Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 43 in total

  1. Pahlevan Sharif S, Bolt EET, Ahadzadeh AS, Turner JJ, Sharif Nia H
    Nurs Open, 2021 11;8(6):3606-3615.
    PMID: 33979031 DOI: 10.1002/nop2.911
    AIM: The current study aims to examine the moderating role of psychological ownership in the process that translates organisational support into nurses' turnover intentions through job satisfaction.

    DESIGN: A cross-sectional research design was used to test the hypotheses.

    METHOD: Using a purposive sampling 341 self-completed survey data were collected from nurses working in two public hospitals in Iran. Structural equation modelling was used to analyse the data.

    RESULT: The research revealed that organisational support and job satisfaction were negatively related to a healthcare professionals' turnover intention. Moreover, job satisfaction mediated the negative relationship between organisational support and turnover intention. The research also revealed that psychological ownership strengthened the positive relationship between organisational support and job satisfaction.

  2. Sharif Nia H, She L, Rasiah R, Khoshnavay Fomani F, Kaveh O, Pahlevan Sharif S, et al.
    Front Public Health, 2021;9:683291.
    PMID: 34869136 DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.683291
    Background: Studies have revealed an increase in discrimination, neglect, and abuse among the older adult population during this period. This study assessed the validity and reliability of the Persian version of the ageism survey instrument tested on a sample of the Iranian older adult population during coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. An important move in counteracting ageism is to classify the ageism scale comprehensively by employing adequate psychometrics. Methods: The Persian version of the ageism scale was developed using a two-step procedure. The first step involved translating and revising the original scale to develop a Persian version of the ageism scale. The second step involved assessing the psychometric features of the newly adapted scale using construct validity through exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and thereafter assessing the reliability through the average inter-item correlation (AIC), Cronbach's alpha. The sample consisted of 400 older adults (age 65 and older), who were recruited through online data collection, with samples for EFA and CFA randomly selected from the total samples. Results: The Persian version of the ageism survey has three factors: age-related deprivation with five items, dignity with three items, and employment with three items; all of which explained 57.02% of the total variance. The outcome of the EFA was verified by the CFA, with internal consistency reliability being excellent (Cronbach's alpha was 0.725, 0.698, and 0.708 for the three factors). Conclusion: This study specifically offers a restructured three factors Persian version of the ageism survey for Iranian older adults with acceptable construct validity and reliability.
  3. Sharif Nia H, Rahmatpour P, Sivarajan Froelicher E, Pahlevan Sharif S, Kaveh O, Rezazadeh Fazeli A, et al.
    Front Public Health, 2021;9:728904.
    PMID: 34970522 DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.728904
    Background: Several studies indicate a high prevalence of depression around the world during the period of the COVID-19 pandemic. Using a valid instrument to capture the depression of an individual in this situation is both important and timely. The present study aims to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Persian version of the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) among the public during the COVID-19 pandemic in Iran. Method: This is a cross-sectional study that was conducted in the Iranian population (n = 600) from April to July 2020. A two-part online form was used: sociodemographic characteristics and depression items (CES-D). The construct validity and internal consistency reliability of the scale were evaluated. Result: The results of the exploratory factor analysis illustrated two factors with 43.35% of the total variance of the depression were explained. Confirmatory factor analysis indicated that this model fits well. Internal consistency reliability was evaluated, and it was acceptable. Conclusion: The findings demonstrated that, in the Iranian sample, this depression scale yielded two factors (somatic and positive affects) solutions with suitable psychometric properties.
  4. Yaghoobzadeh A, Sharif Nia H, Pahlevan Sharif S, Hosseinigolafshani SZ, Mohammadi F, Oveisi S, et al.
    Int J Aging Hum Dev, 2018 Jul;87(1):77-89.
    PMID: 28859489 DOI: 10.1177/0091415017727211
    Self-perception is found to be a central predictive factor in experiencing successful aging. The aim of this study was to explore the role of sex, socioeconomic status, and emotional support in elders' aging perception. A cross-sectional design was used with 300 older aged participants recruited from 23 clinics and health centers in Qazvin, Iran. Data were collected included questions to elicit demographic information and Barker's aging perception questionnaire. Exploratory multiple linear regression showed that the level of emotional support (β: -12.10; 95% CI: [-20.72, -3.48]), socioeconomic status (β: 2.84; 95% CI: [0.25, 5.43]), and women (β: -4.34; 95% CI: [-6.91, -1.77]) were associated with aging perception among elders. Educational level and marital status did not significantly contribute to the variance of AP. Findings revealed that aging perception was related to individual differences as well as social and emotional factors. Researchers, health-care professionals, and elders may benefit from thinking about old age as an inevitable life stage.
  5. Yaghoobzadeh A, Gorgulu O, Yee BL, Wibisono AH, Pahlevan Sharif S, Sharif Nia H, et al.
    J Am Psychiatr Nurses Assoc, 2018 01 22;24(6):522-530.
    PMID: 29357723 DOI: 10.1177/1078390317753676
    BACKGROUND: Aging perception plays a central role in the experience of healthy aging by older people. Research identified that factors such as hope, life satisfaction, and socioeconomic status influence the perception of aging in older populations.

