Displaying publications 301 - 320 of 695 in total

  1. Abd Wahab MS
    Int J Clin Pharm, 2015 Dec;37(6):971-4.
    PMID: 26415737 DOI: 10.1007/s11096-015-0203-3
    Providing appropriate pharmacotherapy to older people can be difficult since older people are more at risk of developing adverse drug reactions due to age-related physiological changes. The use of potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) among older people is common throughout the globe, and is a cause for concern due to their clinical, humanistic and economic implications. Nevertheless, it appears that doctors and pharmacists have limited knowledge regarding PIMs. Moreover, uninformed older patients may use PIMs without considering their potential negative consequences. There is a need, therefore, to educate doctors, pharmacists and older patients about PIMs. Geriatric pharmacotherapy education with an emphasis on appropriate prescribing, and PIMs, should be included in the medical and pharmacy teachings at the undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing education levels. Moreover, older patients should be informed about PIMs and the possible risks that they may pose.
    Matched MeSH terms: Physicians*
  2. Joginder Singh S, Chan MY, Ahmad Rusli Y
    Int J Speech Lang Pathol, 2016 12;18(6):560-570.
    PMID: 27063683
    PURPOSE: Children with speech and language delay/disorder (SLD) in the developing language stage (DLS) are one of the largest populations served by speech-language pathologists (SLPs) working in paediatric settings. The aim of this study was to investigate the practise patterns adopted by Malaysian SLPs when managing these children.

    METHOD: A web-based questionnaire was developed to obtain information about SLPs' practises during assessment, planning and treatment.

    RESULT: A total of 53 SLPs completed the questionnaire. When assessing the children, participants either always or usually involved parents, suggesting that they understood the importance of family involvement in services provided. When planning goals, the SLPs relied mostly on their clinical experience and less on research evidence. Participants reported that, most often, they employed a one-to-one approach when providing treatment. There was, however, great variation in the frequency of treatment provided, reflecting the different workplaces of participants.

    CONCLUSION: Generally, findings from this study indicated that some practises employed by Malaysian SLPs when managing children with SLD in the DLS are on par with the best practise guidelines, but there is still room for improvement in certain areas such as team collaboration and evidence-based practise. Clinical and research implications are discussed.

