Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 81 in total

  1. Ramli A, Halmey N, Teng C
    Malays Fam Physician, 2008;3(3):158-61.
    PMID: 25606143
    White coat hypertension (WCHT) and white coat effect (WCE) are often thought to be of the same entity. They are in fact different conditions which carry distinctive definitions and prognostic significance. WCHT is diagnosed when office blood pressure (OBP) is ≥140/90 mmHg on at least 3 occasions, while the average daytime or 24-hour blood pressure is <135/85 mmHg. It is common with 15% prevalence in the general population and may account for over 30% of individuals in whom hypertension is diagnosed. Although individuals with WCHT were reported to have a better cardiovascular (CV) prognosis when compared to those with sustained hypertension and masked hypertension; they were also shown to have a greater prevalence of target organ damage (TOD) and metabolic abnormalities than that of normotensive subjects. In contrast, WCE is defined as the transient elevation of OBP induced by the alerting response to a doctor or a nurse. WCE can occur in both normotensive and hypertensive persons; and is not substantially influenced by reassurance and familiarisation. There is conflicting evidence with regards to prognostic significance of WCE, where most data indicated that it does not predict future TOD, CV morbidity or mortality; with some studies showed otherwise. This case scenario aims to solve the diagnostic perplexity with regards to WCHT and WCE, followed by an evidence-based commentary of how to best manage such conditions.
  2. Norazida AR, Sivasampu S, Teng CL
    Med J Malaysia, 2014 Oct;69(5):219-23.
    PMID: 25638235 MyJurnal
    BACKGROUND: The indiscriminate use of cough and cold medicines (CCMs) in children has become a public health concern. The study evaluates the prescription pattern of CCMs in primary care setting.
    METHODS: Analysis of CCMs prescription data among children aged 12 years and below who had participated in the National Medical Care Survey (NMCS) 2010. Data was extracted from NMCS 2010, a cross-sectional survey on the primary healthcare service which was carried out from December 2009 to April 2010 in public and private primary care clinics in Malaysia.
    RESULT: Of 21,868 encounters for NMCS 2010, 3574 (16.3%) were children 12 years old and below; 597 (17%) were from public clinics and 2977 (83%) were from private clinics. Of these 3574 encounters, 1748 (49%) children were prescribed with CCM with total of 2402 CCMs. On average, CCMs were prescribed at a rate of 1.3 CCMs per encounter in public clinics and 1.4 CCMs per encounter in private clinics. CCMs containing single ingredient constituted 77% of the prescriptions while 23% were of multiple ingredient preparations. There were 556 (23%) CCMs prescribed to children younger than 2 years. Majority (65%) were prescribed with one CCM per visit, 32% received two CCMs and 3% of the children received three or more CCMs per visit.
    CONCLUSION: Prescription of CCMs to children is common. Prevalence of CCM prescriptions among young children is of concern, in view of concerns about the safety and adverse effects related to the use of CCMs in this age group. Firmer policies and greater effort is needed to monitor the prescriptions of CCMs to children.
  3. Lai NM, Teng CL, Nalliah S
    Educ Health (Abingdon), 2012 Jul;25(1):33-9.
    PMID: 23787382
    CONTEXT: The Fresno test and the Berlin Questionnaire are two validated instruments for objectively assessing competence in evidence-based medicine (EBM). Although both instruments purport to assess a comprehensive range of EBM knowledge, they differ in their formats. We undertook a preliminary study using the adapted version of the two instruments to assess their correlations when administered to medical students. The adaptations were made mainly to simplify the presentation for our undergraduate students while preserving the contents that were assessed.
    METHODS: We recruited final-year students from a Malaysian medical school from September 2006 to August 2007. The students received a structured EBM training program within their curriculum. They took the two instruments concurrently, midway through their final six months of training. We determined the correlations using either the Pearson's or Spearman's correlation depending on the data distribution.
    RESULTS: Of the 120 students invited, 72 (60.0%) participated in the study. The adapted Fresno test and the Berlin Questionnaire had a Cronbach's alfa of 0.66 and 0.70, respectively. Inter-rater correlation (r) of the adapted Fresno test was 0.9. The students scored 45.4% on average [standard deviation (SD) 10.1] on the Fresno test and 44.7% (SD 14.9) on the Berlin Questionnaire (P = 0.7). The overall correlation between the two instruments was poor (r = 0.2, 95% confidence interval: -0.07 to 0.42, P = 0.08), and correlations remained poor between items assessing the same EBM domains (r = 0.01-0.2, P = 0.07-0.9).