    OBJECTIVE: This study sought to test a hypothetical model to quantitatively evaluate the relationship between hope, life satisfaction, and socioeconomic status with aging perception.

    DESIGN: A cross-sectional design was used with 504 older aged participants who live in Qazvin, Iran. Data were collected using the Barker's Aging Perception Questionnaire, Life Satisfaction Index-Z, and Herth Hope Index.

    RESULTS: The results of path analysis showed that hope was the most important factor affecting aging perception. Results drawn from correlation analysis indicated that there was a positive significant correlation ( r = .383, p < .001) between hope and aging perception. Further analysis found that hope had the strongest impact on aging perception compared with the other variables analyzed (e.g., life satisfaction and socioeconomic status).

    CONCLUSIONS: A model of aging perception in Iranian elders is presented. The findings suggested that hope had a significant and positive impact on aging perception. Implications for clinical practice and research are discussed.

  6. Nazari R, Pahlevan Sharif S, Allen KA, Sharif Nia H, Yee BL, Yaghoobzadeh A
    J Caring Sci, 2018 Dec;7(4):197-203.
    PMID: 30607360 DOI: 10.15171/jcs.2018.030
    Introduction: A consistent approach to pain assessment for patients admitted to intensive care unit (ICU) is a major difficulty for health practitioners due to some patients' inability, to express their pain verbally. This study aimed to assess pain behaviors (PBs) in traumatic brain injury (TBI) patients at different levels of consciousness. Methods: This study used a repeated-measure, within-subject design with 35 patients admitted to an ICU. The data were collected through observations of nociceptive and non-nociceptive procedures, which were recorded through a 47-item behavior-rating checklist. The analyses were performed by SPSS ver.13 software. Results: The most frequently observed PBs during nociceptive procedures were facial expression levator contractions (65.7%), sudden eye openings (34.3%), frowning (31.4%), lip changes (31.4%), clear movement of extremities (57.1%), neck stiffness (42.9%), sighing (31.4%), and moaning (31.4%). The number of PBs exhibited by participants during nociceptive procedures was significantly higher than those observed before and 15 minutes after the procedures. Also, the number of exhibited PBs in patients during nociceptive procedures was significantly greater than that of exhibited PBs during the non-nociceptive procedure. The results showed a significant difference between different levels of consciousness and also between the numbers of exhibited PBs in participants with different levels of traumatic brain injury severity. Conclusion: The present study showed that most of the behaviors that have been observed during painful stimulation in patients with traumatic brain injury included facial expressions, sudden eye opening, frowning, lip changes, clear movements of extremities, neck stiffness, and sighing or moaning.
  7. Sharif Nia H, Akhlaghi E, Torkian S, Khosravi V, Etesami R, Froelicher ES, et al.
    Front Psychol, 2021;12:671124.
    PMID: 34658994 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.671124
    Background: The coronavirus pandemic can cause unprecedented global anxiety, and, in contrast, resilience can help the mental health of people in stressful situations. This study aimed to assess anxiety, hyperarousal stress, the resilience of the Iranian population, and their related factors during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) epidemic. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in 31 provinces in Iran between March 18 and 25, 2020. A four-part questionnaire, including the demographic information, the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-y1-a 20-item standard questionnaire for obvious anxiety), the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC-a 25 item standard questionnaire), and the stress hyperarousal subscale from the Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R), was used to collect data. The ordinal multivariable generalized estimating equation (GEE) model was used to identify correlates of the psychological factors mentioned above. The Fisher exact test was used to investigate the relationship between anxiety, stress, resilience, and the COVID-19 outbreak. All analyses were conducted with SPSS 26 and GIS 10.71. Results: The findings show that most people had moderate-to-severe anxiety (80.17%) and a high level of resilience (96.4%) during the COVID-19 epidemic. The majority of participants had a moderate level of stress (58.9%). The lowest and highest prevalences of psychiatric disorders were in Sistan and Baluchestan (3.14 cases per 100,000 people) and Semnan (75.9 cases per 100,000 people) provinces, respectively. Men and unmarried people were the only variables significantly associated with anxiety and resilience. Age, gender, and education were significantly associated with hyperarousal stress. Conclusion: The high and moderate levels of anxiety and stress in Iranians can have negative effects on the well-being and performance of the people and can lead to serious problems. Also, high resilience during negative life events (such as the COVID-19 pandemic) is associated with the well-being in the lives of people. The results of this study can be used in interventions and other psychological studies.
  8. Sharif Nia H, Pahlevan Sharif S, Lehto RH, Allen KA, Goudarzian AH, Yaghoobzadeh A, et al.
    Iran J Psychiatry, 2017 Jul;12(3):172-181.
    PMID: 29062368
    Objective: Limited research has examined the psychometric properties of death depression scales in Persian populations with cardiac disease despite the need for valid assessment tools for evaluating depressive symptoms in patients with life-limiting chronic conditions. The present study aimed at evaluating the reliability and validity of the Persian Version of Death Depression Scale - Revised (DDS-R) in Iranian patients who had recent acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Method: This psychometric study was conducted with a convenience sample of 407 patients with AMI diagnosis who completed the Persian version of the DDS-R. The face, content, and construct validity of the scale were ascertained. Internal consistency, test-retest, and construct reliability (CR) were used to assess reliability of the Persian Version of DDS-R. Results: Based on maximum likelihood exploratory factor analysis and consideration of conceptual meaning, a 4-factor solution was identified, explaining 75.89% of the total variance. Goodness-of-fit indices (GFI), Comparative Fit Index (CFI), Normed Fit Index (NFI), Incremental Fit Index (IFI), and Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) in the final DDS-R structure demonstrated the adequacy of the 4-domain structure. The internal consistency, construct reliability, and Intra-class Correlation Coefficients (ICC) were greater than .70. Conclusion: The DDS-R was found to be a valid and reliable assessment tool for evaluating death depression symptoms in Iranian patients with AMI.
  9. Pahlevan Sharif S, She L, Liu L, Naghavi N, Lola GK, Sharif Nia H, et al.
    Nurs Open, 2023 Jan;10(1):123-134.
    PMID: 35906871 DOI: 10.1002/nop2.1286
    AIM: There has been growing concern about the nurses' turnover intention as well as life satisfaction during COVID-19 pandemic in Iran. The past research has provided evidence on the effect of organizational support on nurses' job satisfaction and turnover intention. However, little is known about the underlying mechanism behind these associations.

    DESIGN: A cross-sectional survey was undertaken.

    METHODS: An online survey was conducted in Iran from May to June 2020 through Google Docs Forms. In total, 305 nurses were participated and completed the online survey. Data were analysed using structural equation modelling through (AMOS). This study was checked with the STROBE checklist.

    RESULT: The results showed that nurses' perception of organizational support was positively related to their job satisfaction which in turn decreases the turnover intention. Likewise, the job satisfaction partially mediated the relationship between organizational support and nurses' life satisfaction.

