Displaying publications 241 - 260 of 346 in total

  1. Kemp Z, Turnbull A, Yost S, Seal S, Mahamdallie S, Poyastro-Pearson E, et al.
    JAMA Netw Open, 2019 05 03;2(5):e194428.
    PMID: 31125106 DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2019.4428
    Importance: Increasing BRCA1 and BRCA2 (collectively termed herein as BRCA) gene testing is required to improve cancer management and prevent BRCA-related cancers.

    Objective: To evaluate mainstream genetic testing using cancer-based criteria in patients with cancer.

    Design, Setting, and Participants: A quality improvement study and cost-effectiveness analysis of different BRCA testing selection criteria and access procedures to evaluate feasibility, acceptability, and mutation detection performance was conducted at the Royal Marsden National Health Service Foundation Trust as part of the Mainstreaming Cancer Genetics (MCG) Programme. Participants included 1184 patients with cancer who were undergoing genetic testing between September 1, 2013, and February 28, 2017.

    Main Outcomes and Measures: Mutation rates, quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs), and incremental cost-effectiveness ratios were the primary outcomes.

    Results: Of the 1184 patients (1158 women [97.8%]) meeting simple cancer-based criteria, 117 had a BRCA mutation (9.9%). The mutation rate was similar in retrospective United Kingdom (10.2% [235 of 2294]) and prospective Malaysian (9.7% [103 of 1061]) breast cancer studies. If traditional family history criteria had been used, more than 50% of the mutation-positive individuals would have been missed. Of the 117 mutation-positive individuals, 115 people (98.3%) attended their genetics appointment and cascade to relatives is underway in all appropriate families (85 of 85). Combining with the equivalent ovarian cancer study provides 5 simple cancer-based criteria for BRCA testing with a 10% mutation rate: (1) ovarian cancer; (2) breast cancer diagnosed when patients are 45 years or younger; (3) 2 primary breast cancers, both diagnosed when patients are 60 years or younger; (4) triple-negative breast cancer; and (5) male breast cancer. A sixth criterion-breast cancer plus a parent, sibling, or child with any of the other criteria-can be added to address family history. Criteria 1 through 5 are considered the MCG criteria, and criteria 1 through 6 are considered the MCGplus criteria. Testing using MCG or MCGplus criteria is cost-effective with cost-effectiveness ratios of $1330 per discounted QALYs and $1225 per discounted QALYs, respectively, and appears to lead to cancer and mortality reductions (MCG: 804 cancers, 161 deaths; MCGplus: 1020 cancers, 204 deaths per year over 50 years). Use of MCG or MCGplus criteria might allow detection of all BRCA mutations in patients with breast cancer in the United Kingdom through testing one-third of patients. Feedback questionnaires from 259 patients and 23 cancer team members (12 oncologists, 8 surgeons, and 3 nurse specialists) showed acceptability of the process with 100% of patients pleased they had genetic testing and 100% of cancer team members confident to approve patients for genetic testing. Use of MCGplus criteria also appeared to be time and resource efficient, requiring 95% fewer genetic consultations than the traditional process.

    Conclusions and Relevance: This study suggests that mainstream testing using simple, cancer-based criteria might be able to efficiently deliver consistent, cost-effective, patient-centered BRCA testing.

