Displaying publications 321 - 340 of 3016 in total

  1. Tay AK, Rees S, Miah MAA, Khan S, Badrudduza M, Morgan K, et al.
    Transl Psychiatry, 2019 09 02;9(1):213.
    PMID: 31477686 DOI: 10.1038/s41398-019-0537-z
    A major challenge in the refugee field is to ensure that scarce mental health resources are directed to those in greatest need. Based on data from an epidemiological survey of 959 adult Rohingya refugees in Malaysia (response rate: 83%), we examine whether a brief screening instrument of functional impairment, the WHO Disability Assessment Schedule (WHODAS), prove useful as a proxy measure to identify refugees who typically attend community mental health services. Based on estimates of mental disorder requiring interventions from analyses of epidemiological studies conducted worldwide, we selected a WHODAS cutoff that identified the top one-fifth of refugees according to severity of functional impairment, the remainder being distributed to moderate and lower impairment groupings, respectively. Compared to the lower impairment grouping, the severe impairment category comprised more boat arrivals (AOR: 5.96 [95% CI 1.34-26.43); stateless persons (A20·11 [95% CI 7.14-10); those with high exposure to pre-migration traumas (AOR: 4.76 [95% CI 1.64-13.73), peri-migration stressors (AOR: 1.26 [95% CI 1.14-1.39]) and postmigration living difficulties (AOR: 1.43 [95% CI 1.32-1.55); persons with single (AOR: 7.48 [95% CI 4.25-13.17]) and comorbid (AOR: 13.54 [95% CI 6.22-29.45]) common mental disorders; and those reporting poorer general health (AOR: 2.23 [95% CI 1-5.02]). In addition, half of the severe impairment grouping (50.6%) expressed suicidal ideas compared to one in six (16.2 percent) of the lower impairment grouping (OR: 2.39 [95% CI 1.94-2.93]). Differences between the severe and moderate impairment groups were similar but less extreme. In settings where large-scale epidemiological studies are not feasible, the WHODAS may serve as readily administered and brief public health screening tool that assists in stratifying the population according to urgency of mental health needs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mental Disorders/psychology; Depression/psychology; Refugees/psychology*; Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic/psychology; Stress, Psychological/psychology
  2. Jin H, Earnshaw VA, Wickersham JA, Kamarulzaman A, Desai MM, John J, et al.
    AIDS Care, 2014;26(10):1223-8.
    PMID: 24625279 DOI: 10.1080/09540121.2014.894616
    Stigma perpetuated by health-care providers has been found to be a barrier to care for vulnerable populations, including HIV-infected, people who inject drugs (PWIDs), and men who have sex with men (MSM) in multiple clinical contexts and remains unexamined among professional health-care students in Malaysia. This cross-sectional, anonymous, and Internet-based survey assessed the attitudes of medical and dental students toward HIV-infected, PWID, and MSM patients. Survey invitation was emailed to 3191 students at 8 professional schools; 1296 (40.6%) responded and scored their attitudes toward these patient groups using a feeling thermometer, indicating their attitudes on a sliding scale from 0 (most negative) to 100 (most positive). Compared to general patients (mean = 76.50), the mean scores for HIV-infected (mean = 54.04; p < 0.001), PWID (mean = 37.50; p < 0.001), and MSM (mean = 32.13; p < 0.001) patients were significantly lower and significantly different between each group comparison. Within group differences, most notably religion, ethnicity, and personally knowing someone from these populations were associated with significant differences in attitudes. No differences were noted between pre-clinical and clinical year of training. Health-care students represent the next generation of clinicians who will be responsible for future HIV prevention and treatment efforts. Our findings suggest alarmingly negative attitudes toward these patients, especially MSM, necessitating prompt and effective interventions designed to ameliorate the negative attitudes of health-care students toward vulnerable populations, specifically HIV-infected, PWID, and MSM patients in Malaysia.
    Site site: online surveys at seven universities: University of Malaya, National University of Malaysia, International Islamic University Malaysia, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Penang International Dental College, Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia, and Universiti Sains Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Dental/psychology*; Students, Medical/psychology*; HIV Infections/psychology*; Substance Abuse, Intravenous/psychology*; Homosexuality, Male/psychology*
  3. Tung SEH, Mohd Nasir MT, Chin YS, Zalilah MS, Zubaidah JO, Yim HS
    Child Obes, 2019 01;15(1):56-62.
    PMID: 30339034 DOI: 10.1089/chi.2018.0066
    BACKGROUND: Recent research suggests that a negative relationship exists between adiposity and cognitive function in children. However, limited information is known on how they are related. This study aimed to examine the mediators of the relationship between overweight/obesity and cognitive function among school children in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