    Matched MeSH terms: Practice Patterns, Physicians'/statistics & numerical data*
  3. Hisham R, Liew SM, Ng CJ, Mohd Nor K, Osman IF, Ho GJ, et al.
    PLoS One, 2016;11(3):e0152649.
    PMID: 27031700 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0152649
    BACKGROUND: Evidence-based medicine is the integration of individual clinical expertise, best external evidence and patient values which was introduced more than two decades ago. Yet, primary care physicians in Malaysia face unique barriers in accessing scientific literature and applying it to their clinical practice.
    AIM: This study aimed to explore the views and experiences of rural doctors' about evidence-based medicine in their daily clinical practice in a rural primary care setting.
    METHODS: Qualitative methodology was used. The interviews were conducted in June 2013 in two rural health clinics in Malaysia. The participants were recruited using purposive sampling. Four focus group discussions with 15 medical officers and three individual in-depth interviews with family medicine specialists were carried out. All interviews were conducted using a topic guide and were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim, checked and analyzed using a thematic approach.
    RESULTS: Key themes identified were: (1) doctors viewed evidence-based medicine mainly as statistics, research and guidelines, (2) reactions to evidence-based medicine were largely negative, (3) doctors relied on specialists, peers, guidelines and non-evidence based internet sources for information, (4) information sources were accessed using novel methods such as mobile applications and (5) there are several barriers to evidence-based practice, including doctor-, evidence-based medicine-, patient- and system-related factors. These included inadequacies in knowledge, attitude, management support, time and access to evidence-based information sources. Participants recommended the use of online services to support evidence-based practice in the rural settings.
    CONCLUSION: The level of evidence-based practice is low in the rural setting due to poor awareness, knowledge, attitude and resources. Doctors use non-evidence based sources and access them through new methods such as messaging applications. Further research is recommended to develop and evaluate interventions to overcome the identified barriers.
    Study site: Klinik Kesihatan, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Physicians, Primary Care/psychology*
  4. Ahmed A, Choo WY, Othman S, Hairi NN, Hairi FM, Mohd Mydin FH, et al.
    J Elder Abuse Negl, 2016 Jun-Jul;28(3):163-77.
    PMID: 27149412 DOI: 10.1080/08946566.2016.1185985
    Elder abuse and neglect (EAN) is a hidden public health challenge for Malaysia. This cross-sectional survey studied the awareness of EAN among 148 doctors and nurses from two neighboring states in Malaysia using a self-administered questionnaire exploring their knowledge, perceptions, practices, and experience concerning EAN. Both doctors and nurses demonstrated poor understanding of signs of EAN and exhibited misperceptions on reporting requirements. Both groups perceived EAN as a national burden and reporting it as their responsibility; but most felt they had not been trained to diagnose it. Many were unsure of procedures and whether their own intervention could be effective. Only four (nurses) of 41 participants who suspected abuse during the past year reported the cases. Targeted education and uniform protocols are mandatory to ensure best practice with regards to EAN. Further research is crucial to extend this inquiry into the broader health care workforce.
    Matched MeSH terms: Physicians*
  5. Hanafi NS, Abdullah A, Lee PY, Liew SM, Chia YC, Khoo EM
    PLoS One, 2015;10(7):e0134030.
    PMID: 26214304 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0134030
    Continuity of care is an important quality outcome of patient care. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between personal continuity and blood pressure (BP) control among the patients with hypertension in an academic primary care centre. Between January and May 2012, we conducted a retrospective review of medical records of patients with hypertension who had been followed up for at least 1 year in the Primary Care Clinic, University of Malaya Medical Centre, Malaysia. In this setting, doctors who provided care for hypertension included postgraduate family medicine trainees, non-trainee doctors and academic staff. Systematic random sampling (1:4) was used for patient selection. BP control was defined as less than 130/80 mm Hg for patients with diabetes mellitus, proteinuria and chronic kidney disease and less than 140/90 mm Hg for all other patients. Continuity of care was assessed using the usual provider continuity index (UPCI), which is the ratio of patient visits to the usual provider to the total number of visits to all providers in 1 year. A UPC index of zero denotes no continuity while an index of one reflects perfect continuity with only the usual provider. We reviewed a total of 1060 medical records. The patients' mean age was 62.0 years (SD 10.4). The majority was women (59.2%) and married (85.7%). The mean number of visits in a year was 3.85 (SD 1.36). A total of 72 doctors had provided consultations (55 postgraduate family medicine trainees, 8 non-trainee doctors and 9 academic staff). The mean UPCI was 0.43 (SD 0.34). Target BP was achieved in 42% of the patients. There was no significant relationship between BP control and personal continuity after adjustment for total number of visits. Continuity of care was not associated with BP control in our centre. Further studies are needed to explore the reasons for this.

