Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 295 in total

  1. Ng KH, Bezak E
    Phys Med, 2020 Jul;75:83-84.
    PMID: 32559649 DOI: 10.1016/j.ejmp.2020.06.011
    In the current pandemic times, medical physicists may not be aware that there is an interesting story on two significant discoveries related to the coronavirus. One is the invention of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and the other is the first electron microscopic observation and identification of the coronavirus. Both of them were disregarded by the reviewers and major journals declined to publish these discoveries. These days, PCR, for example, is a widespread method for analyzing DNA, having a profound effect on healthcare, especially now during the Covid-19 pandemic. Prejudice or perhaps ignorance prevail in every aspect of our society, and there is no exception in scientific research. We need to, however, learn from these two stories and be open-minded about novel discoveries and findings - as they may be just disruptive in the "right" way to lead to an unexpected breakthrough.
  2. Ng KH, Kemp R
    J Zhejiang Univ Sci B, 2020 9 8;21(9):752-754.
    PMID: 32893533 DOI: 10.1631/jzus.B2000228
    The world is now plagued by a pandemic of unprecedented nature caused by a novel, emerging, and still poorly understood infectious disease, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) (Wu and McGoogan, 2020). In addition to the rapidly growing body of scientific and medical literature that is being published, extensive public reports and stories in both the traditional media and social media have served to generate fear, panic, stigmatization, and instances of xenophobia (Zarocostas, 2020).
  3. Sivanesaratnam V, Ng KH
    Med J Malaysia, 1977 Mar;31(3):229-31.
    PMID: 904517
  4. Siar CH, Ng KH
    J Oral Pathol Med, 2014 Jan;43(1):45-52.
    PMID: 23560539 DOI: 10.1111/jop.12065
    Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) via the mechanism of transcription repression is a crucial process for the induction of invasiveness in many human tumors. Ameloblastoma is a benign odontogenic epithelial neoplasm with a locally infiltrative behavior. Twist, an EMT promoter, has been implicated in its invasiveness. The roles of the other transcription factors remain unclarified.
  5. Ng KH, Lean ML
    Health Phys, 2012 Sep;103(3):307-10.
    PMID: 22850236 DOI: 10.1097/HP.0b013e318257cfcb
    The potential of social media has expanded far beyond the initial function of social communication among a network of friends. It has become an increasingly important tool in risk communication to allow the dissemination of timely and accurate information to global citizens to make more informed choices regarding a particular crisis. The Fukushima nuclear crisis is an example where the potential of social media was not fully tapped. This caused undue stress and distrust of authorities. While the use of social media in this crisis could have altered significantly the level of trust in authorities and others, two additional points should be considered. One point is the use of plain language versus scientific language in order to reach a wider audience. The other is an urgent need to improve public information especially in the event of a nuclear emergency and to enhance educational efforts and action by improving radiological protection communication from regulatory bodies and international agencies. These are points that also play a large role in the use of social media.
  6. Ng KH, McLean ID
    Semin Musculoskelet Radiol, 2011 Nov;15(5):441-5.
    PMID: 22081279 DOI: 10.1055/s-0031-1293490
    An estimated two thirds of the world's population is currently without access to diagnostic radiology services, and most of them live in resource-limited tropical regions with harsh environments. Most patients are diagnosed and treated in poorly equipped government-funded hospitals and clinics that have insufficiently trained staff and are barely operational. Any available imaging equipment is likely to be functioning suboptimally and be poorly maintained. The root of the problem is usually a lack of know-how and a quality culture, combined with insufficient basic equipment and infrastructure. Radiological imaging is an essential aspect of primary care and used in the critical diagnosis and management of trauma, tuberculosis, pneumonia, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, cancer, and other respiratory and abdominal diseases. Considerations such as quality management and infrastructure, personnel, equipment, and radiation protection and safety are important to ensure the proper functioning and rational use of a diagnostic radiology facility in the tropics.
  7. Bister M, Yap C, Ng Kh, Tok Ch
    Biomed Imaging Interv J, 2007 Jan;3(1):e9.
    PMID: 21614269 DOI: 10.2349/biij.3.1.e9
    MatLab(®) has often been considered an excellent environment for fast algorithm development but is generally perceived as slow and hence not fit for routine medical image processing, where large data sets are now available e.g., high-resolution CT image sets with typically hundreds of 512x512 slices. Yet, with proper programming practices - vectorization, pre-allocation and specialization - applications in MatLab(®) can run as fast as in C language. In this article, this point is illustrated with fast implementations of bilinear interpolation, watershed segmentation and volume rendering.
  8. Nizam M, Ng Kh, Abdullah B
    Biomed Imaging Interv J, 2006 Jul;2(3):e38.
    PMID: 21614246 MyJurnal DOI: 10.2349/biij.2.3.e38
    The accuracy and the efficacy of radiological diagnosis depend, to a large extent, on the conditions under which radiographs and images are viewed. This mainly involves the luminance of the display devices and the ambient room illumination. We report a perceptual study to investigate the relationship between detectability and monitor luminance as well as ambient illuminance. A statistical test pattern was used in this study, and the test pattern was developed using Microsoft® Visual Basic 6. The test pattern contained a set of randomised contrast detail objects, that is, disks of different diameters (0.7, 1.0, 1.4, and 2.0 mm) and contrasts against a black background (2.7, 3.9, 5.5, and 7.8%), simulating lesions in digital images. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis was used in this study. The results indicated that a set of optimal viewing conditions exists and that it has a significant effect on detectability performance.
