OBJECTIVE: The aim of this article is to address three of the most important challenges currently facing the athlete and primary care physician caring for athletes. The challenges are to recognise the potential risks to the athlete of sustaining a sudden cardiac arrest, sports-related concussion or doping violation in sport, as each of these have serious implications for life, wellbeing, performance and/or reputation. Education and risk mitigation are also essential components of care that will be addressed.
DISCUSSION: The primary care physician caring for athletes has a pivotal role in ensuring appropriate screening, education and ongoing surveillance to minimise the potentially serious risks facing those involved with physical activity.
METHODS: A 40-question anonymous online questionnaire was distributed to anesthesiologists and anesthesia trainees in six countries in the Asia-Pacific (Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, India and South Korea). Participants were polled about their current practices in patient warming and temperature measurement across the preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative periods. Questions were also asked regarding various individual and environmental barriers to compliance.
RESULTS: In total, 1154 valid survey responses were obtained and analyzed. 279 (24.2%) of respondents prewarm, 508 (44.0%) perform intraoperative active warming, and 486 (42.1%) perform postoperative active warming in the majority of patients. Additionally, 531 (46.0%) measure temperature preoperatively, 767 (67.5%) measure temperature intraoperatively during general anesthesia, and 953 (82.6%) measure temperature postoperatively in the majority of patients. The availability of active warming devices in the operating room (p
METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was conducted among physicians who were currently working in primary care clinics in the capital state of Kuala Lumpur. The validated "Obstructive Sleep Apnea Knowledge and Attitudes Questionnaire" (OSAKA) and nine additional practice questions were used as the survey instrument.
RESULTS: Of 207 physicians queried, the response rate was 100%. The mean (± SD) total knowledge score was 11.6 (± 2.8) (range 1-18). The majority of respondents had a positive attitude towards the importance of OSA but lacked confidence in managing OSA. Primary care doctors' most common practice for patients with suspected OSA was referral to the ear, nose, and throat (ENT) clinic.
CONCLUSIONS: The study shows that primary care doctors demonstrated adequate knowledge about OSA and were aware of the importance of OSA as a core clinical problem. However, only a minority felt confident in managing patients with OSA. The results of the study may encourage improvement of primary care doctors' efforts to prevent and manage OSA.
OBJECTIVES: To assess and compare the HL communication practices among physicians, pharmacists, and nurses serving at public hospitals in Penang, Malaysia.
METHODS: A pretested, self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data from study participants of 6 public hospitals using stratified sampling. Descriptive and inferential statistics used to analyze the data with level of significance was set at P < 0.05.
RESULTS: Of 600 distributed questionnaires, 526 (87.6%) were adequately filled and returned. Almost 19.0% (n = 98) of the respondents admitted that they did not frequently use simple language and avoid medical jargon during communication with patients. Only about half of the respondents reported frequently using other HL communication practices that include handing out education material to patients (52.2%, n = 275), asking the patient to repeat information (58.9%, n = 310), and asking patients' caregivers to be present during explanation (57.4%, n = 302). Comparatively, drawing pictures to ease patients' understanding (40.1%, n = 211) was the less-frequently practiced HL communication techniques. Health practitioners in the age group >41 years ( P = 0.046), serving 10 years and more ( P = 0.03) and those who have heard the term or concept of HL ( P = 0.004) have statistically significantly higher mean score of HL communication practices than other groups.
CONCLUSIONS: The gap in the HL communication practices among physicians, pharmacists, and nurses warrants educational intervention, and standardized HL communication techniques guidelines are needed in the near future.
METHODS: A total of 436 physicians at two major university medical centers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, completed an online survey. Sociodemographic characteristics, stigma-related constructs, and intentions to discriminate against transgender people were measured. Bivariate and multivariate linear regression were used to evaluate independent covariates of discrimination intent.
RESULTS: Medical doctors who felt more fearful of transgender people and more personal shame associated with transgender people expressed greater intention to discriminate against transgender people, whereas doctors who endorsed the belief that transgender people deserve good care reported lower discrimination intent. Stigma-related constructs accounted for 42% of the variance and 8% was accounted for by sociodemographic characteristics.
CONCLUSIONS: Constructs associated with transgender stigma play an important role in medical doctors' intentions to discriminate against transgender patients. Development of interventions to improve medical doctors' knowledge about and attitudes toward transgender people are necessary to reduce discriminatory intent in healthcare settings.
METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted among N = 271 primary care physicians from 86 primary care practices throughout two states in Malaysia. Questionnaires used were specifically developed based on the TPB, consisting of both direct and indirect measures related to the provision of sickness leave. Questionnaire validity was established through factor analysis and the determination of internal consistency between theoretically related constructs. The temporal stability of the indirect measures was determined via the test-retest correlation analysis. Structural equation modelling was conducted to determine the strength of predictors related to intentions.
