METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional study to assess the correlation between HCV Ag and HCV RNA and to identify the prevalence of active HCV infection among HCV seropositive HD patients from dialysis centres across West Malaysia from July 2019 to May 2020. Pre-dialysis blood was taken and tested for both HCV Ag and HCV RNA tests. HCV Ag was tested with Abbott ARCHITECT HCV Ag test.
RESULTS: We recruited 112 seropositive HD patients from 17 centres with mean age of 54.04 ± 11.62 years, HD vintage of 14.1 ± 9.7 years, and male constitute 59.8% (67) of the study population. HCV Ag correlates well with HCV RNA (Spearman test coefficient 0.833, p 3000 IU/mL, HCV Ag had a higher sensitivity of 95.1% and greater correlation (Spearman test coefficient 0.897, p
OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to determine the predictive value of parameters derived from MAG3 performed within 72 hours post transplant in detecting graft function. Delayed graft function (DGF), which is defined as dialysis requirement within the first week post transplant, is chosen as a surrogate measure of graft function.
METHODOLOGY: All renal transplant recipients who underwent MAG3 within 72 hours post transplant from 2017 to 2019 were enrolled. Three MAG3 parameters, renogram grade, tubular injury severity score, and R20:3, were evaluated.
RESULTS: A total of 117 patients were enrolled. The overall incidence of DGF was 16.2% with a significantly higher incidence amongst cadaveric graft recipients (53.6%) compared with living graft recipients (4.5%). Renogram grade ≥2, tubular injury severity score ≥4, and R20:3 > 1.31 significantly predicted DGF, P < .05 with high area under the curve for R20:3 of 0.97. Grafts with parameters above the cutoffs also showed significantly worse GFR at 1- and 3-months post-transplant. On multivariate analysis, prolonged cold ischemia time was associated with a higher risk of DGF, odds ratio 1.005 (95% confidence interval 1.003-1.007), P < .05.
CONCLUSION: Baseline MAG3 accurately depicts early graft function and was also predictive of GFR at 1- and 3- months post-transplant. These baseline MAG3 scans could be particularly useful amongst deceased donor graft recipients owing to the higher risk of poor graft function.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Four online databases (PubMed, ScienceDirect, Scopus, and Web of Science) were searched using different MeSH terms and Boolean Operators to retrieve the articles (until June 2021), followed by a hand-search of the reference list of the included articles. All full-text, original studies in English that evaluated SDF staining and at least one SDF modification/alternative were included.
RESULTS: Among the assessed studies, nine studies explored the stain-minimization effect of potassium iodide (KI) post-application following SDF treatment. Among these, eight concluded that KI application after SDF treatment significantly reduced tooth staining, while one showed marginal staining following glass ionomer restoration of the SDF-treated dentine. Additionally, one study applied potassium fluoride (KF) and silver nitrate (AgNO3 ) concurrently to mitigate SDF-mediated staining. One study compared SDF staining with polyethylene glycol (PEG)-coated nanoparticles containing sodium fluoride (NaF), and another used nanosilver fluoride (NSF) for staining comparison with SDF.
CONCLUSIONS: Within the limitations of this study, the addition of different materials to SDF has proven to be a beneficial strategy for overcoming tooth staining associated with SDF. Future studies are warranted, particularly clinical trials, to validate these findings.
CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: SDF-mediated tooth staining is a serious concern that limits its clinical use. A review of various strategies to overcome this problem will help clinicians enhance its clinical use and patient acceptance.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Retrospective data were obtained for 36 patients with CKD stage 4 and 5 after parathyroid surgery, correlating albumin-corrected serum calcium with the infusion rate of calcium gluconate. Calcium flux was characterised along with excursions out of the target calcium range of 2 to 3 mmol/L. With this data, an improved titration regimen was constructed.
RESULTS: Mean peak efflux rate (PER) from the extracellular calcium pool was 2.97 mmol/h occurring 26.6 hours postoperatively. Peak calcium efflux tended to occur later in cases of severe POH. Eighty-one per cent of patients had excursions outside of the target calcium range of 2 to 3 mmol/L. Mean time of onset for hypocalcaemia was 2 days postoperatively. Hypocalcaemia was transient in 25% and persistent in 11% of patients.
CONCLUSION: A simple titration regimen was constructed in which a 10% calcium gluconate infusion was started at 4.5 mL/h when serum calcium was <2 mmol/L, then increased to 6.5 mL/h and finally to 9.0 mL/h if calcium continued falling. Preoperative oral calcium and calcitriol doses were maintained. Blood testing was done 6-hourly, but when a higher infusion rate was needed, 4-hourly blood testing was preferred. Monitoring was discontinued if no hypocalcaemia developed in the fi rst 4 days after surgery. If hypocalcaemia persisted 6 days after surgery, then the infusion was stopped with further monitoring for 24 hours.
METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted to assess the correlation between HCV Ag and HCV RNA and the cost implications of different diagnostic algorithms to diagnose active HCV infection using Anti-HCV, HCV Ag, and HCV RNA. Pre-dialysis blood was tested for both HCV Ag and HCV RNA. HCV Ag was tested with Abbott ARCHITECT HCV Ag test.
RESULTS: Two-hundred twenty-seven haemodialysis patients were recruited from 20 centres with mean age of 57.68 ± 12.48 years, and male constitutes 56.8% (129) of the study population. HCV Ag correlated well with HCV RNA (Spearman test coefficient 0.943, p