We report a 14 year old Indian-Muslim girl who developed a fulminant, disseminated and fatal varicella infection while receiving steroids for nephrotic syndrome. The terminal phase of her illness was complicated by a bleeding dyscrasia and circulatory collapse. Varicella infection in healthy children is a benign disease. However in neonates and immunosuppressed patients it may be severe and often fatal. There are many reports of fatalities occurring in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy, patients on immunosuppressives for asthma, haemolytic anaemia, rheumatic fever, and renal and bone marrow transplantation. Patients with nephrotic syndrome receiving cyclophosphamide treatment are at particular risk of developing severe chickenpox infection. To our knowledge, there has been only one report of fatal chickenpox infection in a child who received steroids for nephrotic syndrome. We report here a case of fatal haemorrhagic chickenpox complicating nephrotic syndrome.
Varicella zoster virus (VZV) predominantly affects children in temperate countries, with near-universal seroconversion occurring by late childhood. However, in tropical regions, VZV infection is common in adolescents and adults. This review identifies age-related VZV seroprevalence patterns in a number of Asian countries which indicate that seroconversion in tropical countries occurs at a later age than in temperate countries. Seasonal and regional variations in acute disease within some Asian countries suggest that temperate climates might favour transmission of the varicella virus, with incidence peaking during cooler months and in cooler, more temperate regions. VZV infection is often more severe in adults than in children, suggesting that tropical countries may be at risk of greater morbidity and mortality as a result of later-age seroconversion. Susceptibility of pregnant women and their infants, and of people infected with HIV/AIDS is also cause for concern. Vaccination may be beneficial in reducing the impact of VZV in Asian populations.
Primary varicella-zoster virus infection in children with haematological malignancy is a life threatening disease. In one year, there were 10 cases of varicella and 2 cases of zoster among these children as well as 5 mothers who were accompanying their children who developed varicella in the oncology ward. Two children died of fulminating disease despite aggressive antiviral and supportive treatment. Acyclovir can be used in treatment and prophylaxis in exposed susceptible children. Varicella -zoster immune globulin is not available in this country. Vaccination with live virus has been shown to be protective in immunocompromised children and needs consideration.
Acute retinal necrosis (ARN) is known to occur in conjunction with primary varicella or chickenpox infection. The majority of ARN cases reported in the literature were of milder form with mild to moderate vitritis, limited retinitis, and rare occurrence of retinal breaks or detachment that responded well to intravenous acyclovir, with or without oral prednisolone. We report a case of unilateral ARN with marked vitritis and retinal necrosis leading to retinal breaks following chickenpox in a 32-year-old healthy lady. This patient was successfully treated with intravenous acyclovir followed by oral acyclovir and orbital floor triamcinolone injections to contain the inflammation with barrier laser therapy to secure the retinal breaks with good visual outcome. This case is unusual in its severity, and to our knowledge, orbital floor triamcinolone therapy was not used earlier to contain ARN inflammation.
Varicella or chickenpox is an infectious disease caused by Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV), which commonly affects the children. It is a mild, self-limiting disease and rarely complicate to serious conditions except in adults. Decreasing incidence of chickenpox among children, probably owing to improved living conditions ,prevention and health care, is worrisome as growing number of adults are being infected. This creates disturbing concerns in many parties as women at childbearing age might get infected and not only are them at a great risk of serious complications, but also their unborn fetus or their newborn babies.
Background: Varicella has been known to be a harmless childhood disease. However, it has been reported that severe complications have taken place following Varicella infection, in both immunocompetent, as well as immunocompromised, individuals. Cutaneous complications of Varicella may manifest as preseptal cellulitis, albeit rarely.
Report: We present a case of a 4-year-old boy who presented with symptoms and signs of preseptal cellulitis following Varicella infection. He was referred to the otorhinolaryngology team for a nasoendoscopy to rule out sinusitis, in view of the fear that a child presenting with a swollen red eye may be a case of true orbital cellulitis. He was treated successfully with intravenous antibiotics and surgical drainage of the preseptal collection.
Conclusion: It is imperative for clinicians to be aware that a simple Varicella infection may lead to cutaneous complications in the pediatric age group, especially in children who are 4 years and younger. They may develop preseptal cellulitis, whose presentation might mimic that of orbital cellulitis. Empirical treatment with antibiotics would be advantageous for the patient. A nasoendoscopic examination may also be warranted in these cases to rule out sinusitis as a cause of orbital cellulitis.
Introduction: Varicella pneumonitis is a rare but lethal complication of varicella zoster infection. Case description:We report a case of a 42 year old gentleman who presented with fever, rash, cough and worsening shortness of breath after exposure to his daughter who just recovered from varicella zoster infection. He is an active smoker with no comorbidities. He presented on day 4 of illness with generalised vesicular eruption and respiratory examination revealed reduced vesicular breath sounds bilaterally. He was intubated in view of worsening respiratory distress and was transferred to ICU. Chest X-ray and ABG was suggestive of acute respiratory distress syndrome(ARDS). He was treated with IV Acyclovir and broad spectrum antibiotics in view of subsequent hospital acquired infection. He was discharged well after 3 weeks of hospitalisation. Discussion: Varicella zoster infection is caused by Human alpha-herpesvirus 3, one of eight herpes viruses known to infect humans. Diagnosis of varicella pneumonitis with ARDS was made on the basis of rash, respiratory symptoms and contact with a child who just recovered from varicella zoster infection and rapid worsening of radiological changes. The risk factor of developing severe pneumonitis can be attributed to active smoking. Conclusion: High degree of suspicion and timely diagnosis is crucial for a favourable outcome in a patient with this rare complication.
The state of Johore, Malaysia had been hit by the worst flood in the Malaysian modern history on the 19th December 2006 (first wave) and the 12th January 2007 (second wave) affecting all the eight districts. A total number of 157,018 and 155,368 Johore population had been displaced by the first and the second wave event respectively. The Johore State Health Department activated the Flood Action Plan which include mobilising medical teams to conduct daily clinical examinations on the flood victims and health teams to inspect flood relief centres, food premises and homes at flood-hit areas with regard to prevent and control communicable diseases. The spreadsheet format was used to collect data on diseases, injury and death throughout the Johore flood disaster period starting from the 19th December 2006 until 19th February 2007. Analyses showed that 19,670 flood victims (36.3%) had communicable diseases and 34,530 (67.0%) had non-communicable diseases. As for the communicable diseases and symptoms/syndromes related to communicable disease, 41.3% were acute respiratory infections (ARI) followed by 25.9% skin infections, 19.1% fever, 10.1% acute gastroenteritis (AGE) and 3.0% acute conjunctivitis. Other infectious diseases include 61 notifiable diseases (46 food poisoning, 14 dengue fever and one tuberculosis), 20 leptospirosis (with two deaths), 20 chicken pox and two melioidosis cases. The Batu Pahat district had the highest incidence for the majority of the communicable diseases because of the prolonged flooding period. No cholera, typhoid, malaria, measles or hand-foot-mouth disease (HFMD) cases were detected among the Johore flood victims. Trends of disease incidence follow the number of evacuees placed in the relief centres corresponding to respective wave. A total of 507 flood victims had physical injuries related to flood mostly due to fall onto wet floor at the relief centres. Fifteen deaths due to drowning were mainly caused by accidental fall into the flood water. The incidence of communicable diseases encountered had been appropriately anticipated and managed attributed to enhanced public health control programmes augmented by syndromic and laboratory surveillance on potentialy fatal infectious diseases. Equal emphasis should be given to the surveillance and control of chronic diseases.