METHODS: The cross-sectional study was conducted in October-November 2017 at five government and two private schools in Bhakkar, Punjab, Pakistan. It comprised children aged 11-12 years. World Health Organisation standards and the modified International Caries Detection and Assessment Systems methods were used were used to determine the dental caries status of each subject. Results of the two methods were compared at all cut- offs where appropriate, using SPSS 17.
RESULTS: Of the 183 subjects, 101(55.2%) were boys. Those aged 12 years were 112(61.2%) while 71(38.8%) were aged 11 years. There was no statistically significant difference in values of the Decayed Missing and Filled Surface / Decayed Missing and Filled Teeth index as well as the prevalence of dental caries between two methods (p>0.05 each). Intra-examiner reproducibility was higher with the World Health Organisation method compared to the other index used (p<0.05).
CONCLUSIONS: Modified International Caries Detection and Assessment Systems method can be used in epidemiological surveys as it was found to provide results similar to the World Health Organisation criteria at cut-off point 2.
METHODS: A cross-sectional survey including 706 six-year-old children was conducted in 2017 in Benghazi, Libya. Data were collected through a self-administered questionnaire assessing socioeconomic status and oral health behaviours, and the Arabic version of the Early Childhood Oral Health Impact Scale (A-ECOHIS) to assess the OHRQoL. Clinical examination assessed caries experience at tooth level (dmft) and the number of decayed, missing due to caries and filled teeth (dt, mt and ft). Poisson regression analysis was performed to determine the association between dmft scores and the independent predictors. Linear regression analysis was conducted for ECOHIS scores with the children's gender, SES and OHB. The statistical significance was set to ≤ 0.05.
RESULTS: Data were available for 706 children. Caries prevalence (dt) and dmft of ≥ 1 were 69.1% and 71% respectively. The mean ± SD dmft score was 3.23 ± 3.32. There was a significant and direct association between dmft scores and daily consumption of sugary snacks (B = 1.27, P = 0.011) and a significant inverse association with teethbrushing twice daily (B = 0.80, P = 0.041). There was a significant and direct association between A-ECOHIS and dmft (B = 1.14, P ≤ 0.001) and a significant and inverse association between A- ECOHIS and high and intermediate family income compared to low income (B = -3.82, P = 0.0001 and B = -2.06, P = 0.028).
CONCLUSIONS: 6-year-old Libyan children had a relatively high caries experience an untreated decay with impact on OHRQoL. Social disparities, sugar consumption patterns and oral hygiene practices were associated with high caries experience.
METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted among school children of Grade Seven in 12 schools of Kaski district in Nepal. Schools were randomly selected from the urban and semi-urban areas in the district. Data were collected covering oral health knowledge, socio-demographic characteristics, oral health condition and practices. The factors of poor oral health condition and practices were examined using t-test, one-way ANOVA, and multiple linear regression.
RESULTS: Of the total participants (n = 669), 54.9% were females and their mean DMFT score was 1.82 (SD = 1.07). Total decayed score was higher among those who did not have knowledge that fluoride prevents decay compared to those who had knowledge about it (Being aware of fluoride prevents decay: Mean = 1.21 (SD = 1.54) versus not being aware of that: mean = 2.13 (SD = 2.13); p = 0.029). Females were more likely to have higher DMFT scores compared to males (β-coefficient = 0.43, 95% CI 0.13, 0.73, p = 0.005). In addition, higher knowledge score was negatively associated with higher DMFT score (β-coefficient = - 0.09, 95% CI - 0.20, -0.01, p = 0.047).
CONCLUSION: Being female students and those having lower level of knowledge on oral health attributed to higher DMFT index. Periodic dental check-up coupled with oral health education on regular brushing, use of fluoridated paste, tongue cleaning and care of gum diseases are recommended in schools.
METHODS: Participants first underwent oral health examinations to evaluate their plaque scores, bleeding scores, Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs (CPITN), and Decayed, Missing, and Filled Teeth (DMFT) index. Additionally, the oral health behaviours and oral health impact profiles of the participants were assessed through a structured questionnaire.
RESULTS: A total of 176 naval personnel participated in the study. Overall, the findings indicate high levels of plaque (30.7%) and bleeding scores (39.6%) while the CPITN results showed a significant proportion of participants (52.1%) requiring advanced periodontal treatment (CPITN 3 or 4). The DMFT index highlighted a substantial burden of dental caries with a mean score of 4.59 ± 4.24, including untreated decay (1.15 ± 1.63). The assessment of oral health-related quality of life using the OHIP-14 revealed low scores among some participants, with a mean of 13.47 and a maximum score of 42. Additionally, oral health behaviours were generally inadequate, with 12% of participants reporting infrequent brushing and 68.2% indicating limited use of interdental aids.
