Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 261 in total

  1. Lee YY, Tang TK, Lai OM
    J Food Sci, 2012 Aug;77(8):R137-44.
    PMID: 22748075 DOI: 10.1111/j.1750-3841.2012.02793.x
    Medium- and long-chain triacylglycerol (MLCT) is a modified lipid containing medium- chain (C6-C12) and long-chain fatty acids (C14-C24) in the same triacylglycerol (TAG) molecule. It can be produced either through enzymatic (with 1,3 specific or nonspecific enzyme) or chemical methods. The specialty of this structured lipid is that it is metabolized differently compared to conventional fats and oils, which can lead to a reduction of fat accumulation in the body. Therefore, it can be used for obesity management. It also contains nutritional properties that can be used to treat metabolic problems. This review will discuss on the health benefits of MLCT, its production methods especially via enzymatic processes and its applications in food industries.
  2. Muthupalaniappen L, Norhayati M, Lee YY
    Korean J Parasitol, 2012 Mar;50(1):79-82.
    PMID: 22451739 DOI: 10.3347/kjp.2012.50.1.79
    Cat flea bite in humans results in extremely pruritic skin lesions. It has been reported to occur among those living in domiciliary accommodation. However, nosocomial infestation with cat flea has not been reported. We hereby report a case of nosocomial infestation of cat flea in a hospital facility. Identification of the parasite, its appropriate eradication, and adequate medical management of the patients resulted in a satisfactory outcome.
  3. Jamil A, Lee YY, Thevarajah S
    Med Mycol, 2012 Jan;50(1):99-102.
    PMID: 21449695 DOI: 10.3109/13693786.2011.571295
    Chromoblastomycosis is a chronic subcutaneous mycosis seen mainly in tropical regions. While malignant transformation rarely occurs, the present report describes a 69-year-old man with a 21-year history of chromoblastomycosis complicated by invasive squamous cell carcinoma requiring amputation of the affected limb. A review of previous reported cases shows malignancy arising after 20-30 years of infection in ≥60-year-old males who have received inadequate treatment of chromoblastomycosis and have had relapses. An immunocompromised state is not an associated feature of such cases. The extremities are commonly affected as carcinomas occur from the most chronic lesions which are generally found on these limbs.
  4. Lee YY, Tee HP, Mahadeva S
    World J Gastroenterol, 2014 Feb 21;20(7):1790-6.
    PMID: 24587656 DOI: 10.3748/wjg.v20.i7.1790
    Bacterial infections are common in cirrhotic patients with acute variceal bleeding, occurring in 20% within 48 h. Outcomes including early rebleeding and failure to control bleeding are strongly associated with bacterial infection. However, mortality from variceal bleeding is largely determined by the severity of liver disease. Besides a higher Child-Pugh score, patients with hepatocellular carcinoma are particularly susceptible to infections. Despite several hypotheses that include increased use of instruments, greater risk of aspiration pneumonia and higher bacterial translocation, it remains debatable whether variceal bleeding results in infection or vice versa but studies suggest that antibiotic prophylaxis prior to endoscopy and up to 8 h is useful in reducing bacteremia and spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. Aerobic gram negative bacilli of enteric origin are most commonly isolated from cultures, but more recently, gram positives and quinolone-resistant organisms are increasingly seen, even though their clinical significance is unclear. Fluoroquinolones (including ciprofloxacin and norfloxacin) used for short term (7 d) have the most robust evidence and are recommended in most expert guidelines. Short term intravenous cephalosporin (especially ceftriaxone), given in a hospital setting with prevalent quinolone-resistant organisms, has been shown in studies to be beneficial, particularly in high risk patients with advanced cirrhosis.
  5. Chuah YY, Lee YY, Tsai TJ
    Postgrad Med, 2017 May;129(4):488-490.
    PMID: 28335674 DOI: 10.1080/00325481.2017.1311198
    Migration of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tube to colon with gastro-colonic-cutaneous fistula formation is a rare complication of the procedure. Transient episodic diarrhea following each PEG tube feeding is typical of this complication. We present a 72-year-old man with cerebrovascular disease and scoliosis who encountered episodes of transient diarrhea after each PEG tube feeding. His diarrhea was refractory to medications. Colonoscopy demonstrated a mal-positioned PEG in the transverse colon. Computed tomogram (CT) of abdomen further confirmed the finding. After removal of the migrated PEG, his diarrhea had ceased completely. The gastro-colonic-cutaneous fistula was further managed with endoscopic clipping method with no complications encountered during follow up.
  6. Ch'ng CC, Wong SM, Lee YY
    Cutis, 2017 Jan;99(1):E1-E3.
    PMID: 28207013
  7. Lee YY, Annamalai C, Rao SSC
    Curr Gastroenterol Rep, 2017 Sep 25;19(11):56.
    PMID: 28948467 DOI: 10.1007/s11894-017-0595-4
    PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Post-infectious irritable bowel syndrome (PI-IBS) is characterized by persistent abdominal pain and diarrhea, typically following an episode of infectious gastroenteritis. The mechanisms that underlie IBS-D remain elusive, but PI-IBS provides a mechanistic model of this disorder. This review provides an up-to-date appraisal of the pathophysiology, clinical features, and management approaches for PI-IBS.

