disorders/diagnosis; Mental Disorders/epidemiology*; Mental Disorders/psychology
  3. Chandrasekaran PK, Jambunathan ST, Zainal NZ
    Ann Gen Psychiatry, 2005 Apr 15;4(1):9.
    PMID: 15876360
    BACKGROUND: Organic Brain Syndromes (OBS) are often missed in clinical practice. Determining their varied presentations may help in earlier detection, better management, and, assessing prognosis and outcome. We described the in-patient referrals of patients suffering from the psychiatric effects of organic states and compared the symptomatology and mortality between those with the Acute and Chronic varieties. METHODS: 59 patients referred to our Consultation-Liaison (C-L) Psychiatry services and given a clinical diagnosis of OBS were selected over a 6-month period. Psychiatric and cognitive abnormalities and treatment regimes were recorded and fatality rates determined. Information regarding their condition 24 months after their index hospitalization was recorded. All data were entered into a proforma and analyzed after exclusion. RESULTS: The mean duration of detecting the symptoms by the physician was 3.52 days. The presence of a premorbid psychiatric illness had no influence on the clinical presentation but did on the mortality of patients with OBS (p = 0.029).Patients with the Acute syndrome had significantly more symptom resolution as compared to those with the Chronic syndrome (p = 0.001) but mortalityrates did not differ. Elderly patients and those with symptom resolution upon discharge did not show statistically significant higher mortality rates. The most popular combination of treatment was that of a low-dose neuroleptic and a benzodiazepine (34.7%). The need for maintenance treatment was not significantly different in any group, even in those with a past history of a functional disorder. CONCLUSION: Other than the Acute group having a significantly better outcome in terms of symptom resolution, our findings suggest that there was no significant difference in the clinical presentation between those with Acute or Chronic OBS. Mortality-wise, there was also no difference between the Acute and Chronic syndromes, nor was there any difference between the elderly and the younger group. There was also no significant difference in the need for continued treatment in both groups.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mental Disorders
  4. Tay AK, Mohsin M, Hau KM, Badrudduza M, Balasundaram S, Morgan K, et al.
    Psychol Med, 2020 Sep 11.
    PMID: 32914737 DOI: 10.1017/S0033291720003104
    BACKGROUND: Large variations in prevalence rates of common mental disorder (CMD) amongst refugees and forcibly displaced populations have raised questions about the accuracy and value of epidemiological surveys in these cross-cultural settings. We examined the associations of sociodemographic indices, premigration traumatic events (TEs), postmigration living difficulties (PMLDs), and psychosocial disruptions based on the Adaptive Stress Index (ASI) in relation to CMD prevalence amongst the Rohingya, Chin and Kachin refugees originating from Myanmar and relocated to Malaysia.

    METHODS: Parallel epidemiological studies were conducted in areas where the three groups were concentrated in and around Malaysia (response rates: 80-83%).

    RESULTS: TE exposure, PMLDs and ASI were significantly associated with CMD prevalence in each group but the Rohingya recorded the highest exposure to all three of these former indices relative to Chin and Kachin (TE: mean = 11.1 v. 8.2 v. 11; PMLD: mean = 13.5 v. 7.4 v. 8.7; ASI: mean = 128.9 v. 32.1 v. 35.5). Multiple logistic regression analyses based on the pooled sample (n = 2058) controlling for gender and age, found that ethnic group membership, premigration TEs (16 or more TEs: OR, 2.00; 95% CI, 1.39-2.88; p < 0.001), PMLDs (10-15 PMLDs: OR, 4.19; 95% CI, 3.17-5.54; 16 or more PMLDs: OR, 7.23; 95% CI, 5.24-9.98; p < 0.001) and ASI score (ASI score 100 or greater: OR, 2.19; 95% CI, 1.46-3.30; p < 0.001) contributed to CMD.

    CONCLUSIONS: Factors specific to each ethnic group and differences in the quantum of exposure to TEs, PMLDs and psychosocial disruptions appeared to account in large part for differences in prevalence rates of CMDs observed across these three groups.