  10. Nikbakht Nasrabadi A, Pahlevan Sharif S, Allen KA, Naghavi N, Sharif Nia H, Salisu WJ, et al.
    Eur J Cancer Prev, 2022 Mar 01;31(2):198-203.
    PMID: 33899748 DOI: 10.1097/CEJ.0000000000000683
    While much research has focused on the direct impact of socioeconomic status on cancer patients, what is not clear is the impact of socioeconomic status on social support and the burden of care for caregivers. In this study, a cross-sectional method, using a convenience sampling approach, was adopted to collect the data of 191 caregivers of cancer patients who were referred to the oncology clinic and cancer institute of hospitals affiliated with Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran. The participants completed a questionnaire on basic demographics, the short version of the Burden Scale for Family Caregivers, and Zimet Multidimensional Perceived Social Support. A maximum likelihood exploratory factor analysis with oblique rotation to assess the factor structure of the constructs and the measurement model was conducted. The two-factor model consisting of 22 items explained 65.116% of the variance. There was a significant negative relationship between social support and burden (b = -0.771, P < 0.001) and also between economic status and burden (b = -0.308, P < 0.01). Moreover, there was a significant positive association between the interaction of social support and economic status and burden (b = 0.138, P < 0.05). More specifically, the negative relationship between social support and burden was statistically stronger for participants with weak economic status (b = -0.663, P < 0.001) than those with good economic status (b = -0.356, P < 0.01). Social support and an individual's economic status are essential determinants of caregiver burden. Further studies are recommended to better inform the precise support needed by caregivers to enhance their quality of life, and ultimately, that of the patients under their care.
  11. Yaghoobzadeh A, Pahlevan Sharif S, Ong FS, Soundy A, Sharif Nia H, Moradi Bagloee M, et al.
    Int J Aging Hum Dev, 2019 12;89(4):356-371.
    PMID: 30569732 DOI: 10.1177/0091415018815239
  12. Pahlevan Sharif S, Sharif Nia H, Lehto RH, Moradbeigi M, Naghavi N, Goudarzian AH, et al.
    J Relig Health, 2021 Apr;60(2):999-1014.
    PMID: 31646425 DOI: 10.1007/s10943-019-00931-6
    The purpose of the present study was to examine the relationship among spiritual intelligence, spiritual well-being and death anxiety among Iranian veterans. In this predictive correlational study, 211 veterans completed King and DeCicco's Spiritual Intelligence Scale, Paloutzian and Ellison's Spiritual Well-being Scale and Templer's Death Anxiety Scale-Extended. After confirming the reliability of the constructs using intra-class correlation coefficient, partial least squares structural equation modeling method was utilized to assess the impact of spiritual well-being and spiritual intelligence on death anxiety. This study found a significant positive relationship between spiritual intelligence and death anxiety after controlling for the effects of age, education level and disability. However, there was a significant negative relationship between spiritual well-being and death anxiety among Iranian veterans. Negative relationships were found between spiritual well-being and death anxiety among Iranian veterans. However, spiritual intelligence had a positive impact on death anxiety.
  13. Sharif Nia H, Kaur H, Fomani FK, Rahmatpour P, Kaveh O, Pahlevan Sharif S, et al.
    Front Psychiatry, 2021;12:692498.
    PMID: 34408679 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.692498