    Matched MeSH terms: Early Detection of Cancer/standards*
  2. Mustari S, Hossain B, Diah NM, Kar S
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2019 06 01;20(6):1613-1620.
    PMID: 31244279 DOI: 10.31557/APJCP.2019.20.6.1613
    Each year, many countries from developed world publishes reports on early cancer detection; which is absolutely
    absent in most developing countries like Bangladesh.Very limited evidence is found on the role and acceptance of Pap
    test among the women of Bangladesh in determining cervical cancer. More research and updates are needed relating Pap
    test in early detection of cervical cancer. Thus the purpose of this study is set to assess the opinions of Bangladeshiurban
    womentowardsthe Pap test. A questionnaire-based survey of 400 Bangladeshi urban women was evaluated by on their
    socio-demographic characteristics, knowledgeand attitudes towards Pap testing. In general, the findings reveal that
    respondents havea good understanding of thepurpose of Pap test screening with 3.92 (Mean score). With 3.54 Mean
    score,the respondents believed that Pap tests are recommended to women who are married and with 3.45 mean score
    women believed that Pap tests arerecommended only to those who have children. Generally, respondents possess good
    knowledge of Pap test and its purpose. These findings can be used in identifying prospect cervical cancer screening
    significance populations and trend for future intrusion.
    Matched MeSH terms: Early Detection of Cancer/psychology*
  3. Ramli HA, Moey SF, Abdul Mutalib AM
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2019 06 01;20(6):1913-1920.
    PMID: 31244318 DOI: 10.31557/APJCP.2019.20.6.1913
    Background: Breast cancer (BC) awareness is relatively poor among Malaysian women indicated by the presence of BC at a late stage and the low rate of mammography screening. Only a few theoretically based studies have been conducted on Malaysian women’s participation in mammography. Therefore, the objective of this study is to use health belief model (HBM) and stage of change model (SCM) to determine the relationship between health beliefs on the behavioral adoption of mammography amongst women in Kuantan, Pahang. Methods: Five hundred and twenty women were randomly selected to complete the survey. Data were analyzed using multinomial logistic regression (MLR) to ascertain the multivariate relationships between health beliefs and stage of mammography behavioral adoption. Results:
    The MLR test indicates that there is no significant difference in perceived severity, benefits, motivator factors and cues to action between participants in the action stage and the maintenance stage. However, significant differences existed in perceived severity, susceptibility, motivator factors and self-efficacy between the pre-contemplation, relapse and contemplation stage to that of the referenced (maintenance) stage of mammography adoption. Conclusion: Women in the action stage are more likely to progress towards maintenance stage as they perceived breast cancer as a disease that leads to death and that mammogram screening is beneficial in detecting the disease at an early stage. However, women in the pre-contemplation, relapse and contemplation stage are found unlikely to move towards the maintenance stage as they perceived their risk of getting breast cancer is low.
    Matched MeSH terms: Early Detection of Cancer/psychology*
  4. Tan CS, Hamzah ND, Ismail ZHF, Jerip AR, Kipli M
    Med J Malaysia, 2021 05;76(3):298-303.
    PMID: 34031326
    INTRODUCTION: Cervical cancer is the third most common cancer among Malaysian women. Sarawak, the largest state in Malaysia has consistently recorded the highest cervical cancer rate in the country where nearly half of its population still live in the rural areas and is at increased risk of the disease due to inequitable access to healthcare. The countrywide lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic had halted the accessibility to cervical cancer screening programme. The aim of the study is to determine the feasibility of providing primary HPV DNA test using the selfsampling method to the hard-to-reach population in the interior of Sarawak during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study where women aged between 20-80 years were recruited via convenient sampling from villages in Long Banga, Sarawak over a five-day outreach programme. Cervicovaginal selfsamples were obtained and screened for the presence of high-risk human papillomavirus DNA (HR-HPV) using the careHPVTM Test. A self-administered questionnaire was also administered to determine the sociodemographic and perception towards the self-sampling method.

    RESULTS: The 55 women recruited consist of ethnic backgrounds of Penan (58.18%), Kenyah (25.45%), Iban (5.45%), Saban (3.64%), Kelabit (3.64%), Malay (1.82%) and Chinese (1.82%). The prevalence of HR-HPV was 1.85% (n=1/55). Nearly 80% of the women were unemployed, and more than half have had attended primary education. Nine (16.4%) have heard about HPV, and seven (13%) knew HPV infection could cause cervical cancer. Three of them had HPV vaccination, and only one (1.85%) knew the brand of the HPV vaccine. Although 40% preferred self-sampling over clinician-collection, only ten (18.2%) women have completed the self-collection perception questionnaire.

    CONCLUSION: Primary HPV DNA screening using the selfsampling method can be carried out in the remote areas during the COVID-19 pandemic without compromising mobility restriction.