    Matched MeSH terms: Mental Disorders
  5. Norshafarina, S.K., Ahmad Aisar A.H, Neni W.S,, Norsham Juliana N.
    Students nowadays in Malaysia and globally, prefer to consume caffeinated energy drink to stay up late to finish their daily task especially during exams or finishing their coursework. Despite the rising trends and aggressive marketing strategies aimed toward college students, there has been little research done on college students’ intake of caffeinated energy drinks and their impact on sleep quality such as the daytime sleepiness. Bad sleep quality is also significantly found more commonly in those with psychological distress which will then consequently affect students’ academic performances. This research studies about universities student pattern of consumption of caffeinated energy drink and how it affects their level of daytime sleepiness and level of psychological distress. In this research, The Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) was used to evaluate general level of daytime sleepiness and the capability to stay alert and awake during crucial moments of the day. While the level of psychological distress were measured using the 12-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12), a self-administered screening instrument designed to detect current diagnosable mental disturbances and disorders. Research findings showed that there are generally higher usage of caffeinated energy drink in male, between 20 to 22 years old and active in any physical activity, among participants whom does not consume caffeinated energy drink, majority score CGPA between 3.00 to 3.50. Also, there are significance between the psychological distress and consumption of caffeinated energy drink, 86.3% whom does not consume caffeinated energy drink does not have psychological distress and between daytime sleepiness and psychological distress, about 71.8% daytime sleepers have psychological distress (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Mental Disorders
  6. Abdul Kadir A, Nordin R, Ismail SB, Yaacob MJ, Wan Mahmud WMR
    Objective: To determine the prevalence of postnatal depression (PND), and associated risk factors among women in Kota Bharu District, Kelantan. Design: A cohort study Methods: A study involving four hundred and twenty one pregnant women attending primary health care facilities in Kota Bharu between February and September 2000 were screened for depression at 36-42 weeks of pregnancy, 1 week postpartum and 4-6 weeks postpartum using validated Malay version of Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS). Results: Three hundred and seventy seven women successfully completed the EPDS (response rate = 89.8%). The prevalence of PND at 4-6 weeks postpartum, based on an EPDS score of 12 and above, was 20.7%. Depressive symptoms at the end of pregnancy (p<0.05) and one week postnatal (p<0.05) were significantly associated with PND. Conclusions: PND among women in Kota Bharu was 20.7%, which was higher than previously reported studies. Onset of depressive symptoms towards the end of pregnancy and early postnatal period independently predicted postnatal depression. © 2005 Japan International Cultural Exchange Foundation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mental Disorders
  7. Wan Mahmud WMR, Hayati MR, Bashah B, Amir A, Mahmood NM
    Background: Community based epidemiological data on postpartum depression in Malaysia is scarce. Aim: To determine the prevalence and risk factors for developing postpartum depression among Malay women from a rural area in Kedah, North West of Peninsular Malaysia. Method: We screened 185 women at 4-12 weeks postpartum attending the selected health centers using the Malay versions of Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) and Beck Depression Inventory II (BDI-11). Those scoring 12 and / or 9/10 on BDI-11 were interviewed using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) and the 17-items Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HDRS-17). All diagnoses were based on the Tenth Edition of the International Classification for Disease: Diagnostic Criteria for Research (ICD-I0: DCR-10). Results: The prevalence of postpartum depression was 21.08%. The condition was found to be significantly linked to polygamous marriages, high number of life events and financial problems over the last one year prior to delivery, and low scores on the Malay version of the MOS Social Support Survey and all its components (overall support index, informational support, affectionate support/ positive social interactions and instrumental support). Conclusions: Postpartum depression is indeed a reality among Malay women in rural areas In Kedah, North West of Peninsular Malaysia. These findings have implications for policies regarding maternal and childcare programs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mental Disorders
  8. Chow SK, Guan YK, Chong HY, Zainal NZ, Yeap SS
    Objectives: To determine the prevalence of self-reported depression among Malaysian patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and to study the correlates and independent predictors for depression. Methods: The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) questionnaire wasused to assess depressive symptoms. Disease activity was determined by theduration of morning stiffness, visual analogue scale for pain and fatigue, numberof swollen/tender joint and the modified disease activity score (DAS). The Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) was used to assess the patients' functionalstatus. Results: Depression was recorded in 17.2% of the 93 patients. Painful joints(p<0.001), active disease (p<0.001) and poor joint function (p<0.001) correlatedsignificantly with depression. Poor functional status assessed by the HAO was themost significant Independent predictor for depression in RA patients, (OR=5.4,p=0.028). Conclusion: The prevalence of depression In this cohort of Asian RA patients was17.2%. Painful joints and functional disability were associated with a higherIncidence of depression. RA Patients with severe functional disability should beassessed for depression that may need to be treated Independently.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mental Disorders