    DISCUSSION: The adapted versions of the Fresno test and the Berlin Questionnaire correlated poorly when administered to medical students. The two instruments may not be used interchangeably to assess undergraduate competence in EBM.
  4. Lai NM, Teng CL, Lee ML
    BMC Med, 2011;9:30.
    PMID: 21450083 DOI: 10.1186/1741-7015-9-30
    BACKGROUND: Independent evaluation of clinical evidence is advocated in evidence-based medicine (EBM). However, authors' conclusions are often appealing for readers who look for quick messages. We assessed how well a group of Malaysian hospital practitioners and medical students derived their own conclusions from systematic reviews (SRs) and to what extent these were influenced by their prior beliefs and the direction of the study results.
    METHODS: We conducted two cross-sectional studies: one with hospital practitioners (n = 150) attending an EBM course in June 2008 in a tertiary hospital and one with final-year medical students (n = 35) in November 2008. We showed our participants four Cochrane SR abstracts without the authors' conclusions. For each article, the participants chose a conclusion from among six options comprising different combinations of the direction of effect and the strength of the evidence. We predetermined the single option that best reflected the actual authors' conclusions and labelled this as our best conclusion. We compared the participants' choices with our predetermined best conclusions. Two chosen reviews demonstrated that the intervention was beneficial ("positive"), and two others did not ("negative"). We also asked the participants their prior beliefs about the intervention.
    RESULTS: Overall, 60.3% correctly identified the direction of effect, and 30.1% chose the best conclusions, having identified both the direction of effect and the strength of evidence. More students (48.2%) than practitioners (22.2%) chose the best conclusions (P < 0.001). Fewer than one-half (47%) correctly identified the direction of effect against their prior beliefs. "Positive" SRs were more likely than "negative" SRs to change the participants' beliefs about the effect of the intervention (relative risk (RR) 1.8, 95% confidence interval 1.3 to 2.6) and "convert" those who were previously unsure by making them choose the appropriate direction of effect (RR 1.9, 95% confidence interval 1.3 to 2.8).
    CONCLUSIONS: The majority of our participants could not generate appropriate conclusions from SRs independently. Judicious direction from the authors' conclusions still appears crucial to guiding our health care practitioners in identifying appropriate messages from research. Authors, editors and reviewers should ensure that the conclusions of a paper accurately reflect the results. Similar studies should be conducted in other settings where awareness and application of EBM are different.
  5. Lai NM, Teng CL, Lee ML
    BMC Res Notes, 2010;3:279.
    PMID: 21050429 DOI: 10.1186/1756-0500-3-279
    Despite a recent increase in activities to promote evidence-based practice (EBP), it was unclear how Malaysian hospital practitioners received this new approach in medicine. This study examines their confidence and perceptions on EBP.
  6. Leong KC, Teng CL, Ng CJ
    Med J Malaysia, 2007 Aug;62(3):265-7.
    PMID: 18246926
    In a survey of clinical students in two Malaysian medical schools, it was found that students used a wide variety of learning resources, but textbooks were still the primary source of their information. Students had positive views about clinical teaching and lectures but somewhat lower opinions on problem-based learning. They generally did not perceive lecturers as facilitators, role models and counselors. In spite of the stated curricular goals of promoting self-directed learning via problem-based learning, students in these medical schools were driven by the nature of examinations and focused mainly on clinical contents rather than the process of learning.
  7. Jahanfar S, Ng CJ, Teng CL
    PMID: 19160255 DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD005458.pub2
    BACKGROUND: Mastitis can be caused by ineffective positioning of the baby at the breast or restricted feeding. Infective mastitis is commonly caused by Staphylococcus Aureus. Incidence of mastitis in breastfeeding women may reach 33%. Effective milk removal, pain medication and antibiotic therapy have been the mainstays of treatment.