    RECENT FINDINGS: Disordered immune reactions and release of cytokines with resultant gut inflammation and dysfunction appear to be key features of PI-IBS. Disordered brain-gut-microbiota interactions, type of infecting agent, and host-genetic susceptibility are risk factors but also are reasons for the varying spectrum of clinical severity. Although prognosis is generally good, symptoms and inflammation may persist for a long time. Symptomatic relief with antidiarrheals, antispasmodics, 5HT3 antagonists, mesalamine, probiotics, and low-dose antidepressants remain the primary approaches, but in some difficult cases, a combination of drugs that target the pathophysiology may be helpful. PI-IBS has many overlapping features with IBS-D and shares similar pathophysiology and management approaches.

  8. Patimah AW, Lee YY, Dariah MY
    BMC Gastroenterol, 2017 Nov 02;17(1):115.
    PMID: 29096625 DOI: 10.1186/s12876-017-0672-z
    BACKGROUND: In clinical practice, assessment of constipation depends on reliability, consistency and frequency of several commonly reported or core symptoms. It is not known if frequency patterns of constipation symptoms in adults are different between the West and the East. This review aimed to describe core constipation symptoms and their frequency patterns among the Asian adults.

    METHODS: Articles published in PubMed, MEDLINE, CINAHL and Science Direct from 2005 to 2015 were searched systematically. Studies were included if constipation satisfied the Rome II and or III criteria. Study populations consisted of Asian adults above 18 years old and with sample size above 50.

    RESULTS: Of 2812 articles screened, 11 met the eligibility criteria. Constipation among Asian adults was characterized by three core symptoms of 'straining' at 82.8%, 'lumpy and hard stool' at 74.2% and 'sensation of incomplete evacuation' at 68.1% and the least frequent symptom was 'manual maneuver to facilitate defecation' at 23.3%. There was heterogeneity in frequency patterns of core symptoms between different Asian studies but also differences in core symptoms between constipation subtypes of functional constipation and irritable bowel syndrome with constipation.

    CONCLUSIONS: In general, Asian adults perceive constipation symptoms in a similar but not equivalent manner to the West. Recognition of core symptoms will increase the diagnostic confidence of constipation and its subtypes but more studies of the various specific Asian populations are needed to address their differences.

  9. Simadibrata DM, Syam AF, Lee YY
    J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2022 Dec;37(12):2217-2228.
    PMID: 36181401 DOI: 10.1111/jgh.16017
    BACKGROUND AND AIM: Potassium-competitive acid blocker (PCAB) is a recent alternative to proton pump inhibitor (PPI) for potent acid suppression. The current systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to compare the efficacy and safety of PCAB versus PPI in treating gastric acid-related diseases.

    METHODS: We searched up to June 5, 2022, for randomized controlled trials of gastric acid-related diseases that included erosive esophagitis, symptomatic gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), peptic ulcers, and Helicobacter pylori infection. The pooled risk ratio (RR) was evaluated for the efficacy outcome and treatment-emergent adverse events (TEAEs) as the safety outcome. Sensitivity analyses were performed to test the robustness of the study findings.