    Objective: The aim of this study was to translate and evaluate the validity and reliability of the Impact of Events Scale-Revised (IES-R) among the Iranian general population during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Method: This study was methodological cross-sectional. It was conducted on an Iranian public population from April to July 2020 which was during the COVID-19 pandemic. Construct validity was determined through exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) with a total of 500 adults recruited via online data gathering. Reliability was checked through the average inter-item correlation (AIC), Cronbach's alpha, and McDonald's omega. Convergent and divergent validity was determined using Fornell and Larcker's approach. Results: The results showed that the Persian version of IES-R had three factors, including intrusion (six items), avoidance (seven items), and hyperarousal (five items), that explained 59.22% of the total variance of the IES-R. The CFA findings indicated that all goodness-of-fit indices confirmed the model fit. The Cronbach's alpha, McDonald's omega, composite reliability (CR), and maximal reliability were excellent, and the three factors have good convergent validity. Conclusion: The findings of this study indicated that the Persian version of the IES-R scale is efficient and useful to assess post-traumatic stress disorder among Iran general population in the COVID-19 outbreak.
  14. Sharif Nia H, Pahlevan Sharif S, Boyle C, Yaghoobzadeh A, Tahmasbi B, Rassool GH, et al.
    J Relig Health, 2018 Apr;57(2):596-608.
    PMID: 28748326 DOI: 10.1007/s10943-017-0458-1
    This study aimed to determine the factor structure of the spiritual well-being among a sample of the Iranian veterans. In this methodological research, 211 male veterans of Iran-Iraq warfare completed the Paloutzian and Ellison spiritual well-being scale. Maximum likelihood (ML) with oblique rotation was used to assess domain structure of the spiritual well-being. The construct validity of the scale was assessed using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), convergent validity, and discriminant validity. Reliability was evaluated with Cronbach's alpha, Theta (θ), and McDonald Omega (Ω) coefficients, intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC), and construct reliability (CR). Results of ML and CFA suggested three factors which were labeled "relationship with God," "belief in fate and destiny," and "life optimism." The ICC, coefficients of the internal consistency, and CR were >.7 for the factors of the scale. Convergent validity and discriminant validity did not fulfill the requirements. The Persian version of spiritual well-being scale demonstrated suitable validity and reliability among the veterans of Iran-Iraq warfare.
  15. Sharif Nia H, Lehto RH, Pahlevan Sharif S, Mashrouteh M, Goudarzian AH, Rahmatpour P, et al.
    Omega (Westport), 2021 Sep;83(4):760-776.
    PMID: 31366310 DOI: 10.1177/0030222819865407
    Ensuring use of valid and reliable scales for evaluating death anxiety that are relevant to the cultural context where they are applied is essential. The purpose of the study was to conduct a systematic review of the psychometric properties of Templer's Death Anxiety Scale (DAS) across cultures. PubMed, Scopus, Web of Knowledge, SID, and Magiran databases were systematically searched for studies published between 1970 and 2017 using Mesh terms. Two independent researchers used Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies and Checklist of Standards for Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy to evaluate study quality. Included studies were conducted in Iran, United States, Italy, China, Egypt, Spain, and Australia. Overall study quality was acceptable in 15 evaluated articles. However, findings demonstrated that two (one study), three (seven studies), four (four studies), and five factors (three studies) were extracted across the respective studies. Confirmatory concurrent validity was assessed in two studies. While Templer's DAS has stood the test of time as a commonly used index of capturing the conscious experience of death anxiety, there are psychometric inconsistencies in identified factor solutions across cultures. Findings emphasize the need for continued evaluation of how the DAS is translated in specific countries with assessment in relation to other death construct tools.
  16. Sharif Nia H, Chong PP, Yiong Huak C, Gorgulu O, Taghipour B, Sivarajan Froelicher E, et al.
    J Clin Nurs, 2021 Dec 15.
    PMID: 34908206 DOI: 10.1111/jocn.16166
    AIM: To investigate the accuracy, reliability and agreement between infrared forehead thermometers versus infrared tympanic thermometers temperature, a cross-sectional study was conducted in April 2020.