    OBJECTIVES: This review aims to examine the effectiveness of antibiotic therapies in relieving symptoms for breastfeeding women with mastitis with or without laboratory investigation.

    SEARCH STRATEGY: We searched the Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Group's Trials Register (December 2007), the Cochrane Central Register of Clinical Trials (The Cochrane Library 2007, Issue 4), MEDLINE (1996 to 2007) and EMBASE (January 1985 to 2007). We contacted investigators and other content experts known to us for unpublished trials and scanned the reference lists of retrieved articles

    SELECTION CRITERIA: Randomized and quasi-randomized clinical trials comparing the effectiveness of various types of antibiotic therapies or antibiotic therapy versus alternative therapies for the treatment of mastitis were selected.

    DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Two authors independently assessed trial quality and extracted data. When in dispute, we consulted a third author.

    MAIN RESULTS: Two trials met the inclusion criteria. One small trial (n = 25) compared amoxicillin with cephradine and found no significant difference between the two antibiotics in terms of symptom relief and abscess formation. Another, older study compared breast emptying alone as "supportive therapy" versus antibiotic therapy plus supportive therapy, and no therapy. The findings of the latter study suggested faster clearance of symptoms for women using antibiotics, although the study design was problematic.

    AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: There is insufficient evidence to confirm or refute the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy for the treatment of lactational mastitis. There is an urgent need to conduct high-quality, double-blinded randomized clinical trials to determine whether antibiotics should be used in this common postpartum condition.
  8. Mastura I, Mimi O, Piterman L, Teng CL, Wijesinha S
    Med J Malaysia, 2007 Jun;62(2):147-51.
    PMID: 18705449 MyJurnal
    The aims of this study were (i) to determine the prevalence of self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) among Type 2 diabetes patients attending government health clinics and (ii) to ascertain the factors influencing SMBG. Five hundred and fifty-six Type 2 diabetes patients from two government health clinics in Selangor and Negeri Sembilan were interviewed using a structured questionnaire. The total subjects of the study were 556 patients. Eighty-five patients (15.3%) of patients; performed SMBG. However, 170 subjects were included in the statistical analysis, 85 patients who were not self-monitoring were randomly selected and was compared with 85 patients who were self-monitoring. Among those who performed SMBG, the majority (83.5%) monitored less than once per day and only 16.5% monitored at least once a day. One-third of patients adjusted their medications based on their SMBG results. The higher patient's level of education (p= 0.024, CI 1.29 - 35.3); the higher total family income (p= 0.041, CI 1.26 - 4.79); the longer duration of diabetes (p<0.01, CI 2.22 - 7.29); and treatment regime which includes insulin (p< 0.001, CI 2.05 -9.24) were significant predictors of SMBG practice. Although SMBG is recognised to be useful and effective in achieving diabetes control, this study has found that only a minority of patients with diabetes performed SMBG. Hence healthcare personnel must increase awareness on the importance of SMBG and strongly promote the practice among diabetic patients.
  9. Ding CH, Teng CL, Koh CN
    Med J Malaysia, 2006 Oct;61(4):399-404.
    PMID: 17243515 MyJurnal
    The Malaysian Ministry of Health has undertaken various campaigns on healthy lifestyle and health promotion over the years. The impact of these campaigns has been mixed and not well documented. This cross-sectional study evaluated the knowledge level of patients with and without diabetes in a large urban polyclinic using a 41-item questionnaire. One hundred and forty-nine adults (83 with diabetes, 66 without diabetes) participated in this study. Patients with diabetes had higher overall knowledge scores than those without diabetes (81.8% vs 64.0%, p < 0.001). While the overall knowledge of patients without diabetes appeared to be acceptable, several areas of knowledge deficiency were identified in this group--areas that should be filled by the on-going health promotion activities.
    Study site: Klinik Kesihatan Seremban, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
  10. Kamil MA, Teng CL, Hassan SA
    Respirology, 2007 May;12(3):375-80.
    PMID: 17539841 DOI: 10.1111/j.1440-1843.2007.01030.x
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of snoring and breathing pauses during sleep, and to assess associated factors, including morbidity and the impact on daytime functioning, in an adult Malaysian population.
    METHODS: A cross-sectional survey of community-dwelling adults aged 30-70 years was conducted. Daytime sleepiness was assessed using the Epworth Sleepiness Scale. Physical examinations were limited to measurements of body habitus and blood pressure.
    RESULTS: The sample consisted of 1611 adults (52.9% male). The prevalence of habitual snoring, breathing pauses and excessive daytime sleepiness were 47.3%, 15.2% and 14.8%, respectively. Seven per cent of respondents (8.8% male, 5.1% female) were clinically suspected to have obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSAS). The independent predictors of habitual snoring were older age, Chinese or Indian ethnicity (compared with Malays), smoking, obesity and use of sedatives. Clinically suspected OSAS and habitual snoring were significantly associated with difficulty in getting up in the morning, morning headache, driving and workplace accidents, hypertension, and ischaemic heart disease.
    CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of habitual snoring is high in the Malaysian population. Sleep-related breathing disorders in Malaysian adults are associated with significant morbidity.
  11. Abu Hassan Z, Hanafi NS, Teng CL
    Malays Fam Physician, 2006;1(1):29-31.
    PMID: 26998208
  12. Ab Rahman N, Teng CL, Sivasampu S
    BMC Infect Dis, 2016 05 17;16:208.
    PMID: 27188538 DOI: 10.1186/s12879-016-1530-2
    BACKGROUND: Antibiotic overuse is driving the emergence of antibiotic resistance worldwide. Good data on prescribing behaviours of healthcare providers are needed to support antimicrobial stewardship initiatives. This study examined the differences in antibiotic prescribing rates of public and private primary care clinics in Malaysia.

