DESIGN: A cross-sectional study.
METHOD: In total, 6,073 parent participants completed the web-based survey between 8 August 2021 and 1 October 2021. The content and construct validity of the Vaccine Hesitancy Scale was assessed. Cronbach's alpha and McDonald's omega were used to assess the scale's internal consistency, composite reliability (C.R.) and maximal reliability (MaxR) were used to assess the construct reliability. Multiple linear regression was used to predict parental vaccine hesitancy from gender, social media activity, and perceived financial well-being.
RESULTS: The results found that the VHS had a two-factor structure (i.e., lack of confidence and risk) and a total of 9 items. The measure showed metric invariance across four very different countries/cultures, showed evidence of good reliability, and showed evidence of validity. As expected, analyses indicated that parental vaccine hesitancy was higher in people who identify as female, more affluent, and more active on social media.
CONCLUSIONS: The present research marks one of the first studies to evaluate vaccine hesitancy in multiple countries that demonstrated VHS validity and reliability. Findings from this study have implications for future research examining vaccine hesitancy and vaccine-preventable diseases and community health nurses.
Methods: In this exploratory qualitative study, two focus group discussion (15 teachers) and 30 individual in-depth interviews were conducted among female adolescents in the eighth grade in Zahedan, Iran. Qualitative content analysis was used for data evaluation.
Results: The views of students and teachers demonstrated nine of needs including: informing students about the schools' health project aims, education and training all dimensions of health with an emphasis on mental health, use of experts in various fields for education from other organisations, employing capable and trusted counselors in schools, utilisation of a variety of teaching methods, activating reward systems for encouraging students' participation in group activities, teaching communication and the ability to establish good relationships with parents and strategies for resolving family conflict, teaching parents and students high-risk behaviours and strategies for handling them as well as reforming wrong attitudes and indigenous sub-culture.
Conclusion: This study found the different needs of Iranian female students compared to other cultures about a health promoting school programme. Therefore, their contribution can provide an insight for formulating policies and intervention in schools.
Methods: At the baseline of this cross-sectional study, 156 patients from Western Iran participated during April-November 2016. People 20 years-80 years able to recall the emotional content of dreams after cardiac surgery entered the study. The Beck depression inventory (BDI), Beck anxiety inventory (BAI), Buss and Perry's aggression questionnaire (BPAQ) and Schredl's dream emotions manual were used for collecting data. A binary logistic regression analysis used for the study of the relationship between risk factors and emotionally negative dreams.
Results: The mean age of participants was 59 (SD = 9) years (men: 64.1%). The results showed that 25% of patients have negative emotional content. After adjustment for demographic variables, the results showed that increased anxiety [adjusted odds ratio (adj OR) = 1.08 [1.01-1.16], P = 0.020] and anger (adj OR = 1.03 [1.00-1.06], P = 0.024) and hypertension (adj OR = 2.71 [1.10-6.68], P = 0.030) can predict the dreams with negative content significantly.
Conclusion: The increasing rates of anxiety and anger and history of hypertension are related to increasing dreams with the negative emotional load. The control of risk factors of dreams with negative emotional load can be the target of future interventions.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 400 Iranian women referring to health centres of the Zarand City four weeks to six months from the date of their childbirth, in the first half of 2018.
Result: The results showed that employed women with pregnancies who were categorised as depression and anxiety were more likely to have low gestational age, food insecurity, several deliveries, cesarean delivery and unintended pregnancy as well as they were not satisfied with their infant's gender. Also, women with several deliveries had lower risk for PPD before and after adjustment for confounders (odds ratio [OR] = 0.92, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.88-0.97, P < 0.001) and had lower risk for postpartum anxiety only after adjustment for confounders (OR = 0.82, 95% CI: 0.75-0.89, P < 0.001).
Conclusion: Eventually, demographic characteristics and attempting of pregnancy were independently associated with PPD and postpartum anxiety in women. There need to be more social and governmental support of employed women after delivery to decrease their occupational stresses to deal with PPD and anxiety in the studied population.
Methods: In this descriptive, cross-sectional study, a census sample of 76 midwives from two public hospitals and urban health centers in Torbat Heydariyeh, a city east of Iran were surveyed. Data collection tools were two reliable and valid questionnaires that measure midwives' attitudes and barriers of implementation of evidence-based practice. Data were analysed using SPSS version 16.