    METHODS: The forehead and tympanic temperatures of 615 subjects were measured simultaneously in three exposed SARS-COV-2 groups at one hospital in Iran, during April 2020. These comparisons were evaluated by Bland-Altman Plot, repeatability, Passing-Bablok regression and Lin's concordance correlation coefficient. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis was done to describe the discrimination accuracy of a diagnostic test. The study adhered to STROBE checklist for cross-sectional studies.

    RESULTS: A Bland-Altman plot indicated that the limits of agreement between the forehead and tympanic temperature were -0.259 to +0.19°C. Passing-Bablok regression analysis illustrated that the infrared forehead was not linearly related to tympanic temperatures (reference method), with a slope estimate that was significantly different from 1.00. The infrared forehead thermometer showed poor precision and lower accuracy than the tympanic. The forehead temperature readings had 60.0% sensitivity and 44.4% specificity (p > .05) to predict disease.

    CONCLUSION: According to the results of study, there is no evidence that the assessment of temperature by infrared forehead thermometer could discriminate between the two groups (positive and negative).

  17. Pahlevan Sharif S, Lehto RH, Amiri M, Ahadzadeh AS, Sharif Nia H, Haghdoost AA, et al.
    Palliat Support Care, 2021 02;19(1):55-61.
    PMID: 32580795 DOI: 10.1017/S1478951520000383
    OBJECTIVE: This study investigated relationships among spirituality, hope, and overall quality of life in Muslim women with breast cancer in Malaysia.

    METHOD: A cross-sectional descriptive design with a convenience sample of 145 Malay patients was used. The mediating role of hope in the relationship between spirituality and quality of life as well as the moderating effect of education level on the spirituality hope link were examined.

    RESULTS: Participants with higher self-reported spirituality reported more hope (b = 6.345, p < 0.001) and higher levels of quality of life (b = 1.065, p < 0.001). Higher educational attainment weakened relationships between spirituality and hope (b = -1.460, p < 0.001).

    SIGNIFICANCE OF RESULTS: The role of advanced education in contributing to lessened hope in relation to spirituality emphasizes the importance of skilled and personalized spiritual counseling in the respective socio-cultural religious context.