    METHODS: We used data from the National Medical Care Survey (NMCS), a nationwide cluster sample of Malaysian public and private primary care clinics in 2014. NMCS contained demographic, diagnoses and prescribing from 129 public clinics and 416 private clinics. We identified all encounters who were prescribed antibiotic and analyse the prescribing rate, types of antibiotics, and diagnoses that resulted in antibiotic.

    RESULTS: Five thousand eight hundred ten encounters were prescribed antibiotics; antibiotic prescribing rate was 21.1 % (public clinics 6.8 %, private clinics 30.8 %). Antibiotic prescribing was higher in private clinics where they contributed almost 87 % of antibiotics prescribed in primary care. Upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) was the most frequent diagnosis in patients receiving antibiotic therapy and accounted for 49.2 % of prescriptions. Of the patients diagnosed with URTI, 46.2 % received antibiotic treatment (public 16.8 %, private 57.7 %). Penicillins, cephalosporins and macrolides were the most commonly prescribed antibiotics and accounted for 30.7, 23.6 and 16.0 % of all antibiotics, respectively. More recently available broad-spectrum antibiotics such as azithromycin and quinolones were more frequently prescribed in private clinics.

    CONCLUSIONS: Antibiotic prescribing rates are high in both public and private primary care settings in Malaysia, especially in the latter. This study provides evidence of excessive and inappropriate antibiotic prescribing for self-limiting conditions. These data highlights the needs for more concerted interventions targeting both prescribers and public. Improvement strategies should focus on reducing inappropriate prescribing.
  13. Fozi K, Teng CL, Krishnan R, Shajahan Y
    Med J Malaysia, 2000 Dec;55(4):486-92.
    PMID: 11221162
    This is a prospective study of clinical questions generated in primary care consultations and a comparison of two approaches to answering those clinical questions. Twenty-one doctors in a university-based primary care clinic submitted 78 clinical questions arising from patient consultations during 24 clinic days (0.01 question per patient encounter). These doctors subsequently found answers to 40% of their questions but were satisfied with only 67% of these answers. The investigators were able to provide answers for 95% of the questions asked and the doctors rated these answers as satisfactory in 86% of instances. Answers obtained by investigators had significantly higher satisfaction score than those obtained by doctors' search (p = 0.002). The two main findings of this study are (1) almost all questions arising in clinic setting could be answered by intensive search; (2) answers found by intensive searches were judged to be more satisfactory than those found routinely by doctors. Provision of an information retrieval service in addition to training in the searching and appraisal of medical literature are possible solutions to the information needs of busy clinicians.