    Study site: Primary care clinic, University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC)
    Matched MeSH terms: Physicians, Family*
  6. ACHEON Working Group, Kim YC, Ahn JS, Calimag MM, Chao TC, Ho KY, et al.
    Cancer Med, 2015 Aug;4(8):1196-204.
    PMID: 25914253 DOI: 10.1002/cam4.471
    In order to implement more effective policies for cancer pain management, a better understanding of current practices is needed. Physicians managing cancer pain and patients experiencing cancer pain were randomly surveyed across 10 Asian countries to assess attitudes and perceptions toward cancer pain management. A total of 463 physicians (77.3% oncologists) with a median experience of 13 years were included. Medical school training on opioid use was considered inadequate by 30.5% of physicians and 55.9% indicated ≤ 10 h of continuing medical education (CME). Of the 1190 patients included, 1026 reported moderate-to-severe pain (median duration, 12 months). Discordance was observed between physician and patient outcomes on pain assessment with 88.3% of physicians reporting pain quantification, while 49.5% of patients claimed that no scale was used. Inadequate assessment of pain was recognized as a barrier to therapy optimization by 49.7% of physicians. Additional barriers identified were patients' reluctance owing to fear of addiction (67.2%) and adverse events (65.0%), patients' reluctance to report pain (52.5%), excessive regulations (48.0%) and reluctance to prescribe opioids (42.8%). Opioid use was confirmed only in 53.2% (286/538) of patients remembering their medication. Pain affected the activities of daily living for 81.3% of patients. These findings highlight the need for better training and CME opportunities for cancer pain management in Asia. Collaborative efforts between physicians, patients, policy makers, and related parties may assist in overcoming the barriers identified. Addressing the opioid stigma and enhancing awareness is vital to improving current standards of patient care.
    Matched MeSH terms: Practice Patterns, Physicians'; Physicians
  7. Md Rezal RS, Hassali MA, Alrasheedy AA, Saleem F, Md Yusof FA, Godman B
    Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther, 2015 May;13(5):665-80.
    PMID: 25813839 DOI: 10.1586/14787210.2015.1025057
    BACKGROUND: Knowledge, perceptions and prescribing behaviour are key to antibiotic prescribing. The aim of this paper is to systematically review this.
    METHOD: An extensive literature search from 1990 to 2014.
    RESULTS: Nineteen articles were included; eight in ambulatory care, seven in hospital settings and four in both, across all countries. Physicians still have inadequate knowledge and misconceptions about antibiotic prescribing. Moreover, some physicians, although aware that antibiotics are of limited benefit in some conditions, still prescribed them. Several factors influenced prescribing, including patients' expectations, severity and duration of infections, uncertainty over diagnosis, potentially losing patients and influence of pharmaceutical companies. Pocket-sized guidelines seen as an important source of information for physicians.
    CONCLUSION: Inadequate knowledge of prescribing is prevalent among physicians. However, many physicians were interested in improving their antibiotic prescribing. Multifaceted interventions targeting all key stakeholders, including patients, are needed to improve future antibiotic prescribing.
    KEYWORDS: antibiotics; irrational use of medicines; patients; physicians; prescribing behaviour; resistance; systematic reviews
    Matched MeSH terms: Practice Patterns, Physicians'*
  8. Chan YK, Ng KP
    J Obstet Gynaecol Res, 2000 Apr;26(2):137-40.
    PMID: 10870307
    OBJECTIVE: A survey covering 30% of the deliveries in Malaysia was done to determine the practice of obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia for 1996.

    RESULTS: From the survey, it was found that the regional anaesthesia rate for caesarean section was 46% in the government hospitals compared to 29.2% in the private hospitals, with spinal anaesthesia being the most common regional anaesthetic technique used in both types of hospitals. The epidural rate for labour analgesia was only 1.5% overall for the country. Epidural analgesia services were available in all private hospitals whereas 17.6% of government hospitals surveyed did not offer this service at all.

    CONCLUSIONS: Although the use of epidural analgesia for labour was low in Malaysia, the overall rate of regional anaesthesia for caesarean section (41.9%) is very much in keeping with the standards of safe practice recommended by the United Kingdom.