Results: The mean age and years of experience were 29.30 ± 4.86 and 5.22 ± 4.21 years, respectively. The mean score of attitude was 40.85 ± 4.84 (range = 30-60). This study also found time constraints (2.70 ± 0.92), inadequate facilities (2.64 ± 0.72), non-compilation of literature in one place (2.59 ± 0.92), lack of cooperation of physicians (2.48 ± 1.06) and the feeling of inadequate authority (2.45 ± 0.88) as the top five barriers to implementing EBP.
Conclusion: Survey participants demonstrated a positive attitude toward EBP. Organisational comprehensive strategies such as time efficiency, adequate material and human resources, familiarity with organisations such as the Cochrane Collaboration and managerial support for increasing professional legitimate authority are recommended to promote the use of Evidence-Based Practice in Iran.
METHODS: There were 307 undergraduate nursing students who participated in the cross-sectional methodological study, from December 2022 to January 2023. Content validity, Construct validity and reliability of the APSQ-III was evaluated.
RESULTS: In the exploratory factor analysis, three factors were identified from 11 items, accounting for 58% of the total variance. The confirmatory factor analysis indices confirmed the model fit (χ2(38) = 91.851, p
METHODS: In 2022, during the COVID-19 pandemic, we conducted a qualitative study involving semi-structured interviews with 18 sandwich generation caregivers in Tehran, Iran, who were responsible for both elderly parents and their own children. These interviews were conducted either in person or by telephone. Subsequently, the collected data were analyzed using the inductive content analysis method within the MAXQDA software (2018 version).
RESULTS: Data analysis revealed three categories of coping strategies: "distancing from the situation", "self-soothing" (including sub categories of spiritual matters, establishing relationships, emotional outlet, and engaging in favorite activities), and "diversifying responses to needs" (including transferring responsibility to the family members, prioritizing needs for responsiveness, utilizing available community services, mediating to reduce conflict, and remote monitoring of the older adult).
CONCLUSION: Sandwich generation caregivers use various coping strategies, each with different outcomes. This study found that self-care and using social resources can greatly reduce caregiving burdens. Therefore, providing these caregivers with training in problem-solving and self-care skills is recommended to better prepare them for their responsibilities.
METHODS: This randomized controlled trial was conducted at Montaserieh Hospital, Mashhad, Iran, involving 72 patients undergoing hemodialysis. Participants were randomly assigned to either the intervention group, receiving a custom-designed recreational therapy mobile app (including music, comedy, exercise, and educational content), or the control group, receiving standard care. The trial was registered with the Iranian Registry of Clinical Trials (IRCT20220803055608N1). Outcome assessors and statisticians were blinded to minimize bias. Sample size was calculated for an expected effect size of 0.90 with 80% power, resulting in 36 participants per group, adjusted for a 6% attrition rate. Depression levels were assessed using the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) at baseline and after a 30-day intervention.
RESULTS: A total of 72 patients (36 per group) completed the analysis. The intervention group showed a significant decrease in depression scores compared to the control group (mean BDI-II score reduction: intervention group = 10.3 ± 4.1, control group = 4.6 ± 3.8; p
METHODS AND STUDY DESIGN: A randomized controlled intervention study was carried out to determine the impact of self-efficacy education based on the Health Belief Model (HBM) in 240 patients with type 2 diabetes at the Golestan Hospital, Ahvaz, Iran between October 2014 and August 2015. The education duration was three months followed by a 24-week follow-up visit to determine the progress of the subjects. In this study, reliable and validated diabetes educational booklet and questionnaires based on knowledge, health beliefs and quality of life were used. The participants were randomly allocated to either the intervention group (n=120) or to the conventional dietary counseling group as controls (n=120), and assessed at the baseline, week 12 and week 36. The study was divided into primary outcome measurements consisting of glycated hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), fasting blood glucose, lipid profile, and anthropometric levels. Secondary outcome measures were related to nutrition knowledge, health beliefs and quality of life.
RESULTS: The results showed that subjects in the intervention group had significantly better metabolic and glycemic profiles compared with those in the control group. It also showed that knowledge, health belief and quality of life significantly increased in the intervention group.
CONCLUSIONS: Findings indicate that through tailored self-efficacy education, the quality of life and metabolic profile of diabetes patients can be improved.