METHODOLOGY: Three sodium-fluoride(NaF) concentration(0.01%w/v,0.1%w/v and 0.5%w/v respectively)and two poly-γ-glutamic acid(PGGA)concentration(1%w/v and 2%w/v respectively)were prepared in 0.1 M acetic acid(pH4.0)and deionized distilled water.For de/re-mineralisation study, tooth samples (18 teeth varnished, leaving a 2 mm2 window on the mid-buccal surfaces) were immersed in respective acidified NaF and PGGA solutions. The Ca2+ release/uptake was monitored with ISE over 72-hr with increasing pH every 24-h from 4.0 to 6.0.These teeth were later subjected to cross-sectional microhardness to determine integrated mineral recovery of enamel on increasing pH of respective acidified solution.In order to determine mechanism of PGGA,two concentrations of PGGA in deionized-water-solutions were used for tooth samples immersion followed by overnight drying then later subjected to Fourier Transform Infra-Red(FT-IR) analysis.The FT-IR analysis was also carried out on PGGA powder.For control,the experiment was repeated using hydroxyapatite(HAp)pellets.The density of PGGA solutions(1%and2%)was also measured to determine their dynamic viscosities.
RESULTS: The ISE and microhardness testing revealed statistically significant (ρ ≤ 0.05) dissolution inhibition and remineralisation potential for tooth sample treated with acidified 2%PGGA. From the FT-IR spectra, it was observed that the profiles of the enamel and HAp surfaces treated with 1%-and 2%-PGGA solutions were similar to those of PGGA powder.It was found that the viscosity of PGGA increases with increasing concentration.
CONCLUSION: The study implies that 2% PGGA is more effective than NaF as forms a coating layer to protect from demineralisation and promote remineralisation of the tooth surface.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of bovine bone granules on alveolar bone socket augmentation for ridge preservation following atraumatic tooth extraction.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty medically fit patients (12 males and 8 females aged between 18 and 40 years) who needed noncomplicated tooth extraction of 1 mandibular premolar tooth were divided randomly and equally into 2 groups. In control group I, the empty extraction socket was left untreated and allowed to heal in a conventional way. In group II, the empty extraction socket wound was filled with lyophilized bovine bone xenograft granules 0.25 to 1 mm of size, 1 mL/vial. A resorbable pericardium membrane was placed to cover the defect. Clinical and 3-dimensional radiological assessments were performed at day 0, 3 months, and 9 months postoperative.
RESULTS: There were no clinical differences in general wound healing between the groups. Comparisons within the groups showed a significant difference of bone resorption of 1.49 mm (95% confidence interval, 0.63-2.35) at 3 months, and further resorption of 1.84 mm (P ≤ 0.05) at 9 months in the control group. No significant changes of bone resorption were observed in group II during the same time interval. Comparison between groups showed a significant difference of bone resorption at 3 and 9 months (2.40 and 2.88 mm, respectively).
CONCLUSION: The use of lyophilized demineralized bovine bone granules in socket preservation to fill in the extraction socket seems essential in preserving the alveolar bone dimension as it showed excellent soft and hard tissue healing. This study concludes that the alveolar bone socket exhibited a dynamic process of resorption from the first day of tooth extraction. Evidence shows the possibility of using bovine bone granules routinely in socket volume preservation techniques following tooth extraction.
OBJECTIVES: To assess methods of treating dental complications in people with sickle cell disease.
SEARCH METHODS: We searched the Cochrane Cystic Fibrosis and Genetic Disorders Review Group's Haemoglobinopathies Trials Register, compiled from electronic database searches and handsearching of journals and conference abstract books. Date of last search: 01 August 2019. Additionally, we searched nine online databases (PubMed, Google Scholar,, WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform, Literature in the Health Sciences in Latin America and the Caribbean database, African Index Medicus, Index Medicus for South East Asia Region, Index Medicus for the Eastern Mediterranean Region, Indexing of Indian Medical Journals). We also searched the reference lists of relevant articles and reviews and contacted haematologists, experts in fields of dentistry, organizations, pharmaceutical companies and researchers working in this field. Date of last search: 07 November 2019.
SELECTION CRITERIA: We searched for published or unpublished randomised controlled studies of treatments for dental complications in people with sickle cell disease.
DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Two review authors intended to independently extract data and assess the risk of bias of the included studies using standard Cochrane methodologies; however, no studies were identified for inclusion in the review.
MAIN RESULTS: No randomised controlled studies were identified.
AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: This Cochrane Review did not identify any randomised controlled studies assessing interventions for the treatment of dental complications in people with sickle cell disease. There is an important need for randomised controlled studies in this area, so as to identify the most effective and safe method for treating dental complications in people with sickle cell disease.
METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted at rugby tournaments in 2009 and 2010 on players aged 16 and over. Convenient sampling was performed. A total of 456 self-administered questionnaires were returned. Data collected were analysed using SPSS 21. Descriptive analysis was undertaken for the demographic data. The subjects were classified according to their experience of sustaining each type of injury. Cross-tabulation and chi-square tests were carried out to compare the responses. When the expected cell count was less than five, Fisher's exact test was used. The level of significance was set at P < 0.05.
RESULTS: The prevalence of self-reported dental injuries was as follows: tooth fracture (19.3%), luxation (6.6%) and avulsion (1.1%). Significant differences were found, whereby 52.2% of those who had no history of tooth fracture were more likely to seek immediate treatment (P < 0.001), whereas 42% of those who previously experienced tooth fracture claimed that they would only visit a dentist if they experienced pain (P = 0.001). Management of luxation and avulsion did not differ significantly between the groups. However, about half of those who did not have a history of tooth avulsion admitted to not knowing the correct answer, while three of five casualties would keep the tooth iced.