    Matched MeSH terms: Practice Patterns, Physicians'*
  9. Fozi K, Teng CL, Krishnan R, Shajahan Y
    Med J Malaysia, 2000 Dec;55(4):486-92.
    PMID: 11221162
    This is a prospective study of clinical questions generated in primary care consultations and a comparison of two approaches to answering those clinical questions. Twenty-one doctors in a university-based primary care clinic submitted 78 clinical questions arising from patient consultations during 24 clinic days (0.01 question per patient encounter). These doctors subsequently found answers to 40% of their questions but were satisfied with only 67% of these answers. The investigators were able to provide answers for 95% of the questions asked and the doctors rated these answers as satisfactory in 86% of instances. Answers obtained by investigators had significantly higher satisfaction score than those obtained by doctors' search (p = 0.002). The two main findings of this study are (1) almost all questions arising in clinic setting could be answered by intensive search; (2) answers found by intensive searches were judged to be more satisfactory than those found routinely by doctors. Provision of an information retrieval service in addition to training in the searching and appraisal of medical literature are possible solutions to the information needs of busy clinicians.

    Study site: Primary Care Clinic,
    University Hospital Kuala Lumpur i
    Matched MeSH terms: Physicians, Family*
  10. Ravindran J, Leow CH
    Med J Malaysia, 1996 Dec;51(4):409-14.
    PMID: 10968026
    This study aimed to look at the prevailing practice patterns of gynaecologists with regards to prophylactic oophorectomy and usage of hormone replacement therapy. Questionnaires were sent to the first 200 gynaecologists listed in the membership list of the Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society of Malaysia. The response rate was 30%. The results showed that most gynaecologists would perform prophylactic oophorectomy after the age of 49 years. The result was equivocal for the ages between 45 to 49 years. Of those who retained the ovaries at the age of 45 to the menopause, 55% did so because the ovaries were still functional. Almost all gynaecologists would prescribe hormone replacement therapy (HRT) after oophorectomy and the most commonly prescribed form was the oral type. Thirty-five per cent of gynaecologists claimed that more than 80% of their patients were compliant to HRT. The reasons perceived for the poor compliance were mainly poor knowledge and misconception.
    Matched MeSH terms: Practice Patterns, Physicians'/statistics & numerical data*
  11. Wong YY, Nordin M, Suleiman AB
    Int J Qual Health Care, 1995 Dec;7(4):333-41.
    PMID: 8820209 DOI: 10.1093/intqhc/7.4.333
    OBJECTIVE: This study examines the extent to which preventive and promotive advice is integrated into the clinical practice of doctors.
    STUDY DESIGN: Using a cross-sectional descriptive survey design, the study compares the performance of doctors in giving healthy lifestyle advice for five clinical conditions, their perceived practice and their rating on the importance of disseminating selected key lifestyle messages.
    DATA EXTRACTION METHODS: A total of 28 volunteers were trained to simulate the five clinical conditions which required related health advice and to rate the doctors' performance with the use of a prepared checklist. Simulated patient ratings of 343 doctor-patient encounters provided the data on doctors' health promotion efforts for the selected clinical conditions. A post-visit self-administered questionnaire survey of a sub-sample of 100 doctors gave an insight into their opinions and perceived practice.
    PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Only in 49% of the instances was a health promotion message given. The doctors' encouraging interest in health education and health promotion and their positive perceptions of their volume of healthy lifestyle counselling were not borne out in actual clinical practice.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate that the extent of preventive and promotive health education in both the public and private health sectors is unacceptably low. The matter needs to be addressed through training programmes as well as the formulation of clear health promotion priorities and strategies in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Practice Patterns, Physicians'/statistics & numerical data*
  12. Maniam T
    Med J Malaysia, 1994 Dec;49(4):369-74.
    PMID: 7674973
    Five hundred and sixty-two consecutive attenders at an urban general practice were studied using the Consumption Index which has been successfully used in a general hospital sample. Seventy per cent of Chinese, 11% of Malays and 42% of Indians have used or are currently using alcohol-a vast majority of them were social drinkers. Among those who ever drank, 6% of Chinese and 22% of Malays drank more than 14 units per week. The hypotheses that more Indians used alcohol and used it more heavily were not supported in this urban sample. Possible explanations for these findings and the limitations of this study are discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Physicians*
  13. Malaysia. High Court
    Annu Rev Popul Law, 1987;14:39.
    PMID: 12346715