    Matched MeSH terms: Early Detection of Cancer/methods*
  5. Abdullah NN, Daud S, Wang SM, Mahmud Z, Mohd Kornain NK, Al-Kubaisy W
    J Obstet Gynaecol, 2018 Apr;38(3):402-407.
    PMID: 29385850 DOI: 10.1080/01443615.2017.1379061
    This study aims to determine the acceptability of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) self-sampling and the factors associated with willingness to buy HPV self-sampling kit in the future. A total of 164 women aged 28-60 years old from Obstetrics & Gynaecology clinics at a teaching hospital performed HPV self-sampling using the Digene HC2 DNA collection kit. After samples were taken, the participants were given self-administered questionnaires. The majority of the participants were Malay (93.9%), had attained tertiary education (65.2%) and were employed (70.1%). The acceptability was good. More than half of the participants felt that self-sampling was easy. Only 1.2% felt that the procedure was difficult to perform. Most reported no pain at all during the procedure (66.9%). The commonest concern was getting a good sample (90.1%). A number of Pap smears were found to be significantly associated with the willingness to buy the HPV self-sampling kit. HPV self-sampling has the potential to be included in the cervical cancer screening programme. Impact Statement What is already known on this subject: HPV self-sampling is acceptable in some developed and developing countries. It is acceptable because it was easy to perform with very minimal pain or discomfort. Studies on the acceptance of self-screening are needed to plan a policy on self-sampling in the future. What the results of this study add: Our study adds new findings to the body of knowledge on self-sampling in the local population. We found that more women are willing to do the self-sampling at the clinic rather than at home. Although more than 90% expressed willingness to do self-sampling in the future, only 70% of them were willing to purchase the kit. Cost is a potential barrier to women who have the interest to perform the self-sampling. Given the global economic challenges, cost is inevitably an important predictor that we have to consider. What the implications are of these findings for clinical practice and/or further research: Future research should examine women from the rural areas and those who are resilient to Pap smear screening. In clinical practice, clinicians should acknowledge that cost is a potential barrier for women who are willing to do self-sampling. Self-sampling could be an option for women with no financial constraint to buy the kit. However, clinicians should counsel women so that they can make an informed choice in determining their screening method.
    Matched MeSH terms: Early Detection of Cancer/methods
  6. Abbasi S, Rasouli M
    PMID: 29353131 DOI: 10.1016/j.ejogrb.2017.10.020
    OBJECTIVES: Fingerprints have so far been used for determining the basis of certain malignant diseases, with positive outcomes. Considering the high rates of cancer-related mortality in Iran, this study was conducted for the purpose of examining the dermatoglyphic pattern of fingers in patients with gynecological cancers as compared to healthy people.

    STUDY DESIGN: The present study was conducted on 151 women with gynecological cancers as the case group and 152 healthy women with no history of such cancers as control group. The dematographic details of participants from both control and case groups were collected using a checklist, and the pattern of their fingerprints was prepared and examined. The data were analyzed for their significance using chi-square test and t- test. Odds ratio with 95% confidence intervals were calculated.

    RESULTS: Dermatoglyphic analysis showed that arch and loop patterns significantly changed in cases group as compared to control. However, the odds ratio suggested that loop pattern in 6 or more fingers might be a risk factor for developing gynecological cancers.

    CONCLUSION: Our results showed that there is an association between fingerprint patterns and gynecological cancers and so, dermatoglyphic analysis may aid in the early diagnosis of these cancers.

    Matched MeSH terms: Early Detection of Cancer*
  7. Mikropoulos C, Selkirk CGH, Saya S, Bancroft E, Vertosick E, Dadaev T, et al.
    Br J Cancer, 2018 Jan;118(2):266-276.
    PMID: 29301143 DOI: 10.1038/bjc.2017.429
    BACKGROUND: Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and PSA-velocity (PSAV) have been used to identify men at risk of prostate cancer (PrCa). The IMPACT study is evaluating PSA screening in men with a known genetic predisposition to PrCa due to BRCA1/2 mutations. This analysis evaluates the utility of PSA and PSAV for identifying PrCa and high-grade disease in this cohort.

    METHODS: PSAV was calculated using logistic regression to determine if PSA or PSAV predicted the result of prostate biopsy (PB) in men with elevated PSA values. Cox regression was used to determine whether PSA or PSAV predicted PSA elevation in men with low PSAs. Interaction terms were included in the models to determine whether BRCA status influenced the predictiveness of PSA or PSAV.

    RESULTS: 1634 participants had ⩾3 PSA readings of whom 174 underwent PB and 45 PrCas diagnosed. In men with PSA >3.0 ng ml-l, PSAV was not significantly associated with presence of cancer or high-grade disease. PSAV did not add to PSA for predicting time to an elevated PSA. When comparing BRCA1/2 carriers to non-carriers, we found a significant interaction between BRCA status and last PSA before biopsy (P=0.031) and BRCA2 status and PSAV (P=0.024). However, PSAV was not predictive of biopsy outcome in BRCA2 carriers.

