MATERIALS AND METHODS: A prospective and observational study was conducted on consecutive infants with NC referred to the University of Malaya Medical Centre, Malaysia, between November 1996 and May 2004.
RESULTS: The 3 most common causes of cholestasis among the 146 infants with NC studied were idiopathic neonatal hepatitis (n = 63, 43%), BA (n = 35, 24%) and congenital cytomegalovirus hepatitis (n = 13, 9%). Common clinical features at presentation were jaundice (100%), hepatomegaly (95%), splenomegaly (52%) and pale stools (47%). Three clinical features noted to be sensitive for BA were the presence of acholic or variably acholic stools on admission, a liver which was firm/hard in consistency and a palpable liver of ≥4 cm (sensitivity of 77%, 80% and 94%, respectively), but the corresponding specificity was poor (51%, 65% and 39%, respectively). The stools of 2 children with BA were pigmented initially but became acholic subsequently.
CONCLUSIONS: We did not find any single clinical feature with sufficient sensitivity and specificity to differentiate BA from other causes of NC. Repeated inspection of stools colour is necessary as occasionally, patients with BA may have initial pigmented stools. Biochemical assessment and imaging studies are important in the assessment of any infant with NC.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross-sectional study on the HRQoL using the PedsQL4.0 generic core scales in children with BA aged between 2 to 18 years followed up at the University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC) in Malaysia was conducted. Two groups, consisting of healthy children and children with chronic liver disease (CLD) caused by other aetiologies, were recruited as controls.
RESULTS: Children with BA living with their native livers (n = 36; median (range) age: 7.4 (2 to 18) years; overall HRQoL score: 85.6) have a comparable HRQoL score with healthy children (n = 81; median age: 7.0 years; overall HQRoL score: 87.4; P = 0.504) as well as children with CLD (n = 44; median age: 4.3 years; overall score: 87.1; P = 0.563). The HRQoL of children with BA was not adversely affected by having 1 or more hospitalisations in the preceding 12 months, the presence of portal hypertension, older age at corrective surgery (>60 days), a lower level of serum albumin (≤34 g/L) or a higher blood international normalised ratio (INR) (≥1.2). Children who had liver transplantation for BA did not have a significantly better HRQoL as compared to those who had survived with their native livers (85.4 vs 85.7, P = 0.960).
CONCLUSION: HRQoL in children with BA living with their native livers is comparable to healthy children.
METHODOLOGY: Retrospective review of all cultures of cerebrospinal fluid positive for bacteria in children below 12 years of age, processed at the Department of Medical Microbiology, University of Malaya Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur from 1973 to 1997. Records of all cases positive for Salmonella species were retrieved and studied.
RESULTS: Thirteen infants aged 3 days to 9 months with Salmonella meningitis were included. The median age of onset of symptoms was 4 months. The clinical and laboratory features were similar to other causes of bacterial meningitis. Salmonella enteritidis was the commonest serotype isolated. Nine infants developed fits, six of which were difficult to control. Other complications noted were hydrocephalus (five), subdural effusions (four), empyema (three), ventriculitis (two), intracranial haemorrhage and cerebral abscess (one each). The use of ampicillin and/or chloramphenicol and inadequate duration of therapy resulted in recrudescence or relapse in five infants. The overall mortality was 18%. The presence of empyema, intracerebral abscess, ventriculitis, hydrocephalus, and intracranial haemorrhage were associated with adverse neurodevelopmental sequelae or death. More than half of those who survived had normal long-term outcome.
CONCLUSION: Infants who developed neurological complications as a result of Salmonella meningitis had significant mortality and adverse long-term neurodevelopment outcome.
METHODOLOGY: Retrospective review of a group of 131 children with non-typhoid Salmonella gastroenteritis seen at the University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from January 1994 to December 1996.
RESULTS: Sixty-seven percent were infants below one year of age. Fever and vomiting were seen in nearly half of children. Seven children (5.3%) had invasive complications: 5 bacteraemia and 2 meningitis. Age below 6 months, fever > 38.0 degrees C, and dehydration on admission were significantly associated with invasive complications. The commonest serotypes isolated were S. enteritidis, S. paratyphi B, and S. bovis-morbificans. A total of 94-100% of isolates were susceptible to commonly prescribed antibiotics.
CONCLUSIONS: Children with Salmonella gastroenteritis below 6 months of age who are febrile and dehydrated should be treated empirically with antibiotics until the result of blood culture is available.
Methods: A CU model was adapted to evaluate racecadotril plus ORS vs ORS alone for acute diarrhea in children younger than 5 years from a Malaysian public payer's perspective. A bespoke BI analysis was undertaken in addition to detailed scenario analyses with respect to critical model structure components.
Results: According to the CU model, the intervention is less costly and more effective than comparator for the base case with a dominant incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of -RM 1,272,833/quality-adjusted life year (USD -312,726/quality-adjusted life year) in favor of the intervention. According to the BI analysis (assuming an increase of 5% market share per year for racecadotril+ORS for 5 years), the total cumulative incremental percentage reduction in health care expenditure for diarrhea in children is 0.136578%, resulting in a total potential cumulative cost savings of -RM 73,193,603 (USD -17,983,595) over a 5-year period. Results hold true across a range of plausible scenarios focused on critical model components.
Conclusion: Adjuvant racecadotril vs ORS alone is potentially cost-effective from a Malaysian public payer perspective subject to the assumptions and limitations of the model. BI analysis shows that this translates into potential cost savings for the Malaysian public health care system. Results hold true at evidence-based base case values and over a range of alternate scenarios.