    The defendant, an obstetrician and gynaecologist, was accused of voluntarily causing a woman to miscarry, such miscarriage having been performed without good faith and an intention to save the woman's life. The Court upheld the conviction of the defendant, rejecting his argument, supported by an expert witness, that he had performed the abortion in order to avoid the possibility of pulmonary embolism, which might result because the woman had enlarged varicose veins. It held that the argument was not reasonable under the current law and that procuring an abortion was a serious matter to be done only as a last resort to save the life of a woman or to save her from becoming a mental "wreck."
    Matched MeSH terms: Physicians*
  14. Chen PC
    Trop Geogr Med, 1971 Jun;23(2):173-82.
    PMID: 4327992
    Matched MeSH terms: Physicians/supply & distribution
  15. Mohd Fauzi MF, Mohd Yusoff H, Muhamad Robat R, Mat Saruan NA, Ismail KI, Mohd Haris AF
    PMID: 33050004 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17197340
    The COVID-19 pandemic potentially increases doctors' work demands and limits their recovery opportunity; this consequently puts them at a high risk of adverse mental health impacts. This study aims to estimate the level of doctors' fatigue, recovery, depression, anxiety, and stress, and exploring their association with work demands and recovery experiences. This was a cross-sectional study among all medical doctors working at all government health facilities in Selangor, Malaysia. Data were collected in May 2020 immediately following the COVID-19 contagion peak in Malaysia by using self-reported questionnaires through an online medium. The total participants were 1050 doctors. The majority of participants were non-resident non-specialist medical officers (55.7%) and work in the hospital setting (76.3%). The highest magnitude of work demands was mental demand (M = 7.54, SD = 1.998) while the lowest magnitude of recovery experiences was detachment (M = 9.22, SD = 5.043). Participants reported a higher acute fatigue level (M = 63.33, SD = 19.025) than chronic fatigue (M = 49.37, SD = 24.473) and intershift recovery (M = 49.97, SD = 19.480). The majority of them had no depression (69.0%), no anxiety (70.3%), and no stress (76.5%). Higher work demands and lower recovery experiences were generally associated with adverse mental health. For instance, emotional demands were positively associated with acute fatigue (adj. b = 2.73), chronic fatigue (adj. b = 3.64), depression (adj. b = 0.57), anxiety (adj. b = 0.47), and stress (adj. b = 0.64), while relaxation experiences were negatively associated with acute fatigue (adj. b = -0.53), chronic fatigue (adj. b = -0.53), depression (adj. b = -0.14), anxiety (adj. b = -0.11), and stress (adj. b = -0.15). However, higher detachment experience was associated with multiple mental health parameters in the opposite of the expected direction such as higher level of chronic fatigue (adj. b = 0.74), depression (adj. b = 0.15), anxiety (adj. b = 0.11), and stress (adj. b = 0.11), and lower level of intershift recovery (adj. b = -0.21). In conclusion, work demands generally worsen, while recovery experiences protect mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic with the caveat of the role of detachment experiences.
    Matched MeSH terms: Physicians/psychology*
  16. Zandi G, Shahzad I, Farrukh M, Kot S
    PMID: 33138254 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17217961
    Measurement of job stress and employees' commitment are few of the admired topics in the corporate world amongst business writers. With a principal aim to trial the blow of exposure to COVID-19 patients on doctors' job stress and commitment, in Pakistan; data have been collected through 7-10 min telephonic interview from voluntary participants and a sample of 129 responses were analyzed by Structure Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) path modeling through Smart PLS 3.2. The results of the study indicated; direct positive & significant impact of Extent of Exposure on Job Stress while direct negative, significant association with Commitment. Job Stress also observed having direct negative impact on commitment. The Extent of Exposure-Job Stress relationship was also found stronger among group of doctors having Low level of Perceived Organizational Support and weaker among group of doctors having High level of Perceive Organizational support. Perceived Organizational Support showed a moderating effect on the Extent of Exposure-Job Stress relationship; while, Social Support showed no moderation. Researchers are required to investigate more and management of the medical services providers (both hospitals and government) needs to focus on doctors' perception about Organizational Support, as doctors show no concern about the support from society as long as their well-being is cared for by respective hospitals. This study is an effort to stimulate more empirical evidence towards the treating and handling of COVID-19 patients and the psychological well-being of doctors.
    Matched MeSH terms: Physicians/psychology*
  17. Langhorne P, O'Donnell MJ, Chin SL, Zhang H, Xavier D, Avezum A, et al.
    Lancet, 2018 05 19;391(10134):2019-2027.
    PMID: 29864018 DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(18)30802-X
    BACKGROUND: Stroke disproportionately affects people in low-income and middle-income countries. Although improvements in stroke care and outcomes have been reported in high-income countries, little is known about practice and outcomes in low and middle-income countries. We aimed to compare patterns of care available and their association with patient outcomes across countries at different economic levels.