CONCLUSIONS: Oral diseases were highly prevalent among the selected population, with notable deficiencies in oral health behaviours such as toothbrushing frequency, the use of interdental cleaning aids, and tongue cleaning. Oral health issues also significantly impacted daily life, as evidenced by the OHIP-14 scores. These findings highlight the need for tailored oral health interventions within the naval setting to enhance deployment readiness, improve oral health outcomes, and elevate the quality of life for naval personnel.
METHODS: Cross sectional data collected on school children in eight rural and urban schools through the national Incremental Dental Care Programme (IDCP) for one district in Malaysia were analysed to assess their annual caries increment and trend lines. The Restorative Index was calculated to assess the success of the IDCP in rendering children dentally fit.
RESULTS: The annual caries increments were low; the current caries levels were between 0.65 and 1.50 for 12 year-old children in Kota Tinggi District. Most of the caries experience was on pits and fissures. From 7 to 12 years old, the overall annual caries increment for the total study population was 0.19. The mean annual caries increment increased slightly between the ages of 12 to 14 years and 14 to 16 years and was 0.24 and 0.25 respectively. Two distinct caries incremental trend lines were observed for children aged 7 to 16 years. One group reached a mean DMFT of about 0.75 while the other group a mean DMFT of about 1.4 at 12 years. The trend lines continued over the next 4 years until the children were 16 years old. The Restorative Index was higher in urban schools that also had low DMFT levels.
CONCLUSIONS: Based on the low annual caries increments of between 0.65 and 1.50, yearly dental examination intervals can safely be extended to 2-yearly intervals or even longer. Such a change of screening recall intervals would help improve resource allocation. Resources saved by extending recall intervals can be redirected to the small proportion of children with higher disease levels. This will help render more school children dentally fit and reduce inequalities in oral health.
METHODOLOGY: A comparative, cross-sectional study was designed among 180 mother-child pairs attending various Anganwadi centers. Demographic, dietary, oral hygiene practices and other necessary information were collected from mothers using a structured questionnaire. Caries status and amount of plaque were recorded through clinical examination. Nonstimulated saliva from mothers was cultured for mutans streptococci (MS). Data were analyzed using SPSS version 17. Chi-square, Student's t-test, and logistic regression were used. A P ≤ 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
RESULTS: In the study group, 73.3% of mothers had caries as compared to only 53.3% mothers in control group. While mean DMFT and mean DMFS of mothers in the study group was 3.78 ± 3.91 and 8.37 ± 12.2, respectively, the same for the mothers in the control group was 2.66 ± 3.01 and 5.8 ± 5.3. Sixty (66.7%) out of ninety mothers in the study group had a high MS count as compared to only 40 (44.4%) mothers in control group (P = 0.003).
CONCLUSION: The present study showed that high salivary MS count and decay in mothers could be important risk indicators for the development of caries in their children.
METHODS: A total of 26 pre-schools in Seremban, Malaysia were randomly selected using the probability proportional to size sampling. Dental examination was performed by a dentist to record the number of decayed teeth (dt). Weight and height of the pre-schoolers were measured. The mother-administered questionnaire was used to gather information pertaining to the sociodemographic characteristics and second-hand smoke exposure. Total sugar exposure was calculated from a 3-day food record.
RESULTS: Among the 396 participating pre-schoolers, 63.4% of them had at least one untreated caries, with a mean ± SD dt score of 3.56 ± 4.57. Negative binomial regression analysis revealed that being a boy (adjusted mean ratio = 1.42, 95% CI = 0.005-0.698, p = 0.047), exposed to second-hand smoke (adjusted mean ratio = 1.67, 95% CI = 0.168-0.857, p = 0.004) and those who had more than 6 times of daily total sugar exposure (adjusted mean ratio = 1.93, 95% CI = 0.138-0.857, p = 0.013) were significantly associated with dental caries among pre-schoolers.
CONCLUSION: A high prevalence of dental caries was reported in this study. This study highlights the need to reduce exposure to second-hand smoke and practice healthy eating behaviours in reducing the risk of dental caries among pre-schoolers.