AIM: To explore mental illness stigmatisation in Malaysian adults.
METHOD: A systematic literature review was conducted using thematic analysis to synthesise and categorise evidence. Five key themes emerged, providing insight into mental health stigmatisation.
FINDINGS: Cultural beliefs, limited knowledge of mental health and lack of education on mental health were factors influencing stigmatisation. Stigmatisation significantly affected the wellbeing and functioning of people with a mental illness. Interventions such as contact-based education effectively reduce stigmatising attitudes manifested by healthcare providers.
CONCLUSION: Establishing mental health literacy, encouraging patient contact, promoting mental health awareness and strengthening mental health policies could reduce mental illness stigmatisation and its impact in Malaysia. Future research is warranted to investigate the impact on physical wellbeing and anti-stigmatising strategies targeting the general public.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Full-text articles of case report, case control, cohort and cross-sectional studies that were published from 1st January 2012 until 30th June 2022, were searched using PubMed, CINAHL and Scopus. Periodontal related diseases were excluded in this review due to its wellknown associated disease with P. gingivalis. A comparison studies of detection methods were also excluded in this review.
RESULTS: Out of 612 articles that were screened, only 106 met the eligibility criteria to be selected for further review. Risk of bias was performed using FEAT principles and reviewers' discussion. A total of 21 final articles that were reviewed showed significant correlation with P. gingivalis and were classified into several clinical domains. Twelve out of 13 detection methods showed high sensitivity and specificity with short duration analysis.
CONCLUSION: Due to asymptomatic periodontal disease and the high prevalence of P. gingivalis-associated clinical diseases, this review suggests the need for oral public health awareness and early screening for the bacterium detection especially among elderly groups to maintain their quality of life.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The present study is a retrospective cohort study using hospital medical records (patient files) from October 2019 to November 2021 (for 2 years). This study was performed in Malaysian women (n=53) suffering from advanced stages of POP, in which Gellhorn pessaries of diameter (44-76mm) were inserted by trained personnel. Pelvic Floor Distress Inventory-20 (PFDI-20) and Pelvic Floor Impact Questionnaire-7 (PFIQ-7) were used to measure patients' symptoms and quality of life before and after Gellhorn pessary fitting. Patients were reassessed every three months for two years and their satisfaction scores were recorded.
RESULTS: We observed a significant difference in pre-test (pre-fitting) and post-test (three months post-fitting) scores on all three subscales and the PFIQ-7 total score. Twentyeight (52.83%) patients continued the use of Gellhorn pessary for at least 24 months, whereas 25 (47.20%) patients discontinued during this period. A retrospective analysis of the patients who discontinued Gellhorn pessary showed that 13 (24.52%) patients gave up the use of pessary for definitive surgery. It is noteworthy to mention here that only one out of the 13 patients who were awaiting surgery, chose surgery and the remaining 12 changed their mind after being fitted with the Gellhorn pessary. Seven (13.20%) patients declined reinsertion due to discomfort and voiding difficulties and refused further intervention, whereas three (5.66%) patients requested a ring pessary. Two (3.77%) patients, requested the removal of pessary due to vesicovaginal fistula and rectovaginal fistula (caused by an impacted pessary). The rate of continued use was 79.24% (42 patients) after 1st year and 52.83% (28 patients) at the end of two years.
CONCLUSION: In the current study, the Gellhorn pessary was used to treat stage 3 and 4 POP with significant symptom reduction post-fitting. More than half of the patients continued to use the pessary after 24 months of fitting. Therefore, the Gellhorn pessary can be used as a treatment strategy for stage 3 and 4 POP with reasonable acceptance in the Malaysian population.
METHOD: Prospective cohort study on CWE age 7-18 years old with no comorbidities. Epilepsy education was delivered using Epigame. CWE completed AKA questionnaire before (time point 1 [TP1]), immediately after (TP2), 3 months (TP3) after provision of Epigame. Child self-report Health-Related Quality of Life Measurement for Children with Epilepsy (CHEQOL-25) questionnaire was completed at TP1 and TP3.