    METHODS: This is a cross-sectional comparison study whereby 225 overweight/obese children matched for age, sex, and ethnicity with 225 normal weight children participated in this study. Body image dissatisfaction, disordered eating, and depressive symptoms were assessed through a self-administered questionnaire. Blood pressure was measured, whereas blood was drawn to determine insulin, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), glucose, and lipid profiles. Homeostasis model assessment-estimated insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) was calculated using glucose and insulin levels. Wechsler's Intelligence Scale for Children-Fourth Edition (WISC-IV) was used to assess cognitive function in children. Ordinary least square regression analysis was conducted to determine the direct and indirect relationships between weight status and cognitive function.

    RESULTS: A negative relationship was found between overweight/obesity with cognitive function. Overweight/obese children were on average 4.075 units lower in cognitive function scores compared to normal weight children. Such difference was found through mediators, such as body image dissatisfaction, disordered eating, depression, systolic blood pressure, triglycerides, HOMA-IR, and hs-CRP, contributing 22.2% of the variances in cognitive function in children.

    CONCLUSION: Results highlight the important mediators of the relationship between overweight/obesity and cognitive function. Consequently, future interventions should target to improve psychological well-being and reduce cardiovascular disease risk for the prevention of poorer cognitive performance in overweight/obese children.

    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding and Eating Disorders/psychology; Body Image/psychology; Cardiovascular Diseases/psychology*; Depression/psychology; Pediatric Obesity/psychology*
  4. Harithasan D, Mukari SZS, Ishak WS, Shahar S, Yeong WL
    Int J Geriatr Psychiatry, 2020 04;35(4):358-364.
    PMID: 31736109 DOI: 10.1002/gps.5237
    OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship between sensory impairment (hearing loss only, vision loss only, and dual sensory impairment [DSI]) and depression, loneliness, quality of life, and cognitive performance in older adults.

    METHODS: A total of 229 community-dwelling older adults aged 60 years or older participated in this study. Variables were measured using the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-15), Revised University of California at Los Angeles Loneliness Scale (R-UCLA), Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), and Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE).

    RESULTS: There was an independent association between DSI and quality of life (P < .05) and between DSI and hearing loss alone and cognitive function (P < .05) in older adults. In addition, higher education was associated with better quality of life and cognitive function.

    CONCLUSIONS: DSI is a significant factor affecting the quality of life and cognitive function in older adults. Sociodemographic factors such as education play an important role in improving quality of life and cognitive function. Thus, increasing the awareness of this disability is important to ensure that older adults receive the necessary support services and rehabilitation to improve their level of independence.

    Matched MeSH terms: Depression/psychology*; Loneliness/psychology*; Vision Disorders/psychology; Hearing Loss/psychology; Social Participation/psychology*
  5. Aborigo RA, Reidpath DD, Oduro AR, Allotey P
    BMC Pregnancy Childbirth, 2018 01 02;18(1):3.
    PMID: 29291711 DOI: 10.1186/s12884-017-1641-9
    BACKGROUND: Twenty years after acknowledging the importance of joint responsibilities and male participation in maternal health programs, most health care systems in low income countries continue to face challenges in involving men. We explored the reasons for men's resistance to the adoption of a more proactive role in pregnancy care and their enduring influence in the decision making process during emergencies.

    METHODS: Ten focus group discussions were held with opinion leaders (chiefs, elders, assemblymen, leaders of women groups) and 16 in-depth interviews were conducted with healthcare workers (District Directors of Health, Medical Assistants in-charge of health centres, and district Public Health Nurses and Midwives). The interviews and discussions were audio recorded, transcribed into English and imported into NVivo 10 for content analysis.