    METHODS: We studied the patterns and effect of practice variations (ie, treatments used and access to services) among participants in the INTERSTROKE study, an international observational study that enrolled 13 447 stroke patients from 142 clinical sites in 32 countries between Jan 11, 2007, and Aug 8, 2015. We supplemented patient data with a questionnaire about health-care and stroke service facilities at all participating hospitals. Using univariate and multivariate regression analyses to account for patient casemix and service clustering, we estimated the association between services available, treatments given, and patient outcomes (death or dependency) at 1 month.

    FINDINGS: We obtained full information for 12 342 (92%) of 13 447 INTERSTROKE patients, from 108 hospitals in 28 countries; 2576 from 38 hospitals in ten high-income countries and 9766 from 70 hospitals in 18 low and middle-income countries. Patients in low-income and middle-income countries more often had severe strokes, intracerebral haemorrhage, poorer access to services, and used fewer investigations and treatments (p<0·0001) than those in high-income countries, although only differences in patient characteristics explained the poorer clinical outcomes in low and middle-income countries. However across all countries, irrespective of economic level, access to a stroke unit was associated with improved use of investigations and treatments, access to other rehabilitation services, and improved survival without severe dependency (odds ratio [OR] 1·29; 95% CI 1·14-1·44; all p<0·0001), which was independent of patient casemix characteristics and other measures of care. Use of acute antiplatelet treatment was associated with improved survival (1·39; 1·12-1·72) irrespective of other patient and service characteristics.

    INTERPRETATION: Evidence-based treatments, diagnostics, and stroke units were less commonly available or used in low and middle-income countries. Access to stroke units and appropriate use of antiplatelet treatment were associated with improved recovery. Improved care and facilities in low-income and middle-income countries are essential to improve outcomes.

    FUNDING: Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland.

    Matched MeSH terms: Practice Patterns, Physicians'*
  18. Cheong WL, Mohan D, Warren N, Reidpath DD
    Mult Scler Relat Disord, 2019 Oct;35:86-91.
    PMID: 31357123 DOI: 10.1016/j.msard.2019.07.009
    BACKGROUND: Despite the global consensus on the importance of palliative care for patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), many patients in developing countries do not receive palliative care. Improving access to palliative care for MS requires a contextual understanding of how palliative care is perceived by patients and health professionals, the existing care pathways, and barriers to the provision of palliative care.

    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to examine and contrast the perceptions of MS patients, neurologists, and palliative care physicians towards providing palliative care for patients with MS in Malaysia.

    METHODS: 12 MS patients, 5 neurologists, and 5 palliative care physicians participated in this qualitative study. Each participant took part in a semi-structured interview. The interviews were transcribed verbatim, and analysed using an iterative thematic analysis approach.