    CONCLUSIONS: PSA is more strongly predictive of PrCa in BRCA carriers than non-carriers. We did not find evidence that PSAV aids decision-making for BRCA carriers over absolute PSA value alone.

    Matched MeSH terms: Early Detection of Cancer/methods
  8. Gan DE, Dahlui M
    Singapore Med J, 2013 Mar;54(3):163-8.
    PMID: 23546031
    INTRODUCTION: Cervical cancer is the third most common cancer among Malaysian women. However, the uptake of cervical cancer screening--Pap smear--by women in Malaysia has been low and remains a challenge. This study was conducted to assess the cervical screening practices of rural women in Malaysia and to examine the factors associated with such practices.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was conducted in five rural districts in Perak, Malaysia. 1,000 households were selected through multistage random sampling. Women aged 20-64 years were interviewed by trained enumerators using structured questionnaires. Binomial logistic regression was used to identify predictors of cervical screening through univariate and multivariate analyses.

    RESULTS: Among the 959 respondents, only 48.9% had undergone Pap smear at least once in the past three years. Women in the age group 40-49 years (odds ratio 3.027, 95% confidence interval 1.546-5.925; p < 0.005) were found to be significantly more likely to attend cervical cancer screening as compared to those in the age group 20-29 years. Other significant predictors were being married with children, having knowledge of cervical cancer symptoms, receiving relevant information regarding cervical cancer from health personnel or campaigns, being engaged in family planning and receiving encouragement from husbands.

    CONCLUSION: Efforts to boost the uptake of Pap smear screening among the rural population should be targeted toward the predictors of positive uptake.
    Matched MeSH terms: Early Detection of Cancer/statistics & numerical data*
  9. Ooi CY, Hanafi NS, Liew SM
    Singapore Med J, 2019 Nov;60(11):596-604.
    PMID: 30644527 DOI: 10.11622/smedj.2019011
    INTRODUCTION: Colorectal cancer (CRC) was the third most commonly diagnosed cancer worldwide in 2008 (1.23 million cases, 9.7%). CRC screening was shown to be effective in reducing 70% of CRC mortality. However, the screening rate for CRC remains poor.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was conducted among primary care physicians (PCPs) in public primary care clinics in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. A 30-item self-administered questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge and practice of CRC screening.

    RESULTS: The response rate was 86.4% (n = 197/228). Less than half (39.1%) of the respondents answered correctly for all risk stratification scenarios. Mean knowledge score on CRC screening modalities was 48.7% ± 17.7%. The knowledge score was positively associated with having postgraduate educational qualification and usage of screening guidelines. Overall, 69.9% of PCPs reported that they practised screening. However, of these, only 25.9% of PCPs screened over 50% of all eligible patients. PCPs who agreed that screening was cost-effective (odds ratio [OR] 3.34, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.69‒6.59) and those who agreed that they had adequate resources in their locality (OR 1.92, 95% CI 1.01‒3.68) were more likely to practise screening. Knowledge score was not associated with the practice of screening (p = 0.185).

    CONCLUSION: Knowledge and practice of CRC screening was inadequate among PCPs. Knowledge of screening did not translate into its practice. PCPs' perceptions about cost-effectiveness of screening and adequate resources were important determinants of the practice of screening.

    Matched MeSH terms: Early Detection of Cancer*
  10. Saville M, Sultana F, Malloy MJ, Velentzis LS, Caruana M, Ip ELO, et al.
    J Clin Microbiol, 2019 02;57(2).
    PMID: 30463896 DOI: 10.1128/JCM.01239-18
    This study demonstrates that the clinical sensitivity, specificity, and reproducibility of the novel cobas human papillomavirus (HPV) test on the cobas 6800 system for high-risk HPV types fulfills the criteria for use in population-based cervical screening. The criteria were formulated by an international consortium, using the cobas 4800 HPV test as a validated reference assay. The cobas HPV test detected over 98% of histologically confirmed cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2+ (CIN2+) lesions in women age 30 years or older, with a specificity of 98.9% compared with the reference cobas 4800 test. Both the intra- and interlaboratory agreement for the cobas HPV test were 98%. The clinical performance of the cobas HPV test is comparable to those of longitudinally validated HPV assays and fulfills the criteria for its use in primary cervical screening.
    Matched MeSH terms: Early Detection of Cancer/methods*
  11. Mahmoodi P, Rezayi M, Rasouli E, Avan A, Gholami M, Ghayour Mobarhan M, et al.
    J Nanobiotechnology, 2020 Jan 13;18(1):11.
    PMID: 31931815 DOI: 10.1186/s12951-020-0577-9
    BACKGROUND: In several years ago, infection with human papillomaviruses (HPVs), have been prevalent in the worlds especially HPV type 18, can lead to cervical cancer. Therefore, rapid, accurate, and early diagnosis of HPV for successful treatment is essential. The present study describes the development of a selective and sensitive electrochemical biosensor base on DNA, for early detection of HPV-18. For this purpose, a nanocomposite of reduced graphene oxide (rGO) and multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) were electrodeposited on a screen-printed carbon electrode (SPCE). Then, Au nanoparticles (AuNPs) were dropped on a modified SPCE. Subsequently, single strand DNA (ssDNA) probe was immobilized on the modified electrode. The link attached between AuNPs and probe ssDNA provided by L-cysteine via functionalizing AuNPs (Cys-AuNPs). The differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) assay was also used to electrochemical measurement. The measurement was based on the oxidation signals of anthraquninone-2-sulfonic acid monohydrate sodium salt (AQMS) before and after hybridization between the probe and target DNA.