    RESULTS: Of the 710 screened studies, 19 studies including 7023 participants were analyzed. The RRs for the healing of erosive esophagitis with Vonoprazan versus PPI were 1.09 (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.03-1.14), 1.03 (95% CI 1.00-1.07), and 1.02 (95% CI 1.00-1.05) in Weeks 2, 4, and 8, respectively. There were no differences in the improvement of GERD symptoms and healing of gastric and duodenal ulcers between PCAB and PPI. The pooled eradication rates of H. pylori were significantly higher in Vonoprazan versus PPI first-line treatment (RR 1.13; 95% CI 1.04-1.22). The overall RR of TEAEs with Vonoprazan versus PPI was 1.08 (95% CI 0.89-1.31). Overall, the risk of bias was low to some concerns. Furthermore, sensitivity analyses confirmed the robustness of the study's conclusion.

    CONCLUSION: Vonoprazan is superior to PPI in first-line H. pylori eradication and erosive esophagitis but non-inferior in other gastric acid-related diseases. Likewise, short-term safety is comparable in both treatment groups.

  10. Lee YY, Wan Muda WAM
    Nutr Res Pract, 2019 Apr;13(2):159-168.
    PMID: 30984360 DOI: 10.4162/nrp.2019.13.2.159
    BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: Over the past few decades, Malaysia has been experiencing an increased prevalence of overweight and obesity that threatens the health of Malaysians. Poor dietary intake is one of the major contributors to the development of obesity and many non-communicable diseases. The dietary intakes of adults in Malaysia were assessed to determine the association between the dietary intake variables and the body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC) measurements. This study examined whether the dietary intake achieved the recommended nutritional guidelines and compared the intakes between both sexes.

    SUBJECTS/METHODS: The height, weight, and WC of four-hundred-and-ninety adults (n = 490) in Malaysia were measured using standard procedures. The three-day 24-hour dietary recalls were conducted on 422 out of the 490 adults and their dietary intakes were evaluated in detail. The selected dietary intake variables were used to determine the associations with the obesity indicators.

    RESULTS: Among the participants, 52.8% were overweight or obese. After data analysis, the mean energy intake was 1,550 kcal/day, in which male participants had a significantly higher energy and macronutrients intake than females. Protein consumption and its percentage of energy contribution exceeded the recommended range. The consumption of fruits, vegetables, and milk and milk products were lower than the recommended number of servings for a healthy diet. The male participants consumed significantly more servings of carbohydrate-based foods, meat, and fats, oils, and sweets than females. Among the selected dietary intake variables, only the carbohydrate intake was negatively associated with the BMI (Estimate b = -0.008) and WC measurements (Estimate b = -0.019) after adjusting for covariates.

    CONCLUSIONS: This study evaluated the dietary intakes of a sample of Malaysian adults and its association with the obesity indicators. The results highlight the need for improvements and modifications of the dietary intake of Malaysians to reduce the overweight and obesity rates.

  11. Lee YY, Erdogan A, Rao SS
    J Neurogastroenterol Motil, 2014 Oct 30;20(4):547-52.
    PMID: 25230902 DOI: 10.5056/jnm14056
    Management of chronic constipation with refractory symptoms can be challenging. Although new drugs and behavioral treat-ments have improved outcome, when they fail, there is little guidance on what to do next. At this juncture, typically most doc-tors may refer for surgical intervention although total colectomy is associated with morbidity including complications such as recurrent bacterial overgrowth. Recently, colonic manometry with sensory/tone/compliance assessment with a barostat study has been shown to be useful. Technical challenges aside, adequate preparation, and appropriate equipment and knowledge of co-lonic physiology are keys for a successful procedure. The test itself appears to be safe with little complications. Currently, colon-ic manometry is usually performed with a 6-8 solid state or water-perfused sensor probe, although high-resolution fiber-optic colonic manometry with better spatiotemporal resolutions may become available in the near future. For a test that has evolved over 3 decades, normal physiology and abnormal findings for common phenotypes of chronic constipation, especially slow transit constipation, have been well characterized only recently largely through the advent of prolonged 24-hour ambulatory colonic manometry studies. Even though the test has been largely restricted to specialized laboratories at the moment, emerg-ing new technologies and indications may facilitate its wider use in the near future.(J Neurogastroenterol Motil 2014;20:547-552).
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