CONCLUSIONS: Knowledge of the management of tooth fracture and storage medium differs between previous casualties and non-casualties. Overall, knowledge of dental trauma management was insufficient, suggesting the need to educate and train the players.
METHODS: One hundred and twenty dentine discs were divided into three groups. The discs from each group were brushed with toothpaste containing bioactive glass, arginine and control toothpaste. Each group was then divided into four subgroups and exposed to acidic soft drink over four different time durations.
RESULTS: The scoring and the percentage of occluded dentinal tubules by Novamin-containing toothpaste was significantly better compared with arginine or the control toothpaste. Acidic soft drink challenge reduced the extent of dentinal tubules occlusion along with time. Dentinal tubules occluded by Novamin-containing toothpaste withstand the acidic challenge comparatively for a longer period.
CONCLUSIONS: The findings demonstrated that occlusion of dentinal tubules is more efficient by the bioactive glass-containing toothpaste and thus may contribute to its better resistance to acidic soft drink challenge.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Root discs (2 mm thickness) were cut apical to CEJ and sectioned into quadrants. HIFU setup with bowl-shaped piezo ceramic transducer submerged in a water tank was used for exposure on each specimen for 15 s, 30 s or 60 s. The specimens of the control group were left without any HIFU exposure. HIFU was generated with a continuous sinusoidal wave of 120Vpp amplitude, 250 KHZ resonance-frequency and highest ultrasonic pressure of ∼10 bar at the focus. Specimens for SEM were viewed, and micro-topography characterization performed, using AFM and Ra parameter and surface area (SA) calculated by specialized SPM surface analysis software. For nano-indentation testing, experiments were carried out using AFM. Macrophage cell isolation and culturing was performed on cementum to receive the HIFU treatment at different time periods. Raman spectroscopy were scanned to create spectra perpendicular to the cementum substrate to analyze generation of standard spectra for Raman intensity ratio of hydroxyapatite normalized to the peaks ν1 960 cm-1. Data was expressed as means ± standard deviations and analyzed by one-way ANOVA in term of Ra, SA, H and Er. Different points for fluorescence intensity ratio were analyzed by Raman using Wilcoxon rank sum test.
RESULTS: HIFU exposure at 60 s removed the smear layer and most of cementum appeared smoothened. AFM characterisation, showed a slight decrease in the irregularity of the surface as exposure time increased. Intact macrophages can be identified in control and all experimental HIFU groups. The level of fluorescence for the control and HIFU 15 and 30 s were low as compared to HIFU 60 s.
CONCLUSION: If HIFU can be successfully implemented, it may be a possible alternative to current methods used in periodontal therapy to achieve smooth root surfaces.
METHODS: Sixty-five subjects who voluntarily discontinued therapy were recalled. The subjects' demographic data and dental history since discontinuation of periodontal treatment were collected via questionnaires. The subjects' periodontal condition, radiographic data and individual tooth-based prognosis at pre-discontinuation and recall were compared.
RESULTS: A total of 229 teeth had been lost over time, mainly due to periodontal reasons. Upper and lower molars were most frequently lost. Rate of tooth loss (0.38/patient per year) was comparable to untreated patients. Deterioration in periodontal health in terms of increased percentage of sites with bleeding on probing (BOP) and sites with probing pocket depths (PPD) of 6 mm or more at re-examination was observed. Positive correlations were found between tooth loss and: (i) years since therapy discontinued; (ii) percentage of sites with PPD of 6 mm or more at pre-discontinuation; and (iii) at re-examination. Percentage of sites with PPD of 6 mm or more at recall was positively correlated with periodontal tooth loss and negatively correlated with percentage of sites without BOP.
CONCLUSIONS: Patients not completing a course of periodontal therapy are at risk of further tooth loss and deterioration in periodontal conditions over time.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ninety human single rooted maxillary and mandibular teeth were selected for this study. The teeth were randomly divided into two experimental groups and one control group as follows: Group A (Ethanolic extract of Sapindus Mukorossi), Group B (17% EDTA), and Group C (Distilled water). The root canals of all three groups were prepared with stainless steel K-files by means of the standard step-back technique and irrigated with 5.25% sodium hypo chloride. The teeth were decoronated, following the irrigation and divided longitudinally into two-halves and visualized using scanning electron microscope (SEM) for the amount of smear layer present utilizing the three-point score system. The observations were noted both before and after the treatment. Nonparametric tests were applied for the comparison and p-value ⩽ 0.05 was considered as statistically significant.
RESULTS: It was evident from that smear layer was completely removed in coronal portion of 27 out of 30 teeth in-group A. For middle and apical areas of group A, 24 and 19 teeth showed complete smear layer removal. In-group B it was found that there were 24, 21, and 3 teeth at coronal, middle and apical, areas respectively where smear layer were completely absent. Intra group comparison showed a significant difference (p = 0.002) in smear layer removal was found for group A at coronal, middle and apical thirds. Similarly, a significant difference (p = 0.001) was also found for group B; however heavy smear layer was found among the three parts of the canal for group C.
CONCLUSIONS: Ethanolic extract of Sapindus Mukorossi have higher effectiveness in removing the smear layer from the root canal in comparison to 17% EDTA.