    RESULTS: The calibration curve showed a linear range between 0.01 fM to 0.01 nM with a limit of detection 0.05 fM. The results showed that the optimum concentration for DNA probe was 5 µM. The good performance of the proposed biosensor was achieved through hybridization of DNA probe-modified SPCE with extracted DNA from clinical samples.

    CONCLUSIONS: According to the investigated results, this biosensor can be introduced as a proprietary, accurate, sensitive, and rapid diagnostic method of HPV 18 in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of real samples.

    Matched MeSH terms: Early Detection of Cancer*
  12. Honda K, Katzke VA, Hüsing A, Okaya S, Shoji H, Onidani K, et al.
    Int J Cancer, 2019 Apr 15;144(8):1877-1887.
    PMID: 30259989 DOI: 10.1002/ijc.31900
    Recently, we identified unique processing patterns of apolipoprotein A2 (ApoA2) in patients with pancreatic cancer. Our study provides a first prospective evaluation of an ApoA2 isoform ("ApoA2-ATQ/AT"), alone and in combination with carbohydrate antigen 19-9 (CA19-9), as an early detection biomarker for pancreatic cancer. We performed ELISA measurements of CA19-9 and ApoA2-ATQ/AT in 156 patients with pancreatic cancer and 217 matched controls within the European EPIC cohort, using plasma samples collected up to 60 months prior to diagnosis. The detection discrimination statistics were calculated for risk scores by strata of lag-time. For CA19-9, in univariate marker analyses, C-statistics to distinguish future pancreatic cancer patients from cancer-free individuals were 0.80 for plasma taken ≤6 months before diagnosis, and 0.71 for >6-18 months; for ApoA2-ATQ/AT, C-statistics were 0.62, and 0.65, respectively. Joint models based on ApoA2-ATQ/AT plus CA19-9 significantly improved discrimination within >6-18 months (C = 0.74 vs. 0.71 for CA19-9 alone, p = 0.022) and ≤ 18 months (C = 0.75 vs. 0.74, p = 0.022). At 98% specificity, and for lag times of ≤6, >6-18 or ≤ 18 months, sensitivities were 57%, 36% and 43% for CA19-9 combined with ApoA2-ATQ/AT, respectively, vs. 50%, 29% and 36% for CA19-9 alone. Compared to CA19-9 alone, the combination of CA19-9 and ApoA2-ATQ/AT may improve detection of pancreatic cancer up to 18 months prior to diagnosis under usual care, and may provide a useful first measure for pancreatic cancer detection prior to imaging.
    Matched MeSH terms: Early Detection of Cancer/methods*
  13. Duarte-Salles T, Misra S, Stepien M, Plymoth A, Muller D, Overvad K, et al.
    Cancer Prev Res (Phila), 2016 Sep;9(9):758-65.
    PMID: 27339170 DOI: 10.1158/1940-6207.CAPR-15-0434
    We previously identified osteopontin (OPN) as a promising marker for the early detection of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). In this study, we investigated the association between prediagnostic circulating OPN levels and HCC incidence in a large population-based cohort. A nested case-control study was conducted within the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) cohort. During a mean follow-up of 4.8 years, 100 HCC cases were identified. Each case was matched to two controls and OPN levels were measured in baseline plasma samples. Viral hepatitis, liver function, and α-fetoprotein (AFP) tests were also conducted. Conditional logistic regression models were used to calculate multivariable odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) for OPN levels in relation to HCC. Receiver operating characteristics curves were constructed to determine the discriminatory accuracy of OPN alone or in combination with other liver biomarkers in the prediction of HCC. OPN levels were positively associated with HCC risk (per 10% increment, ORmultivariable = 1.30; 95% CI, 1.14-1.48). The association was stronger among cases diagnosed within 2 years of follow-up. Adding liver function tests to OPN improved the discriminatory performance for subjects who developed HCC (AUC = 0.86). For cases diagnosed within 2 years, the combination of OPN and AFP was best able to predict HCC risk (AUC = 0.88). The best predictive model for HCC in this low-risk population is OPN in combination with liver function tests. Within 2 years of diagnosis, the combination of OPN and AFP best predicted HCC development, suggesting that measuring OPN and AFP could identify high-risk groups independently of a liver disease diagnosis. Cancer Prev Res; 9(9); 758-65. ©2016 AACR.