  18. Sharif Nia H, Pahlevan Sharif S, Koocher GP, Yaghoobzadeh A, Haghdoost AA, Mar Win MT, et al.
    Omega (Westport), 2020 Feb;80(3):380-396.
    PMID: 28982272 DOI: 10.1177/0030222817733220
    This study aimed to evaluate the validity and reliability of the Persian version of Death Anxiety Scale-Extended (DAS-E). A total of 507 patients with end-stage renal disease completed the DAS-E. The factor structure of the scale was evaluated using exploratory factor analysis with an oblique rotation and confirmatory factor analysis. The content and construct validity of the DAS-E were assessed. Average variance extracted, maximum shared squared variance, and average shared squared variance were estimated to assess discriminant and convergent validity. Reliability was assessed using Cronbach's alpha coefficient (α = .839 and .831), composite reliability (CR = .845 and .832), Theta (θ = .893 and .867), and McDonald Omega (Ω = .796 and .743). The analysis indicated a two-factor solution. Reliability and discriminant validity of the factors was established. Findings revealed that the present scale was a valid and reliable instrument that can be used in assessment of death anxiety in Iranian patients with end-stage renal disease.
  19. Pahlevan Sharif S, Amiri M, Allen KA, Sharif Nia H, Khoshnavay Fomani F, Hatef Matbue Y, et al.
    Health Qual Life Outcomes, 2021 Feb 15;19(1):57.
    PMID: 33588858 DOI: 10.1186/s12955-021-01695-y
    BACKGROUND: Attachment and support from family and friends are core to the experiences of ageing for older adults. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationships between attachment styles and hope, religiosity, and life satisfaction and provide new knowledge that may assist future planning for a rapidly ageing global population.

    METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, 504 Iranian older adult participants from Qazvin province were recruited between December 2015 and April 2016. They completed a questionnaire that included the Revised Adult Attachment Scale, the Life Satisfaction Index-Z, and the Herth Hope Index.

    RESULTS: Participants in the study had a mean age of 66.20 years (SD: 5.76) and most of them were women (57.5%). A mediation model testing the direct relationships between attachment, hope, religiosity, and life satisfaction showed a positive relationship between close attachment and religiosity (β = .226, p 

  20. Sharif Nia H, Chan YH, Froelicher ES, Pahlevan Sharif S, Yaghoobzadeh A, Jafari A, et al.
    Health Promot Perspect, 2019;9(2):123-130.
    PMID: 31249799 DOI: 10.15171/hpp.2019.17
    Background: Meteorological parameters and seasonal changes can play an important role in the occurrence of acute coronary syndrome (ACS). However, there is almost no evidence on a national level to suggest the associations between these variables and ACS in Iran. We aim to identify the meteorological parameters and seasonal changes in relationship to ACS. Methods: This retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted between 03/19/2015 to 03/18/2016 and used documents and records of patients with ACS in Mazandaran ProvinceHeart Center, Iran. The following definitive diagnostic criteria for ACS were used: (1) existence of cardiac enzymes (CK or CK-MB) above the normal range; (2) Greater than 1 mm ST-segment elevation or depression; (3) abnormal Q waves; and (4) manifestation of troponin enzyme in the blood. Data were collected daily, such as temperature (Celsius) changes, wind speed and its direction, rainfall, daily evaporation rate; number of sunny days, and relative humidity were provided by the Meteorological Organization of Iran. Results: A sample of 2,054 patients with ACS were recruited. The results indicated the highest ACS events from March to May. Generally, wind speed (18 PM) [IRR = 1.051 (95% CI: 1.019 to1.083), P=0.001], daily evaporation [IRR = 1.039 (95% CI: 1.003 to 1.077), P=0.032], daily maximum (P<0.001) and minimum (P=0.003) relative humidity was positively correlated withACS events. Also, negatively correlated variables were daily relative humidity (18 PM) [IRR =0.985 (95% CI: 0.978 to 0.992), P<0.001], and daily minimum temperature [IRR = 0.942 (95%CI: 0.927 to 0.958), P<0.001]. Conclusion: Climate changes were found to be significantly associated with ACS; especially from cold weather to hot weather in March, April and May. Further research is needed to fully understand the specific conditions and cold exposures.
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