    RESULTS: Patients and neurologists mostly associated palliative care with the end-of-life and struggled to understand the need for palliative care in MS. Another barrier was the lack of understanding about the palliative care needs of MS patients. Palliative care physicians also identified the scarcity of resources and their lack of experience with MS as barriers. The current referral-based care pathway itself was found to be a barrier to the provision of palliative care.

    CONCLUSIONS: MS patients in Malaysia face several barriers in accessing palliative care. Overcoming these barriers will require improving the shared understanding of palliative care and its role in MS. The existing care pathway also needs to be reformed to ensure that it improves access to palliative care for MS patients.

    Matched MeSH terms: Physicians*
  19. Kulchaitanaroaj P, Brooks JM, Chaiyakunapruk N, Goedken AM, Chrischilles EA, Carter BL
    J Hypertens, 2017 Jan;35(1):178-187.
    PMID: 27684354
    OBJECTIVE: To estimate long-term costs and outcomes attributable to a physician-pharmacist collaborative intervention compared with physician management alone for treating essential hypertension.

    METHODS: A Markov model cohort simulation with a 6-month cycle length to predict acute coronary syndrome, stroke, and heart failure throughout lifetime was performed. A cohort of 399 patients was obtained from two prospective, cluster randomized controlled clinical trials implementing physician-pharmacist collaborative interventions in community-based medical offices in the Midwest, USA. Framingham risk equations and other algorithms were used to predict the vascular diseases. SBP reduction due to the interventions deteriorated until 5 years. Direct medical costs using a payer perspective were adjusted to 2015 dollar value, and the main outcome was quality-adjusted life years (QALYs); both were discounted at 3%. The intervention costs were estimated from the trials, whereas the remaining parameters were from published studies. A series of sensitivity analyses including changing patient risks of vascular diseases, probabilistic sensitivity analysis, and a cost-effectiveness acceptability curve were performed.

    RESULTS: The lifetime incremental costs were $26 807.83 per QALY (QALYs gained = 0.14). The intervention provided the greatest benefit for the high-risk patients, moderate benefit for the trial patients, and the lowest benefit for the low-risk patients. If a payer is willing to pay $50 000 per QALY gained, in 48.6% of the time the intervention would be cost-effective.

    CONCLUSION: Team-based care such as a physician-pharmacist collaboration appears to be a cost-effective strategy for treating hypertension. The intervention is most cost-effective for high-risk patients.

    Matched MeSH terms: Physicians*
  20. Majumder MAA, Singh K, Hilaire MG, Rahman S, Sa B, Haque M
    Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther, 2020 12;18(12):1245-1258.
    PMID: 32684048 DOI: 10.1080/14787210.2020.1796638
    INTRODUCTION: Antimicrobial resistance poses a serious threat to global health with significantly higher morbidity, mortality, and economic burden. This review aims to discuss the importance of the promotion of antimicrobial stewardship in medical and allied health professional curricula and training/educating tomorrow's doctors in combatting antimicrobial resistance. A narrative literature review was conducted to retrieve relevant information related to antimicrobial resistance and stewardship and their implications on medical and allied health professional education and training from searches of computerized databases, hand searches, and authoritative texts.

    AREAS COVERED: Antimicrobial stewardship programs improve rational antibiotic use, reduce antimicrobial resistance, decrease complications of antibiotic use, and improve patient outcomes. Though health professional students recognize the importance and impact of antibiotic prescribing knowledge, many studies have consistently demonstrated low levels of confidence and competencies amongst students, highlighting that health professional schools failed to prepare them to prescribe antibiotics accurately.

    EXPERT OPINION: There is an urgent call for the integration of antimicrobial stewardship teaching at the undergraduate level of medical education to train future prescribers on this critical aspect of public health. Proper undergraduate education on rational antibiotics use would enable health professional graduates to enter clinical practice with adequate competencies to become rational prescribers.

    Matched MeSH terms: Practice Patterns, Physicians'/statistics & numerical data
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