    Matched MeSH terms: Early Detection of Cancer/methods*
  14. Alaa H, Shah SA
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2019 Aug 01;20(8):2339-2343.
    PMID: 31450904 DOI: 10.31557/APJCP.2019.20.8.2339
    Cancer is responsible for substantial burden on communities and more specifically on less developed countries. The incidence of cancer is on the rise due to population growth and aging, also due to increment of the risk factors such as smoking, increasing weight, low physical activity associated with adoption of western lifestyle. Around 14 million cases of new cancer and 8 million deaths from cancer is estimated to occur by 2012. This cross-sectional study was conducted in Baghdad from June 2016 to October 2016. Participants were selected according to our inclusion criteria, namely aged between 18 to 40 years and not being diagnosed with any chronic diseases. Those who fulfilled the inclusion criteria were 700 participants who completed the questionnaire. Results showed that most of our participants had low perceived susceptibility to cancer risk (62.4%), low perceived severity (59.8%), but good perceived benefits of screening (56.6%). Hierarchal linear regression analysis showed that sociodemographic factors of gender, marital status, and education level were statistically significant. Moreover, factors of health behaviour such as practice towards health and preventive behaviour were associated with the outcome. Finally, treatment control and emotional factors were mostly predicting the outcome. Perceived susceptibility to cancer along with its psychological factors and behaviour were important contributors to self-perceived health in this study. Hence there is association between perception and future morbidity and mortality, thus it is crucial for public health policy. Comprehensive health programs that include health promotion campaigns and proper health care services that deals with secondary prevention.
    Matched MeSH terms: Early Detection of Cancer/psychology*
  15. Bancroft EK, Page EC, Castro E, Lilja H, Vickers A, Sjoberg D, et al.
    Eur Urol, 2014 Sep;66(3):489-99.
    PMID: 24484606 DOI: 10.1016/j.eururo.2014.01.003
    BACKGROUND: Men with germline breast cancer 1, early onset (BRCA1) or breast cancer 2, early onset (BRCA2) gene mutations have a higher risk of developing prostate cancer (PCa) than noncarriers. IMPACT (Identification of Men with a genetic predisposition to ProstAte Cancer: Targeted screening in BRCA1/2 mutation carriers and controls) is an international consortium of 62 centres in 20 countries evaluating the use of targeted PCa screening in men with BRCA1/2 mutations.

    OBJECTIVE: To report the first year's screening results for all men at enrollment in the study.

    DESIGN, SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: We recruited men aged 40-69 yr with germline BRCA1/2 mutations and a control group of men who have tested negative for a pathogenic BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation known to be present in their families. All men underwent prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing at enrollment, and those men with PSA >3 ng/ml were offered prostate biopsy.

    OUTCOME MEASUREMENTS AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: PSA levels, PCa incidence, and tumour characteristics were evaluated. The Fisher exact test was used to compare the number of PCa cases among groups and the differences among disease types.