    Study site: Primary Care Clinic,
    University Hospital Kuala Lumpur i
  14. Mimi O, Teng CL, Chia YC
    Med J Malaysia, 2003 Oct;58(4):533-8.
    PMID: 15190629
    This study was undertaken to clinically estimate the prevalence of diabetic peripheral neuropathy amongst patients attending an outpatient clinic and to evaluate their risk factors for developing peripheral neuropathy. It was a cross-sectional study of 134 diabetes mellitus patients who attended the Primary Care Clinic, University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur. The patients were interviewed for their demographic data, past and present medical/surgical history, social history, personal habits and symptoms of peripheral neuropathy. Foot examination and clinical neurological tests were conducted and the presence of peripheral neuropathy was assessed. The main outcome measures were the Neuropathy Symptom Score and the Neuropathy Disability Score. The prevalence of diabetic peripheral neuropathy was found to be 50.7%. Peripheral neuropathy was related to the age of the patient and the duration of diabetes but did not seem to be significantly related to diabetic control. To conclude, there was a high prevalence of peripheral neuropathy amongst the diabetics in this study. These patients developed peripheral neuropathy at a younger age and shorter duration of diabetes compared to a similar study that was done in the UK.
    Study site: Primary care clinc, University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  15. Hanafi NS, Teng CL, Yasin S
    Asia Pac Fam Med, 2003;2(1):10-15.
    Aim: To assess the importance of continuity of care among diabetic patients attending a primary care clinic and to correlate degree of continuity of care with diabetic control. Methods: A cross sectional survey was carried out among diabetic patients (n = 166) attending follow-up consultations in a family practice clinic of a teaching hospital. Face-to-face interviews were carried out on patients' perception of continuity of care and various aspects related to diabetes. Diabetic control was assessed by glycosylated hemoglobin. Retrospective chart audits of each patient over the previous 28 months were done to assess the degree of continuity of care, measured with the Usual Provider Continuity Index (UPCI). Results: The UPCI ranged from 0.18 to 1.00 with a mean value of 0.60. The average number of visits per patient over the 28-month period was 11.7 visits. The majority of patients saw five different doctors for all their visits. There were no statistically significant associations between the degree of provider continuity with diabetic control (r = 0.054) and diabetic self-care behavior (r = 0.065). The majority of patients (89%) felt that it was important to have a regular doctor. The main reason given was that a regular doctor would know the patient's problems. Conclusions: Continuity of care was highly valued by diabetic patients attending a hospital-based family practice clinic. Even though the degree of continuity was not associated with the degree of diabetic control, patients felt that it was important to have doctors who are aware of their problems.
  16. Zailinawati AH, Mazza D, Teng CL
    Asia Pac Fam Med, 2012 Nov 27;11(1):9.
    PMID: 23186221 DOI: 10.1186/1447-056X-11-9
    BACKGROUND: Insomnia is a common public health problem and the prevalence and impact of insomnia in primary care attendees is not well documented in the Asian population.

    OBJECTIVES: To determine the prevalence of self-reported insomnia symptoms amongst adult primary care attendees and the association with socio-demographic factors; to ascertain the impact of insomnia on daily functioning and to describe the psychological profile of patients with insomnia.

    METHODS: In this cross-sectional survey, 2049 adult patients (≥18 year old) attending seven primary care clinics in Peninsular Malaysia, completed the questionnaire asking about symptoms of insomnia (defined according to the International Classification of Sleep Disorders and DSM IV criteria) daytime impairment and psychological symptoms (assessed by Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale).

    RESULTS: The response rate was 86.2%. A total of 60% reported insomnia symptoms, 38.9% had frequent insomnia symptoms (>3 times per week), 30.7% had chronic insomnia without daytime consequences and 28.6% had chronic insomnia with daytime dysfunction. Indian ethnicity (OR 1.79; 95%CI, 1.28-2.49), age ≥ 50 or older (OR 1.82; 95%CI, 1.10-3.01), anxiety symptoms (OR 1.65; 95%CI, 1.21-2.22) and depression symptoms (OR 1.65; 95%CI, 1.21-2.26) were risk factors for chronic insomnia with daytime dysfunction. Amongst those with chronic insomnia with daytime dysfunction, 47.8% had anxiety symptoms (OR, 2.01; 95%CI, 1.57-2.59) and 36.5% had depression symptoms (OR, 2.74; 95%CI, 2.04-3.68) based on HADs score. They also had tendency to doze off while driving and to be involved in road traffic accidents.

    CONCLUSIONS: A third of primary care attendees have insomnia symptoms and chronic insomnia, associated with significant daytime dysfunction and psychological morbidity. By identifying those at risk of having chronic insomnia, appropriate interventions can be commenced.

  17. Teng CL, Chan CW, Wong PS
    J ASEAN Fed Endocr Soc, 2022;37(1):75-82.
    PMID: 35800597 DOI: 10.15605/jafes.037.01.14
    OBJECTIVE: This is a scoping review of Malaysian scientific studies on medication adherence among persons with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).

    METHODOLOGY: We conducted a bibliographic search of PubMed, Scopus and Google Scholar using the following keywords: "medication adherence," "drug compliance," "DMTAC" and "Malaysia." The search covered all publications up to 31 December 2021. Eligible articles were original studies conducted in Malaysia that measured or quantified medication adherence among persons with T2DM.