  9. Muhammad Darwiis Abdullah, Aiman Faiz Ahmad Fuad, Hafiz Ilmie Rahman, Mark Tan Kiak Min
    Mental illness is expected to become the second biggest health problem affecting Malaysians by 2020. Doctors and medical students are more prone to mental illness compared to the general population. However, they are often reluctant to and resist seeking help because of stigma and a (strong) sense of shame. This can lead to detrimental consequences for themselves and their patients. That said, a doctor with a mental illness receiving appropriate treatment and who is in a stable condition may still be permitted to practise provided patient safety is not compromised. Determining this is a key responsibility of a healthcare regulator like the Malaysian Medical Council (MMC). Using some prominent cases to illustrate this point, this article reviews the MMC guideline on ‘Managing Impaired Registered Medical Practitioners’. In the absence of similar local guidelines for medical students, we also allude to the UK General Medical Council’s guideline on ‘Supporting Medical Students with Mental Health Conditions’. The article recommends that doctors and medical students with mental illness should seek help; outlines a number of factors to consider in deciding whether a doctor should continue practising; and explores alternative career paths in instances where they should not. The article concludes that appropriate support goes a long way for doctors and medical students who grapple with mental health issues in that there is hope and a way through a seemingly devastating situation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mental Disorders
  10. Mohd Noor N, Mohd Sidik S
    Family Physician, 2003;12:30-35.
    Introduction: Depression is an important problem in primary care practice and is the commonest psychiatric disorder among the elderly.
    Aim: To assess the prevalence of depression among the elderly patients attending a rural primary health care clinic in Malaysia and to identify its associated factors.
    Method: The Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) questionnaire was used as a screening instrument. Patients with positive GDS scores for depression were further assessed for Major Depression.
    Results: 14% of the patients were found to have depression. The associated factors identified were gender, marital status, educational level, total family monthly income, living arrangement and if they had someone to confide in. Further clinical evaluation using the DSM IV Criteria for major depression revealed that two-thirds of the patients with depression were suffering from major depression.
    Conclusion: The prevalence of depression among the elderly patients at a rural primary health care clinic was high. Primary health care doctors and staff should take extra care to detect depression when managing elderly patients.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mental Disorders
  11. Riana AR, Che Bakar O, Omar A
    The prevalence of psychiatric morbidity among patients attending primary care clinics is high and their attitudes towards psychiatry are often negative. The objectives of this study were to assess the prevalence of psychiatric morbidity and attitudes towards mental illness in relation to socio-demographic factors among primary care patients. A cross-sectional study was conducted on 245 patients attending the primary care clinic of Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia at Bandar Tasik Selatan. A two-stage case identification process was used to detect psychiatric morbidity. The Malay translation of General Health Questionnaire-30 (GHQ-30) was used for screening and the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID) was used to generate Axis-1 diagnosis. The Attitudes Towards Mental Illness Questionnaire was used to assess their attitudes towards mental illness. 8.2% of patients were found to have psychiatric morbidity, and they were significantly associated with the younger age group (p<0.05). Nevertheless, there was no significant association between psychiatric morbidity and sex, race, marital status, educational level, and social class of patients. The attitudes towards mental illness were significantly associated with age, race, marital status, educational level, social class and the presence of family history of psychiatry illness (p<0.05). There was no significant association between attitudes towards mental illness and patients'sex. Primary care doctors need to be equipped with psychiatry knowledge in order not to miss patients with psychiatry morbidity. Patients with psychiatry morbidity significantly believed in supernatural causes of mental illness compared with those without psychiatric morbidity. Keywords: Primary care, psychiatric morbidity, attitude towards psychiatry
    Matched MeSH terms: Mental Disorders
  12. Castillo-Carandang NT, Buenaventura RD, Chia YC, Do Van D, Lee C, Duong NL, et al.
    Risk Manag Healthc Policy, 2020;13:803-819.
    PMID: 32765135 DOI: 10.2147/RMHP.S256165
    Introduction: Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) are the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) member states. Progress has been slow despite the World Health Organization action plan for the prevention and control of NCDs in the region. This paper presents recommendations focused on practical strategies for optimizing NCD management in the ASEAN region.