    RESULTS: As heads of the family, men control resources, consult soothsayers to determine the health seeking or treatment for pregnant women, and serve as the final authority on where and when pregnant women should seek medical care. Beyond that, they have no expectation of any further role during antenatal care and therefore find it unnecessary to attend clinics with their partners. There were conflicting views about whether men needed to provide any extra support to their pregnant partners within the home. Health workers generally agreed that men provided little or no support to their partners. Although health workers had facilitated the formation of father support groups, there was little evidence of any impact on antenatal support.

    CONCLUSIONS: In patriarchal settings, the role of men can be complex and social and cultural traditions may conflict with public health recommendations. Initiatives to promote male involvement should focus on young men and use chiefs and opinion leaders as advocates to re-orient men towards more proactive involvement in ensuring the health of their partners.

    Matched MeSH terms: Fathers/psychology; Health Personnel/psychology*; Men/psychology*; Prenatal Care/psychology*; Sexual Partners/psychology
  6. Le HN, Berenbaum H, Raghavan C
    Emotion, 2002 Dec;2(4):341-60.
    PMID: 12899369
    Two studies examined the relationship between culture and alexithymia. In Study 1, mean levels and correlates of alexithymia were examined in 3 cultures: European American (EA), Asian American (AA), and Malaysian college students. Both Asian groups had higher alexithymia levels than the EA group. Somatization was more strongly associated with alexithymia in the Asian groups than in the EA group. Mood and life satisfaction were associated with alexithymia in similar ways across groups. In Study 2, the relations among culture, gender, retrospective reports of parental socialization of emotions, and alexithymia were examined among EA and AA college students. Cultural and gender differences were found in alexithymia and emotion socialization levels. Most important, parental emotion socialization mediated the relations among culture, gender, and alexithymia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Affective Symptoms/psychology*; Asian Americans/psychology*; Students/psychology; Parenting/psychology*; European Continental Ancestry Group/psychology*
  7. Sooryanarayana R
    J Am Geriatr Soc, 2015 Jan;63(1):175.
    PMID: 25597567 DOI: 10.1111/jgs.13179
    Matched MeSH terms: Spouses/psychology*
  8. Chan CM, Wan Ahmad WA, Yusof MM, Ho GF, Krupat E
    Psychooncology, 2015 Jun;24(6):718-25.
    PMID: 25345781 DOI: 10.1002/pon.3714
    Distress and psychiatric morbidity in cancer patients are associated with poorer outcomes including mortality. In this study, we examined the prevalence of psychiatric morbidity and its association with cancer survival over time.
    Matched MeSH terms: Adjustment Disorders/psychology; Anxiety/psychology; Anxiety Disorders/psychology; Depression/psychology; Depressive Disorder, Major/psychology; Depressive Disorder/psychology; Neoplasms/psychology
  9. Buratto LG, Pottage CL, Brown C, Morrison CM, Schaefer A
    PLoS One, 2014;9(10):e110211.
    PMID: 25330251 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0110211
    Memory performance is usually impaired when participants have to encode information while performing a concurrent task. Recent studies using recall tasks have found that emotional items are more resistant to such cognitive depletion effects than non-emotional items. However, when recognition tasks are used, the same effect is more elusive as recent recognition studies have obtained contradictory results. In two experiments, we provide evidence that negative emotional content can reliably reduce the effects of cognitive depletion on recognition memory only if stimuli with high levels of emotional intensity are used. In particular, we found that recognition performance for realistic pictures was impaired by a secondary 3-back working memory task during encoding if stimuli were emotionally neutral or had moderate levels of negative emotionality. In contrast, when negative pictures with high levels of emotional intensity were used, the detrimental effects of the secondary task were significantly attenuated.
    Matched MeSH terms: Recognition (Psychology)*
  10. Byrne EM, Psychiatric Genetics Consortium Major Depressive Disorder Working Group, Raheja UK, Stephens SH, Heath AC, Madden PA, et al.
    J Clin Psychiatry, 2015 Feb;76(2):128-34.
    PMID: 25562672 DOI: 10.4088/JCP.14m08981
    OBJECTIVE: To test common genetic variants for association with seasonality (seasonal changes in mood and behavior) and to investigate whether there are shared genetic risk factors between psychiatric disorders and seasonality.