    RESULTS: We identified 64 eligible studies published between 2008 to 2021. Most studies included patients with T2DM in ambulatory facilities. Five studies were qualitative research. The quantitative research publications included clinical trials, and cross-sectional, validation, retrospective and prospective cohort studies. Thirty-eight studies used medication adherence scales. The Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (MMAS-8, used in 20 studies) and Malaysian Medication Adherence Scale (MALMAS, used in 6 studies) were the most commonly used tools. There were 6 validation studies with 4 medication adherence scales. A meta-analysis of 10 studies using MMAS-8 or MALMAS revealed that the pooled prevalence of low medication adherence is 34.2% (95% CI: 27.4 to 41.2, random effects model). Eighteen publications evaluated various aspects of the Diabetes Medication Therapy Adherence Clinics (DMTAC).

    CONCLUSION: This scoping review documented extensive research on medication adherence among persons with diabetes in Malaysia. The quantitative meta-analysis showed a pooled low medication adherence rate.

  18. Lai PK, Teng CL, Mustapha FI
    PMID: 38725609 DOI: 10.51866/rv.304
    INTRODUCTION: Optimal self-care promotes glycaemic control and prevents diabetes complications. Its performance is facilitated by an adequate level of diabetes knowledge. This review aimed to evaluate diabetes knowledge among Malaysians by assessing diabetes knowledge scores and their associated factors.

    METHODS: A comprehensive bibliographic search for Malaysian studies on diabetes knowledge was conducted in PubMed, Scopus and Google Scholar. Relevant literature was systematically selected and described; pertinent data were extracted; and data on diabetes knowledge levels and their associated factors were synthesised. The quality of the identified studies was assessed using a Joanna Briggs Institute critical appraisal tool.

    RESULTS: Thirty Malaysian cross-sectional studies that measured diabetes knowledge levels were retrieved. Nineteen of them used a named diabetes knowledge measurement tool, with 14 using the 14-item Michigan Diabetes Knowledge Test. A low knowledge level was prevalent among patients with diabetes mellitus (pooled mean knowledge score=6.92, proportion of patients with a low knowledge level=47.97%). The knowledge score was associated with some sociodemographic variables, health literacy, self-care and glycaemic control.

    CONCLUSION: The association of diabetes knowledge with diabetes outcomes (e.g. self-care and glycaemic control) reflects the potential of the former as a target of intervention. Periodic measurement of diabetes knowledge in healthcare settings and among populations can help in assessing the effectiveness of diabetes educational interventions. Concerted efforts to improve diabetes knowledge among Malaysians have the potential to fill knowledge-practice gaps.

  19. Teng CL, Zuhanariah MN, Ng CS, Goh CC
    Med J Malaysia, 2014 Aug;69 Suppl A:4-7.
    PMID: 25417946
    This article describes the methodology of this bibliography. A search was conducted on the following: (1) bibliographic databases (PubMed, Scopus, and other databases) using search terms that maximize the retrieval of Malaysian publications; (2) Individual journal search of Malaysian healthrelated journals; (3) A targeted search of Google and Google Scholar; (4) Searching of Malaysian institutional repositories; (5) Searching of Ministry of Health and Clinical Research Centre website. The publication years were limited to 2000- 2013. The citations were imported or manually entered into bibliographic software Refworks. After removing duplicates, and correcting data entry errors, PubMed's Medical Subject Headings (MeSH terms) were added. Clinical research is coded using the definition "patient-oriented-research or research conducted with human subjects (or on material of human origin) for which the investigator directly interacts with the human subjects at some point during the study." A bibliography of citations [n=2056] that fit the criteria of clinical research in Malaysia in selected topics within five domains was generated: Cancers [589], Cardiovascular diseases [432], Infections [795], Injuries [142], and Mental Health [582]. This is done by retrieving citations with the appropriate MESH terms, as follow: For cancers (Breast Neoplasms; Colorectal Neoplasms; Uterine Cervical Neoplasms), for cardiovascular diseases (Coronary Disease; Hypertension; Stroke), for infections (Dengue; Enterovirus Infections, HIV Infections; Malaria; Nipah Virus; Tuberculosis), for injuries (Accidents, Occupational; Accidents, Traffic; Child Abuse; Occupational Injuries), for mental health (Depression; Depressive Disorder; Depressive Disorder, Major; Drug Users; Psychotic Disorders; Suicide; Suicide, Attempted; Suicidal Ideation; Substance- Related Disorders).
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