    Methods: A multidisciplinary group of experts from six ASEAN member states convened for two face-to-face meetings to discuss barriers and possible recommendations for optimizing NCD management, focused on cardiovascular diseases and mental disorders, in the region. Multiple approaches, ie, analysis of insights from the meetings and a review of existing literature on NCD programs in the ASEAN region were followed. The proposed recommendations were also based on selected successful interventions in ASEAN member states, thus providing actionable strategies.

    Results: The gaps identified in NCD management for cardiovascular diseases and mental disorders in the ASEAN region were classified into gaps relating to policies and to clinical and public health practice. The proposed solutions addressing policy gaps include fostering multisectoral public-private partnerships, employing "whole-of-government" and "whole-of-society" approaches and promoting "health-in-all policies approach" to manage issues with financing, accessibility, efficiency and quality of health services. Whereas proposed solutions to bridge clinical and public health practice gaps entail strengthening primary care services, building the capacity of trained healthcare workers and employing collaborative care for holistic management of patients.

    Conclusion: The scale of premature and preventable deaths from NCDs in the ASEAN region remains a serious public health concern and requires a "whole-of-system approach". The interventions proposed in this paper build on regional collaborations and knowledge sharing to help develop a concerted and targeted response to NCDs.

    Matched MeSH terms: Mental Disorders
  13. Bhawani SA, Husaini A, Ahmad FB, Asaruddin MR
    Curr Protein Pept Sci, 2018;19(10):972-982.
    PMID: 28828988 DOI: 10.2174/1389203718666170821162823
    Proteins have played a very important role in the drug industry for developing treatments of various diseases such as auto-immune diseases, cancer, diabetes, mental disorder, metabolic disease, and others. Therapeutic proteins have high activity and specificity but they have some limitations such as short half-life, poor stability, low solubility and immunogenicity, so they cannot prolong their therapeutic activity. These shortcomings have been rectified by using polymers for the conjugation with proteins. The conjugates of protein-polymer improves the half-lives, stability and makes them non-immunogenic. Poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG), is widely used in the delivery of proteins because it is the current gold standard for stealth polymers in the emerging field of polymer-based delivery as compared to various biodegradable polymers. PEGylation enhances the retention of therapeutic proteins, effectively alters the pharmacokinetics and enhances the pharmaceutical value. Smart polymer have been used to cope with the pathophysiological environment of target site and have imposed less toxic effects.The contents of this article are challenges in formulation of therapeutic proteins, synthetic routes of conjugates, smart polymer-protein conjugates and also some advantages/disadvantages of polymers as a carrier system of proteins.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mental Disorders
  14. Ford K, Jampaklay A, Chamatrithirong A
    Int J Soc Psychiatry, 2021 Jan 20.
    PMID: 33467959 DOI: 10.1177/0020764021989736
    AIM: The objective of this paper is to examine the level of psychiatric symptoms and associated factors among Thai migrants from the southernmost Thai provinces of Pattani, Yala, and Narithiwat who are working in Malaysia. Comparisons will be made with the sending population in the southernmost provinces of Thailand.

    METHODS: Data are drawn from survey and in-depth interviews with Thai migrants who are working in Malaysia. Comparisons are made with a probability sample of working age adults in Thailand. The twenty item Self Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ) was the measure of mental health.

    RESULTS: The study found that the migrants, on average, have normal levels of psychiatric symptoms. However, although about 24% of migrants reported more eight or more symptoms that may indicate a need for evaluation. There are many stressors in their lives including distance from families, reduced social support, legal matters surrounding immigration, and discrimination/exploitation of migrant groups.

    CONCLUSION: The study highlights the need for policy makers and non-governmental organizations to give attention to migrants' mental health, well-being and sustainable livelihoods.

    Matched MeSH terms: Mental Disorders
  15. Tye SK, Kandavello G, Wan Ahmadul Badwi SA, Abdul Majid HS
    Front Psychol, 2020;11:481176.
    PMID: 33584393 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.481176
    Objectives: This study aimed to describe the experiences and challenges faced by adolescents with moderate and severe congenital heart defects (CHD) or Chronic Rheumatic Heart Disease (CRHD) and to determine their needs in order to develop an Adolescent Transition Psychoeducational Program.