RESULTS: Total of 106 CWE participated in this study (mean age of 13.3 years). Baseline (TP1) AKA was rated "very low to moderate" for awareness domain in 95.3 %, "very low to moderate" for knowledge domain in 67 %, "negative to indifferent" for attitude domain in 54.7 %, and "very poor to moderate' for total AKA score domain in 84 %. "Positive to very positive" for child attitude domain was significantly associated with parents with "positive to very positive" for attitude domain (OR 10.6, 95 % CI 3.23-34.66). "Good to excellent" for total child AKA domain was significantly associated with parents with "Good to excellent" for total AKA domain (OR 5.2, 95 % CI 1.16-15.02) and with
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Systematic searches of PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science databases were conducted. Independent reviewers screened the title, abstract and full texts according to predetermined inclusion and exclusion criteria. Articles published in English from January 2012 to March 2022 reporting the QoL of non-syndromic young patients aged 7-18 years with CL/P were included. Review articles and articles reporting the psychological adjustment of parents or other family members with CL/P were excluded.
RESULTS: 975 publications were identified, of which 20 studies met our inclusion criteria. The majority of studies reported that the CL/P condition has a negative impact on the QoL. Psychological health, functional well-being, socialemotional well-being and school environment are domains that are affected. Compared with typically developing young patients, those with CL/P had lower QoL scores even though QoL was assessed using different instruments across studies. The impact of CL/P on overall QoL scores varied by age but not gender or cleft type.
CONCLUSION: Our reviews had shown the presence of CL/P negatively affects the QoL of young patients. Psychological health is the most affected QoL domain. Understanding the impacted domain will help in planning and delivering better health care for individuals with CL/P and reducing the stigma commonly associated with CL/P. Future studies should target intervention on psychological health and consider resilience factors towards positive adjustment.
Methods: An extensive literature review was done using Google-Scholar and PubMed to find out scales that utilized to assess quality of life among DM patients. Four relevant scales, three diabetes specific and one general, were selected. The selected scales were carefully evaluated to find out domains that are commonly used to assess quality of life and then the items within the selected domains were reviewed to choose relevant and comprehensive items for Iraqi type 2 DM patients. Ten items were selected to formulate the quality of life scale for Iraqi DM patients (QOLSID). The content validity of QOLSID was established via an expert panel. For concurrent validity QOLSID was compared to glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1C). For psychometric evaluation, a cross sectional study for 103 type 2 DM patients was conducted at the National Diabetes Center, Iraq. Test-retest reliability was measured by re-administering QOLSID to 20 patients 2-4 weeks later.
Results: The internal consistency of the QOLSID was 0.727. All items had a corrected total-item correlation above 0.2. There was a negative significant correlation between QOLSID score and the HbA1C level (-0.518, P = 0.000). A significant positive correlation was obtained after re-testing (0.967, P = 0.000).
Conclusion: The QOLSID is a reliable and valid instrument that can be used for assessing quality of life among Iraqi type 2 DM patients.
Objective: To assess the impact of pharmacist-supervised intervention on HRQoL of newly diagnosed diabetics using an Audit of Diabetes-Dependent Quality of Life (ADDQoL) questionnaire.
Materials and Methods: A pre-post comparison study was conducted among the control group (CG), test 1 group (T1G) and test 2 group (T2G) patients with three treatment arms to explore the impact of pharmacist-supervised intervention on HRQoL of newly diagnosed diabetics for 18 months. Patients' HRQoL scores were determined using ADDQoL questionnaire at baseline, 3, 6, 9 and 12-months. T1G patients received pharmacist's intervention whereas T2G patients received diabetic kit demonstration in addition to pharmacist's intervention. CG patients were deprived of pharmacist intervention and diabetic kit demonstration, and only received care from attending physician/nurses. Non-parametric tests were used to find the differences in an average weighted impact scores (AWIS) among the groups before and after the intervention at P ≤ 0.05.
Results: Friedman test identified significant (P < 0.001) improvement in AWIS among the test groups' patients. Differences in scores were significant between T1G and T2G at 6-months (P = 0.033), 9-months (P < 0.001) and 12-months (P < 0.001); between CG and T1G at 12-months (P < 0.001) and between CG and T2G at 9-months (P < 0.001) and 12-months (P < 0.0010) on Mann.Whitney U test.
Conclusion: Pharmacist's intervention improved AWIS of test groups' diabetics. Diabetic kit demonstration strengthened the disease understanding and selfcare skills of T2G patients. Disease and self-care awareness among diabetics should be increased in Nepali healthcare system by involving pharmacists for better patient's related outcomes.