    RESULTS AND LIMITATIONS: We recruited 2481 men (791 BRCA1 carriers, 531 BRCA1 controls; 731 BRCA2 carriers, 428 BRCA2 controls). A total of 199 men (8%) presented with PSA >3.0 ng/ml, 162 biopsies were performed, and 59 PCas were diagnosed (18 BRCA1 carriers, 10 BRCA1 controls; 24 BRCA2 carriers, 7 BRCA2 controls); 66% of the tumours were classified as intermediate- or high-risk disease. The positive predictive value (PPV) for biopsy using a PSA threshold of 3.0 ng/ml in BRCA2 mutation carriers was 48%-double the PPV reported in population screening studies. A significant difference in detecting intermediate- or high-risk disease was observed in BRCA2 carriers. Ninety-five percent of the men were white, thus the results cannot be generalised to all ethnic groups.

    CONCLUSIONS: The IMPACT screening network will be useful for targeted PCa screening studies in men with germline genetic risk variants as they are discovered. These preliminary results support the use of targeted PSA screening based on BRCA genotype and show that this screening yields a high proportion of aggressive disease.

    PATIENT SUMMARY: In this report, we demonstrate that germline genetic markers can be used to identify men at higher risk of prostate cancer. Targeting screening at these men resulted in the identification of tumours that were more likely to require treatment.

    Matched MeSH terms: Early Detection of Cancer*
  16. Ng KL, Htun TH, Dublin N, Ong TA, Razack AH
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2012;13(6):2515-8.
    PMID: 22938414
    AIM: To study the causes and significance of both microscopic and macroscopic haematuria in adult patients and assess possible relevance to early detection of urological cancers.

    METHODS: 417 patients presenting with haematuria were assessed in our Urology Unit. Following confirmation of haematuria, these patients were subjected to imaging techniques and flexible cystoscopy. Parameters analysed included clinical characteristics, imaging results, flexible cystoscopy findings, time delay to diagnoses and eventual treatment and final diagnoses of all cases.

    RESULTS: 390 haematuria cases were analysed from 417 consecutive patients with haematuria. After 27 cases were excluded as they had previous history, 245 microscopic and 145 macroscopic. Age range was 17 to 95 years old with predominance of 152 females to 239 males. The racial distribution included 180 Chinese, 100 Indians,95 Malays and 15 other races. The final diagnoses were benign prostatic hyperplasia (22.6%), no cause found (22.3%), other causes (18.7%), urolithiasis (11.5%), urinary tract infection UTI (10.8%), non specific cystitis (10.3%), bladder tumours (2.8%) and other genitourinary tumours (1%). 11 new cases (2.8%) of bladder cancers were diagnosed, with a mean age of 59 years. Only 3 of 245 (1.2%) patients with microscopic haematuria had newly diagnosed bladder tumour compared with 8 of 145 (5.5%) patients with frank haematuria (p=0.016). Mean time taken from onset of symptoms to diagnosis of bladder cancer was 53.3 days with definitive treatment (TURBT) in 20.1 days from diagnosis.

    CONCLUSION: - This study has highlighted the common causes of haematuria in our local setting. We recommend that full and appropriate investigations be carried out on patients with frank haematuria especially those above 50 years old in order to provide earlier detection and prompt management of bladder diseases especially tumours.

    Matched MeSH terms: Early Detection of Cancer
  17. Samah AA, Ahmadian M
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2012;13(6):2717-20.
    PMID: 22938447
    BACKGROUND: The rates of breast cancer have increased over the past two decades, and this raises concern about physical, psychological and social well-being of women with breast cancer. Further, few women really want to do breast cancer screening. We here investigated the socio-demographic correlates of mammography participation among 400 asymptomatic Iranian women aged between 35 and 69.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was conducted at the four outpatient clinics of general hospitals in Tehran during the period from July through October, 2009. Bi-variate analyses and multi-variate binary logistic regression were employed to find the socio- demographic predictors of mammography utilization among participants.

    RESULTS: The rate of mammography participation was 21.5% and relatively high because of access to general hospital services. More women who had undergone mammography were graduates from university or college, had full-time or part-time employment, were insured whether public or private, reported a positive family history of breast cancer, and were in the middle income level (P <0.01).The largest number of participating women was in the age range of 41 to 50 years. The results of multivariate logistic regression further showed that education (95%CI: 0.131-0.622), monthly income (95%CI: 0.038-0.945), and family history of breast cancer (95%CI: 1.97-9.28) were significantly associated (all P <0.05)with mammography participation.

    CONCLUSIONS: The most important issue for a successful screening program is participation. Using a random sample, this study found that the potential predictor variables of mammography participation included a higher education level, a middle income level, and a positive family history of breast cancer for Iranian women after adjusting for all other demographic variables in the model.