    METHOD: Genome-wide association studies (GWASs) were conducted in Australian (between 1988 and 1990 and between 2010 and 2013) and Amish (between May 2010 and December 2011) samples in whom the Seasonal Pattern Assessment Questionnaire (SPAQ) had been administered, and the results were meta-analyzed in a total sample of 4,156 individuals. Genetic risk scores based on results from prior large GWAS studies of bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder (MDD), and schizophrenia were calculated to test for overlap in risk between psychiatric disorders and seasonality.

    RESULTS: The most significant association was with rs11825064 (P = 1.7 × 10⁻⁶, β = 0.64, standard error = 0.13), an intergenic single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) found on chromosome 11. The evidence for overlap in risk factors was strongest for schizophrenia and seasonality, with the schizophrenia genetic profile scores explaining 3% of the variance in log-transformed global seasonality scores. Bipolar disorder genetic profile scores were also associated with seasonality, although at much weaker levels (minimum P value = 3.4 × 10⁻³), and no evidence for overlap in risk was detected between MDD and seasonality.

    CONCLUSIONS: Common SNPs of large effect most likely do not exist for seasonality in the populations examined. As expected, there were overlapping genetic risk factors for bipolar disorder (but not MDD) with seasonality. Unexpectedly, the risk for schizophrenia and seasonality had the largest overlap, an unprecedented finding that requires replication in other populations and has potential clinical implications considering overlapping cognitive deficits in seasonal affective disorders and schizophrenia.

    Matched MeSH terms: Alcoholism/psychology; Bipolar Disorder/psychology; Depressive Disorder, Major/psychology; Diseases in Twins/psychology; Schizophrenic Psychology*; Amish/psychology
  11. Saravanan C, Heidhy I
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2014;15(18):7629-34.
    PMID: 25292039
    BACKGROUND: Cigarette smokers have their own motivation and justification to smoke. For example, smoking reduces their stress or enhances their pleasure. This study aimed to identify the (a) prevalence of cigarette smokers among undergraduates in Malaysia, (b) gender differences in nicotine dependence among current smokers, (c) differences in psychological problems (depression, anxiety and stress) based on the status of smoking cigarettes (current, former and non-smokers) and (d) extent to which precipitating factors (tension reduction, addiction, automatism, handling, social interaction, pleasure, and stimulation) predict the smoking behavior among current smokers.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this study 780 undergraduate students participated from a private university in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor state in Malaysia. The Depression, Stress and Anxiety Scale, Modified Reason for Smoking Scale and Fagerstrom Nicotine Dependence Test were used to measure psychological problems, predictors of smoking behavior and nicotine dependency among current smokers.

    RESULTS: The results showed that 14.7%(n=106) of the students were smokers. Current smokers exhibited more psychological problems (depression, anxiety and stress) compared to former and non-smokers. Addiction, tension reduction, pleasure and automatism were predictors of smoking behavior among the current smoking students. Step wise regression analysis showed that smoking behavior was highly predicted by nicotine dependency or addiction. Smoking students were motivated to smoke cigarettes as they believed that it reduced their tension and enhance pleasure.