    Methods: The study involved seven adolescents with moderate to severe CHD/CRHD, six parents, and four health care providers in Institute Jantung Negara (National Heart Institute). Participants were invited for a semi-structured interview. Qualitative data were analyzed through the Atlas.ti 7 program using triangulation methods.

    Results/conclusions: We identified five themes concerning the experience and challenges of adolescents relating to: (1) emotional/psychological issues; (2) the progress of the illness; (3) relationship issues; (4) future preparation; and, (5) school and community. These themes were identified together with eleven subcategories. The staff expressed support for the development of the Adolescent Transition Psychoeducational Program and adolescents with CHD/CRHD and their parents were willing to participate in the program if their schedule allowed. Their suggestions to improve the program were classified into six categories, with two main themes, (1) the self-management of illness in life and the future; and, (2) social support. In conclusion, the findings from the situation analysis act as a basis for a conceptual framework that will contribute to the development of an Adolescent Transition Psychoeducational Program that aims to empower adolescents with CHD/CRHD, enabling them to manage challenges during the transition phase between childhood and adulthood.

    Matched MeSH terms: Mental Disorders
  16. Castro-Calvo J, King DL, Stein DJ, Brand M, Carmi L, Chamberlain SR, et al.
    Addiction, 2021 09;116(9):2463-2475.
    PMID: 33449441 DOI: 10.1111/add.15411
    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Following the recognition of 'internet gaming disorder' (IGD) as a condition requiring further study by the DSM-5, 'gaming disorder' (GD) was officially included as a diagnostic entity by the World Health Organization (WHO) in the 11th revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11). However, the proposed diagnostic criteria for gaming disorder remain the subject of debate, and there has been no systematic attempt to integrate the views of different groups of experts. To achieve a more systematic agreement on this new disorder, this study employed the Delphi expert consensus method to obtain expert agreement on the diagnostic validity, clinical utility and prognostic value of the DSM-5 criteria and ICD-11 clinical guidelines for GD.

    METHODS: A total of 29 international experts with clinical and/or research experience in GD completed three iterative rounds of a Delphi survey. Experts rated proposed criteria in progressive rounds until a pre-determined level of agreement was achieved.

    RESULTS: For DSM-5 IGD criteria, there was an agreement both that a subset had high diagnostic validity, clinical utility and prognostic value and that some (e.g. tolerance, deception) had low diagnostic validity, clinical utility and prognostic value. Crucially, some DSM-5 criteria (e.g. escapism/mood regulation, tolerance) were regarded as incapable of distinguishing between problematic and non-problematic gaming. In contrast, ICD-11 diagnostic guidelines for GD (except for the criterion relating to diminished non-gaming interests) were judged as presenting high diagnostic validity, clinical utility and prognostic value.

    CONCLUSIONS: This Delphi survey provides a foundation for identifying the most diagnostically valid and clinically useful criteria for GD. There was expert agreement that some DSM-5 criteria were not clinically relevant and may pathologize non-problematic patterns of gaming, whereas ICD-11 diagnostic guidelines are likely to diagnose GD adequately and avoid pathologizing.