    Matched MeSH terms: Early Detection of Cancer
  18. Yip CH, Cazap E, Anderson BO, Bright KL, Caleffi M, Cardoso F, et al.
    Breast, 2011 Apr;20 Suppl 2:S12-9.
    PMID: 21388811 DOI: 10.1016/j.breast.2011.02.015
    In middle resource countries (MRCs), cancer control programs are becoming a priority as the pattern of disease shifts from infectious diseases to non-communicable diseases such as breast cancer, the most common cancer among women in MRCs. The Middle Resource Scenarios Working Group of the BHGI 2010 Global Summit met to identify common issues and obstacles to breast cancer detection, diagnosis and treatment in MRCs. They concluded that breast cancer early detection programs continue to be important, should include clinical breast examination (CBE) with or without mammography, and should be coupled with active awareness programs. Mammographic screening is usually opportunistic and early detection programs are often hampered by logistical and financial problems, as well as socio-cultural barriers, despite improved public educational efforts. Although multidisciplinary services for treatment are available, geographical and economic limitations to these services can lead to an inequity in health care access. Without adequate health insurance coverage, limited personal finances can be a significant barrier to care for many patients. Despite the improved availability of services (surgery, pathology, radiology and radiotherapy), quality assurance programs remain a challenge. Better access to anticancer drugs is needed to improve outcomes, as are rehabilitation programs for survivors. Focused and sustained government health care financing in MRCs is needed to improve early detection and treatment of breast cancer.
    Matched MeSH terms: Early Detection of Cancer
  19. Hadi MA, Hassali MA, Shafie AA, Awaisu A
    Pharm Pract (Granada), 2010 Jan;8(1):29-34.
    PMID: 25152790
    Breast cancer is the most common cancer and the leading cause of cancer death among women of all ethnic and age groups in Malaysia.

    OBJECTIVE: The objectives of this study were to evaluate the knowledge of breast cancer risk factors, symptoms and methods of screening among female university students and their perception towards the disease treatment outcomes.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was conducted from February to March 2008 at Universiti Sains Malaysia. Two hundred participants from 10 randomly selected faculties were interviewed face to face by a trained pharmacist using a validated questionnaire. In addition to their demographic characteristics, participants were required to answer 22 questions concerning knowledge of breast cancer and five questions related to their perception of breast cancer management and treatment outcomes. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 15.

    RESULTS: The mean age of the respondents was 26.7 (SD=1.9) years. The results showed that the vast majority of the female university students had inadequate knowledge of breast cancer. The mean total knowledge score of the students was 60.7%. Indian students had significantly less knowledge of breast cancer compared to their Chinese and Malay counterparts (p<0.05). However, more than two third of the students were aware of breast self examination (BSE) and clinical breast examination (CBE) recommendations. Furthermore, the students had positive perceptions towards the treatment outcomes of breast cancer.

    CONCLUSION: This study has highlighted the need of a breast cancer awareness campaign, which should also stress the importance of early detection and reporting of breast cancer.
    Matched MeSH terms: Early Detection of Cancer
  20. Al-Naggar RA, Isa ZM, Shah SA, Chen R, Kadir SY
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2009;10(5):743-6.
    PMID: 20104962
    A cross-sectional study was conducted at the main hospitals in Sana'a, Yemen to determine the attitude and practice of Yemen female doctors on mammography screening. Study subjects were all female doctors who were on duty during the questionnaire distribution. Those who agreed to participate were given the questionnaire to complete. Descriptive statistics were used to analyse socio-demographic variables and variables related to general health. Participants in this study were 105 female doctors with mean age of 32.1 years (SD = 7.17). Thirty-four respondents (36.6%) did not send asymptomatic women for mammography screening. The reasons were because of high cost (58.0%, n= 25), availability of other methods (23.3%, n= 10), instrument not available (11.6%, n= 5) and high risk of radiation (7.0%, n= 3). Twenty-five participants (26.9%) sent patients on regular basis if there was a family or personal history of breast cancer. Twenty-three participants (24.7%) sent the patients for mammogram screening every year regardless of the patients'history or symptoms. Although most doctors (36.5%) do not refer patients for mammography screening, seventy-seven (74.0%) indicated that they would refer patients for mammography screening on personal request by the patients. This study showed a low percentage of doctors who referred patients for routine mammography. The major reason given was the high cost of the procedure.
    Matched MeSH terms: Early Detection of Cancer
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