    CONCLUSIONS: Hence, there is a need for health promotion and anti-tobacco prevention as cigarette smokers experience more psychological problems. Nicotine dependency or addition was one of the major causes for smoking behavior among the student population in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anxiety/psychology; Depression/psychology; Smoking/psychology*; Stress, Psychological/psychology; Students/psychology*; Tobacco Use Disorder/psychology; Smoking Cessation/psychology
  12. Yau KL, Poh GS, Chien SF, Al-Rawi HA
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2014;2014:209810.
    PMID: 24995352 DOI: 10.1155/2014/209810
    Cognitive radio (CR) enables unlicensed users to exploit the underutilized spectrum in licensed spectrum whilst minimizing interference to licensed users. Reinforcement learning (RL), which is an artificial intelligence approach, has been applied to enable each unlicensed user to observe and carry out optimal actions for performance enhancement in a wide range of schemes in CR, such as dynamic channel selection and channel sensing. This paper presents new discussions of RL in the context of CR networks. It provides an extensive review on how most schemes have been approached using the traditional and enhanced RL algorithms through state, action, and reward representations. Examples of the enhancements on RL, which do not appear in the traditional RL approach, are rules and cooperative learning. This paper also reviews performance enhancements brought about by the RL algorithms and open issues. This paper aims to establish a foundation in order to spark new research interests in this area. Our discussion has been presented in a tutorial manner so that it is comprehensive to readers outside the specialty of RL and CR.
    Matched MeSH terms: Reinforcement (Psychology)*
  13. Wong LP
    Behav Med, 2012;38(2):54-63.
    PMID: 22676631 DOI: 10.1080/08964289.2012.661804
    The study aimed to identify the factors associated with street racing among the illegal motorcycle racers in Malaysia also known as the Mat Rempit, and their help-seeking intention. A total of 2,022 Mat Rempit were surveyed. The findings support the notion that experience-seeking, prestige-seeking, excitement-seeking, self-satisfaction, underestimate risk, and social influence were factors influencing illegal motorcycle street racing. The overall intention to seek help was extremely low. The majority (77.9%) reported that they would solve the problem themselves and 75.5% thought that illegal street racing is not big deal and would go away in time. Participants with neither (OR 0.41; 95% CI 0.27-0.62) or at least one parent who is strict (OR 0.52; 95% 0.37-0.73) were less likely to have high help-seeking intention than those with both parents who are strict. Study indicates a need for family-centered intervention to curb illegal street racing.
    Matched MeSH terms: Crime/psychology*
  14. Alfred R, Ahmad AH, Payne J, Williams C, Ambu LN, How PM, et al.
    PLoS One, 2012;7(2):e31400.
    PMID: 22347469 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0031400
    Home range is defined as the extent and location of the area covered annually by a wild animal in its natural habitat. Studies of African and Indian elephants in landscapes of largely open habitats have indicated that the sizes of the home range are determined not only by the food supplies and seasonal changes, but also by numerous other factors including availability of water sources, habitat loss and the existence of man-made barriers. The home range size for the Bornean elephant had never been investigated before.
    Matched MeSH terms: Elephants/psychology*
  15. Hamzaid H, Talib RA, Azizi NH, Maamor N, Reilly JJ, Wafa SW
    Int J Pediatr Obes, 2011 Oct;6(5-6):450-4.
    PMID: 21767214 DOI: 10.3109/17477166.2011.590206
    BACKGROUND:Quality of life (QoL) is impaired in childhood obesity, but the literature on this is all from Western countries. Aim. To test for impairment of QoL in obese children in Malaysia, using parent-reported and child-reported QoL.
    METHODS:Health-related Quality of Life was measured using the Paediatric Quality of Life Inventory version 4.0. Comparison of QoL between a community sample of 90 obese children (as defined by US CDC and Cole-IOTF definitions), median age 9.5 y (interquartile range [IQR] 8.6, 10.5 y) and 90 control children of healthy weight (BMI less than the 85th centile of US reference data), median age 10.0 y (IQR 9.6, 10.5 y). Children were matched pair-wise for age, gender, and ethnic group, and controls were recruited from schools in the same area as obese participants.
    RESULTS:For child self-report, the healthy weight group had significantly higher QoL for the physical (median 82.9, IQR 65.7, 90.6), and psychosocial domains (median, 73.3, IQR 64.4, 83.3), and total QoL (median 76.1, IQR 64.1, 84.8) compared to the obese group (median 67.2, IQR 59.4, 81.3; median 62.5, IQR 53.3, 75.4; median 60.9, IQR 50.8, 73.9; all p < 0.001). There were no significant differences between the obese and healthy weight group for parent-reported physical health, psychosocial health, or total QoL.
    CONCLUSION:Obese children in Malaysia have markedly poorer QoL than their peers, but this is not evident when parent reports of QoL are used.
    Study name: Malaysian Childhood Obesity Treatment Trial (MASCOT)
    Study site: Two primary schools, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Obesity/psychology*
  16. Azer SA
    Kaohsiung J. Med. Sci., 2009 May;25(5):240-9.
    PMID: 19502144 DOI: 10.1016/S1607-551X(09)70068-3