    Matched MeSH terms: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
  17. Zaharah, M.S., Hussin, N., Roshelmi, D., Jamsiah, M.
    Introduction : Major flooding that occurred in Segamat District at the end of 2006 and early 2007 was a natural disaster that has left impact on physical and mental well-being of the victims. The aim of this study is to see the impact of the major flooding to the mental health of the health staff in Segamat District.
    Methodology : Cross sectional study was conducted among Segamat health staffs who were involved in the major floods. Structured questionnaire was used to assess the mental health status of the victims. Result : There were 119 health staffs from the district health office, Hospital Segamat, dental clinic and Community Nursing School were interviewed in this study. A total of 6.7% respondents claimed to have stress related symptoms with women were more effected than men. Nurses and married respondents were found to be more stressful in this study.
    Conclusion : Based on findings, therefore, top management has to pay more attention to the welfare of the health staff, directly or indirectly, in particular on the psychological aspect. By giving emphasis on continuous in-service training and counseling as well as other relevant support, stress-related symptoms could be minimized which in turn lead to higher individual productivity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mental Disorders
  18. Marhani Midin, Salina Abdul Aziz, Phang, Cheng-Kar
    ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry, 2010;11(2):206-215.
    Objective: Mental health services in Malaysia often face competition from traditional healers especially among patients with psychosis. The objective of the study is to determine whether patients who sought help earlier from traditional healers had longer duration of untreated psychosis (DUP), and more adverse experiences in pathways to psychiatric care. Methods: This is a hospital-based cross-sectional study of 50 inpatients with first-episode
    psychosis in Hospital Kuala Lumpur. Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (Diagnostic and statistical manual, 4th edition) Clinical Version for Axis I Disorders (SCID-CV) was used for establishing diagnosis. Onset of psychosis was defined as any one positive symptom with a score of >3 on the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS). Socio-demographic
    data, information on pathways and treatment delaying factors were determined through face-to-face interview and semi-structured questionnaire. Results: Fifty-four percent of the patients had at least one contact with traditional healers prior to consulting psychiatric service, and it was the most popular first point of non-psychiatric help-seeking contact
    (48%). Contact with traditional healers was not associated with age, gender, ethnic, education level, longer DUP or treatment delay, and admissions with violent behaviour or police assistance. Of those who had sought help from traditional healers, one third were recommended by at least one of their traditional healers to seek medical help. Conclusion:
    Consultation involving traditional healers was a popular choice, and not associated with treatment delay. Traditional healers in an urban setting may be potential collaborators in managing patients with first-episode psychosis. Future research should explore the frontiers of such collaborative work.
    Matched MeSH terms: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
  19. Badiah, Y., Sulaiman, B., Rohaya, H., Mohd Zaidi, M.Z., Rohailina, R.
    Floods are natural disasters that occur without much warning. Natural disasters can result in negative impact due to highly stressful event. Floods can cause mental and emotional disorders to the victims and could also induce stress and trauma either in the short or long terms. This research was carried out to recognize the psychological sequelae of floods and how to overcome them. This study describes the cross sectional descriptive pattern of flood victims in Johor. The DASS Test Questionnaire which is a measurement tool endorsed by the Family Development Institute, Ministry of Health Malaysia was used. We carried out the research in 3 districts of Johor which were the worst hit areas by the flood disaster. Twenty-three percent of the participants were males while 77% were females. The DASS Test Questionnaire showed that 13% were mildly depressed, 7% moderately depressed and 3% were severely depressed. It also revealed that 22% were mildly anxious, 19% moderately anxious, 5% severely anxious and 4% had very severe anxiety. On the stress scores, 15% suffered mild stress, 11% were moderately stressed while 2% were severely stressed. A committee to conduct the motivation programme for the state of Johor was formed by Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Johor with the cooperation of the PROKEM committee from Hospital Permai, Johor Bahru. This committee headed by the Deputy Director of Health (Medical Division) attempted to overcome the psychological sequelae suffered by flood victims. The activities conducted by the PROKEM staff and staff from the Ministry of Health were monitored by the committee based at Hospital Permai, Johor Bahru. The Bilik Gerakan was in operation for 24 hours a day with meetings conducted every morning and evening to brief and debrief members of staff who were going to carry out the motivation programme. Feedback was also obtained from staff on their return from the various relief centres.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mental Disorders
  20. Norfazilah, A., Azmawati, M.N, Madihah, M
    This study aimed at measuring the quality of life (QOL) among young adults in rural area of Selangor, and determined the factors that affect the QOL scores. A cross-sectional study was conducted among young adults aged 18 to 39 years in rural area of Hulu Langat district, Selangor with a total sample of 308 selected through simple random sampling. Validated Malay version of WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire was used to measure the QOL, which generated overall QOL score and four domains’ scores of physical health, psychological health, social relationship and environmental QOL. The results showed that the highest mean score was social relationship domain 67.07 (18.87), followed by overall QOL 65.10 (17.92), environmental QOL domain 64.88 (12.83), psychological health domain 60.67 (11.88) and physical health domain 58.23 (11.00). Variables such as unemployment, having chronic diseases and mental distress were found to lower the QOL score.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mental Disorders
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