  9. Woo MK, Ng KH
    J Med Internet Res, 2003 Jan-Mar;5(1):e3.
    PMID: 12746208
    Medical physics is a relatively small community but it spans great geographical distances, usually with a scarcity of experts whose expertise could greatly benefit students entering into the field. In addition there are many software systems for which an interactive education method would be most advantageous.
  10. Ng KH, Siar CH
    PMID: 12738952
    Although rare, hard tissue deposits, namely dystrophic calcifications and cartilage, have been reported to occur in the connective tissue wall of the odontogenic keratocyst. However, dentinoid formation has not been previously documented. A case involving the left mandibular premolar-molar region in a 37-year-old Malay male is described here along with a brief review on the reported prevalence of hard tissue deposits in the odontogenic keratocyst. Differential diagnosis of this case from other dentinoid-forming odontogenic cysts and tumors-notably calcifying odontogenic cyst, odontoma, ameloblastic fibro-odontoma, central odontogenic fibroma and adenomatoid odontogenic tumor that may present with dentin/dentinoid formation-is discussed.
  11. Jamal N, Ng KH, McLean D
    Br J Radiol, 2003 Apr;76(904):238-45.
    PMID: 12711643
    The primary objective of this study was to determine the mean glandular dose (MGD) during diagnostic mammography in Malaysia. The secondary objective was to evaluate some of the factors affecting MGD. A survey of standard MGD was performed, based upon quality control records for the period October 1999 to August 2001. This covered 30 mammography units from 9 manufacturers. MGD was also measured for a series of patients attending mammography examinations at three other mammography units. MGD per film was estimated from recorded radiographic factors, the compressed breast thickness (CBT) and X-ray unit calibration data. MGD per woman was calculated by summing the MGDs for all films, and averaging it over both breasts. 300 women drawn equally from three major ethnic groups, namely Malay, Chinese and Indian, took part in the study. The difference of MGD per woman between ethnic groups was tested for significance using non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis and median tests. The factors affecting MGD per woman were tested for significance using a multivariate analysis of variance. The MGD for the phantom was 1.23 mGy (range 0.22-2.39 mGy) while the mean patient based MGD per film was 1.54 mGy and 1.82 mGy for the craniocaudal and mediolateral oblique views, respectively. The mean MGD per woman was 3.37 mGy. It was also found that there is no significant difference in MGD per woman among the ethnic groups (p>0.05, Kruskal-Wallis test). However, on the multivariate test two factors, namely half value layer of the X-ray beam and (CBT), had a significant effect on MGD per woman (p<0.05). No significant relationships were seen between MGD per woman with respect to ethnicity, body mass index or age.
  12. Siar CH, Ng KH
    Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 2000 Feb;38(1):19-22.
    PMID: 10783442
    Analysis of case records of 46 patients with peripheral odontogenic fibroma (1967-95) diagnosed in the Division of Stomatology, Institute for Medical Research, Kuala Lumpur, disclosed a relatively young age of onset (mean, 32.2 years; range 5 months-64 years; peak incidence second decade of life), a slight female preponderance (M:F ratio 1:1.3), no racial predilection, a slight bias towards location in the mandible (52%) and a wide histomorphological range. All cases were treated by simple excision. Follow-up records were generally not available, so we do not know what the recurrence rate is.
  13. Ng KH, Siar CH
    J Nihon Univ Sch Dent, 1995 Sep;37(3):156-62.
    PMID: 7490609
    Calcifying odontogenic cysts (COCs) represent a group of lesions that may be broadly classified into two main entities: cysts and neoplasms. In the present study 30 non-neoplastic cystic COCs were examined by a quantitative histological method in an attempt to calibrate the relative distribution of the type of epithelial lining, intensity of ghost cell formation and the amount of dentinoid present. The results showed that there are two main types of cystic COC: an odontoma-producing type and a non-odontoma-producing variant. Morphologically, tooth-like structures were a valid distinguishing feature, while morphometrically the odontoma-producing variant showed a greater amount of luminal and mural dentinoid as well as luminal ghost cells. Demographic analysis also revealed that the odontoma-producing COC occurred in younger patients and showed an even sex distribution, whereas the non-odontoma-producing type was seen in older patients and showed a predilection for females. Both subtypes were more prevalent in the Chinese population and occurred preferentially in the maxilla.
  14. Siar CH, Ng KH
    J Nihon Univ Sch Dent, 1995 Sep;37(3):163-9.
    PMID: 7490610
    The lining epithelium of 15 cases of odontogenic keratocyst (OKC) was evaluated immunohistochemically. The peroxidase-antiperoxidase technique was applied to study the distribution of polyclonal keratin and S-100 protein while the indirect method was used to examine monoclonal vimentin and desmin reactivity. Consistent positive keratin staining was revealed in the lining epithelium of all 15 OKCs with additional intense staining in the stratum corneum. None of the cases showed vimentin or desmin reactivity within the lining epithelium elements. One of the 15 cysts studied showed positive S-100 protein staining in the nuclei of the lining epithelial cells. The pertinent literature on the immunophenotyping of the lining epithelium of OKC is reviewed.
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