    Problem-based learning (PBL) is an excellent opportunity for students to take responsibility for their learning and to develop a number of cognitive skills. These include identifying problems in the trigger, generating hypotheses, constructing mechanisms, developing an enquiry plan, ranking their hypotheses on the basis of available evidence, interpreting clinical and laboratory findings, identifying their learning needs, and dealing with uncertainty. Students also need to work collaboratively in their group, communicate effectively, and take active roles in the tutorials. Therefore, interaction in the group between students and their tutor is vital to ensure deep learning and successful outcomes. The aims of this paper are to discuss the key principles for successful interaction in PBL tutorials and to highlight the major symptoms of superficial learning and poor interactions. This comprises a wide range of symptoms for different group problems, including superficial learning. By early detection of such problems, tutors will be able to explore actions with the group and negotiate changes that can foster group dynamics and enforce deep learning.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical/psychology*
  17. Birks MJ, Chapman Y, Francis K
    J Transcult Nurs, 2009 Jan;20(1):116-23.
    PMID: 18840886 DOI: 10.1177/1043659608325849
    Since the emergence of nursing as a distinct discipline, its status has mirrored that of women in society in general. As a predominantly female profession, nursing has been subject to oppressive forces that have affected women at various stages of history. Despite improvements in the standing of both women and nursing during the past century, nursing has still failed to achieve its full potential. In Malaysia, sociocultural factors combine to further limit the development of the profession. This article explores how such factors merge with the oppression of nursing globally to influence the status of nursing in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Power (Psychology)*
  18. Matsuda I, Tuuga A, Akiyama Y, Higashi S
    Am J Primatol, 2008 Nov;70(11):1097-101.
    PMID: 18651612 DOI: 10.1002/ajp.20604
    From May 2005-2006, selections of river crossing locations and sleeping sites used by a one-male group (BE-Group) of proboscis monkeys (Nasalis larvatus) were investigated along the Menanggul River, tributary of the Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia. The frequency of river crossings for focal monkeys in the BE-Group was significantly higher at locations with narrow branch-to-bank distances. Branch-to-bank distances were defined as the distances between the longest tree branches extending over the river and the bank of river on each side. This was measured in areas crossed by the monkeys. The focal monkeys used locations with a higher probability of successful river crossings that did not require jumping into the water and swimming across than those that did. The frequency of sleeping site usage by the BE-Group was positively correlated with the frequency of using river crossing locations by the focal monkeys. Previous reports on predation of proboscis monkeys indicate that clouded leopards (Neofelis diardi) and crocodilians (Tomistoma schlegeli and Crocodylus porosus) may be the major terrestrial and aquatic predators of these monkeys. The selection of river crossing locations by proboscis monkeys may be influenced both by the threat of these predators and the location of suitable and protected sleeping sites. Finally, sleeping sites locations that offer arboreal escape routes may protect proboscis monkeys from leopard attack.
    Matched MeSH terms: Colobinae/psychology*
  19. Murad MW, Siwar C
    Waste Manag Res, 2007 Feb;25(1):3-13.
    PMID: 17346002
    This study assesses waste management and recycling practices of the urban poor households residing as squatters and in low-cost flats of Kuala Lumpur city, Malaysia. To attain the objective, the study employed some statistical techniques such as t-tests of equality of means, one-way analysis of variance, chi-squared 'likelihood ratio' tests, and simple descriptive statistics. The statistical techniques were used to determine and analyse the factors that significantly influence the environmental behaviour of the urban poor concerning solid waste management, particularly their recycling practices. The findings of the study show that the urban poor and low-income communities have been proved to behave in ways that are consistent with and conducive to environmentally friendly solid waste management. This study provides evidence that the urban poor and low-income communities are the main recyclers, re-users, and source-reducers of their household solid waste. The study, however, suggests that policies should be formulated to focus on promoting knowledge, education, and the skills of the urban poor and, in addition, to empower them as a means of improving their quality of life.
    Matched MeSH terms: Poverty/psychology*
  20. Rosli TI, Abdul Rahman R, Abdul Rahman SR, Ramli R
    Singapore Dent J, 2005 Dec;27(1):17-22.
    PMID: 16438264
    The objectives of this study were to determine the sources of stress among undergraduate dental students, and to compare the sources of stress among the 5 years of undergraduate study, between gender, and with other studies done elsewhere. A total of 325 students across the 5 academic years (88.8% response rate) of the Faculty of Dentistry, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, completed the modified Dental Environment Stress questionnaire. All respondents reported that they experienced some form of stress. The preclinical students reported that examinations and fear of failure caused the most stress. The main stressor for clinical students was clinical training, particularly factors relating to meeting clinical requirements. Female students perceived more stress generally than male students. However, male students were more stressed when faced with factors related to clinical training.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Dental/psychology*
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