RESULTS: The mean scores for intention to provide patients with sickness was low. The Cronbach α value for the direct measures was good: overall physician intent to provide sick leave (0.77), physician attitude towards prescribing sick leave for patients (0.77) and physician attitude in trusting the intention of patients seeking sick leave (0.83). The temporal stability of the indirect measures of the questionnaire was satisfactory with significant correlation between constructs separated by an interval of two weeks (p
METHODS: A qualitative study using in-depth interviews of 31 healthcare practitioners from nine publicly funded, primary care clinics in three states in peninsular Malaysia was conducted for this study. The participants included family medicine specialists, doctors, pharmacists, pharmacist assistants, nurses and assistant medical officers. The interviews were audiotaped and transcribed verbatim. Analysis of the data was guided by the framework approach.
RESULTS: Six themes and 28 codes were identified. Despite the availability of a reporting system, most of the participants agreed that MEs were underreported. The nature of the error plays an important role in determining the reporting. The reporting system, organisational factors, provider factors, reporter's burden and benefit of reporting also were identified.
CONCLUSIONS: Healthcare practitioners in primary care clinics understood the importance of reporting MEs to improve patient safety. Their perceptions and attitudes towards reporting of MEs were influenced by many factors which affect the decision-making process of whether or not to report. Although the process is complex, it primarily is determined by the severity of the outcome of the errors. The participants voluntarily report the errors if they are familiar with the reporting system, what error to report, when to report and what form to use.
METHODS: A national sample (N = 204) of ART-prescribing physicians in Ukraine were surveyed between August and November 2019. Participants underwent a series of randomized, hypothetical HIV clinical scenarios and decided whether to initiate or defer (or withhold) ART. Scenarios varied based on 5 distinct CD4 counts (CD4: 17, 176, 305, 470, or 520 cells/mL) and 10 different PWH key populations. Z scores and McNemar's test for paired samples were used to assess differences between key populations and CD4 count. Feeling thermometers were used to assess stigma-related measures toward key populations among physicians.
RESULTS: Physicians were highly experienced (mean = 19 years) HIV treaters, female (80.4%), and trained in infectious diseases (76.5%). Patients who drink alcohol (range: 21.6%-23.5%) or use (PWUD range: 16.7%-20.1%) or inject (PWID range: 15.5%-20.1%) drugs were most likely to have ART deferred, even at AIDS-defining CD4 counts. PWID maintained on methadone, however, were significantly (p<0.001) less likely to have ART deferred compared with those who were not (range: 7.8%-12.7%) on methadone. Men who have sex with men (range: 5.4%-10.8%), transgender women (range: 4.9%-11.3%), sex workers (range: 3.9%-10.3%),and having an HIV-uninfected sex partner (range: 3.9%-9.3%) had the lowest likelihood of ART deferral. Increasing levels of stigma (i.e., feeling thermometers) towards a key population was correlated with ART deferral (i.e., discrimination).
CONCLUSIONS: Despite international and Ukrainian guidelines recommending ART prescription for all PWH, irrespective of risk or CD4 count, ART deferral by experienced HIV experts remains high in certain key populations, especially in PWH and substance use disorders. Strategies that initiate ART immediately after diagnosis (i.e., rapid start antiretroviral therapy), independent of risk group, should be prioritized to truly mitigate the current epidemic.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a cross-sectional observational study. Medical practitioners were recruited from the Malaysian Medical Association via email invitations. Data were collected via a validated online questionnaire and analysed using SPSS, employing bivariate correlation and multiple linear regression analyses to examine the predictors of referral behaviour.
RESULTS: A total of 389 medical practitioners were recruited. The respondents were predominantly general practitioners aged 35-44 years, with 10-19 years of clinical experience, and approximately 90.0% managed cnLBP. Despite the high awareness of the Traditional and Complementary Medicine Act (92.0%), only 33.2% referred patients to acupuncture. Few had acupuncture training (3.6%) or personal experience (7.7%), and services were available in 12.1% of the workplaces. Medical practitioners possess substantial knowledge about acupuncture treatment for cnLBP; however, misconceptions and uncertainties regarding its mechanisms persist. Using multiple linear regression analysis, the significant predictors of acupuncture referral were self-experience (β=0.151, p<0.01), attitude (β=0.189, p<0.001), and perceived behavioural control (β=0.101, p<0.05).
CONCLUSIONS: Despite positive attitudes and substantial awareness, barriers hinder the broader integration of acupuncture in cnLBP treatment. Targeted education, institutional support, and enhanced research collaborations are essential for improving referral rates and expanding the treatment options for cnLBP.
PURPOSE: This study aimed to investigate the current practice and barriers to the transition of care (TOC) from the perspectives of adult surgeons.
METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted with purposive sampling of adult surgeons from different subspecialties. An online self-administered questionnaire was distributed.
RESULTS: There were 60 respondents. 62% of the respondents had experience managing referrals for continuation of care or complications in patients with congenital abnormalities. 38% of the respondents believed that TOC should be implemented when patients reached ages 17-18 years. 93% of the respondents agreed that a proper TOC model would greatly benefit patient care, and 97% asserted the need to develop TOC pathways in Malaysia. The absence of a proper guideline was the greatest barrier to a smooth TOC.
CONCLUSION: This study offered insights into the obstacles to TOC based on the perspectives and experiences of adult surgeons who participated. While not exhaustive, our study provided a better understanding of the challenges in developing the appropriate referral pathways for the continued care of these patients.